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Rules Feedback

What about if someone goes down, but they aren't dead, and you aren't able to finish them off for whatever reason (i.e. You're ambushed). Combat might still be going on, and people are in need of saving.
Yh but now you get instant revived even from civs. Before you had to listen to some music for about 2-3 minutes. Since the update you get revived by defibs right away. So its a little unfair if civs can do it but not cops

(9.1.2) Police may not sell their equipment, or willingly give their equipment away. If there is a strong roleplay cause, exchanges can be made.

Possible witha clearification or decision whether or not this also count for vehicles sutch as helicopters, hunters and boats?

(9.1.2) Police may not sell their equipment, or willingly give their equipment away. If there is a strong roleplay cause, exchanges can be made.

Possible witha clearification or decision whether or not this also count for vehicles sutch as helicopters, hunters and boats?
Is a vehicle not a piece of equipment? I can see what you're saying though, and there are some ... picky people out there who will try and bend the rules.

Is a vehicle not a piece of equipment? I can see what you're saying though, and there are some ... picky people out there who will try and bend the rules.
I think he's referencing the ghost-hawk which gets given away whenever a tier-3 NPAS wants to join the UNMC 😂

(3.5) Restraining & Zipties - If you have been restrained or detained, you must broadcast your communications through direct chat until your radio has been removed from you in roleplay. At this point, you are no longer able to use any communication to contact your friends or gang members, This includes: group chat/teamspeak/skype or any other way of communication.

Should be changed to

(3.5) Restraining & Zipties - If you have been restrained or detained, you must broadcast your communications, through direct chat until your radio has been removed from you in roleplay. You also may not use the in game phone to ask for help at anytime whilst restrained. After your radio has been removed in roleplay, you are no longer able to use any communication to contact anyone outside of direct chat; This includes: group chat/teamspeak/skype or any other way of communication.

I feel this should be changed as at the moment it is possible for people to claim that they could have used their phone from their back pocket or something else like that. At the moment using the phone whilst in restraints is against the rules but is not properly vocalised here. 

It also makes it clear that no-one can be contacted after your communications are taken.

[SIZE=11pt](5.4) When you are revived / downed:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they were downed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While you are downed you may not divulge tactical information to anyone. The exception to this is information spoken in direct chat ingame. Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly.[/SIZE]

I feel like "actively" should be clarified maybe. Does this mean if someone else engages you, it's okay to fight back?

As an example, 5 minutes ago, a police officer was revived after crashing a car. They are now conducting a traffic stop on a speeding vehicle, with no expectation of combat. After the officer decides to fine the driver, the driver says no, books it in a field on foot, and starts shooting. Would the officer be allowed to shoot back?

(7.1.1) Taking hostages must be roleplayed to a very high quality. Please note if taking police hostage CSO's, PCSO's and unarmed negotiators cannot be taken hostage.

This rule needs to be clarified 

Unarmed Negotiator as in for the Police or Unarmed Negotiator for all factions.

Today, UNMC soldiers was arrested and taken to the Kavala Police Station. I entered the station as an UNMC Unarmed Negotiator, immediately I was barrage with "PUT YOUR HANDS UP OR YOU WILL BE TAZED" even though I have said multiple times "I AM UNARMED NEGOTIATOR", I was still to be arrested. Perhaps, the rule should cover all faction instead of the Police as I wanted to roleplay the boys out instead of a gunfight but I was told to put my hands up and denied of roleplay.

  • (2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).
(7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP.

There are a lot of unwritten rules about killing someone. These written rules don't cover every situation you come across on the server. And that would be virtually impossible. My suggestion is that underneath both of these rules there should be a link to a forum post that has quick summaries of reports that have led to a ban and guidelines how to act in certain situations that involve or could involve killing someone.

