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Rules Feedback

(9.1.8) Police are not allowed to execute players. This was abolished in UK law in 1965 . (Punishment is a ban)

I do believe this rule should be changed a bit. It could bring some cool rp if corrupt cops could work together with mafia or something. If anyone has seen the series gotham thats one example of somehthing cool.
Although it's not what you expect I think that with the way the medical system now works and to reassure yourself that people are not giving away tactical information while down if a gunfight kicks off with Police we their should be at least some consideration on letting us finish them off with our tasers, I know almost all of the time I am falling victim to people blaintly giving away tactical information through direct being completely oblivious to the rules or people just breaking them because it's almost impossible to get caught. No it doesn't encourage roleplay but neither does people passing tactical information and when the gunfight starts then the opportunity for roleplay has gone until the medics arrive and you are healed if that even happens.

Another thing. Does this mean that a member of TCK cannot now come and rob the Ascension base without admin permission?

We need the orange zone @Scott1sh  suggested, they would be so usefull. It would stop all the having to ask permission and hiding in zones. This would reduce the salt production by about 75% i think from all factions.

Funny thing is UNMC and now rebels can fall back to an area which can only be attacked with high admin permission (unlikely) and the Police can't even go back to their PD in combat.

I believe management need to get a load of their admins from all factions together who actually play on a daily basis and rethink some key rules as it's all falling apart with these bodged rules.
Ok Rebels cannot just fall back to their base and hide as the rules state:

(x.1) Attacking group bases can only be done under the following circumstances:

A member of the attacking group follows the base owner into the base as part of an active pursuit. (This only applies to player group owned bases, and does not apply to factions).


With permission from a staff member and where said staff member can look over the situation while it unfolds. The staff member authorising the attack must be completely neutral in the situation.

These rules were discussed after player concerns of players logging in just to bolster a treasury Op. Police command were consulted on what should happen to players that do this and they said it should not happen and players should be punished accordingly.

We had a few options when dealing with this situation:

1) Deal with the report appropriately on the advice of police command and ban all 19 players involved (shitstorm due to innocents getting caught up in the ban list) 

2) Put rules in place to stop any group only logging in for active combat situations using out of game methods to find out about them (metagaming)

Personally I wanted to go through the logs for the past couple of weeks and look at any police that only logged in immediately after a bank op started and rarely at other times and remove their whitelisting. (shitstorm)

Option two was discussed with roughly 20 staff members and 2 of the 3 CSI's. There were many members of other factions in that staff list.

All we wish for is for you guys to give this a chance. I do know you have legitimate concerns but guess what so do other players! Id rather we tried this than went and implemented some really bloody harsh rules or player tracking system to combat those out there that only play here for the gun fights.

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Well apparently this is still an RP server so I don't see the point in making the HMT focused on instantly planting the blasting charge and taking all the gold. I can't remember the last time there was a proper RP HM. 

It is just too easy to plant the charge and take all the gold. These new rules have only made it easier for a gunfight and easy money in return.

I don't see any logic whatsoever in making these changes. If any changes should occur it should be making the HM more difficult if your sole intention is to straight up plant the charge kill anyone who passes the area and make off with all the gold.

Although it's not what you expect I think that with the way the medical system now works and to reassure yourself that people are not giving away tactical information while down if a gunfight kicks off with Police we their should be at least some consideration on letting us finish them off with our tasers, I know almost all of the time I am falling victim to people blaintly giving away tactical information through direct being completely oblivious to the rules or people just breaking them because it's almost impossible to get caught. No it doesn't encourage roleplay but neither does people passing tactical information and when the gunfight starts then the opportunity for roleplay has gone until the medics arrive and you are healed if that even happens.
I don't think we should be allowed to finish them off. That just creates very poor rp. I think we should be allowed to down then. It could create some cool rp (corrupt ofcourse xD) and we would kind of have a whole new part of the community (corrupt officers). There is not many out there but i think it could be awesome if we got some more, this could help on it i think. Imagine the scenarios with a mafia and some police cooorpartining that would be cool right?

With permission from a staff member and where said staff member can look over the situation while it unfolds. The staff member authorising the attack must be completely neutral in the situation
So you cant do any base robbing anymore without staff permission. Or is it only when you expect a fight?

I don't think we should be allowed to finish them off. That just creates very poor rp. I think we should be allowed to down then. It could create some cool rp (corrupt ofcourse xD) and we would kind of have a whole new part of the community (corrupt officers). There is not many out there but i think it could be awesome if we got some more, this could help on it i think. Imagine the scenarios with a mafia and some police cooorpartining that would be cool right?
So your suggesting that if we feel necessary we can down people in RP? Regardless of whether they drew a weapon like a rebel?

We need the orange zone @Scott1sh  suggested, they would be so usefull. It would stop all the having to ask permission and hiding in zones. This would reduce the salt production by about 75% i think from all factions.
Could this maybe be brought up in the next community meetin?

So you cant do any base robbing anymore without staff permission. Or is it only when you expect a fight?
We evened the field across all factions and gangs on this one. Attacks outside of a pursuit of a gang require staff permission.

