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The Alliance

@BG Superhitmandan

Also, we didn't inject ourselves into it. We were requested by Lt. Hank from Fear Company. 

Lets get this straight, you were asked to join in to this for some fun, in which you were more than happy, but as far as we are concerned, TSS are no longer an Ally of ours.

For the sake of clarity I'm going to respond to yourself so you understand what's going on.  It will however be my last post in this thread.

EXP, BG and Fear have been allied for better part of two months.  No problems caused, no negative effects on community or the game, but most definitely some great RP.  TKC and TI together have in the last two weeks executed plenty of members from within this 3 group alliance as well as some gangs who are either Neutral to us or are negotiating some form of Alliance.

I'll give you an example of one execution of a TSS member who was told his execution was taking place because TKC/TI were now at war with EXP and anyone allied to it, so you see the war actually started two weeks ago...before we (EXP) even had a base.

This behaviour continued for the better part of a week to 10 days up until yesterday when map update went live.  At this point TKC/TI together decided in their greatest wisdom to immediately attack EXP, followed by Gc.  We had a bunch of recruits admiring the new base who had yet to gear up or were busy pissing around inside the base...at this point we evacced them out (the 'flee' part in their scorecard) as we didn't fully know what the rules were with respect to Redzone changing to Redline.

Now this is just my personal opinion, but today I'm told our gang bases are being camped by TKC/TI who are essentially immediately killing anyone and everyone spawning in irrelevant of whether the person spawning in has spawned in or not. That is a complete load of shite but again, it's my opinion only.


Lastly @Elakin I want to respond to you and advise that EXP do not wish for you (a newly formed gang) to get constantly killed because TKC/TI end up executing you guys over and over....however it is up to you what you and Simen wish to do.

You may recall we went out of our way to help your guys when they were getting robbed by TKC.  We mean no insult by asking you to step back...it's for your own good, but if you must join, then it needs to be a decision made by all the gangs involved, not one... no disrespect to Lord Hank <3 :)
Your gang bases are not being camped we patrol between the 3 of your bases one after the other and if we see nobody there we move on. You started this alliance because you wanted to destroy TKC but you are now complaining because we are choking your gangs out we are one gang you are 4. Give us your formal surrender and this will all end and you can go back to living your normal rebel lives.

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Let the battle commence!


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Your gang bases are not being camped we patrol between the 3 of your bases one after the other and if we see nobody there we move on. You started this alliance because you wanted to destroy TKC but you are now complaining because we are choking your gangs out we are one gang you are 4. Give us your formal surrender and this will all end and you can go back to living your normal rebel lives.
I said I wouldn't post but I also wont have you twist my words and pull the wool over everyones eyes.  For your benefit I'll make myself crystal clear.

You are spawn camping and if you want me to, then I will start naming names of your members having stated they are acting under orders when questioned why they are spawn camping

Secondly you wont be getting a surrender from my side as we were enjoying the war that you started roughly 10 days ago, or have you now conveniently forgotten the words you guys uttered before executing players? This Alliance started yesterday after the joint efforts of your TKC and TI as a collective following map update by Wilco & Co. Don't mistake that fact either.

Lastly it has been TKC and TI (yes that's two separate gangs as far as the server is concerned) up until today where now TI are merging with TKC, so yes, now you will be one gang, but up until this point it was two gangs.

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I said I wouldn't post but I also wont have you twist my words and pull the wool over everyones eyes.  For your benefit I'll make myself crystal clear.

You are spawn camping and if you want me to, then I will start naming names of your members having stated they are acting under orders when questioned why they are spawn camping

Secondly you wont be getting a surrender from my side as we were enjoying the war that you started roughly 10 days ago, or have you now conveniently forgotten the words you guys uttered before executing players? This Alliance started yesterday after the joint efforts of your TKC and TI as a collective following map update by Wilco & Co. Don't mistake that fact either.

