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Rules Feedback

TBH most gorilla groups have men in disguise spotting and killing unnoticed so it's not that unrealistic with armed rebels...
I know hadi, but if you think about it, the spotters are on rofftops, inside houses using binos, etc, they are in cover, not in plain Gunfight right infront of the Police / Military

About the warning shot rule, there should be another rule also saying that you are not allowed to bait for your heli to be shot so your friends can shoot the others, it happened to me quite some times. Example : helicopter follows us on NCA patrol on all the island , we give it warning shots, keeps following, at some point it comes right above us and lowers altitude, we start shooting , killing the pilot, we start driving away and after 300m we get shot by some guys.

About the warning shot rule, there should be another rule also saying that you are not allowed to bait for your heli to be shot so your friends can shoot the others, it happened to me quite some times. Example : helicopter follows us on NCA patrol on all the island , we give it warning shots, keeps following, at some point it comes right above us and lowers altitude, we start shooting , killing the pilot, we start driving away and after 300m we get shot by some guys.
'''Tis would be the baiting rule.

I feel like in every game you are attracted to free loot. Adding this rule will do nothing, but remove half of the server since the hobos need the loot. They are hungry for the free guns.
I think the swarm of hobos every time something happens is hilarious to be honest. I'd hate if that rule was added.

Compensation Request

Here are the things we accept as a valid compensation request:

  • VDM/RDM (Please link your player report thread - We need evidence to process) 
  • Robbed in the Greenzone ( Please link your player report thread - We need evidence to process) 
  • Client Desync ( Example: Someone desynced into you) Hackers (Please state date & time)
  • Arma Issues ( Random Deaths / Glitching / Flying in the air / Random Explosions)
  • Y/T Menu items ( Processed Gold / Drugs / Clams / Oil / Salt / Copper etc)
  • Unannounced restarts
  • Being killed by Police without being involved in a gunfight with a weapon (Evidence Required)
This is a grey area police are not required to compensate for such losses however I feel like this is a situation that happens 1/100 chance but however will still take place and that perhaps it be something that is dealt with by the government. 

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I think there should be a rule stopping rebels to go in gunfights ( especially against police ) as a hobo just to mess around , spot, and then pull a gun out of nowhere and kill. Example: middle of a gunfight, got a guy in restrains in Kore, hobo appears out of nowhere and comes starting to say "what s happening" "why s this guy restrained" , you tdll him to leave the area , he goes outside , pulls a gun out, and then he just comes and kill you from behind

I saw some gangs use this against police and it s very annoying, or when there are some hobos just distracting and messing around so their friend can come and kill you when you re not paying attention, so the new rule would look like this: In an active gunfhight, police are allowed to taze and restrain any civilians that are seen around, but at the end of the gunfight the civilians are to be let go if the police searches them and won t find an illegal firearm. ( i m not refering to someone driving a car through a gunfight or stopping and staying around on the road, i m refering to people that actually come spot on in your building or the place you are hiding in , therefere deconspiring your location and distracting you)

I want to hear other s opinions about this so feel free to say what you think!

Same with spotters. This is so unfair to the police because they get shot immediately because they have the cars and uniforms so they can be recognized easily, oh and let s not talk about those guys that just drive around spotting and waiting for a chance to get out and shoot you in the back.

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Can we be more clear on this rule please:

[SIZE=14.6667px](3.8) WarningShots - Warning Shots - 3 shots to the front and 3 shots to the rear of the helicopter with tracer rounds will be regarded as warning shots. This is the servers universal sign indicating that someone is telling you to leave. If you don't adhere to said warning shots, the helicopter may be fired upon.[/SIZE]

The part where it says the helicopter may be fired upon. Is this specifically helicopter only (engine/rotor ect) or can the crew (pilot/co/benches) be fired upon too?

