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Rules Feedback

I snipe from over 1.4km away most of the time. A radius of 1km is restricting me on what I can do. Maybe bump up the radius to 2km or just remove it as the radius was not a problem at all.

I do not agree that we should have permission to attack gang houses and bases. There are only 2 average sized gangs such as Ascension and TCK. If rebels are constantly moaning about their bases being attacked it's common sense move your fucking base. There are plenty of gang houses and gang bases that haven't been brought so if one of their bases gets found they can always just move. Realistically, a rebel gang wont have their base on a side of a main road then complain because they get raided a lot, come on it's common sense. Permission will never be granted to attack these bases especially for the UNMC because the UNMC wont have a valid enough reason because these gangs are too scared to mess with us. To be honest I don't think permission is needed to attack a rebel gangs base. This rule will just put everyone off of raiding gang bases now meaning that gangs will now be able to store a shit ton of gear inside their base without worrying that they will be attacked because after all permission is needed. 

I also saw that Alex Jackson suggested that the requirements before doing a HM should be highered and I totally agree. It's kind of unfair if one of those server 2 gangs goes and does a HM when there is only 10 cops on because they have more than 10 in their gang. It's shit on the cops because they have shit weapons compared to rebels and they will be out numbered. If you are not going to allow hop on squads at least bump up the limit to 20 cops before a HM can start otherwise rebel gangs will get it easy.

move your fucking base
Do you not realise how much it costs to have a fully upgraded gang base? Unless it was changed so that rebels get 100% of their money back after selling a base, then you can't seriously expect people to move every time it gets found.

Do you not realise how much it costs to have a fully upgraded gang base? Unless it was changed so that rebels get 100% of their money back after selling a base, then you can't seriously expect people to move every time it gets found.
That's the risk of buying a gang base. Do you realise how easy it is to make money. Just look on the money leaderboards for example.

Was told to I put it in the incorrect section; so here goes!

I took a read through the new rules dedicated to the raiding of bases and HM hop on and was a bit iffy about it.

Due to the new rule preventing a hop on squad do you mind changing the minimum cops to open the vault from 10 to 20? This way, there won't even be a need for the hop on at 00:00 or Server 2 due to the fact that there will be more than enough cops to combat the ongoing HM. The concept of the new rules are good, don't get me wrong, but on the playing field? I'm not sure... We, the police, are prevented from aiding a 25v10 bank op if we weren't online at the start? So free gold for rebels?

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People pick things apart and they will with all of these new rules. Because of the new rule regarding police joining in after a certain point we also had to define an area so that those people who log in after the HM is on do not get caught up in it. Please rest assured the current 1km rule is temporary and the defined HM area will include certain spots and remove certain areas like the main road and Lakka fuel. 
As stated by others and I know you're aware of it; Sniping is a massive part of RPUK! So many people love sniping, myself and @Houston included. The "zone" should not be that far south but far north, east and west. 

Now, I've just read properly that gang "bases" aka purchasable shacks need admin approval to be raided? That to me is silly.

You have literally given gangs their own type of bluezone. Gang "bases" which aren't really bases, just purchasable shacks, aren't mean't to be safe. If you store anything there or purchase buildings near popular areas that's your own fault. As it is stated in the compensation request rules and I quote:

"Housing Storage Boxes ( Completely at your own risk - Most peoples are 'trouble free') Anything stored in storage ( Again at your own risk ) "

If you're going to require admin approval to raid a gang building, you might as well put the bluezone on the map around each gangs base. 

I hope this gets changed with the feedback provided by alot of community members. :)

Was told to I put it in the incorrect section; so here goes!

I took a read through the new rules dedicated to the raiding of bases and HM hop on and was a bit iffy about it.

Due to the new rule preventing a hop on squad do you mind changing the minimum cops to open the vault from 10 to 20? This way, there won't even be a need for the hop on at 00:00 or Server 2 due to the fact that there will be more than enough cops to combat the ongoing HM. The concept of the new rules are good, don't get me wrong, but on the playing field? I'm not sure... We, the police, are prevented from aiding a 25v10 bank op if we weren't online at the start? So free gold for rebels?
Completely agree. I can imagine people waiting for 10 cops on server 2, 3 or so being CSOs and doing a bank op. They know there are only 7 real threats to them in that firefight. Easy money.

