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Rules Feedback

@Wilco Can u make a rule so can stop Police metagaming please? Like checking your car while your doing copper or anything else and lying about the car getting reported stolen just to get your name? That would be awesome thanks
I don't see how checking your car is metagaming? Powergaming maybe if they don't have a reason but if they do it isn't against any rule.

@Wilco Can u make a rule so can stop Police metagaming please? Like checking your car while your doing copper or anything else and lying about the car getting reported stolen just to get your name? That would be awesome thanks
We are allowed to use our ANPR and our Registration searches to check your name, but if you really feel as if you have been meta gamed, call them into teamspeak with their higherups

@Wilco Can u make a rule so can stop Police metagaming please? Like checking your car while your doing copper or anything else and lying about the car getting reported stolen just to get your name? That would be awesome thanks
Bluffing in RP to 'trick' someone into giving their details is a valid tactic that doesn't need a rule to prevent it. End of the day it's a bluff in RP and it's up to you to see through it and RP your way out of it. You don't have to give your real name under any circumstances, though the police may try a number of sneaky tactics to get you to do so. If you do, you've simply been out smarted.

Police CANNOT search your vehicle if they don't have reasonable suspicion that you've committed a crime or are within 1k of a known drugs area.  They can ask you for your permission, but if you refuse, they have no powers to search. 

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Bluffing in RP to 'trick' someone into giving their details is a valid tactic that doesn't need a rule to prevent it. End of the day it's a bluff in RP and it's up to you to see through it and RP your way out of it. You don't have to give your real name under any circumstances, though the police may try a number of sneaky tactics to get you to do so. If you do, you've simply been out smarted.

Police CANNOT search your vehicle if they don't have reasonable suspicion that you've committed a crime or are within 1k of a known drugs area.  They can ask you for your permission, but if you refuse, they have no powers to search. 
Any crime? Or are there certain crimes that fall outside of this boundary? For example, if I was caught speeding, locking picking a vehicle, etc. would the police have reasonable cause to search me and my vehicle?

Shooting of people in vehicles: Should not be allowed.

There has been many a time I have driven through kavala, and was shot in my car, because I was "driving through an active gunfight"... I was not aware of this because I was driving and didn't hear any shots.

I have also been shot while in a police car (not a member of the police though), again driving through kavala because the officers had arrested me and were taking me to KPD, but there was a kavala drug dealer shoot out and the drug sellers thought it was fine to open fire on a passing police car.

This should not be allowed, this is a RP server, and shooting cars/passengers/drivers is ridiculous... even if it is a policeman in the car, you shouldn't be able to shoot them until they get out because they could be passing and have no way of defending themselves (unless in a shootable vehicle).... (other RP servers have this rule).
If this is implemented, there should also be a clause that if anyone tries to flee into a car, (so long as they were initiated on properly) can be shot, in the same way that you shouldn't flee into a GZ, you shouldnt expect immunity when you are escaping in a car.

Police CANNOT search your vehicle if they don't have reasonable suspicion that you've committed a crime or are within 1k of a known drugs area.  They can ask you for your permission, but if you refuse, they have no powers to search. 
this is rather excessive, no one is going to park 900m away from a drug dealer and run back and forth, also that kind of includes the whole of Kavala...

Should definately be trimmed down by at least half, probably more.

Any crime? Or are there certain crimes that fall outside of this boundary? For example, if I was caught speeding, locking picking a vehicle, etc. would the police have reasonable cause to search me and my vehicle?
Reserved for crimes involving firearms. 

Police can search without permission if : 

  • You are 1km away from a drug related area (Field, processor or dealer).
  • You have been seen with an illegal firearm by a Police Officer.
  • You have admitted to having an illegal firearm.
  • You are at a Police Checkpoint.
  • If they have reasonable suspicion that you are carrying an illegal firearm.
If you are wanted for any crime that involves a firearm, then the last point usually covers reasonable suspicion. 
Other examples could be you are in an area where gun shots were heard from, or someone's been shot and the police are investigating.

this is rather excessive, no one is going to park 900m away from a drug dealer and run back and forth, also that kind of includes the whole of Kavala...

Should definately be trimmed down by at least half, probably more.
I don't know the reason behind the 1k rule, but I suspect like many of the other rules such as the 3 min chase rule for police, it's designed to generate more RP opportunities, which it does.