I think there should be a rule stopping rebels to go in gunfights ( especially against police ) as a hobo just to mess around , spot, and then pull a gun out of nowhere and kill.

so the new rule would look like this: In an active gunfhight, police are allowed to taze and restrain any civilians that are seen around, but at the end of the gunfight the civilians are to be let go if the police searches them and won t find an illegal firearm.  i m refering to people that actually come spot on in your building or the place you are hiding in , therefere deconspiring your location and distracting you)

Same with spotters. This is so unfair to the police because they get shot immediately because they have the cars and uniforms so they can be recognized easily, oh and let s not talk about those guys that just drive around spotting and waiting for a chance to get out and shoot you in the back.
It's the same with rebels, as mentioned multiple times already, a hobo can just come and let the rival gang about your location with no RP or realism involved.

I think the answer can be pretty simple.

My suggestion is that In an active gunfight, everybody in the proximity are vulnerable to get fired upon. As long as the civilians do not come near the gunfight, or back away from it, you would not be allowed to shoot them.

However, if you see them come towards the gunfight, they should even expect to be shot or die in the bullet exchange. 

This would make active gunfight areas scary for people who do not want to die, and prevent spotters or offensive hobos to just join in under a civilian ghili suite.

I would like to suggest changing this:

(2.4) Using any exploits such as looting dead bodies, duplication of items or money, abusing the Bounty hunter system to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside of it’s intended purpose, transferring / processing items through walls and windows. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not be abused in the future.

to this:

(2.4) Using any exploits such as looting dead bodies, duplication of items or money, abusing the Bounty hunter system to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside of it’s intended purpose, transferring / processing items through walls and windows, using house inventory from outside. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not be abused in the future.

In order to clarify so no mistakes are made.

Add rules to require roleplay for knocking people out (Such as knocking people out who are trying to rob you)

Add rules to require roleplay to restrain people (This is a grey area, ie if someone runs from police, runs themselves over when trying to run and gets restrained, do the police need to roleplay like they do for shooting)

Add rules for knocking people out with guns pointed at you Etc

All these are unwritten rules which newer players may not know about

Change  (9.1.4) Police must keep a high level of role play at all times.


(9.1.4) All players must keep a high level of role play at all times.

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I would like to suggest a rule that in my opinion would stop people going to the red zone to buy gear then logging off inside the outpost once the gear is brought to make sure it is safe so they can't lose it when leaving the outpost.

Change - (2.5) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained (Punishment is a ban, which may be permanent. *) *Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first)

To - (2.5) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear (this includes logging out in rebel outposts in order to prevent losing your gear upon your departure) quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained (Punishment is a ban, which may be permanent. *) *Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first)

The red zone is a war zone therefore I feel like the outposts should be restricted from logging off at as it is a combat area. Outside of the red zone if in combat you have to wait 5 minutes to log off without no shots therefore I think when inside one of the outposts the combat timer should be unlimited meaning when you are in the outpost you can't log off. This would be hard to enforce but would prevent people from obtaining weapons easily without the risk of having to lose them with their departure of the red zone. A lot of people wait for them to buy their gear before killing them but this is impossible when your waiting over 10 minutes before checking inside to find that he has logged off in order to save his gear and to prevent the risk of leaving the outpost. Not only does the person logging off avoid combat but also prevents the other rebels from obtaining gear at the outpost and also makes it easy for him to gear up.

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I would like to suggest a rule that in my opinion would stop people going to the red zone to buy gear then logging off inside the outpost once the gear is brought to make sure it is safe so they can't lose it when leaving the outpost.

