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Just A Few Suggestions

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Active member
Hey everyone! I posted a suggestion a while back, and after taking a short break, I’m back and wanted to share some of my thoughts again, plus a few new suggestions. I’ve definitely noticed some changes around the City, but honestly, not all of them have been for the better. The development updates have been awesome, no doubt, but there’s still this sense that things feel kind of divided when it comes to who gets what. Some groups or businesses seem to have more advantages than others. It’s also a little frustrating seeing so many people wanting to buy businesses around the city to bring more RP into the mix, especially buildings which aren't really opened or say a new business but getting told it’s not really an option. It feels like only one or two businesses get all the attention, while others don’t get the same opportunities or focus. And this extends to groups too. I know some might disagree, but everyone’s entitled to their opinion, right? I just wish the average person had more chances, and it wasn’t always the popular groups, individuals, or businesses that get the best of everything.

Here's some suggestions I'd love to see, to maybe try and stop this feeling of a divide.

More support for the average civilians
I feel there definitely needs to be more civ jobs, there's a total of about 4 jobs you can do. Perhaps a building job, or some interactive heists a few friends can do to pass the time. Of course with a cooldown. More support for character driven jobs, it's a roleplay server that relies on peer to peer interactions yet when people create peer to peer interactive jobs they get pushed back. I'm not talking about like "jobs" like bins, mechanic, delivery drivers I'm thinking more like support for opening businesses. It feels like we all get told no, because the highlight wants to be kept on certain current businesses. I wish we could all be given the same opportunities.

In my opinion groups/gangs/factions shouldn't be able to own more than 1 business per gang to give others a chance. {Yes, of course if they've been around a very long time it may be a bit different, as long as it is fair which at the moment in some cases it doesnt feel so } I also feel and I'm only using this as an example, every gang, group, faction, family should be limited to the same amount of things. Including compounds etc. I'm completely aware of the reasoning behind the Firm and the Lost, but it does feel like it's very favourited in some aspects and a lot of other groups, whether upcoming or currently around don't get as many opportunities. Theres a huge gap between whitelisted gangs/businesses then when people try to push to close that gap it gets denied. There's plenty of opportunities to open "roleplay" jobs with very little input from areas. This is things such as simple jobs like road repairs, dock work transportation, construction work but we are given no support to do these things. You either join the server to become police/nhs or gang. There's no support for people who just want to roleplay their own work. Or if there is we have to really prove, whereas if certain numbers want something it's put in without much hesitation.

I'm worried the City is just one that is very favourite orientated. It's upsetting because so many people have so many amazing ideas, and avenues they wish to explore in RP, but again. If they're not part of a well known business or group, or just individual in general it feels its never wanted or always denied. I just wish we could see more inclusivity, thats all.
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I dont really care to be honest, no personal agenda. I am barely active anymore but the same old argument of "the firm and lost get everything" is boring, when it's not been that way for a long time. People earned their buisnesses through years of RP and hard work so fair play to them.
Then is your comment really necessary? I'm not discrediting anyones hard work in RP. No one is saying that shouldn't play a part and no one is saying the firm and lost get everything. I merely questioned WHY the firm and lost are the only people who can deal guns, why aren't other gangs allowed to "specialise" in other firearms share the load instead of giving the whole hog to the two buddy buddy factions, bring some competition to that field and allow other gangs in on that? Allows RP interaction, gang wars etc whatever. Sure members of staff would have to work with whatever gangs get that privilege. But again, a SUGGESTION.
Okay, just wanted to clarify my point of this suggestion. I’m saying it from how I see things from my perspective. And I stopped there. I learnt a lot. But also hope to see a lot come from this. Or even if not. Just food for thought in the future.
I agree with most points made.I'd just like to share my prespective on the gang/crim suggestion. Yes there is a clear divide in the way some WL groups were/are treated. I'm not complaining about the following but would like to use it as a example; take the arcade its a massive MLO for cutlass but from what ive been told when other gangs have suggested/asked for similar sized MLOs they have been simply rejected. I think there should be a fair playing feild and not a sense of gangs being neglected which in my opinion has led to some gangs being pushed to disbanding recently alongside other factors.

Speaking of disbanding a I think there needs to be grater support for non WL group i.e staff infoming them that they are heading in the right direction ect. This would simply keep morael high and keep the gangs/groups going as currently groups make a f6 last for 3 months and disband due to having no idea whether they're heading in the right direction. Groups are disbanding faster than new ones are formimg this needs to change in my opinion.
Hey!! As a business owner and a Firm member, I feel like I should say something here haha! (Don't worry, I'm not about to become some weird forum warrior either)

Soo I run Luchetti's and I also help with the running of Benny's. I have remained on the completely legal route for 2 years before I then joined The Firm and there is definitely a lot more choice than there was back then.

