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Just A Few Suggestions

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Hey everyone! I posted a suggestion a while back, and after taking a short break, I’m back and wanted to share some of my thoughts again, plus a few new suggestions. I’ve definitely noticed some changes around the City, but honestly, not all of them have been for the better. The development updates have been awesome, no doubt, but there’s still this sense that things feel kind of divided when it comes to who gets what. Some groups or businesses seem to have more advantages than others. It’s also a little frustrating seeing so many people wanting to buy businesses around the city to bring more RP into the mix, especially buildings which aren't really opened or say a new business but getting told it’s not really an option. It feels like only one or two businesses get all the attention, while others don’t get the same opportunities or focus. And this extends to groups too. I know some might disagree, but everyone’s entitled to their opinion, right? I just wish the average person had more chances, and it wasn’t always the popular groups, individuals, or businesses that get the best of everything.

Here's some suggestions I'd love to see, to maybe try and stop this feeling of a divide.

More support for the average civilians
I feel there definitely needs to be more civ jobs, there's a total of about 4 jobs you can do. Perhaps a building job, or some interactive heists a few friends can do to pass the time. Of course with a cooldown. More support for character driven jobs, it's a roleplay server that relies on peer to peer interactions yet when people create peer to peer interactive jobs they get pushed back. I'm not talking about like "jobs" like bins, mechanic, delivery drivers I'm thinking more like support for opening businesses. It feels like we all get told no, because the highlight wants to be kept on certain current businesses. I wish we could all be given the same opportunities.

In my opinion groups/gangs/factions shouldn't be able to own more than 1 business per gang to give others a chance. {Yes, of course if they've been around a very long time it may be a bit different, as long as it is fair which at the moment in some cases it doesnt feel so } I also feel and I'm only using this as an example, every gang, group, faction, family should be limited to the same amount of things. Including compounds etc. I'm completely aware of the reasoning behind the Firm and the Lost, but it does feel like it's very favourited in some aspects and a lot of other groups, whether upcoming or currently around don't get as many opportunities. Theres a huge gap between whitelisted gangs/businesses then when people try to push to close that gap it gets denied. There's plenty of opportunities to open "roleplay" jobs with very little input from areas. This is things such as simple jobs like road repairs, dock work transportation, construction work but we are given no support to do these things. You either join the server to become police/nhs or gang. There's no support for people who just want to roleplay their own work. Or if there is we have to really prove, whereas if certain numbers want something it's put in without much hesitation.

I'm worried the City is just one that is very favourite orientated. It's upsetting because so many people have so many amazing ideas, and avenues they wish to explore in RP, but again. If they're not part of a well known business or group, or just individual in general it feels its never wanted or always denied. I just wish we could see more inclusivity, thats all.
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then re-read the comment I made. I listed people who I believed made those decisions, take your pick which one makes that decision in that given circumstance I gave, if it isn’t CoC then clarify that it isn’t the CoC who makes those decisions and correct the information. What purpose does it serve self inserting the CoC if it isn’t the CoC who answers the queries I raised. The relevance being, people are still being capped with what they can do by whether or not it affects the neppy businesses. Whether it competes with them or in my example, aids them. You get pushed aside. This entire suggestions thread proves that, in when people make suggestions if they don’t benefit the neppy businesses everyone’s against it. Whether it’s Kats business today it will be someone else tomorrow who has to compete with gang run operations or neppy businesses that are protected by admins who have their fingers in those pies. It’s already an uphill battle to get something up and running without being given hurdles and roadblocks
admins outside of CoC have no say in what businesses get, everything business is done by admins within CoC, so either way it's CoC that talks about businesses.

no one in CoC to my knowledge have told anyone anything likewise to what you stated, and CoC has no "fingers" in an businesses except for LS Air as it's in our name.
not oh no you can do it if you want but you wont be a "business"
he already owns a shop, so he's already by definition a business owner, just not a mechanic shop business owner
admins outside of CoC have no say in what businesses get, everything business is done by admins within CoC, so either way it's CoC that talks about businesses.

no one in CoC to my knowledge have told anyone anything likewise to what you stated, and CoC has no "fingers" in an businesses except for LS Air as it's in our name.

he already owns a shop, so he's already by definition a business owner, just not a mechanic shop business owner
Okay, so we are talking admins not CoC, you've already told me there's a difference between the two. You are telling me there are no businesses in the server owned by or started by admins? Admins, who by default make decisions that effect the server as a whole? Am I wrong there? Because personally I feel like we are just splitting hairs now
Okay, so we are talking admins not CoC, you've already told me there's a difference between the two. You are telling me there are no businesses in the server owned by or started by admins? Admins, who by default make decisions that effect the server as a whole? Am I wrong there?
No. Members of Staff deal with day to day. Rulebreaks and investigations and more.

CoC are staff, but apply a different way of thinking when doing the biz side of things.

The actual decisions around development comes from Devs, Devlead and Projectlead.

And hey, Chris Noble here. Noble Stores, Noble Wholesale & Logistics👋
The business has been around for longer than a week, but yes I do agree it is a grind :) And I mean, they haven't said they don't want more mechanics. They've just said right now, the focus is on the two they have, but where we provide different avenues from those two, I don't see why it cant be a thing one day
The thing is Catt where you said no garages was open, we was open everyday because Tyrone Sinclair would be on from 9 AM in morning streaming and he was open alot and we did alot of events, the reason we are not open at the moment is because we are taking a break for a Year and half we've RP'ed fixing vehicles done events and to be told they dont want any more garages as the moment has disheartened us but we arent giving up but you've done it for a month and saying that its unfair.

