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What is your IRL job ?

Every weekday I am picked up by a large blue bus at around 7:30. This then takes me to an excluded location consisting of several large buildings. I am then forced to study mathematics, physics, geography and product design. At around 5PM I am shipped back home on the same blue bus arriving back at around 6PM. In other words, college.

Edit: Not really a job but I tried.

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Just about to start my training as a PCSO for British Transport Police. Really looking forward to it. Currently working for PRS for Music though, deals with music royalties.

I murder people for money...

No but honestly, hire me i'll kill anyone you'd like

i need the money! ;_;

I build these.


I work on oil/gas platforms doing rope access non destructive testing...

Here is me doing an annual inspection of a deck crane on Shells Leman Alpha Platform in the North Sea


I'm a film camera operator for the film and game industry, here: [SIZE=14.4444446563721px]http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2518819/?ref_=fn_al_nm_2[/SIZE]

I moved to Poland for a year to work, but when I lived in the UK I was a Police Special Constable, I'll be returning soon to continue as a SPC.

That's me on the far right:


For those of you who like photography, here is the beautiful machine that i'm working with that let's me pay my bills:


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I work on an army barracks in the headquarters admin department.

Before that i applied to join the navy as a submarine engineer (mechanical), passed all my aptitude test and interviews had a visit to Faslane, i was then given a basic training start date only to find out from the final medical that i have a chronic eye disease called Keratoconus - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keratoconus

So now i've applied for an apprenticeship with ATOS, if i don't hear back from them then i'm going to try further my education to help me with career choices.

TL:DR - I have funny shaped corneas.

Solutions consultant, for a multinational secure print software services. Mainly doing work with server clustering and sql.

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RL? Job? I just wanna play Altis Life :)

I'm a telecom network technician in a telecom company and have been for the last 6 years , before that i was a IT Support technician. 

I build these.

Then fix the god dam SDV! 

I'm 27 26 wait... no i'm 26,  Oracle Trainee Technical Consultant at a big national company. We help hospitals buy bedpans.....

Basically I make software work when it stops. I also specialise in Excel/VBA Coding. 

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I am 16 and have a paper round.... Almost all the money I make is spend on ALUK and ARMA III DLC, other money is spend on doritos etc.

Edit: Saving up to donate £50 pounds(Hope I reached it within the next 3-4 months)

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I'm 22 years old and im a cannabis cultivator in colorado united states been growing for the last 4 years been a avid smoker for 10 great times.​