It is probably worth mentioning that with Luchetti's, there is a limit with how many Firm members I can hire. I've always stressed that Luchetti's was earned out of my hard work and is not a Firm business. It was paid with money I earnt and doesn't get Firm protection or anything like that.

I have spent a lot of time hiring for Benny's and Luchetti's and it is super tough because with Benny's we cannot hire people that are part of a whitelisted gang, me being 1 of 2 exemptions. This means that the floor is open to the more legal people. What we often find is that by the time we get round to them, they are pretty much looking to be a part of a gang or go down that illegal route. If more jobs are what kept people legal then I'd totally say sure but I feel like more is needed as the criminal lifestyle is just simply the more exciting one. So big +1 for more support on the legal route.

I do think the idea of having a limit of groups/gangs employed at one place is something that needs to be across the board, rather than just Firm and Lost however having my business taken off me just because I'm a Firm member would make me super sad. I don't count it as a Firm asset and I worked hard to get it. Especially as I try to open the opportunity to everyone (just turns out that not everyone wants to play Cooking Mama in rp c; )

Anyone that has made this post into some weird squabble about their business becoming better has totally missed the purpose of this. Good for you for voicing your thoughts though :)
I still don't understand how Tirenutz went from where they was to a brand new building but Flywheels does not get upgrades anything when they have been doing RP and Stavik even said

The whole move from TN to Bennys was an ongoing plan for a whole year and a bit before the official move which involved the planning and organising and the pitching of the idea to the CoC...

I didnt hear anything for a couple months back from the CoC regarding this (probably 6 months+??) but i kept going with it and RPing the whole idea and just waited for a reply patiently.

I get you want to be able to have upgrades within your shop and you're eager for it but i feel like every time a conversation arises relating to the topic or not you always have to remind everyone that you are "still waiting for upgrades for your shop" which then in turn resorts to arguments here or elsewhere, I am not saying you dont deserve it or you do (i am not the judge here) but the constant reminder of it and causing arguments and always complaining that AE/Benny's have this but i dont is not a good look for yourself or what you are looking to get for your shop.

The CoC exists for this stuff like this and constantly causing arguments over what you dont have vs what others have in ooc is not a good look and i speak for myself here but its an annoyance to be constantly mentioned and brought into convos that i dont necessarily need/want to be part of

End of the day im all for new business starting up and ive helped alot of places that started up with stuff for their mechanic shops i think its a great idea to have another shop up north but finger pointing and playing the "blame game" is never fun for anyone

I do the best i can with my business and yes it can be closed at times and that's simply down to the fact that Millie has already mentioned there is a lot of restrictions on who i can and cant hire which isn't a bad thing as it gives more opportunities to new players and legal chars who want the chance to work in a mech shop

Once again I am all for new mech shops opening up where-ever they want i think it has potential if its done correctly
The whole move from TN to Bennys was an ongoing plan for a whole year and a bit before the official move which involved the planning and organising and the pitching of the idea to the CoC...

I didnt hear anything for a couple months back from the CoC regarding this (probably 6 months+??) but i kept going with it and RPing the whole idea and just waited for a reply patiently.

I get you want to be able to have upgrades within your shop and you're eager for it but i feel like every time a conversation arises relating to the topic or not you always have to remind everyone that you are "still waiting for upgrades for your shop" which then in turn resorts to arguments here or elsewhere, I am not saying you dont deserve it or you do (i am not the judge here) but the constant reminder of it and causing arguments and always complaining that AE/Benny's have this but i dont is not a good look for yourself or what you are looking to get for your shop.

The CoC exists for this stuff like this and constantly causing arguments over what you dont have vs what others have in ooc is not a good look and i speak for myself here but its an annoyance to be constantly mentioned and brought into convos that i dont necessarily need/want to be part of

End of the day im all for new business starting up and ive helped alot of places that started up with stuff for their mechanic shops i think its a great idea to have another shop up north but finger pointing and playing the "blame game" is never fun for anyone

I do the best i can with my business and yes it can be closed at times and that's simply down to the fact that Millie has already mentioned there is a lot of restrictions on who i can and cant hire which isn't a bad thing as it gives more opportunities to new players and legal chars who want the chance to work in a mech shop

Once again I am all for new mech shops opening up where-ever they want i think it has potential if its done correctly
+1 to this. This is how you word things! I like how you mentioned there's potential for everyone. Not every mechanic has to have customisation, doesn't mean another mechanic shop cant exist at some point.

