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Marksman Pistol

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Smh you just want people to buy more ARs -1

On a real, its already much more expensive to purchase than most weapons and takes more skill to use effectively compared to the automatic weapons. Its well balanced, people just have more money these days due to the bin jobs wich is probably why you see more people using them, even still, its not like they’re flying of the shelves.

Also a question, marksman pistols have been in the server for years and only now people have issues with them, why is that?
Also a question, marksman pistols have been in the server for years and only now people have issues with them, why is that?
Most likely as Meta has become them more recently. As with all things in servers.

They are fine until they are the meta
Dont think it needs to nurfed seems like the only people who have issues here are police factions use your resources to deal with the people with the markys
This is quickly becoming a Gang vs Police debate.

It’s an unfair debate because there is far more to it than the use of Markys
Most likely as Meta has become them more recently. As with all things in servers.

They are fine until they are the meta
Or maybe its because of the head armor? People dont seem to have an issue with the ol’ one tap to the head, people found a way around the helmet armor and now the people that have access to it are complaining?

Crims have the marksman, lost mc and police have helmet armor. I think thats pretty balanced.
I feel as if the marksman pistol should take a different ammo type, I understand "pistol" so "pistol bullets". The thing is literally like a Sniper so to speak. It's also one of the most expensive weapons so I can somehow see how it is as good as it is. But taking away the marksman pistol will just make everyone use Revolvers as their pretty similar.

But using those types of weaponry is high risk meaning their very pricey, High reward meaning you can neutralise your target easier.
Also a question, marksman pistols have been in the server for years and only now people have issues with them, why is that?
Ive thought it for quite a long time now really. Just thought I would post it on the forums and see if other people agreed. Seems pretty split.

I think comparing it too police is naff most the time anyway since a lot more of the shooting you do is going to be normally done crim vs crim at least with the "higher tier" weapons anyway. My last few interactions with police it seems like the "less use of HA" policy is doing something anyway but that's on a personal note.

On a personal note I would prefer much more drawn out gun fights rather than quick one taps with pretty much any gun against someone with no HA but that's a different story altogether and I know a very unpopular opinion.

Like I said, I'm not asking for it to be removed more gauge if people see if there would be any benefits to changing it whether that's make it more expensive to shoot or change any of its characteristics like making it have damage drop off or maybe even so some of the meta changes. I have no issue using them either way.
Or maybe its because of the head armor? People dont seem to have an issue with the ol’ one tap to the head, people found a way around the helmet armor and now the people that have access to it are complaining?

Crims have the marksman, lost mc and police have helmet armor. I think thats pretty balanced.
Remove head armor, but also remove the marksman, having been on both sides, head armor or not if a marksman is in play you're going down in one shot regardless, if it's a gang or police.

I hate the idea of both to be honest head armour is enforced (within police) when tensions are highest during situations that require it, a gang shootout, reports of firearms in the area, a bank robbery or things in-between, whereas marksmans are as you say fairly attainable, I don't know prices but there were round around 800-900k last time I dabbled, technically (not realistically) you could have well over a hundred different gang members with them. compared to around 10 firearms officers on duty at anytime, maybe more depending on situations.

+1 But consider the looking at of other strong tools and weapons used within the server and their balance as well.
Crims have the marksman, lost mc and police have helmet armor. I think thats pretty balanced.
Not the only ones to have it without diving into it (which you know and maybe intentionally left out) and none of those listed are the ones having HA make an apparent comeback in the crim world?

Or maybe its because of the head armor? People dont seem to have an issue with the ol’ one tap to the head, people found a way around the helmet armor and now the people that have access to it are complaining?
I raised it as I think we would see a noticeable benefit in gun play situations in the server. I have my opinions and Ill go with the masses/whatever management and devs choose to do just a mere suggestion from my own POV.
I do think the gun is stupid but i do think it has a place in the server. There should only be a certain amount in circulation at a time making it more rare, This would encourage people to use it in better suited circumstances instead of just push push push.

for example "fuck this lads go grab the marky"

Personally i think this isn't a high skill level gun at all. If people were as good as marky's make them feel then they would all be running around with sns's 😂
and none of those listed are the ones having HA make an apparent comeback in the crim world?
I leave that for relevant people to respond, however im pretty sure you are very wrong in your assumption there im afraid :)

I raised it as I think we would see a noticeable benefit in gun play situations in the server.
You might be right tbf but i also think you’ve missed out on the perspective of the common gangster. Ill be honest and say that im reading your words as they’re coming from a very privileged player who has access beyond the average player yet still feels entitled to suggest a change that wont affect yourself nearly as much as other people.

