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Marksman Pistol

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-1 just another suggestion that would just ultimately make police stronger as if they wasn't strong already, only could agree with this if head armor was nuked as well
-1 just another suggestion that would just ultimately make police stronger as if they wasn't strong already, only could agree with this if head armor was nuked as well
I believe people are missing the point to this post. The post isnt being made from a police perspective - the post is being made from a general server balance perspective. Its an unrealistic weapon with one shot kill mechanics from long range, its a fragger weapon. We would still have the shotgun and sawny to CQC each other with as crims. It would increase the time gunfights take to finish, elongating RP between both sides.
I believe people are missing the point to this post. The post isnt being made from a police perspective - the post is being made from a general server balance perspective. Its an unrealistic weapon with one shot kill mechanics from long range, its a fragger weapon. We would still have the shotgun and sawny to CQC each other with as crims. It would increase the time gunfights take to finish, elongating RP between both sides.
But when does the point of it’s a video game insert itself into the argument? Sure it’s unrealistic, but so is half the things in the server. When you take something away from crims you obviously have to look at everything, one of them being it would make police stronger on top of how insanely strong they already are. Take head armor away from police if you’re gonna take the marky away from crims.
But when does the point of it’s a video game insert itself into the argument? Sure it’s unrealistic, but so is half the things in the server. When you take something away from crims you obviously have to look at everything, one of them being it would make police stronger on top of how insanely strong they already are. Take head armor away from police if you’re gonna take the marky away from crims.
The point of this really isn't to remove it as I know its unrealistic to expect that type of majority wish rather the rebalancing of it. If your happy with its current state and see no reason to change it then fair enough :)
But when does the point of it’s a video game insert itself into the argument? Sure it’s unrealistic, but so is half the things in the server. When you take something away from crims you obviously have to look at everything, one of them being it would make police stronger on top of how insanely strong they already are. Take head armor away from police if you’re gonna take the marky away from crims.
Well, thats just the age old argument really isnt it. I believe the reasons firearms police have and probably always should have access to head armour is because proportionately they make up a small percentage of the server population, and arent there to be wiped 24/7. Another age old statement il make is the police arent just there for gang RP and enjoy RP'ing with everyone instead of being fragged 24/7. Yes, it is a game - however its also RP, and the ability to one shot someone from 3 buildings away to me doesnt constitute RP, thats just call of duty. If head armour deflected bullets back at the attacker id fully get your point, but its a defence item. This argument has been moaned about time and time again, and is probably better suited to one of the millions of relevant posts about head armour instead of the one you're raising it on
This post has strayed so far from its origins.

Like it or not I believe there is a place for the Marky on the server so don’t want to see it removed.

It just needs to be removed from CQC, and I believe more expensive ammo and more expensive to buy the gun itself would do a hell of a lot for this anyway.

Completely removing it isn’t the way to go.
Well, thats just the age old argument really isnt it. I believe the reasons firearms police have and probably always should have access to head armour is because proportionately they make up a small percentage of the server population, and arent there to be wiped 24/7. Another age old statement il make is the police arent just there for gang RP and enjoy RP'ing with everyone instead of being fragged 24/7. Yes, it is a game - however its also RP, and the ability to one shot someone from 3 buildings away to me doesnt constitute RP, thats just call of duty. If head armour deflected bullets back at the attacker id fully get your point, but its a defence item. This argument has been moaned about time and time again, and is probably better suited to one of the millions of relevant posts about head armour instead of the one you're raising it on
3 building isn't true measure Mosley's to edge of mega mall that is as far as the marky reaches this 3 buildings isn't true unless its buildings side by side idk where ur getting 3 buildings from
This post has strayed so far from its origins.

Like it or not I believe there is a place for the Marky on the server so don’t want to see it removed.

It just needs to be removed from CQC, and I believe more expensive ammo and more expensive to buy the gun itself would do a hell of a lot for this anyway.

Completely removing it isn’t the way to go.
agreed, either that or keeping it cheap but creating .22 ammunition for it that goes far but does no more damage than a ceramic
This post has strayed so far from its origins.

