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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
26/12/14  Around 2:00 Am GMT+1
Description of what happened:
Was going to buy a truck. On my way to the truckshop in paros. Was shot at by MTC and another one, without
any RP. I was just on my way, they started shooting. Didnt not even noticed them before they shot me.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: 
Yes, i send him a message to compensate. But he said i had a gun on him?? and whas more concerned about how i got his number to mssg him... Hows that for a RP.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Well, I was there and...

1. there was a gunfight going on between us and 2 others which had been going on for i dont know 10-20mins

2. you then tried to hold him up with your pistol and we recognized you(you can see this if you extend you video)

3. You broke Rp

This is my point of view on what happened. 

First of all there was a gun fight going on in the city and my friend Adren and I were being shot at, then out of the corner of my eye I see you run behind me with your pistol drawn. After seeing you I believed that you were the person shooting at me when moments later I receive a mighty fine bullet wound when you had just quickly ran by. Now that you have shot at me I go to hide as I wait for you to show your face, time passes and I see you again running up behind me and my partner who both of us knew you have violent intentions, also being that you are wearing the same clothing you came up to us and threatened us. Soon you find out that you out matched and begin playing innocent pretending as if you hadn't shot me.


1.) You broke RP

2.) You shot me first during an active gun fight which is fair but after you were killed you immediately get verbally violent by saying "I'm fucking recording this." and continued to be rude and not an adult about the situation Rule 0.) Wiewie was not civil or friendly about the situation at hand.

3.)You broke Rule 3D.) by shouting "I'm fucking recording this." and in my video in side chat you complain about what happened too 

4.) You also broke Rule 3E.) by making comments about what had happened and completely ruined role play

So, your telling me that you were having a gunfight for 10 to 20 min. Very strange if i had just spawned in paros. Server logs can verify this.

Second I did not brake RP, because there was no RP, you guys just started shooting me. (and Jamie shooting im recording this was in the heat of the moment ass if you never did it).

And oh well there was someone with the same clothes on the server? Thats strange? So you just begin to shoot everyone that passes you that looks the same at sight. Nice... I'll be sure i only walk in my underpants next time.

1. No RP your side

2. I didnt shoot you, so get your facts straight.

3. If you followed the rules you apparently love to quote yourself, i would have to do this shit.

Ive been playing this server for a couple of months now, and I have never, I REPEAT "NEVER" took ONE shot at someone without engaging in RP, or been fired first upon. What happens like this again too often. I would have thought more of gang members with a permantent base at this server. So if you are trigger happy, you should just run around with the rest of the fools in kavala.

Well since you knew that there was a fire fight going on why did you run up behind 2 people. Being that we are engaged in a fire fight and someone who has a pistol on them comes up behind us I simply ask what you were expecting. Also you said that you were going to the truck shop but had no money on you, and lets not forget that you send me a message hinting towards that if I don't compensate you will post on forums. I do not think black mail is civil thing to do.

I'm not gonna keep repeating myself or can explain it more clearly. Get the shit out of your eyes, because I can not see myself shooting anywhere on the vid you guys posted. So if you have prove of the BS your talking, start putting the evidence where your mouth is.

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I'm not gonna keep repeating myself or can explain it more clearly. Get the shit out of your eyes, because I can not see myself shooting anywhere on the vid you guys posted. So if you have prove of the BS your talking, start putting the evidence where your mouth is.
Before you get more offencive towards anyone here I would like to ask everyone to wait for an admin to take a look and he/she will ask you if they need more evidence.

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I did know there was a gunfight untill you started shooting at me. Again i was just spawned at paros. And how could you know i had a gun, clearly in my vid i did put my handgun away, and then i was walking for a minute until your position. And thank god i was going to look for my brother how much a hemtt box truck cost, and didnt had the money on me. And yes, i"m sure if i shot you dead without any cause, the first thing i would receive was a mssg for compensation. And if not like you did, posts are made on the forum. I think its very civil.

