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Jacob (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

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Hayden Harrington

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):  Jacob, Findizzle, Shaun and Andrew. Moon Runners gang.
Time & Date this happened: Between 17:15 and  17:35 on the 17/01/2015
Description of what happened:
Please note that before I go further, my recordings did not record my voice (wrong setting). However you can see me using direct chat at all the relevant points.
Was planning to go to the heroin field to do a quick run in my 4v4. On the way up I saw a roadblock where bandits were robbing people. I turned off the side road to get away, and that's when I saw a civ being robbed, I thought it would be awesome to be able to free some random person, so, even though I was out numbered I decided to go for it. So I pulled up, got into a decent spot and told the dude with the gun to put his hands up (1.24, see direct chat) other wise I will shot him, he tried to run off so I starting shooting. I believe I gave him plenty of time before I started shooting. At the same time I was telling the hostage to run. 
As I started to retreat I bumped into the hostage again (1:48, see direct chat), I told him to jump in my car and we will try to escape. Car got shot up so we decided to run on foot. Told the civ to run with me and we will try to get away. You can see that I am talking in direct as the civ responds in message chat at (2.36). I keep with the civ and tell him to stay with me and we try to run away now. I manage to kill one of them (4.25), this was Findizzle, who we see later on in the video.
See that they were catching up I told the civ just to make a run for it and ill hold them off. At (5.00) I start shooting at the approaching car. They proceed to run me over several times, then stop over my body and shoot me while I am under the car. This was Jacob. I don't know if a VDM could be any more clear than on this video.
(6:30) I return back to get all their names. You can clearly see Findizzle is already back with a gun and I proceed to get abuse from Andrew ​who quite clearly doesn't understand the rules, and I doubt the whole group understands as well. 
xXCRAK3NXx is the person I rescued. I'd like to make it clear that I don't know them and this whole thing was a random act of kindness. I have spoken to him since and asked him to come on the forum for his version of events.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, I have message them saving I have reported them and they will need to come on the forum to defend themselves.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here


(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
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I have been told that Findizzle was brought up by a medic, whether that is true I don't know. Got a player called AlbertoContador saying he revived him, along with saying he witnessed everything.

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First point: You done what every other "Wannabe Bandit" done and gave us less than 1-2 seconds to comply before opening fire, to my understanding you are required to give more time than that, but no you just wanted to kill us and opened fire as fast as you possibly could.

Second Point: You opened fire on us. Plain and Simple. Yes we had a road block and yes we where robbing people but we did not once fire our weapon at these people, we simply needed a little extra cash for some more ammunition and we decided the fastest way to do this was to set up a road block to steal some money. As is the fun in the game. It was the polices job to come and intervene not yours, so we took the engagement as a simple bandit encounter because of how fast and immediate you firing on us was.

Third Point: I can't say I'm 100% familiar with the rules of defending yourself but the only choice we had to bring you down was to engage you with our vehicle. At this point you had killed one of my friends and you had also shot me to 20% health so as you can imagine me and my friends where worried of all dying at this point. Jacob done the only thing we thought possible when engaging a bandit with a rifle when all we had was a pistol, we chased him in a vehicle and ran him down because he was a clear threat to us all. Jacob terminated the threat because we had no other choice, we had no restrains available to tie him up so the only other option was to terminate the threat. 

Fourth Point: Yes we where rude when communicating with you but you where also very rude to us. As you can see in the video at 6:40 he opens communication with us but he clearly isn't recording his own voice. He was shouting obscenities at us just as much as we where at him. I distinctly remember at 6:50 in the video you where also being very rude about our strong accents and generally very rude to us, hence our rude replies back to you. 

Record your own voice next time or are you AFRAID that the mods of this excellent game will find out that you're just another lying bandit who didn't get his own way this time.  

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First point : You were the bandits, I was not. Not only did you have more than "1-2 seconds"  to put your hands up, but you also tried to run away. You had plenty of time, and I was there to help the poor guy you were robbing.

Second point : Yes I opened fire, like I have mentioned above you had plenty of time to avoid it. You know, the best thing about it being a RP server? It means I can intervene in problems if I want to, maybe you should think twice before robbing people.

Third point : You obviously have not read the rules at all. You had no other choice? How about you don't chase after someone that you obviously cannot beat in a fire fight? You quite clearly drove the car over me to stop me from getting up, which is obviously glitching. Instead of running away, you decided to break the rules and kill me. Again I refer to the above, you are the bandits  you are the ones robbing people. You had the choice to leave.