In my opinion you and any police character just needs to take this one for the team.
Get the marksman and revolvers gone shits dumb af pocket snipers the only ranged gun that has places in the game is the 50cal and the sniper takes no skill at all or to counter this lower the range of which the gun can shoot to the same as a m1911 so you take the risk up close instead
As someone who owns plenty and carries one daily, I think there does need to be changes to the marksman pistol.
The change i'd suggest is change its ammo type from pistol bullets to sniper bullets to make them harder/more expensive to use/carry.
As I have mentioned, I do carry and own multiple marksman pistols. Does this mean I like using them? No, it does not, but unfortunately, especially when facing police with ARs and helmets, you have no other option at range to be able to gain the upper hand on said individuals.

Now after reading through this thread, the comment of "Only fed mains will +1 this" is clearly not true as I myself and others I know share similar opinions would like to see the marksman altered or removed. Now obviously, as stated by others, removing the marksman pistol favors the police as they are much more likely to "win" firefights against crims as they wont be getting 1 tapped no more, even with helmets on. To attempt to "balance" it out as fairly as possible (do remember that the police are meant to be more powerful than gangs), the statement "I agree with this if they took out head armour all together" is one that I agree with. I believe helmet armour should never have been introduced to the server, even worse supplied to gangs the way it was. As gang members will know now, the amount of helmet armour in circulation has drastically plummeted over the past 6 months and is uncommon to see outside of the police and other factions. I personally believe helmet armour should be fully removed from the server, especially from gangs and groups (The Lost and Firm included). I think that the crafting recipe should be removed and it should also be removed from the police armoury. Any helmet armour left on the server shall remain on the server until it is used up or lost due to other means. With the removal of head armour, the usage of the marksman pistol wouldn't be as effective and therefore wouldn't be used as much. If people realised you could head shot anyone with most guns, the variety of firearms you would see on the street would widen quite a lot, thus escaping the marksman pistol meta the server has found itself in.

P.S Jack Johnson is a helmet x
I leave that for relevant people to respond, however im pretty sure you are very wrong in your assumption there im afraid :)
I know where its come from and I wasn't suggesting it was them as I know its not.
You might be right tbf but i also think you’ve missed out on the perspective of the common gangster. Ill be honest and say that im reading your words as they’re coming from a very privileged player who has access beyond the average player yet still feels entitled to suggest a change that wont affect yourself nearly as much as other people.

In my opinion you and any police character just needs to take this one for the team.
Strange comments, I guess people should just be shut down from providing their own perspective and opinion simply because they don't roleplay as a gangbanger and lets face it nor do you. Me using and you using a marksman makes no difference, the outcome is the same. Its not like either of us get a special damage buff on our characters.

Its also strange how you choose to out the lost but leave others out of it and then give them the option to not spill meta information. Almost like your predisposed to dislike the suggestion which is open for general discussion simply because of the person writing it.
I know where its come from and I wasn't suggesting it was them as I know its not.

Strange comments, I guess people should just be shut down from providing their own perspective and opinion simply because they don't roleplay as a gangbanger and lets face it nor do you. Me using and you using a marksman makes no difference, the outcome is the same. Its not like either of us get a special damage buff on our characters.

Its also strange how you choose to out the lost but leave others out of it and then give them the option to not spill meta information. Almost like your predisposed to dislike the suggestion which is open for general discussion simply because of the person writing it.
Well thats not at all what i said but if thats your take fair enough, @adaco hit the nail on its head as far as im concerned!
I enjoy fighting with the gangs otherwise I wouldn't be in Firearms for the police. However, I extremely dislike being shot in the head or chest from across the street and dying instantly. That's not a gunfight, it's an execution. Gunplay is a part of RP and has its place, if you take me down with a WN all fair play to you, I will cry for my mom in RP for 20min. Gunfights should be just that, not a sniping match with the eoka from rust.
I personally think Marksman should go, having something that takes so little skill but the ability to one shot to the chest from Los Santos to Cayo just seems utterly stupid, I get that its a high price and what not however you give one of those to someone who's a capable shooter and he's dropping 6-8 members of a gang before they even get a chance to fire back, just isn't enjoyable when it comes to gang fights, obviously people will then just turn to revs but atleast you have an actual chance of firing back or taking cover unless ofcourse hit in the head which is just fair game at that point. I think that's why you're seeing alot more drawn out sits during these gangs because people will quite happily sit in a bush 5 miles out of area like its battlefield and snipe until they eventually hit something without anyone knowing where its from.
You are in the only active faction in the server that supplies these weapons..... Just stop selling them? Aztecas and Hustlers have said for at least a year that these types of weapons are a plague on the server. Now these gangs are playing less and less, something has to give and I think if people don't start making sacrifices or changes then the outlook isn't ideal.
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