I'd also like to adress one unwritten rule in particular; you being robbed/having your life threatened/being in a gunfight while having friends in the area. In my opinion you really shouldnt have to tell the ones who have threatened  your life that you have friends nearby. I think it should be the initiators responsibility to ask if you have friends nearby, and the victims to anwser truthfully. Especially if the initiators have fired shots then there shouldnt be any reason to try and inform about you having help nearby. When you shoot someone without making sure they're alone you take the risk of being shot at. It feels like you can take advantage of this "rule" by killing someone before they have a chance to inform they have friends in the area. This rule forces your friend(s) to give up their element of surprise by being forced to interact with the person they just saw killing you. I dont think that "roleplay" should be forced in anyway. Roleplaying should be the way of your playstyle and in no way the goal of it, it should happen naturally. The goal should be a pleasant experience for everyone using the platform we've been given. It's in no way roleplay if you're forced to act in a different manner you would in a real life situation just because you might get banned for it. Also for some reason I feel like people use "roleplaying" as a tool for their advantage too often. It is not roleplaying if you're forced or allowed to act in a way you wouldnt in a real life situation. For example when someone sneaks up on you with their gun pointed at you and tell you to put your hands up, you start running and they havent said the magical words "or you will be shot" they aren't allowed to shoot. But you can grab your gun off your back when you get behind a corner and shoot them. But if you dont get behind that corner and you get shot it's suddendly rdm. That makes no sense to me. If someone is pointing a gun at you it's pretty much implied that he has every intention to shoot you if you dont comply. There are these stupid and infiriating magic words you have to say even though your intention and the outcome of the other party is 100% certain. People bend these rules all the time for their advantage and that really should not happen. Everytime someone doesnt say the magical words people start acting like complete idiots because "how could have i known you were going to shoot me because you never said so?"

I do think that the initiator has to tell if he has friends nearby just to make sure initiating wont be used as baiting for a gunfight. And anyways if you do have friends nearby and the person you're robbing has been made aware of this he is more likely to comply to your demands. But robbing someone should come with the risks, and you should never feel safe robbing anyone.

A lot of you will be commenting that "This isnt real life" well yeah it isnt but common sense still applies. It's mandatory that we have these rules about vdm, rdm etc. to guarantee a pleasant experience for everyone. Otherwise people would be taking advantage of the game mechanics. But taking advantage of the rules shouldnt happen either. I feel like many of you have the wrong/different understanding of what the word roleplaying means. For me it means playing as a character on a platform that allows you to experience situations you would never experience in real life but acting as if the situations took place in real life, not on the platform you're on. Many of you will argue that not having to tell if you have friends nearby will result in random people joining the active gunfight. I dont think thats true, it's pretty easy to ask the guy you were mugging if X was his friend. And then resolve/report if something like that happens.

Also the rule about killing someone should be changed so it states that killing should be your last resort. Meaning you should only shoot if your target doenst comply or is a theat to you or your friend. If you have someone detained/restrained you shouldnt be allowed to shoot that person unless there has been good roleplay leading up to it. For example your demanded ransom hasnt been paid so you excecute them etc. Someone wont give you the keys to their car? Pick lock it in front of them and drive off to the sunset. You dont want them to follow you when  you're selling their goods? Take them with you and release them when you're done. If you have eliminated the threat someone poses to you why kill them other than to ruin their experience? Zipties are only 15k each, if you have the money for your gear you have the money for zipties.

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A lot of you will be commenting that "This isnt real life" well yeah it isnt but common sense still applies
Not true! In real life you don't initiate to kill you just shoot!

This ISNT real life, the only thing the is similar to real life is the "friendly RP"...

And if your friends were in the same vicinity and heard the threat, they can retaliate too.

Not true! In real life you don't initiate to kill you just shoot!

This ISNT real life, the only thing the is similar to real life is the "friendly RP"...