I for one, will continue to make my business go wherever it can, if we get somewhere we do. And thats amazing to look forward to.
The whole move from TN to Bennys was an ongoing plan for a whole year and a bit before the official move which involved the planning and organising and the pitching of the idea to the CoC...

I didnt hear anything for a couple months back from the CoC regarding this (probably 6 months+??) but i kept going with it and RPing the whole idea and just waited for a reply patiently.

I get you want to be able to have upgrades within your shop and you're eager for it but i feel like every time a conversation arises relating to the topic or not you always have to remind everyone that you are "still waiting for upgrades for your shop" which then in turn resorts to arguments here or elsewhere, I am not saying you dont deserve it or you do (i am not the judge here) but the constant reminder of it and causing arguments and always complaining that AE/Benny's have this but i dont is not a good look for yourself or what you are looking to get for your shop.

The CoC exists for this stuff like this and constantly causing arguments over what you dont have vs what others have in ooc is not a good look and i speak for myself here but its an annoyance to be constantly mentioned and brought into convos that i dont necessarily need/want to be part of

End of the day im all for new business starting up and ive helped alot of places that started up with stuff for their mechanic shops i think its a great idea to have another shop up north but finger pointing and playing the "blame game" is never fun for anyone

I do the best i can with my business and yes it can be closed at times and that's simply down to the fact that Millie has already mentioned there is a lot of restrictions on who i can and cant hire which isn't a bad thing as it gives more opportunities to new players and legal chars who want the chance to work in a mech shop

Once again I am all for new mech shops opening up where-ever they want i think it has potential if its done correctly
I am confused why you have brought this into here when you have just posted it in Buissness liason your point across which is aimed at me and i answered there so dont get why here/

As i have said in other chat. We have been doing this for a year and half when the first ever time we met with CoC, we told them we was after upgrades, where they said In time can happen, We have had numerous meetings where CoC said it's going to happen. So reason i mentioned about Upgrades on here was to let Kat know the situation Mechanic SHops are at, at the moment that they do not want more than two mechanics garages doing upgrade, So it's not avout me crying or blaming everyone. We are telling her our situation so she can decide if carrying on RP with it is up to her or not. I am glad you do your best but i was not the only one to say your not open but you've personally come for me, i wasnt blaming anyone i am making a point that mechanics shop aint open all the time and adding another one or two especially out the city wouldnt be bad ideas
I am confused why you have brought this into here when you have just posted it in Buissness liason your point across which is aimed at me and i answered there so dont get why here/

As i have said in other chat. We have been doing this for a year and half when the first ever time we met with CoC, we told them we was after upgrades, where they said In time can happen, We have had numerous meetings where CoC said it's going to happen. So reason i mentioned about Upgrades on here was to let Kat know the situation Mechanic SHops are at, at the moment that they do not want more than two mechanics garages doing upgrade, So it's not avout me crying or blaming everyone. We are telling her our situation so she can decide if carrying on RP with it is up to her or not. I am glad you do your best but i was not the only one to say your not open but you've personally come for me, i wasnt blaming anyone i am making a point that mechanics shop aint open all the time and adding another one or two especially out the city wouldnt be bad ideas
You told him to take it here?
I don't know if you read it properly but i said in the other chat why you posting it here when forum matter? that not saying go post in forum.

Anyway good luck Kat we will be rooting for ya
I don't know why this is all of a sudden about me? This was a suggestion post, about some things.
I don't know if you read it properly but i said in the other chat why you posting it here when forum matter? that not saying go post in forum.

Anyway good luck Kat we will be rooting for ya
I think the issue with these things Scott, you always bring these types of things back to you are your business. It had nothing to do with this suggestion post and it leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. I think you need to step away and chill.
I am confused why you have brought this into here when you have just posted it in Buissness liason your point across which is aimed at me and i answered there so dont get why here/
My last reply here now cuz i cant be bothered part taking in a pissing competition

You asked me to "keep it in the forums" so i did post my opinion here, there is no point you telling me to keep it somewhere and than complain when i do

please stop arguing and whining when someone gives an opinion you dont agree or like

Goodnight Godbless
Hey!! As a business owner and a Firm member, I feel like I should say something here haha! (Don't worry, I'm not about to become some weird forum warrior either)

Soo I run Luchetti's and I also help with the running of Benny's. I have remained on the completely legal route for 2 years before I then joined The Firm and there is definitely a lot more choice than there was back then.

