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Marksman Pistol

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You are in the only active faction in the server that supplies these weapons..... Just stop selling them? Aztecas and Hustlers have said for at least a year that these types of weapons are a plague on the server. Now these gangs are playing less and less, something has to give and I think if people don't start making sacrifices or changes then the outlook isn't ideal.
NGL not true they are active and we speak to them on a very regular basis and without any real detail barely sell just about 10 a month of them. Im seeing brand new ones (I guess 95% +) being offered out on the street for less than the lost sell them by certain people with connections to the other factions that sell new guns running bulk discounts or just undercutting on the server and im seeing people not even in gangs at "social hubs" whipping them out more than most things (just seen a baldy being shood away at AE by someone with one).

Its a tough one because its a two way street with it, we increased our prices to match our "partners" but they still actively trade for much less on the street. Also Azteca's put a lot of effort into generating vast amounts of wealth and have been able to buy a lot of these things and actively use them, rightly so but then claim they are a plague without having made a suggestion or doing something themselves in roleplay to limit its use? That can be said for every illegal group on the server though, you would use whats good.

I think your probably right that it either needs to stay the same but parties in roleplay need to agree and not lie to each other about selling stuff for certain prices. Hike up the prices and stop the sale for some time/limit the number that can be bought but then where does that make sense in roleplay for gun dealers to not sell things but then again its meta control (which the community leaders/devs have the real say in) and it all becomes a convoluted mess for people to make a decision on that don't really want to gate keep everything nice from everyone on a game. Maybe that wont work, maybe its too long a process to see come to any real fruition in the future and then again you have people who rightly say it should just stay as it is.

My suggestion is more about changing its use whether people don't think it should change or that it should be harder to use such as some form of less accuracy at distance or damage drop off or even making it a riskier gun to use by making it use a more expensive ammo type whether that be something that's already in the server or a new more expensive cartridge altogether. Hopefully you understand what im getting at - you've used them more than I have and been in a lot more fights on RPUK so your experience is probably something that should be paid attention too.
You are in the only active faction in the server that supplies these weapons
That's not true though, we both know that, it's just not that simple. Regardless, I've spent a few days thinking about this since the suggestion went up, originally I had said remove them, but I do still think it has a place on the server and don't think them not existing is the best way.

My personal opinion - if people don't want them removed or whatever that's fine, but I do think a drastic change is needed to them. I'd say change the ammo type to something more expensive to run & increase the reload time to make it less useful in close quarters, but still useful at distance like they are supposed to be used, that's my thoughts on how to balance it better. If people want to fight close quarters, use a shotgun, makes much more sense than a hunting weapon from the 60s.
rightly so but then claim they are a plague without having made a suggestion or doing something themselves in roleplay to limit its use?
If you get treated like you're not mature enough to handle responsibility then you can't expect these same groups of people to take initiative. Aztecas weren't ever going to stop using the things that were available to them only to get steam rolled by another gang that was in the Lost's pocket. Change comes from the people that are deemed as the most mature and responsible, Lost and Firm hold the keys. Preaching to all the plebs won't change anything when you're the only people that can really change it.

That's not true though, we both know that
I don't see how it isn't just that simple. Lost and Firm are the only people that can do something, protesting about gangs reselling these things makes you just as culpable because these guns didn't just appear out of thin air.
If you get treated like you're not mature enough to handle responsibility then you can't expect these same groups of people to take initiative. Aztecas weren't ever going to stop using the things that were available to them only to get steam rolled by another gang that was in the Lost's pocket. Change comes from the people that are deemed as the most mature and responsible, Lost and Firm hold the keys. Preaching to all the plebs won't change anything when you're the only people that can really change it.

I don't see how it isn't just that simple. Lost and Firm are the only people that can do something, protesting about gangs reselling these things makes you just as culpable because these guns didn't just appear out of thin air.
I do somewhat agree with you Ernie, stopping them getting out completely could be done, but that’s not what Donny has suggested or what I said in my last comment. I think reading back over this, people want them changed, not removed.
I have not read this but i would say it needs removing icl. It literally is a portable sniper, that's all it is

Personally, I believe marksman pistols are ruining rp!
Getting taken down with 1 shot (when wearing both armor and helmet armor) just ruins the experience of a gun fight. Seen comments about removing helmet armor but what is the point when it's useless against a crim/gang member with a marksman at any range.
Making them a 2/3 tap weapon would be more acceptable and realistic and/or giving them a longer reload time would give police and even other gangs the opportunity to rp pushing forward to gain ground rather than just having the gun fight end before it starts so to speak. Even the possibility of different and more expensive ammo would make people think twice about using a marksman all the time as would cost more per shot than it currently does seeing as they currently use the same ammo as a normal combat pistol.

Personally, I believe marksman pistols are ruining rp!
Getting taken down with 1 shot (when wearing both armor and helmet armor) just ruins the experience of a gun fight. Seen comments about removing helmet armor but what is the point when it's useless against a crim/gang member with a marksman at any range.
Making them a 2/3 tap weapon would be more acceptable and realistic and/or giving them a longer reload time would give police and even other gangs the opportunity to rp pushing forward to gain ground rather than just having the gun fight end before it starts so to speak. Even the possibility of different and more expensive ammo would make people think twice about using a marksman all the time as would cost more per shot than it currently does seeing as they currently use the same ammo as a normal combat pistol.
Yh well head armor has been ruining RP for Crims for a long time and marksman rifle is the the only thing to deal with the head armor there should be a balance so if markys get nurfed/removed so should head armor
The Marksman Pistol my view great weapon no question overpowered yes. Police with even helmet armour gets 1 shot, there's literally 0 point of even having helmet armour. I don't agree it being removed, but a little nerf imo is in need. One shot no helmet armour, 2 or 3 shots with helmet armour. 1 shot without body armour, 2 or 3 shots with, I don't know. Lol. just my 2 cents
Here's my 20p off it all.

