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Removal of Zafir & LMG

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We should have some  .50 cal snipers. I know it could damage the roleplay a bit but you can make them 1m for nondonators and 500k for donators. Because in certain situations we need some long ranged snipers. And since it will be expensive not will everyone can get one. But when were doing bank jobs we want to cover our friends in distance. Or when we do hostage situations. Lets just make a poll about it and see what people thinks.

We should have some  .50 cal snipers. I know it could damage the roleplay a bit but you can make them 1m for nondonators and 500k for donators. Because in certain situations we need some long ranged snipers. And since it will be expensive not will everyone can get one. But when were doing bank jobs we want to cover our friends in distance. Or when we do hostage situations. Lets just make a poll about it and see what people thinks.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

.50 cals are way to easily abusable, and the price you are suggesting is WAY too cheap for what they are worth. A bank job currently is only 1KM from the mountain behind the treasury to the other. A .50 cal can cover double that so it's definitely not needed to cover your friends from a distance when MK18's can reach that range already.

@ I miss having a sting so much.

In all seriousness though, I really thing the LMG should stay. Screw the Zafir, it's a comedy gun. However the LMG is rarely used and quite realistic.

We should have some  .50 cal snipers. I know it could damage the roleplay a bit but you can make them 1m for nondonators and 500k for donators. Because in certain situations we need some long ranged snipers. And since it will be expensive not will everyone can get one. But when were doing bank jobs we want to cover our friends in distance. Or when we do hostage situations. Lets just make a poll about it and see what people thinks.
If you read my other post you would know we had them in the game for millions each and they were abused then removed. They're not coming back publically. Additionally the "I know it could damage the roleplay a bit" part itself is reason enough for them not to be reconsidered as RP is the primary goal of the game. They're staying whitelisted only as they have been since the beginning of the server,because the public cannot be trusted with them which was proven months ago when they were given a chance and failed.

Ifrit HMG(Rental Only) for 2 Million
No. The Hunter HMG was removed,because you can't kill the gunner. It would be the same with an Ifrit HMG. This is why only the Armed Offroad is tolerated.

"plz gief us .50 cal dey not so op and we need it as a sniper"

I'm just gonna say that I'm very happy with this maybe getting civillian acces to MX SW as the only Machine gun available would be ideal but it's fine. But bringing in the .50 cal.. No no no and extra no. People don't know how to control having access to this tool, if this server were whitelisted and abut 20 more pages of rules then it could be possible for us to get a .50 cal but let's face it, not gonna happen. MK18 is more than enough sniper that you would ever need and if you really want a Machine gun then stop abusing it and we might be lucky enough to get the MX SW

add the AH-9 pawnee for the cops they need it
They have a Ghosthawk.(The Pawnee is also slower,because it is weighed down by the guns making it a poor pursuit aerial vehicle.)

Also does it strike anyone else that asking to add things in a removal thread is a terrible idea?

They have a Ghosthawk.(The Pawnee is also slower,because it is weighed down by the guns making it a poor pursuit aerial vehicle.)

Also does it strike anyone else that asking to add things in a removal thread is a terrible idea?
never mind then i did not know the police had a heli my bad very bad idea, btw remove them both who really needs a belt feed weapon other then the police.

Why not keep them? Or add more firepower to the police  <3

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Why not keep them? Or add more firepower to the police  <3
Both have been tried. The server is better without them. Sometimes I think people forget the primary goal of the game is RP which means talk to each other. This ultimately makes a firefight a fun side activity not a primary one.

Rebels publically once had access to snipers and on a seperate occasion TWS thermal scopes which were also removed. We kept the machine guns after LoA left to see what happens and it's not been ideal. In the early months of the server the cops had a little too much with a standard CSO(PCSO did not exist) kit of a silenced MX with a nightstalker.(Simply because they could.) I've also stated these things before and no those days will not come back and nightstalkers or any other thermal optic will NEVER come back to the server.

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Both have been tried. The server is better without them. Sometimes I think people forget the primary goal of the game is RP which means talk to each other. This ultimately makes a firefight a fun side activity not a primary one.

Rebels publically once had access to snipers and on a seperate occasion TWS thermal scopes which were also removed. We kept the machine guns after LoA left to see what happens and it's not been ideal. In the early months of the server the cops had a little too much with a standard CSO(PCSO did not exist) kit of a silenced MX with a nightstalker.(Simply because they could.) I've also stated these things before and no those days will not come back and nightstalkers or any other thermal optic will NEVER come back to the server.
I know, you already explained that to me 3 months ago :p
As I said in a earlier post, I have a Zafir in my cousins house who's on vacation till mid January. So now I wonder how I should proceed.

When the marksman DLC comes out I'm sure civs will get a low cal sniper (to heal the loss of the Zafir) if there is one included. Like if there was an M24 that would be ok I'm guessing. Personally I don't really have a use for snipers because my view range is set to the default 1600. #SHITPC.

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Quick question. Does this include the off-road with the gun on the back? I'm still kind of new and was thinking of trying to buy one. Thanks for all the help

Quick question. Does this include the off-road with the gun on the back? I'm still kind of new and was thinking of trying to buy one. Thanks for all the help
No, only the 7.62 zafir LMG and the 6.5mm mk200 LMG. All other weapons will remain. Bear in mind the .50 cal offroad is a rental only and will NOT be on your garage upon server restart.
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