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Corrupt a Wish

Granted, but no sport hatchback.

I wish I had a door in my house that could take me anywhere.

Granted, but no sport hatchback.

I wish I had a door in my house that could take me anywhere.
Granted, but every time you used it a person would die

I wish I was a weeaboo

Granted, but you'd have no internet

I wish I could imitate every single sound on earth

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Granted but you'd be a side character for 1 minute.

I wish I could be Global Elite.

Granted but you could never have a skin again, and have to use peasant default skins.

I wish a had a magical dog that could talk to me.

Granted, but the dog is constantly rude to you and steals your girl.

I wish I had a laugh like @San Miguel
Granted, But you would be SI again Mwahaha

I wish I Hadnt gotten drunk and been banned from the server for acting like a total asshole towards the NLA command (some of my best friends on the server @Sonder and @Erik/Asarid. I dont know your forum name :L) I acted stupidly and immaturely and I have paid the price. 

Granted but you would not have known any of them

I wish I would be able to drive a suv without crashing in sharp turns

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Granted, but you have to get a girlfriend rather than play that shit.

I wish I had all the gains of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Granted, but it comes with every single cost of the buckets of steroids he used to achieve it!

I wish I could deadlift 500 kg

Granted but you would have to do it on a thin wire suspended over a 1000m drop.

I wish for the Apollo Program to come back.

Granted, but your keyboard would be full of sticky soda forever (no changy change)

I wish that I could get fiber to my house

Granted, but your wifi would stop working every weekend..

I wish i could spawn in as a rabbit...

Granted, but you would instantly be killed by another player spawned in a seagull.

I wish that I could wish better wishes.

Granted however you would have to become a genie on the weekends.

I wish I could control the earths temperature (hehe no more being cold).