This has been a lovely day, hasn't it. Nice weather, high temperatures with a chance of staff observation. So, with a minimum of 10 cops vs gangs with 30 people at a time initiating HM robberies, the others can only sit and watch from the border; do we need authorization from staff to shoot now? These rules have been put in place to keep it fair, which is reasonable, but with the potential for so many gang members to be online vs a minimum of 10 cops, I'm pretty confident that it'll be 'fair'.

A suggestion:

If this rule is to be put in place, increase the minimum amount of cops needed to actually make it fair from the get-go, rather than cops needing to join server 2 to assist in the first place. 20-25 would be a good number.

A question:

Will rebels also need to get staff authorization when going near PDs or the HM treasury? That seems to be what is happening with the bases, because it seems police can't be trusted with playing the game anymore. I just want to know what spurred staff intervention on the gang bases, because there was nothing related to gang base raids to do with the reason these rules were put in place.

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Thing is,

Cops can still set up, Just not the H.M itself. So gold buyer and the road back to kavala or in some cases UNMC are still open to the cops that "Hop on"

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Obviously a lot of this " S2 HM at 0:00am " and 10 cops vs 30 rebels it forwarded to Ascension. One the most we have ever done in a bank is 21 as far as I'm aware. Secondly it's very very rare we do a bank past 0:00am, and ontop S2 isn't even up then. I think we have done one bank at around 2:00AM before. We don't usually do banks this late as the majority of players are in bed or doing late shift at work. We'd easily have less then 10 on at this point. 

Secondly saying that the scenario of " 10 cops vs 30" rebels is gonna happen will be very very rare. Averagely we have maybe 10-15 people in a bank. Maybe more recently as some people are free from exams. But the cops can still join the HM untill the blasting charge has been placed. 

Sometimes the police already know a bank is going to happen before we even set foot into the bank, at this point cops can log on freely untill the charge has been placed. Cops can even log on after and basically camp the new 1km border. So I don't see the issue. 

It just means more of the fight is going to take place in the transportations of the gold. 

Secondly with the gang base rules. If it's going to effect anyone it'll be rebels the most as we can't freely attack gang bases anymore. I don't think it would be difficult to get a admins permission in the factions as there are so many staff team in both of them . Meaning one has to give the go ahead and that's that. 

The rules have also been made with CSI's fully being aware of the changes and offering their input until these rules have been concluded. Just give them a shot and we'll see what happends.

Was told to I put it in the incorrect section; so here goes!

I took a read through the new rules dedicated to the raiding of bases and HM hop on and was a bit iffy about it.

Due to the new rule preventing a hop on squad do you mind changing the minimum cops to open the vault from 10 to 20? This way, there won't even be a need for the hop on at 00:00 or Server 2 due to the fact that there will be more than enough cops to combat the ongoing HM. The concept of the new rules are good, don't get me wrong, but on the playing field? I'm not sure... We, the police, are prevented from aiding a 25v10 bank op if we weren't online at the start? So free gold for rebels?
You do realise that not all gangs go in with 21 people? Most of the gangs dont even have 10 members... What you are saying is that only big gangs are able to do HM without getting rekt by 20+cops?

What if i want to do roleplay HM? i have to w8 for 20 cops? even tho i would only need 1 to roleplay with?

I do see what you mean but 20 is a bit to much how about 12 ? 

[SIZE=inherit]Secondly with the gang base rules. If it's going to effect anyone it'll be rebels the most as we can't freely attack gang bases anymore. I don't think it would be difficult to get a admins permission in the factions as there are so many staff team in both of them . Meaning one has to give the go ahead and that's that. [/SIZE]
It states that the rule only applies to Police and UNMC aswell as that the admin that gives permission has to be neutral.

X.1) Once the blasting charge has been planted, police officers that are not in-game at the time (beyond the lobby screen) cannot enter the bank zone (1km from treasury until map update with marked area) until the situation is finished (see x

I may have missed the poing slightly with the rules here, but when the bank operation starts, does this mean more rebels of the same gang cannot get involved if they have joined after? The rule quoted states that only police officers that are not in game cannot join the operation; and so this will lead to rebels from the same gang "hopping on" to assist.

Albeit this makes the HM treasury a very sour prospect for any member of the police, would not be surprised if it resulted in people just not responding.