Fourth Point : Im sorry but this is an out right lie, and pretty damn outrageous one as well. Accusing me of racism? I was not rude to you, and you know this, all I said was that I have your names now and I will be reporting it and that I hoped you would get banned. If I was saying anything about your accents then I am pretty sure all of your replies would of been a hell of a lot different than what they are. Its rather disappointing that you would use the fact that my mic wasn't recorded to fabricate up lies about me to counter the rule breaking you have done.

On this last point, I would like to point out the severity of this report that people would simply lie to taint how I look while reporting. I would also like a video of proof of this and a separate report against me.

Edit : I would like to say that I was the one that directed them to the forum as you can see by the screenshot above. Why anyone would direct someone to the forum if they were racist to them I don't know.

Also, he replied back saying "no we are not". Which makes it pretty obvious that I was saying I was going to get you banned.

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You directed us here because you knew that you was not recording your own voice, plain and simple. You was very rude not only to me but to our entire group, hence the rude replies like I said before. 

Even the medics after resuscitating my friend enjoyed a pleasant conversation with us and called you a "butt hurt kid", I'm waiting for said medic to come back online so I can get into communication with him. You are simply lying.  

I directed you here to give you a fair chance to explain yourself, however instead you have just accused me of racism. Like I have said above, you will need to make a report about me and submit any evidence you have against me in that report. Meanwhile, this report is about you and your gang.

I will now await for an admins decision on the matter.

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At the end of the day like I explained above, we saw no other option but to engage you with our vehicle and Jacob took the only option available to him by terminating you because we had no way of restraining you.

If this was against the ToS using a vehicle to defend our self, then we are guilty but I don't believe defending yourself against a rebel with a rifle is actually VDM. The green devil (admin) has this to say about VDM and quite frankly I don't think we broke any rules by engaging a threat with our vehicle. 

VDMWhen a player kills you with a vehicle for no reason in a game of role play.

What is considered VDM?

-Running people over with a vehicle for "fun" 

-Running people over with a vehicle in order to collect weapons,money or items.Incentive of profit or gain is no excuse. This typically happens near ATMs,be wary of passing vehicles.

-Running someone over simply because you do not like them. 

-Ramming a vehicle into another vehicle to make it explode.

What isn't considered VDM?

-Not killing someone with a vehicle. There is no exception to killing someone on the server with a vehicle. get out and shoot them if you want them to die. 

As you can see above he says "Get out and shoot them if you want them to die" and this is exactly what we done, literally the exact thing we done. 

As for the abuse I'm afraid neither me nor my friends where recording but I can assure you they will be posting replies to this threat because you where particularly racist towards our accents, which is disgusting considering its an active EU server. I hope he hasn't said the same to others in the past.

That is all I have to say, if we have done something wrong admits then I wasn't as up to date with the rules as I thought. I only got the game shortly after Christmas in the sales and I'm currently having a heck of a time so if we have broke RP ToS then I guess we deserve the punishment. However I DO NOT believe we done ANYTHING wrong.

You did give us less than the necessary time to comply mate, plus we outnumbered you, seen you as a threat, and then we handled the issue, you made a bad judgement call and it didn't end well in your favour, I don't even remember attempting to run away, I heard from one of my fellow gang members that you had pulled a gun and acted in defence, then you retreated into the hills and started firing on us again, to which we hunted you down and killed you, we take pride in not shooting on sight and giving people a chance, most times we'd rather make some friends on this than have confrontations like this that lead to unnecessary accusations, I'd like to also mention you where rather rude about our Scouse accents, we are northern yes, and they are strong and can some times come across and abusive but I assure you, we're all quite the nice group of guys and like to keep in role-play as much as possible. 

Compared to you though Enaver we are pretty new to the server, and we really like it's community and would prefer to stay and add to the immersion of the general server, I understand that your not supposed to VDM, but I didn't realize those rules still apply while some ones attacked you, so that was my mistake I admit and won't be making the same mistake again. 

fact is is your angry that you got killed, your intentions where to kill  the bandits coz you had better weapons and gear, and now you got killed because they where clearly defending themselves your trying to get them band your wrong

I guess this also doesn't have much to do with the current case but this happened just today

I don't think these guys are the best of people...

 I was not rude to you, and you know this, all I said was that I have your names now and I will be reporting it and that I hoped you would get banned.
As an independant party i'd like to point this out. Not trying to defend or attack anyone, just pointing out the semiobvious.

Approved on Jacob and Enaver. Awaiting Action. 18/1/15

Jacob-VDM is never admissable. In the thread mentioned on page 2 someone pointed out for everyone the anti-VDM script and that it's not ok to run over people in a clarification. I updated the thread today as well,because it was recently revived and cited during this week.

Enaver-Broke NLR regardless of reasoning. 

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