I do find it crazy though that staff have business but will not RP them. Surely if staff own business they should be setting an example of RP in them. When people are Rping business when people are Rping business from nothing and being over looked as staff.
No. Members of Staff deal with day to day. Rulebreaks and investigations and more.

CoC are staff, but apply a different way of thinking when doing the biz side of things.

The actual decisions around development comes from Devs, Devlead and Projectlead.

And hey, Chris Noble here. Noble Stores, Noble Wholesale & Logistics👋
Okay thank you for breaking it down that way makes it easier to see definitive lines between them. But can you see how it looks to people when you look at most of if not all the businesses on the map and they are in someway created, funded or owned by members of staff, then people like @Scott1994_ are getting told no to becoming one of those businesses?
The thing is Catt where you said no garages was open, we was open everyday because Tyrone Sinclair would be on from 9 AM in morning streaming and he was open alot and we did alot of events, the reason we are not open at the moment is because we are taking a break for a Year and half we've RP'ed fixing vehicles done events and to be told they dont want any more garages as the moment has disheartened us but we arent giving up but you've done it for a month and saying that its unfair.

I do find it crazy though that staff have business but will not RP them. Surely if staff own business they should be setting an example of RP in them. When people are Rping business when people are Rping business from nothing and being over looked as staff.
No, I said they were a little less active. Thats all. I was just saying the benefits I saw from starting my business, even if it wasnt actually happening. From POV I saw AE and others thrive and I love to see that. Ive seen so much amazing RP from all mechanics, even before I started.
Okay thank you for breaking it down that way makes it easier to see definitive lines between them. But can you see how it looks to people when you look at most of if not all the businesses on the map and they are in someway created, funded or owned by members of staff, then people like @Scott1994_ are getting told no to becoming one of those businesses?
There are not many shops owned by staff and their characters. Im the only asshole in that sense.
Answered your first question in a comment. What support can they do? You have a garage in the north, where not a lot of people go, if there was more things to do up north such as businesses that are regularly open and offer things you cannot get in the city = more traffic up north. To shut you down saying they don't want more than 2 working garages in the city is a bit of a ballache, if I were in your shoes I would be pissed off. They should work with you and say right what can we do to help you offer something that no one does in the city, not oh no you can do it if you want but you wont be a "business"
Martin you have hit the nail on the head. there is nothing to do up north or to bring people up north which is true however, if FLywheels was given upgrades, i know for a fact people would come up as people keep asking when are we getting them as they like the idea of not being bothered or busy with people hanging around when dealing with their vehicles . Also we have sandy trucks near us which we could help upgrade. Personally i think Flywheels getting upgrade would maybe improve more traffic up north and maybe Sandy needs a food place too the city has everything there no balance. Sandy a great place for a gang to be but there no food options or anything else. Flywheels customers are alot of occult, TFA as they are near us
But can you see how it looks to people when you look at most of if not all the businesses on the map and they are in someway created, funded or owned by members of staff,
you can't look at a business and define who it's owned by unless you 100% know

as stavik said there's not many shops owned by staff members, but i can't say if their isn't alot of staff employed at places
There are bot many shops owned by staff and their characters. Im the only asshole in that sense.
I don't like pinpoint people but i could name you atleast 4 or Six staff that own buissness and 5 of them could have RP from them.
you can't look at a business and define who it's owned by unless you 100% know

as stavik said there's not many shops owned by staff members, but i can't say if their isn't alot of staff employed at places
Is the Firm no longer a member of staff faction?
I don't like pinpoint people but i could name you atleast 4 or Six staff that own buissness and 5 of them could have RP from them.
Of 95 shops?
Of 95 shops?
If you take out Fuel and SHops cause cant really RP in them how many shops are left? but the point is thats 5 shops that are not being RP'd or active to there full potenital
If you take out Fuel and SHops cause cant really RP in them how many shops are left? but the point is thats 5 shops that are not being RP'd or active to there full potenital
Because they are staff? What?

We can say the same thing about the other 90 shops, but we dont do assumptions here. There could be the same amount of RP and anywhere else.

The ones that are owned by CoC are the only inactive ones, and we are trying to get rid of them haha
how many are stocked regularly, how many are fronts for gangs/owned by gangs, how many of them are actively open, how many of them are owned at all?
all of that is for you to find out in RP, it's not something that needs to be disclosed here
I don't know if i am tweaking or something but i swear there is no whitelisted gangs that have more than 1 business max currently (out of the gangs) as for factions thats a diffrent thing.
might have been posted in the 5 pages i havent read through but ballers - the 24/7 opposite turf, strawberry pawn and burgershot
If you take out Fuel and SHops cause cant really RP in them how many shops are left? but the point is thats 5 shops that are not being RP'd or active to there full potenital
Fuel and shops? You cant rp with them? Thats not true.
You know the staff team are also roleplayers right?
Because they are staff? What?

We can say the same thing about the other 90 shops, but we dont do assumptions here. There could be the same amount of RP and anywhere else.

The ones that are owned by CoC are the only inactive ones, and we are trying to get rid of them haha
No the issue is CoC should be going to shop that actually not Rping in them and saying if you don't have this open as been inactive we will take it off you and give it to someone who Will RP it. you've got 10 food places where people can RP you've got two or three dealerships that share the same cars to buy. I don't get why a third garage in middle of map would hurt, i just think people get skipped for oppportunties for staff/
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