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(9.1.8) Police are not allowed to execute players. This was abolished in UK law in 1965 . (Punishment is a ban)

I do believe this rule should be changed a bit. It could bring some cool rp if corrupt cops could work together with mafia or something. If anyone has seen the series gotham thats one example of somehthing cool.


(8.1.X) - Bounty Hunter Rules

(8.1) The Bounty Hunter licence is a route of life. You can either go with the legal way of a bounty hunter or the illegal way of a rebel membership. If you go with the bounty hunter licence and get sent to prison you will lose the licence. Having the bounty hunter licence gives you access to the wanted list where you can purchase tips of the wanted person's last known location… And that’s where your journey should start!

(8.1.1) Bounty hunters must wear the bounty hunter uniform at all times while on duty. Making an arrest without the bounty hunter uniform is against server rules (Punishment is a ban)

(8.1.2) Bounty hunters may not game the system e.g. getting a friend to get a wanted level/bounty price and then arresting them and collecting the bounty - this is considered exploiting (Punishment is a permanent ban)

(8.1.3) Bounty hunters may not metagame (see metagaming rules above). You must use role play to ask for the persons name, however they may not be truthful to you due to your uniform. Here are some possibilities of roleplaying this however we encourage you to try your own style and way. - Hire a civilian friend or recruit some hobos to approach people and ask their name. - Ask the person to kindly stay there while you call the police to your location, or ask if they will come to the police station with you if you have reason to believe they are not who they say they are (nervous voice/acting shady). It is important you do not restrain them for this. - Follow them until you hear them say their name to someone, or someone calls them by their name. - Speak to civilians if they have seen or spoke to a certain person today and their last known location.

(8.1.4) Bounty hunters are not above the law, therefore they must listen to Police officers, Unlike bounty hunters, police officers do not get the bounty money. Therefore if they give instructions, they are doing it for everyone's best interests and not their own.


( Cops are not allowed to 'hop-on' for HM. If cops are to come online while a HM is active then they must resume normal activities on other parts of the island. 

( Cops should not be allowed to come back to an active HM like rebels cannot also.

There is around 400(ish) cops in the force, normally 30 online for a hm which is far more than any gang normally has on. As it stands right now cops don't care for their lives and will rush in knowing that they can return when rebels can not. Cops should be the same as rebels when it comes to the HM. Either rebels should be allowed to come back or cops should not.

Even though above is meta-gaming I still feel this should be stated directly so it's black and white (and no it shouldn't be a cop rule as it's something that should be a server rule)

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( Cops are not allowed to 'hop-on' for HM. If cops are to come online while a HM is active then they must resume normal activities on other parts of the island. 
What about when gang members hop on because they are in a gunfight with the police ?

What about when gang members hop on because they are in a gunfight with the police ?
Honestly, I completely agree. However, for that to be changed a whole section would have to be added in order to cover all 'hop-on' situations which is something of a big leap so for now i'll go for this and if this gets implemented then I think it would eb a great idea to look into everything

Honestly, I completely agree. However, for that to be changed a whole section would have to be added in order to cover all 'hop-on' situations which is something of a big leap so for now i'll go for this and if this gets implemented then I think it would eb a great idea to look into everything
Yeah I agree that it is a very hard think to monitor and enforce however any party will simply claim that they just came on to play then it called to help with the situation.

Honestly, I completely agree. However, for that to be changed a whole section would have to be added in order to cover all 'hop-on' situations which is something of a big leap so for now i'll go for this and if this gets implemented then I think it would eb a great idea to look into everything
Not sure why this is here, staff please delete - Thanks!

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8.1 - Using the ARAC or Taxi spawn points for any purpose other than the implied duties is forbidden

Does this mean actually spawning there or using the facilities? If I spawn Kavala and go there to get a car is that allowed? Same with storing vehicles etc

I figured this would probably be the best place to post feedback on these new rules you've implemented @Vladic Ka  :)

I'm curious as to why the restriction on the radius of a HM Firefight has been implemented.. The issue appeared to be the logging in and not the radius. 

My opinion would be to completely remove the "radius" a firefight can happen. Obviously, it's common sense that it can't go 5 km away but I can speak for many, Police, UNMC, Civilians when I say that if there are people competent enough to, sniping is something that gets done at a range of like 1.2 or what ever. I know you're a fond sniper as well Vlad. I'm sure you understand. 

