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  1. Hayden Harrington


    You will need to apply if you want to join the Police, application is at the top of the page. Bare in mind this can take some time and patience will be key. Wish you luck if you are joining! :)
  2. Hayden Harrington

    Stranded Deep ! New early access on steam

    Tip: Don't go down the hatch in the abandoned boats you find, you wont be able to get back out... I found out the hard way.
  3. Hayden Harrington

    So who's getting dying light ?

    Getting it tonight, going to play with my two brothers. Understand your concerns Wilco, been far to many disappointing survival games. I stopped buying them as well. However I feel Dying Light is more like Dead Island and more arcade like, should be a bit of fun.
  4. Hayden Harrington

    Should I quit for 4 months?

    Personally... Depends on the exams that your taking. If your bad a time management then best to give it a break.
  5. Hayden Harrington

    What is your IRL job ?

    Just about to start my training as a PCSO for British Transport Police. Really looking forward to it. Currently working for PRS for Music though, deals with music royalties.
  6. Hayden Harrington

    Altis Life UK Meetup 2015 - Have your say!

    If paintballing comes up I am all over it. Do I have to RP before I shoot though...? ;)
  7. Hayden Harrington

    When dialling 999

    Would you say then that it would be better type the location first then what's happening? For example: "West gun store, robbery" Or a more complex one: "North road of copper mime, heavily armed robbery, 3 people" I tend to do the later more, short and gives the police some knowledge of...
  8. Hayden Harrington

    When dialling 999

    I have to admit, when I first joined I wrongfuly assumed it knew where I was. You must get a lot of messages that don't make sense, as it is hard to type it while getting shot at.
  9. Hayden Harrington

    Jacob (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

    I directed you here to give you a fair chance to explain yourself, however instead you have just accused me of racism. Like I have said above, you will need to make a report about me and submit any evidence you have against me in that report. Meanwhile, this report is about you and your gang. I...
  10. Hayden Harrington

    Jacob (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

    First point : You were the bandits, I was not. Not only did you have more than "1-2 seconds"  to put your hands up, but you also tried to run away. You had plenty of time, and I was there to help the poor guy you were robbing. Second point : Yes I opened fire, like I have mentioned above you...
  11. Hayden Harrington

    Jacob (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

    I have been told that Findizzle was brought up by a medic, whether that is true I don't know. Got a player called AlbertoContador saying he revived him, along with saying he witnessed everything.
  12. Hayden Harrington

    Jacob (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):  Jacob, Findizzle, Shaun and Andrew. Moon Runners gang.   Time & Date this happened: Between 17:15 and  17:35 on the 17/01/2015   Description of what happened:   Please note that before I go further, my recordings did not record my voice...
  13. Hayden Harrington


    Yes, it even states it in the post.
  14. Hayden Harrington

    H1Z1 Released Today for Early Access!

    Was excited about 2 months ago. However I did a lot of research on it on Monday and I just dont like the look of it anymore. The recent footage is really underwhelming, like how the guns handle. The whole survival part is ruined by the tokens in my opinion. Blah, ive spent so much money on DayZ...
  15. Hayden Harrington

    [TKC] Spluges (Rejected - Not RDM)

    There is no 5 second rule. The guy was clearly a new player in the cheapest car in the game. They had no bought clothing or backpacks, so there was nothing of value. As a rebel with rebel clothing and a decent gun what was in this for you? There doesn't seem to be any RP intention other than to...
  16. Hayden Harrington

    Advice on shootouts - When to shoot first?

    Thanks for the replies, its nice to know that we are playing correctly and doing things the right way. Problem with the above situation was that I had a ton of heroin to process. We are starting to take note of names and gangs which don't RP to well. I wont say of the gang in question due to no...
  17. Hayden Harrington

    Advice on shootouts - When to shoot first?

    Afternoon! Wanted to get a little bit of clarification on some stuff. Me and my small group of merry men have been dying a lot recently, this is due to not knowing when to shot and the worry of shooting first and getting reported, or worse, banned. The most recent incident: On the way to...
  18. Hayden Harrington

    Star Citizens! - Anyone here?

    Been waiting ages for this game, currently got a Constellation Aquila  
  19. Hayden Harrington


    Hey everyone! Been playing for just over one week and have been lurking on the forums for a few days. Wasn't expecting the game to be as fun as it actually is, having a great laugh with it with my brothers and some pretty awesome. I haven't been  on TS yet but I shall be sure to drop in at some...
  20. Hayden Harrington

    Getting robbed evry tim ;(

    Seems that way, every time a robbery happens it seems that they person either loses everything or gets killed. When I rob I only ask for a portion of money and not everything, as it gets boring fast for that person otherwise. However most the time I don't get to do this as people would rather shoot.