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Removal of Zafir & LMG

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Who would've suggested such a great idea? Even after the idea were discarded some time ago... makes you wonder.

Is there any chance rebels can get a bolt sniper in the future? I would love to have a m24... prices can be higher,like up to 500k and 220k for donator or something,so not every hobo can get it. 
The only bolt action sniper in the game is the M320 LRR, it's a .408 and will pretty much 1 shot people, and go straight through a house and kill the nice man trying enjoy his breakfast so it's not a likely thing to happen, but always a chance <3

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I've used an LMG exactly 1 time, and it was only after I picked it up off someone's dead body after my primary had ran out of ammo...

Yet I still don't want to lose the trophy Zafirs I have in my stash houses.....

Could I suggest that we be allowed to keep the ones we currently have, with the caveat that we remove/surrender all ammo we have for it? (With all ammo removed from vendors, they'll be nothing but trophies after all no?)

I'd hate to lose my centerpieces =[

What about the 100 round belts the unmc have for the mx sw? Are they going to be removed or still be another feature only the unmc have, or added to civs? (6.5mm)

I don't like this. As a rebel this honestly sucks this is just saying basically that 7.62 guns will be extinct. I mean if you need a sniper u cant even get one you have to have a 7.62 so please don't ban all 7.62 guns

What about the 100 round belts the unmc have for the mx sw? Are they going to be removed or still be another feature only the unmc have, or added to civs? (6.5mm)
I think this is an excellent point. If all large capacity weapons are being removed it should be for everyone.  Otherwise this is an unfair unbalancing. 

I dont really mind if lmg's are removed as theyre crap lol. Everytime someones tried shooting me with one ive killed them with a cheap gun ;) I never thought theyre OP but I can definitely see the spray and pray aspect.

I would like to see a wider range of guns though, perhaps add more variety within the 5.56 and 6.5mm variants?

I dont really mind if lmg's are removed as theyre crap lol. Everytime someones tried shooting me with one ive killed them with a cheap gun ;) I never thought theyre OP but I can definitely see the spray and pray aspect.

I would like to see a wider range of guns though, perhaps add more variety within the 5.56 and 6.5mm variants?
Yeah more assault rifles would be awesome!

Amazing!! <3

I hate the Zafir and it will be awesome that people have to aim and not spray.

I think this is an excellent point. If all large capacity weapons are being removed it should be for everyone.  Otherwise this is an unfair unbalancing.
Except the MX SW is:


Has higher recoil

Has lower rate of fire

Has a lower range

Using an MXSW is very much accustomary to just using a large magazine MX Normal. The 6.5mm isnt exactly strong enough to cause a large amount of damage to vehicles, but if you want it gone then I guess...

I have a Zafir in my cousins house whos on vacation until January so I cant access it. How should I sort this out?

Instead of shooting, you could maybe try and speak to the person? Make friends with a cop and get spike strips? team up with a group of people and unleash hell on the tires? (25 bullets from a katiba will take out an ifrits tires I'm pretty sure) or retreat, wait for them to all feel safe and start to loot then ambush them. You don't need an LMG to stop a vehicle
We've tried that, unfortunately we're restrained and sentenced before we can get the pleasantries over with.

I for one disagree with this change, within role play as LMG does have a heart, similar to the ifrits to strike fear into the heart of the enemy. Without it, were restricted further more to the mainly 6.5mm and the two remaining 7.62mm

I for one disagree with this change, within role play as LMG does have a heart, similar to the ifrits to strike fear into the heart of the enemy.
You see, it's funny. Whenever I take the MK200, I find myself being completely useless. Whenever I take a Vermin, I find myself being slightly less useless.

Whenever I take a Strider, my wheels are out in less than 20 seconds. Last time I drove an Offroad, I managed to drive from the UNMC CP, to the redzone, then to Kavala and finally back to the UNMC CP without crashing once.

Why this urge for a larger weaponry? Give me a Vermin & an Offroad with shiny bags on the side, and I'll be happy.

You see, it's funny. Whenever I take the MK200, I find myself being completely useless. Whenever I take a Vermin, I find myself being slightly less useless.

Whenever I take a Strider, my wheels are out in less than 20 seconds. Last time I drove an Offroad, I managed to drive from the UNMC CP, to the redzone, then to Kavala and finally back to the UNMC CP without crashing once.

Why this urge for a larger weaponry? Give me a Vermin & an Offroad with shiny bags on the side, and I'll be happy.
Ever tried taking out a strider with a vermin? Ever tried taking out an armed helicopter with a vermin?

Just not going to happen.

All the mean time, regular rebels are restricted to 7.62 Mk18 to fight armies with .408's

Ever tried taking out a strider with a vermin? Ever tried taking out an armed helicopter with a vermin?

Just not going to happen.

All the mean time, regular rebels are restricted to 7.62 Mk18 to fight armies with .408's
Armies with .408's, This makes me smile you actually got it right we are an army not a rebellion and as for the ".408's" you make it sound like we all run around with snipers.. currently we have 2 people that are designated marksmen and they are only aloud one sniper out providing the situation requires it.

We have discipline and a rank structure with set rules and guidelines, which i can quite happily say rebels don't have.

Makes me laugh how people degrade the UNMC saying we have all these overpowered weaponry when 95% of the time we are using exactly the same weapons as any other person on the server.

Armies with .408's, This makes me smile you actually got it right we are an army not a rebellion and as for the ".408's" you make it sound like we all run around with snipers.. currently we have 2 people that are designated marksmen and they are only aloud one sniper out providing the situation requires it.

We have discipline and a rank structure with set rules and guidelines, which i can quite happily say rebels don't have.

Makes me laugh how people degrade the UNMC saying we have all these overpowered weaponry when 95% of the time we are using exactly the same weapons as any other person on the server.
'Whitelisted rebels'

I've given up on trying to put a label on you, but in terms of being an army, you're definitely not up there, your entire ranking system is flawed.

regardless what people call you, you do have unique access to items that no one else has, those 2x .408's are still 2 more .408's than anyone else has. You still have amphibious striders and you still have armed helicopters, yet you still throw your toys out of the pram when things don't go your way.

So tell me, if the UNMC's actual goal is to fight the British occupancy on Altis, why do you help the police at their every beck and call? Why do you even phone the police and suggest there's armed men doing the bank after they turn down your offer of help?

Liberation Army is something else than Rebel Group Kris. You should know this by now. We don't have any interest in just randomly slaying the police. And I think thats why we have those so called "privileges".

We are going slightly off Topic here. I don't wanna see people fight here about whatever they feel like.

I don't wanna see any provoking/fighting here anymore.

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For fuck sake. "Armies of .408".. we arent even allowed to pull them out anymore..

Edit: The reason they might help the police during a Bank Op is due to the fact that you are stealing the people's economy which is against the UNMCs ways

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