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  1. A

    How are we doing? & How Can We Improve (Open Topic)

    Move server slots 100 or 90 I understand the new server is stronger and what not but that doesn't mean you max it out.  When the server was originally 100 it probabl should have been 70-80 TO add the intro and outro are unneeded talk about resource management -.-.  Its cool and all but you get...
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    Lemmen's (New and Real) Rig!

    letting you know that he left out it should be done on ULTRA preconfig but nice.
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    Lizard Man, UNMC Uniform. (Withdrawn)

    Shouldn't you have read the rules before you started playing the server?  what if robbing wasn't allowed here?
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    Lemmen's (New and Real) Rig!

    I gets 20.
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    [Ti] Ben [Ti] Adren (Rejected)

    an admin has already spoken to both parties about this, I don't believe this is an issue any longer.
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    Steam Sale

    Insurgency, The Forest, Rust, Arma 2, 
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    Shooting Cops (Unbanned 31/12/2014)

    he told you multiple times
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    Shooting Cops (Unbanned 31/12/2014)

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    Shooting Cops (Unbanned 31/12/2014)

    So ive been told.  Wish the rules were more of you cant shoot in and you cant shoot in.  Instead of the if else statements
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    Shooting Cops (Unbanned 31/12/2014)

    Shot a cop in a police hq when he was shooting a team mates helicopter.   Would be nice if the rules were more clear cut.  I was told you could shoot into an hq if they shoot out appearently that isn't so.  I would also like to know why the police man who arrested Birchieboy did nto value his...
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    Ironsufex PC

    thats what they all say.....
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    Ironsufex PC

    oh gawd that cable management and case stickers 
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    BroTherOfWar (Action: Ban Issued 28/12/2014)

    I was rdmed no roleplay I was just shot dead at the drug dealer
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    Andy GoldHunter Combat Log (Action: Ban Issued 28/12/2014)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Andy GoldHunter Time & Date this happened: 12/27/2014 12:52am CST Description of what happened: Gave him two chanece to get out of the boat which was about 1 minute.  He then tried to drive off in his boat and well, didn't make it. Have...
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    [TI] MTC - RDM

    Only 8 bullets in a 11rnd mag?
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    [TI] MTC - RDM

    Well, I was there and... 1. there was a gunfight going on between us and 2 others which had been going on for i dont know 10-20mins 2. you then tried to hold him up with your pistol and we recognized you(you can see this if you extend you video) 3. You broke Rp
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    Remove Ifrit's - YOU DECIDE!

    GUYS STOP BUMPING THIS THREAD it is 2-3months old stop
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    Remove Ifrit's - YOU DECIDE!

    great grave dig guys
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    [TI] Harlequin (Rejected)

    First off this isn't a valid post as your video is only 17 seconds.  Second of all your didn't even follow the template that is provided and that you are TOLD to follow.  
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    [UR] Edward Charles (Action: Player perm banned on another thread)

    I believe this guy has already been banned for rdm.