Lastly it has been TKC and TI (yes that's two separate gangs as far as the server is concerned) up until today where now TI are merging with TKC, so yes, now you will be one gang, but up until this point it was two gangs.
You're talking complete tripe, If people are camping the spawns which we all know they are not and you are really just looking for excuses because you've realized you made a mistake with this whole alliance bullshit then post the names of the people on the thread with some evidence because I know for a 100% fact nobody has been spawn camping and you sir are talking out of your arse.

Lastly it has been TKC and TI (yes that's two separate gangs as far as the server is concerned) up until today where now TI are merging with TKC, so yes, now you will be one gang, but up until this point it was two gangs.
Wow... TI is its own seperate gang. We're just helping TKC out since we're allied and you decided to go 4v1.

I said I wouldn't post but I also wont have you twist my words and pull the wool over everyones eyes.  For your benefit I'll make myself crystal clear.

You are spawn camping and if you want me to, then I will start naming names of your members having stated they are acting under orders when questioned why they are spawn camping

Secondly you wont be getting a surrender from my side as we were enjoying the war that you started roughly 10 days ago, or have you now conveniently forgotten the words you guys uttered before executing players? This Alliance started yesterday after the joint efforts of your TKC and TI as a collective following map update by Wilco & Co. Don't mistake that fact either.

Lastly it has been TKC and TI (yes that's two separate gangs as far as the server is concerned) up until today where now TI are merging with TKC, so yes, now you will be one gang, but up until this point it was two gangs.
TI and TKC are and will be 2 seperate gangs. If one gang doesnt have alot members on, they join the other one for hexes if fighting a gang, but in the end they always join back their gang. Also, TI and TKC have ben allied way before you started this drama with the 4 gangs ( 3 of which are always on server 2 and have always avoided us)

You guys got your gang bases, sack it up and act like rebels or give your base to someone who actually deserves them.

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Okay, @Edgar Ville I think everyone here knows what The Alliance is all about now and you can begin locking this thread before it gets out of hand, it seems some members of TKC and TI are going out of their ways to attack other players and be big headed about all of this, it's just a game.

This is my last comment on the thread, I've tried to keep it fair and be civilized but it's clear SOME of you are incapable of doing so. 

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Since there's alot of clarifying happening lets be clear. 

This did not start because we executed a few of your members,  those executions were a response to the D-bag actions and RP of a

few select members of BG and EXP.  The actions of those members were the catalyst to situation we find ourselves in now.

You guys brought this on yourselves.

Guys. Keep it civil. If you have somthing to say, please do it on TS. I see no reason to argue on the forums over nothing.


Exactly, in TKC for the Hexagons in combat.


I'd like to thank [EXP] Rdr. 2Pac for killing me as I spawned in TI base just 5 minutes ago.


If you're going to throw accusations of spawn camping around perhaps you should speak with your own members first.

If it comes to the point where there is alot of bitching constantly then I will disband the alliance myself to stop it all ​
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again with the no BG to comment on here please @Omligon .

i wont feed this thread anymore peeps. i hope the war goes well. @ ill ensure to let the appropriate people know the next time my guys inform me they have been killed before fully loaded into the game by people.

If it comes to the point where there is alot of bitching constantly then I will disband the alliance myself to stop it all ​
couldnt agree with you more cow

to much hostility towards this. for something thats supposed to be fun, seems too many people getting heated.

See here's the thing.
I don't want to lock this thread, I believe that the majority of this community is mature enough to discuss things like this and enjoy a little banter too. Keep it clean, keep it civil, keep it ingame.

I am watching the thread, and I invite any of you who believe that someone steps over the line here to press the little (but oh so important) report button under the users post. If it breaks any rules it will be dealt with.
Trolling here or anywhere will be dealt with.
Flaming here or anywhere will be dealt with.

Back to discussion and friendly competition lads (and ladies), prove me right about this communities maturity.

Oh also, consider this a collective first warning in this thread.

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@Edgar Ville I would prefer if this thread was locked if one more thing is put up by people, the one reason I put this up on the forums was  to make sure everyone knows about the alliance not a thread for people to bitch on.