Ok Rebels cannot just fall back to their base and hide as the rules state:

(x.1) Attacking group bases can only be done under the following circumstances:

A member of the attacking group follows the base owner into the base as part of an active pursuit. (This only applies to player group owned bases, and does not apply to factions).


With permission from a staff member and where said staff member can look over the situation while it unfolds. The staff member authorising the attack must be completely neutral in the situation.

These rules were discussed after player concerns of players logging in just to bolster a treasury Op. Police command were consulted on what should happen to players that do this and they said it should not happen and players should be punished accordingly.

We had a few options when dealing with this situation:

1) Deal with the report appropriately on the advice of police command and ban all 19 players involved (shitstorm due to innocents getting caught up in the ban list) 

2) Put rules in place to stop any group only logging in for active combat situations using out of game methods to find out about them (metagaming)

Personally I wanted to go through the logs for the past couple of weeks and look at any police that only logged in immediately after a bank op started and no rarely at other times and remove their whitelisting. (shitstorm)

Option two was discussed with roughly 20 staff members and 2 of the 3 CSI's. There were many members of other factions in that staff list.

All we wish for is for you guys to give this a chance. I do know you have legitimate concerns but guess what so do other players! Id rather we tried this than went and implemented some really bloody harsh rules or player tracking system to combat those out there that only play here for the gun fights.
My comment has nothing to do with any report. And as a matter of fact, I wasn't guilty in the report anyway. It is not metagaming logging into the game. The previous rules have been in place for years and there was no issue so maybe it would have been a better idea to finalise a good solution to the problem before adding a rule.

Feel free to go though the logs and ban everyone who logs in half way in restart and out after they die in the bank. Maybe do it for rebels too as I bet you more of them only log for gunfights than cops.

I am here for the RP and the gunfights, and don't understand why you're so against any sort of combat in this server.

So your suggesting that if we feel necessary we can down people in RP? Regardless of whether they drew a weapon like a rebel?
I think the rule should be somewhat like this.

9.1.8 - Police cannot execute people for something they have done against the law how ever they are allowed to execute people in the purpose of creating corrupt rp. As an example: A police officer has ties with a mafia in altis. They are having some trouble with the mayor. They have asked the officer to execute the mayor and not tell anyone. He will be payed with a lot of money. The officer executes the mayor but first creating high quality rp with him.
Example of how not to do it: A UNMC soldier has been killing officers. He is to be punished by execution.

I think this rule would be fun and could potentioally create fun rp

Ok Rebels cannot just fall back to their base and hide as the rules state:

(x.1) Attacking group bases can only be done under the following circumstances:

A member of the attacking group follows the base owner into the base as part of an active pursuit. (This only applies to player group owned bases, and does not apply to factions).


With permission from a staff member and where said staff member can look over the situation while it unfolds. The staff member authorising the attack must be completely neutral in the situation.

These rules were discussed after player concerns of players logging in just to bolster a treasury Op. Police command were consulted on what should happen to players that do this and they said it should not happen and players should be punished accordingly.

We had a few options when dealing with this situation:

1) Deal with the report appropriately on the advice of police command and ban all 19 players involved (shitstorm due to innocents getting caught up in the ban list) 

2) Put rules in place to stop any group only logging in for active combat situations using out of game methods to find out about them (metagaming)

Personally I wanted to go through the logs for the past couple of weeks and look at any police that only logged in immediately after a bank op started and rarely at other times and remove their whitelisting. (shitstorm)

Option two was discussed with roughly 20 staff members and 2 of the 3 CSI's. There were many members of other factions in that staff list.

All we wish for is for you guys to give this a chance. I do know you have legitimate concerns but guess what so do other players! Id rather we tried this than went and implemented some really bloody harsh rules or player tracking system to combat those out there that only play here for the gun fights.
The thing I don't understand, please don't take this in the wrong way as you do have a point that it was a hard decision to make with limited options, as well as the point that it should at least be tried out first, but...

People joining to take part in combat has always, always been a thing, but has only been addressed when a very specific example was put into public view on server 2 with the minimum amount of police available to respond VS around 25-30 rebels, furthermore, why would you attempt a HM treasury and expect it to be easy? It's literally a bank. From what I can tell, this has always been the way HM treasury robberies have been handled in the past, especially when they're done at midnight on low-pop servers to exploit the fact that the resistance would be minimal, however, I don't see a solution to that part? Personally, I don't see an issue with how they functioned in the past because it was always police on the attack, rebels by default having the defensive advantage and marksman positions, hence why gangs like Invictia won bank-ops no matter the number of cops, because they had the knowledge of how to compensate for their lower numbers, as well as the skill required. 

TL;DR: numbers were never the issue, neither was the amount of cops joining to take part. I think the issue was that the example presented, making it seem as if rebels have it super hard on HMs, when infact they've got the advantage from the get-go with better weapons and positions, but aren't seem to be utilizing them correctly. It's worked in the past without issue because people expected to receive mass resistance when robbing a literal bank, but now the solution to losing seems to be taking it out of the equation by nulling the opposing force. This is why I believe so many people have taken the change badly, myself included.

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