And if your friends were in the same vicinity and heard the threat, they can retaliate too.
Well you dont shoot people if your intention is just to rob them. You have to "initiate" irl if you're robbing someone. Idk if you read the whole post but I did say there are some mandatory rules to keeo the experience pleasant for everyone. Rdm being one of them. In real life no one really goes around and randomly shoot people excluding school shootings etc. So in real life in a civialized world you dont "just shoot"

Well you dont shoot people if your intention is just to rob them. You have to "initiate" irl if you're robbing someone. Idk if you read the whole post but I did say there are some mandatory rules to keeo the experience pleasant for everyone. Rdm being one of them. In real life no one really goes around and randomly shoot people excluding school shootings etc. So in real life in a civialized world you dont "just shoot"
i honestly cant respond seriously to this, Murders are killing with intention to kill, there are obviously degrees BUT every second degree man slaughter is with intention when the shooter had enough time to reflect on the idea of shooting someone.

Im not sure how old are you to discuss this matter but im from israel so some people just randomly go and stab people based on assumed nationality...

So your assumption is not correct.

i honestly cant respond seriously to this, Murders are killing with intention to kill, there are obviously degrees BUT every second degree man slaughter is with intention when the shooter had enough time to reflect on the idea of shooting someone.

Im not sure how old are you to discuss this matter but im from israel so some people just randomly go and stab people based on assumed nationality...

So your assumption is not correct.
In no way do I mean to offend your nationality or your nation, but here in Finland where we have a stable government, law enforcement and military with no countries around our borders in a full out war, things like that dont happen. I'm sorry to hear if you've had to experience something you described. But when I talk about this server I reflect it to the western world and their values. As i believe most of the players on this server do. And judging by the sound of your voice when i've met you on the server I'd say I'm about 7 or 8 years older than you so you dont have to worry about that.

In no way do I mean to offend your nationality or your nation, but here in Finland where we have a stable government, law enforcement and military with no countries around our borders in a full out war, things like that dont happen. I'm sorry to hear if you've had to experience something you described. But when I talk about this server I reflect it to the western world and their values. As i believe most of the players on this server do. And judging by the sound of your voice when i've met you on the server I'd say I'm about 7 or 8 years older than you so you dont have to worry about that.
Its not about a specifc area, there are serial killers all over the world, just watch an American news report sometime...

No point of continuing this discussion its pointless IMO.

Its not about a specifc area, there are serial killers all over the world, just watch an American news report sometime...

No point of continuing this discussion its pointless IMO.
I agree that this discussion side tracked with you and there is no point to continue that way. And the rest of this isnt towards you especially but everyone who havre read this far.

My original point still stands about the roleplaying on this server and you cant use real life extremes to argue them. Everything isnt black and white.

Addition to fail RP rule

As many of you know, robbing someone has to be carried out with great RP and I know it's frustrating and annoying to get robbed. However it would be much more fun for both parties if everyone tried to roleplay as well as they can. It is annoying to see people that are being robbed try their best to avoid RP so they wouldn't get shot because they couldn't be initiated on. I've seen people drive their trucks in the water, so when it's impounded or the server restarts, the truck is back in your garage with all the items in it (illegal items excluded ofc.). I've also seen one guy in salt exports jump to the water before we got there so he couldn't be initiated on and therefore robbed or shot. That is why so many people get accused of RDM while robbing because people cannot or don't have time to initiate properly. This is the reason why i ask to make some kind of addition to the rules that prevents this from happening. STOP THE MADNESS AND RP! <3



[SIZE=medium](5.4) When you are revived/downed:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.[/SIZE]

This doesn't really make sense. When does the 15 minutes start, when you're downed OR when you're revived? 

[SIZE=medium](5.4) When you are revived/downed:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.[/SIZE]

This doesn't really make sense. When does the 15 minutes start, when you're downed OR when you're revived? 
Good point.

I'd say revived.

So looking through the reports recently I've seen more and more people not resolving first. Would it be possible maybe as a staff rule if someone hasn't been reported recently they would need the report to have a TS convo before the report spirals into a big long investigation 