As police we are here to issue the roleplay to the server. I'm more aware than anyone that we loose nothing from our gunfights but those we do 'win' creates more roleplay for ourselves and the Criminals. At the end of the day we are police we SHOULD have the upper hand no matter the situation as we are meant too. That doesn't mean there isn't work arounds for gangs an others. But right now the current state of Firearms is very disheartening for 'roleplay' as its literally all we try do is issue roleplay and we get marksmaned from across the map. We wanna have those gunfights where it lasts hours of non stop "scrapping" to where we eventually either loose (positive for crims) or we "win" and issue even more roleplay which is what the goal of it all is. It seems to be Gunplay over roleplay with most of it all. We need that upper hand off helmet armour to make police as "feared " as they should be. We are meant to be feared as if we aren't what's the actual point of police within? Gangs shouldn't be actively shooting in front of us but knowing we won't engage as we are outnumbered and quite frankly outgunned. People will say we have all sorts to assist us but quite frankly I don't believe we do. We are all here to roleplay but when officers turn up to a panic and get 1 tapped from the unknown it's just shit.

Marksmans make all that hours work of trainings briefings etc all pointless as yes it takes skill to 1 tap all the "feds" but there's just no sense of it. Been in many servers an never have I experienced the dicking down I have received from a marksman from the unknown.

Utterly and truly bent over backwards with no spit.
Here's my 20p off it all.

As police we are here to issue the roleplay to the server. I'm more aware than anyone that we loose nothing from our gunfights but those we do 'win' creates more roleplay for ourselves and the Criminals. At the end of the day we are police we SHOULD have the upper hand no matter the situation as we are meant too. That doesn't mean there isn't work arounds for gangs an others. But right now the current state of Firearms is very disheartening for 'roleplay' as its literally all we try do is issue roleplay and we get marksmaned from across the map. We wanna have those gunfights where it lasts hours of non stop "scrapping" to where we eventually either loose (positive for crims) or we "win" and issue even more roleplay which is what the goal of it all is. It seems to be Gunplay over roleplay with most of it all. We need that upper hand off helmet armour to make police as "feared " as they should be. We are meant to be feared as if we aren't what's the actual point of police within? Gangs shouldn't be actively shooting in front of us but knowing we won't engage as we are outnumbered and quite frankly outgunned. People will say we have all sorts to assist us but quite frankly I don't believe we do. We are all here to roleplay but when officers turn up to a panic and get 1 tapped from the unknown it's just shit.

Marksmans make all that hours work of trainings briefings etc all pointless as yes it takes skill to 1 tap all the "feds" but there's just no sense of it. Been in many servers an never have I experienced the dicking down I have received from a marksman from the unknown.

Utterly and truly bent over backwards with no spit.
Police have Helmets, MRAP, tear gas, smokes, flashbangs and a sniper (just to name a few things) that are all used for free and can even get a full on army with juggernaut suits meanwhile us gangs have a marksman that costs upwards of 900k for some people. Not every fight firearms have is going up against marksmans either. Police do have a serious advantage already and the ONLY weapon that is truly effective vs police is a marksman. It has never been an issue until now thats been raised by some people, idk why. If a marksman is to be changed it should either be the ammo or the price and not the weapon damage itself, it already fake drops a fair few times so its not a 1 tap 100% of the time. Firearms from what ive seen show up to panics and drive around like they are invincible instead of being aware of their surroundings. Police already win most of their experiences with crims as it is involving shootouts, its not fun for us when you have 4 firearms hopping out a car with helmets and AR's dicking you down either.
Police have Helmets, MRAP, tear gas, smokes, flashbangs and a sniper (just to name a few things) that are all used for free and can even get a full on army with juggernaut
All those things you listed need to be authorised, helmet armour sure I agree it needs to be removed/regulated better, But MRAP, Tear gas (Only for SFO+ and PSU but PSU don't go to gunfights) Smoke Launcher (Same as tear gas) and flashbangs (Only for CTSFO's) and also the Ops rifle NEED to be authorised and don't get used nearly as much as you think.

Also not to be that guy but I mean...police are supposed to overpower criminals lmao, if that wasn't the case then it would be a free for all frag server with no consequences for any actions

Also I'm all for the removing of helmet armour or nerfing it along with the removal of the Marksman Pistol/nerfing that.

Overall I think its less the point of winning and losing things as apposed to it just sucks dying to a 1 tap relic pistol, Dream update IMO is the removal of the marksman and a serious nerf to Helmet armour.
All those things you listed need to be authorised,
They might need to be authorized but they sure do get authorized a lot from what i've seen.

I also get police are meant to be overpower and in the end win situations (which does happen). It's just the fact if you remove this weapon with the current state of police, us crims will have absolutely zero chance in winning gun fights, the marksman is the only thing that gives us a chance. Now if things are changed on both sides where it makes things less extremely overpower for police im all for it. Even I get mad when I die to a marky from the unknown against other gangs but id still want to keep it with this state of feds in the server. I'll refrain from commenting anymore as I think my points have all come across.
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