Change - (2.5) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained (Punishment is a ban, which may be permanent. *) *Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first)

To - (2.5) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear (this includes logging out in rebel outposts in order to prevent losing your gear upon your departure) quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained (Punishment is a ban, which may be permanent. *) *Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first)

The red zone is a war zone therefore I feel like the outposts should be restricted from logging off at as it is a combat area. Outside of the red zone if in combat you have to wait 5 minutes to log off without no shots therefore I think when inside one of the outposts the combat timer should be unlimited meaning when you are in the outpost you can't log off. This would be hard to enforce but would prevent people from obtaining weapons easily without the risk of having to lose them with their departure of the red zone. A lot of people wait for them to buy their gear before killing them but this is impossible when your waiting over 10 minutes before checking inside to find that he has logged off in order to save his gear and to prevent the risk of leaving the outpost. Not only does the person logging off avoid combat but also prevents the other rebels from obtaining gear at the outpost and also makes it easy for him to gear up.
I don't see why you should have to wait 5 minutes upon leaving the red zone before logging off? As long as no shots are fired at you while inside the red zone, you can't be shot outside the redzone without initiation either, therefore combat isn't active?

I don't see why you should have to wait 5 minutes upon leaving the red zone before logging off? As long as no shots are fired at you while inside the red zone, you can't be shot outside the redzone without initiation either, therefore combat isn't active?
Im talking about logging off inside the actual outposts themselves not the whole redzone. A lot of times people run in, get their gear, log off and wait untill later on when they come back online. The problem with this is that they are basically logging off to save their gear. Someone could be waiting outside ready to kill them but they just vanish, meaning they dont have to worry about their depature as their gear is secured. I think this should be changed to prevent people logging off inside the outpost to secure their gear.

Im talking about logging off inside the actual outposts themselves not the whole redzone. A lot of times people run in, get their gear, log off and wait untill later on when they come back online. The problem with this is that they are basically logging off to save their gear. Someone could be waiting outside ready to kill them but they just vanish, meaning they dont have to worry about their depature as their gear is secured. I think this should be changed to prevent people logging off inside the outpost to secure their gear.
No logging off anywhere other than greenzone as you could be about to be robbed anywhere and it could be securing gear ? Seems petty imo and not in need of a change. Last thing people do when they log off is gear up its natural as they want to be able to hop right in next time they are online.

No logging off anywhere other than greenzone as you could be about to be robbed anywhere and it could be securing gear ? Seems petty imo and not in need of a change. Last thing people do when they log off is gear up its natural as they want to be able to hop right in next time they are online.
If you read the feeback you can see that it only says in rebel outpost specifically, not everywhere outside the greenzone so I dont know why you assume that. Before you buy your gear you should drive out of the outpost in my opinion instead of logging out to secure it

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If you read the feeback you can see that it only says in rebel outpost specific, not everywhere outside the greenzone so I dont know why you assume that. Before you buy your gear you should drive out of the outpost in my opinion instead of logging out to secure it
It was hyperbole /borderline sarcasm guess that doesn't translate well over text for some. People log out because they want to log out not to secure gear. Its still combat logging if its obvious that they are doing it with the intent do avoid losing gear or at the very least i would consider it exploiting.

It was hyperbole /borderline sarcasm guess that doesn't translate well over text for some. People log out because they want to log out not to secure gear. Its still combat logging if its obvious that they are doing it with the intent do avoid losing gear or at the very least i would consider it exploiting.
People log out in the outpost to secure their gear I am fully aware of it. I have been in gangs before where people have actually done it. I just think people should have to leave the outpost even if not in combat its in a combat zone and the outpost is 80% of the time camped. Instead of having an easy gear up because people don't shoot hobos because they wait for them to buy their gear so 50% of the time they won't shoot then suddenly the hobo vanishes once geared up I believe that you should have to leave the outpost. And no I didn't understand your borderline sarcasm and I don't want it on a feedback suggestion I have made because you trying to cause drama and disrespect my feedback. Instead of using sarcasm create a valid response to my feedback that can be taken more seriously and a lot more constructive.

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On 1/31/2016 at 5:23 PM, Walt said:

I would like to reinforce the point made by Axolotl and provide the following video. Please view from 4:58.

I understand we are looking for creativity, but we are also focusing around realism.

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He should have said he has a sniper on the hill #EZprofit.