X.1) Once the blasting charge has been planted, police officers that are not in-game at the time (beyond the lobby screen) cannot enter the bank zone (1km from treasury until map update with marked area) until the situation is finished (see x

I may have missed the poing slightly with the rules here, but when the bank operation starts, does this mean more rebels of the same gang cannot get involved if they have joined after? The rule quoted states that only police officers that are not in game cannot join the operation; and so this will lead to rebels from the same gang "hopping on" to assist.

Albeit this makes the HM treasury a very sour prospect for any member of the police, would not be surprised if it resulted in people just not responding.
7.2.5 - This is your operation with the friends/members that are there with you. You may not call for backup, only those on site at the beginning of the heist may take part. The UNMC or Police may return after NLR timer is up however non-whitelisted civilians may not.

That rule remains unchanged.

7.2.5 - This is your operation with the friends/members that are there with you. You may not call for backup, only those on site at the beginning of the heist may take part. The UNMC or Police may return after NLR timer is up however non-whitelisted civilians may not.

That rule remains unchanged.
Does this ruling also include if any gold bars have been taken, and are being transported, as the heist is still in progress? Meaning no members can join within that process?

It seems very vague to me; the beginning of the heist could simply be initiation between police and rebel, there is no statement saying through the course of the heist, meaning members technically are allowed to jump in if I am looking at this correctly.

If rebels are constantly moaning about their bases being attacked it's common sense move your fucking base
Ok, and will you be paying the £80 odd million then?
And why should attacking a UNMC base need permission and a rebel base not? It's either all or nothing

X.1) Once the blasting charge has been planted, police officers that are not in-game at the time (beyond the lobby screen) cannot enter the bank zone (1km from treasury until map update with marked area) until the situation is finished (see x.3).
Alright, So the most important facility on the island is currently being threatened by larger Rebel groups, due to them receiving another huge advantage over the Police Department

Lets sketch the usual situation with the H.M. Treasury:

Usually the attacking group is sending in between 10 to 15 members into the H.M. Treasury. Before the Police Department receives a message they already have loads of time to get themselves in best positions. Like the Military facility which is overlooking the H.M. Treasury, which is usually being blocked off by either vehicles or quadbikes. (This needs to be forbidden as well, as it basically is 'Powergaming' because we can't do anything against it.)

 At the time we only have 10/11 Police Officers on active duty, which all respond towards the situation. The Rebel group decides to place the blasting charge straight away, meaning that the negotiations are over. Now you have 11 Police Officers having to fight their way into the H.M. Treasury compound without having the proper equipment to do so.. Lets say only 3/4 Officers have access to 6.5 caliber weapons the other Police Officers only have access to the 5.56 caliber weapons. Some of their rifles are even equipped with the short range barrels. They do not have access to the Hunter, due to no specialized units being available at the time. About 5/6 Police Officers will get killed while trying to get close the to H.M. Treasury compound, due to the fact that their weapons aren’t effective on long-range engagements.

 So within 15/20 minutes this group of players is able to earn over 100 million, without barely any resistance from the Police Department. The Police Officers that are waiting outside the area, can be easily initiated on by a second group of rebels that are also involved, therefor you have two shoot-outs happening at the same area, however with an imaginary border in between? 25 Million is about 25 new 7.62 load-outs, which they can earn in only 20 minutes.

 Stop making it so easy for the rebels to earn their cash. The H.M. Treasury should be an End-game event, therefor a lot of resistance is being given from the Altis Police Department to defend it, seeing as it is the most important facility on the island!

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With the new rules, the following scenario could very realistically happen, and although you could just say "well just keep officers in the area then", do they really want to keep 10+ officers just to ensure a roleplay HM doesn't get nasty? Anyway, he's the scenario:

  1. 1 guy pretends to be doing an RP HM while his friends hide in a gang base < 1km from the HM, or just in a random warehouse
  2. The responding officer tells his other officers it's fine and he can handle it on his own, considering it's just 1 guy and an RP hm
  3. As soon as it is boltcut through, the rest of the rebels leave their relative safety and raid the compound, putting down the blasting charge and stopping negotiations with cops. Now only that 1 patrol car can get involved, and they can store their gold back in their warehouse without cops even knowing.
Alright, So the most important facility on the island is currently being threatened by larger Rebel groups, due to them receiving another huge advantage over the Police Department

Lets sketch the usual situation with the H.M. Treasury:

Usually the attacking group is sending in between 10 to 15 members into the H.M. Treasury. Before the Police Department receives a message they already have loads of time to get themselves in best positions. Like the Military facility which is overlooking the H.M. Treasury, which is usually being blocked off by either vehicles or quadbikes. (This needs to be forbidden as well, as it basically is 'Powergaming' because we can't do anything against it.)