If you watch my video you run by with a gun drawn. Also you should know that there is a gun fight because someone was shooting off a TRG 5.56mm and is then followed by 3 shots of a pistol. Being that my friend and I were already in a fight and you come up to us and walk into which is considered cross fire and die. Also don't forget the rules you broke which you can see in my first response. Honestly if you were to have shot me dead which I believe you were planing to do because there was a second person in the fight with a TRG who you could be stalling for, it would not have matter because there was a gun fight going on. So it was not rdm because there is a gun fight happening, all you lost was a pistol and a bit of gear that is probably not even 100k in value. When I say civil and adult I mean it so please do not throw words like "shit" (in your 3rd response) "I'm fucking recording this." (In your video which ruins rp) and do not say "BS" or antagonize me or any members of TI about "putting evidence where our mouth is." (Last response). And by messaging me about compensating you completely breaks and ruins rp because in game messaging is through a mobile phone which is why I asked how you got my number. I was shot by a low powered gun (pistol) and dropped to 80 health in my video so that is why I believed you engaged in the gun fight which means that us returning fire is not rdm but is self defense in the on going gun fight.

The only thing i read in your last post, is an excuse because you know you are wrong, and the fact that you cant read, cause you keep telling things that are simply not true. And im not antagonizing anybody or other members of TI, cause i played and had a lot of fun with a couple of your gangmembers.

And the thing about being civil, if you keep spreading lies, you start pushing buttons, and then i get less civil. And i realy dont care about your ruined RP if you start shooting everything that moves. And the least i could care about is the 100k worth of gear i lost.

So hopefully your other members can teach you some manners in admitting your fault. And thats the last post im gonna spend on this matter. cheers

Maybe you should be more careful about what you write and post.

I did know there was a gunfight untill you started shooting at me. Again i was just spawned at paros. And how could you know i had a gun, clearly in my vid i did put my handgun away, and then i was walking for a minute until your position. And thank god i was going to look for my brother how much a hemtt box truck cost, and didnt had the money on me. And yes, i"m sure if i shot you dead without any cause, the first thing i would receive was a mssg for compensation. And if not like you did, posts are made on the forum. I think its very civil.
Look at the first line; '' I did know there was a gunfight'', I think that sais it all, you got into a gunfight and got killed as simple as that.

There was a gunfught. Your gun could have been spotted by a team member, it looked like you were looking for someone judging from the way you were running. You were a possible threat and taken down.

Maybe you should be more careful about what you write and post.

Look at the first line; '' I did know there was a gunfight'', I think that sais it all, you got into a gunfight and got killed as simple as that.
that was a typo, and i dont need lessons from a kid in being careful about what i write and post. so stop mingling in the discussion. 

The original poster and the person defending themselves may contribute

There was a gunfught. Your gun could have been spotted by a team member, it looked like you were looking for someone judging from the way you were running. You were a possible threat and taken down.
Nice rule, i think about that next time i feel threat by someone looking for someone. Don't ask, just shoot. Much easier.

I know shit happens, and you die, and maybe i was to quick to say, compensate etc.. but thats what happens when you got shot again without meaning. But i never heard sry dude, my mistake. Only explanations to deny something went wrong.

So this discussion is going nowhere, cause everyone has got his own view on the situation and their own right.

that was a typo, and i dont need lessons from a kid in being careful about what i write and post. so stop mingling in the discussion. 

The original poster and the person defending themselves may contribute
So firstly I am 17 I would not refer to myself as a kid and Sad that a ''Kid'' is more mature than you ;) . Secondly you are saying I do not have the right to defend my clanmate if you false report him? I don't even know what to say to that.

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i know, thats why i said a kid. And i did not false report, so that said, nobody asked  you to say anything.

[TI] members as rediculous as a report is please do not keep commenting, so dont post on this again. WieWie i have just one question for you where did those 3 bullets go? As you said you had 'just' spawned in paros u must bad used 3 bullets in the last couple of minutes. Also what were u doing going out of paros and approaching my men if you did not know they were there ?

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