Like it or not I believe there is a place for the Marky on the server so don’t want to see it removed.

It just needs to be removed from CQC, and I believe more expensive ammo and more expensive to buy the gun itself would do a hell of a lot for this anyway.

Completely removing it isn’t the way to go.
its already way to much money if it goes higher that would be a joke I dont mind the ammo change I agree with that
Well, thats just the age old argument really isnt it. I believe the reasons firearms police have and probably always should have access to head armour is because proportionately they make up a small percentage of the server population, and arent there to be wiped 24/7. Another age old statement il make is the police arent just there for gang RP and enjoy RP'ing with everyone instead of being fragged 24/7. Yes, it is a game - however its also RP, and the ability to one shot someone from 3 buildings away to me doesnt constitute RP, thats just call of duty. If head armour deflected bullets back at the attacker id fully get your point, but its a defence item. This argument has been moaned about time and time again, and is probably better suited to one of the millions of relevant posts about head armour instead of the one
Police aren’t getting wiped 24/7 let’s just get that out of the way. And when they were getting beat which is far and few between they still always win at the end of the day as they are designed to do in other ways such as in scrapping cars or taking shops from crims (not a complaint just a statement). Taking the marky away does more harm than good for the server unless other changes are to be made with taking it away.
its already way to much money if it goes higher that would be a joke
You need to grind some more my friend. They naturally used to be more expensive anyway without artificial inflation.

Yes they are slightly more than other pistols but the benefits of them outweigh the price gap. That’s why people already buy them so much.

The whole point of the price increase is to stop people using them as much. We aren’t saying OOC to raise the price so gangs have to spend more money. Choose a different gun… Use a marky when the time calls for one…
While I agree that marksmen pistols are OP, to change this I believe a change on the other end is needed.

For example, if I was to take a marksman to a fight, I'd have to consider a few things, where and who I am fighting.

So say I was going to fight feds regarding something, some sort of prolongued RP etc, I'd be against firearms units in a bulletproof car, with head armor.

If I was to use a WM/M1911 I'd be at a significant disadvantage due to the headarmor, versus a marksman, a VERY HIGHLY PRICED weapon, I would be able to at least hold my own or contest it. While yes, gang members IRL would likely lose against feds, it would be the inability to prolong or put up a fight.

I agree regarding range, or ammo count, but decreased damage I think would be harmful to those situations. If damage was decreased, I'd push for either a minor nerf on head armor, or some more in-character restrictions of its use to police. It is already restricted (which I wont explain further due to metagaming potential) for the average Civ/Gang Member, and I believe it should be equal either end.

Hope this helps with my perspective c:
The marky is like a pocket sniper rifle so imo it should take sniper or at least ar bullets. From a realistic perspective a normal pistol bullet (9x19, .45 etc) will not have that stopping power. I think the price is fairly okay, maybe bump it up to 1 mil ish but make the ammo 4-5k each.

The other end of the spectrum is firearms constantly running around with head armor and a marksman being basically the only proper counter to it. Maybe we should be changed as well, but I do not have a solid suggestion.
Dont think it needs to nurfed seems like the only people who have issues here are police factions use your resources to deal with the people with the markys

Police Have:

Head Armor
Black Hawk
Tear Gas
Flash Bangs

Just grab equipment from the police armory like they are worth nothing

dont think its needs to be removed or changed sounds like a RP Issue to me with the list above thats all i can think of on ontop of my head and sounds like the police has enough resources to counter the person with the marky.

Its a -1 from me :)
Just grab equipment from the police armory like they are worth nothing
I can think of a few times where barry has told police we gotta stop pulling out some things due to budget being at risk. So this comment is Null. While its healthy it may seem like it but we have had moments before.

Also @Donny sorry you have Police tags that makes you a police main on the forums
Regards to this ammo type needs changing or all other pistols need a buff

How can a gun that looks like its from a pirate era use the same ammo as a police service pistol thats semi auto yet take someone down 1 shot while the other gun is at least 10 bullets on a good day
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