 At the time we only have 10/11 Police Officers on active duty, which all respond towards the situation. The Rebel group decides to place the blasting charge straight away, meaning that the negotiations are over. Now you have 11 Police Officers having to fight their way into the H.M. Treasury compound without having the proper equipment to do so.. Lets say only 3/4 Officers have access to 6.5 caliber weapons the other Police Officers only have access to the 5.56 caliber weapons. Some of their rifles are even equipped with the short range barrels. They do not have access to the Hunter, due to no specialized units being available at the time. About 5/6 Police Officers will get killed while trying to get close the to H.M. Treasury compound, due to the fact that their weapons aren’t effective on long-range engagements.

 So within 15/20 minutes this group of players is able to earn over 100 million, without barely any resistance from the Police Department. The Police Officers that are waiting outside the area, can be easily initiated on by a second group of rebels that are also involved, therefor you have two shoot-outs happening at the same area, however with an imaginary border in between? 100 Million is about 100 new 7.62 load-outs, which they can earn in only 20 minutes.

 Stop making it so easy for the rebels to earn their cash. The H.M. Treasury should be an End-game event, therefor a lot of resistance is being given from the Altis Police Department to defend it, seeing as it is the most important facility on the island!
Talk about talking about worse case scenario. Last time I checked you get 1 hit rubber bullets; get to come back after NLR; get free gear to continually push.

And last time I checked, we don't even get over 40mill let alone 100 mill... Please get your facts right before you start saying we get 100million.

Thing is,

Cops can still set up, Just not the H.M itself. So gold buyer and the road back to kavala or in some cases UNMC are still open to the cops that "Hop on"
Yes, but if they go to gang base we need to wait for daddy to say yes. We're just not trusted to play the game anymore, police are so, so neglected and under powered in comparison at this point.

Alright, So the most important facility on the island is currently being threatened by larger Rebel groups, due to them receiving another huge advantage over the Police Department

Lets sketch the usual situation with the H.M. Treasury:

Usually the attacking group is sending in between 10 to 15 members into the H.M. Treasury. Before the Police Department receives a message they already have loads of time to get themselves in best positions. Like the Military facility which is overlooking the H.M. Treasury, which is usually being blocked off by either vehicles or quadbikes. (This needs to be forbidden as well, as it basically is 'Powergaming' because we can't do anything against it.)

 At the time we only have 10/11 Police Officers on active duty, which all respond towards the situation. The Rebel group decides to place the blasting charge straight away, meaning that the negotiations are over. Now you have 11 Police Officers having to fight their way into the H.M. Treasury compound without having the proper equipment to do so.. Lets say only 3/4 Officers have access to 6.5 caliber weapons the other Police Officers only have access to the 5.56 caliber weapons. Some of their rifles are even equipped with the short range barrels. They do not have access to the Hunter, due to no specialized units being available at the time. About 5/6 Police Officers will get killed while trying to get close the to H.M. Treasury compound, due to the fact that their weapons aren’t effective on long-range engagements.

 So within 15/20 minutes this group of players is able to earn over 100 million, without barely any resistance from the Police Department. The Police Officers that are waiting outside the area, can be easily initiated on by a second group of rebels that are also involved, therefor you have two shoot-outs happening at the same area, however with an imaginary border in between? 100 Million is about 100 new 7.62 load-outs, which they can earn in only 20 minutes.

 Stop making it so easy for the rebels to earn their cash. The H.M. Treasury should be an End-game event, therefor a lot of resistance is being given from the Altis Police Department to defend it, seeing as it is the most important facility on the island!
"Stop making it so easy for the rebels to earn their cash" Hahahahahahahahahahahah when did you spend over 300k on your police loadout?

We actually have to spend money for weapons and gear you know? 