Now, I completely agree in the rule that states; "Once the blasting charge has been placed, Police Officers who are not present on the server (in the game at the time) cannot participate in the HM Treasury until the second phase (Transportation Phase)"

In regards to a "zone" and people inside cannot be shot at because of people on the outside situation will only cause alot of shit. I'm confident when I say that the current and previous redzones cause so many problems in regards to "You're 5m outside of the redzone and you shot me, but you still have a gun. I'm reporting you" 

TL:DR - Remove the radius rule, although common sense would and always has applied. Keep the rule, but potentially reword it to as I stated above.

I highly doubt any of my suggestions or what ever will be actioned but I thought I would give my feedback to the stated rules. 

8.1 - Using the ARAC or Taxi spawn points for any purpose other than the implied duties is forbidden

Does this mean actually spawning there or using the facilities? If I spawn Kavala and go there to get a car is that allowed? Same with storing vehicles etc
I think it just refers to spawning in. For example people spawn at ARAC after restart and instantly get cars out etc...

I figured this would probably be the best place to post feedback on these new rules you've implemented @Vladic Ka  :)

I'm curious as to why the restriction on the radius of a HM Firefight has been implemented.. The issue appeared to be the logging in and not the radius. 

My opinion would be to completely remove the "radius" a firefight can happen. Obviously, it's common sense that it can't go 5 km away but I can speak for many, Police, UNMC, Civilians when I say that if there are people competent enough to, sniping is something that gets done at a range of like 1.2 or what ever. I know you're a fond sniper as well Vlad. I'm sure you understand. 

Now, I completely agree in the rule that states; "Once the blasting charge has been placed, Police Officers who are not present on the server (in the game at the time) cannot participate in the HM Treasury until the second phase (Transportation Phase)"

In regards to a "zone" and people inside cannot be shot at because of people on the outside situation will only cause alot of shit. I'm confident when I say that the current and previous redzones cause so many problems in regards to "You're 5m outside of the redzone and you shot me, but you still have a gun. I'm reporting you" 

TL:DR - Remove the radius rule, although common sense would and always has applied. Keep the rule, but potentially reword it to as I stated above.

I highly doubt any of my suggestions or what ever will be actioned but I thought I would give my feedback to the stated rules. 
People pick things apart and they will with all of these new rules. Because of the new rule regarding police joining in after a certain point we also had to define an area so that those people who log in after the HM is on do not get caught up in it. Please rest assured the current 1km rule is temporary and the defined HM area will include certain spots and remove certain areas like the main road and Lakka fuel. 

People pick things apart and they will with all of these new rules. Because of the new rule regarding police joining in after a certain point we also had to define an area so that those people who log in after the HM is on do not get caught up in it. Please rest assured the current 1km rule is temporary and the defined HM area will include certain spots and remove certain areas like the main road and Lakka fuel. 
Good to hear that you have allready considered the situation with common sense in mind. Please also consider adressing the situations:

-What happens if rebel gets into the zone shoots, gets in his car and drives away. Police has to stop engaging at the border of the zone. When rebel can literally drive to a "safe zone". Obviously it is the same stuff for police, but we dont really benefit by going out as much as rebels.

- Is the combat allowed to continue when the transport phase begins and people start to move away from the bank. Currently you define that it cant. 

- What if rebel group decides to store the gold to their gang base, is admin approval really needed? There is literally multible gang bases quite close to HM.

- This is bold example, but what if police goes in the bank area, gets shot and leaves the area for 5minutes. Parties has to re-initiate? Is defining the combat in rules really a good idea?

Personally I dont think we are really going into the right direction with this all as Im a firm believer of common sense. However I like the area of the gunfight being defined and even enforce it for rebels. When the blasting charge is downed everyone from rebelside who wants to be involved has to be in the zone and if they leave they cannot come back. Simply introducing a police rules that if you join the server after a plasting charge has been planted you cannot take part into a bank should have been sufficient to get rid of the issue. As there allready is a rule that rebels who are not there cannot take part. Now you are effectively just dumping more rules into the allready long wall of text.

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Heres a scenario: Rebels due to the rule change start using Hurons as a risk-reward scheme due to the restriction from hopping aiding the chance of getting out, 20 rebels v 10 cops. All cops die, rebels happily fill Hurons to the brim because police who weren't online before cannot enter HM grey zone and Hurons fly off happily into the sunset filled to the teeth with gold.

How do we counter this?

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