It is probably worth mentioning that with Luchetti's, there is a limit with how many Firm members I can hire. I've always stressed that Luchetti's was earned out of my hard work and is not a Firm business. It was paid with money I earnt and doesn't get Firm protection or anything like that.

I have spent a lot of time hiring for Benny's and Luchetti's and it is super tough because with Benny's we cannot hire people that are part of a whitelisted gang, me being 1 of 2 exemptions. This means that the floor is open to the more legal people. What we often find is that by the time we get round to them, they are pretty much looking to be a part of a gang or go down that illegal route. If more jobs are what kept people legal then I'd totally say sure but I feel like more is needed as the criminal lifestyle is just simply the more exciting one. So big +1 for more support on the legal route.

I do think the idea of having a limit of groups/gangs employed at one place is something that needs to be across the board, rather than just Firm and Lost however having my business taken off me just because I'm a Firm member would make me super sad. I don't count it as a Firm asset and I worked hard to get it. Especially as I try to open the opportunity to everyone (just turns out that not everyone wants to play Cooking Mama in rp c; )

Anyone that has made this post into some weird squabble about their business becoming better has totally missed the purpose of this. Good for you for voicing your thoughts though :)
Thank you this is a great constructive response that I can reason with and sympathise with. I don't believe gangs SHOULDN'T be allowed to own businesses especially in your case, you had the business before becoming a Firm member. I just think the issue arrises when you run through potentials, if a gang has 25 members and each member owns or runs a business it gets sort of silly doesn't it? The suggestion on gangs owning limited businesses is a fair suggestion and I don't think any of these suggestions are being made to limit other opportunities but to enhance other peoples and bring that gap closer together. There's absolutely no problem with gangs making deals with shop owners on their turf, like keeping their stock full for a cut of the profits, protection rackets etc. it opens FAR more roleplay interactions that way than they just outright own them.

I would LOVE to play cooking mama in rp, in fact im currently tryin to get my hands on a taco truck to be a mobile food service. But whilst stores and diners are unattended and are just pick up and runs without any RP, I believe thats because these diners are realistically just owned by gangs or gang members making passive income on the side whilst doing the minimum to keep them stocked and making money. Whilst some people who are going to devote their whole RP time making sure that place is attended by people, serving food and creating an environment are getting told no to their proposals for really silly reasons. Basically people who are trying to do what you have already done feel like they are being stonewalled of that opportunity because out of the 16 diners in the city maybe 2 of them are attended during peak times. (I definitely don't expect people to be in there 24 hours a day of course)
Last train ram probably had it before staff as it's been his for like 5 years
before CoC time atleast
Luxury, was most likely bought years ago before CoC had input on who owns them, as in years ago when you sold it from the management computer
nope, one of the shops sold in the first rotation of proposals about 4,5 years ago, he was staff at the time, but it's not really relevant what he is outside of the game for proposals
Whats your point? they are staff owned that arent really active and you sent me the rules in Discord with inactive which most thses been.
that incorrect, you and I base activity on different factors, all those shops are active, last train diner even provides food for police weekly
i don't get what your points are to do with with staff have favourites and don't
there's no favourtism, that's something you(and others) have decided to think we have by yourselves, i barely talk to any of the shop owners before they got a shop(there will obviously be exemptions to this, i do talk to people afterall), obviously that increased afterwards as most people see me as the "CoC guy" and annoy me in dms(keep doing it if you are please, especially if it's important, i'll guide you in the right direction for the "official" place, be it ingame or discord, i don't mind being annoyed) it's just how it runs, i need to know people(atleast afterwards) so i know what i'm dealing with
I think the issue with these things Scott, you always bring these types of things back to you are your business. It had nothing to do with this suggestion post and it leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. I think you need to step away and chill.
Sorry you are correct i will not talk about my business even though other mentioned it before me.

I also will not comment on a suggestion when i actually got involved is cause Kat said she was getting no help and i mentioned she has to do more RP and let her know how long we did it which you used to do all the time to me when i was like Kat and said these things,.

You maybe need to take step back in and then you wouldnt get upset when people say Benny's closed
Sorry you are correct i will not talk about my business even though other mentioned it before me.

I also will not comment on a suggestion when i actually got involved is cause Kat said she was getting no help and i mentioned she has to do more RP and let her know how long we did it which you used to do all the time to me when i was like Kat and said these things,.

You maybe need to take step back in and then you wouldnt get upset when people say Benny's closed
I don't think I ever said I wasn't getting any help? I gave some suggestions, and said how it felt like certain things and ways?

If i ever did say those words, definitely didn't mean that. I've had lots of support from people in City
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