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Armed Rebels

Look guys we can't just taze everyone I get we like having rebels in restraints but as a comic it's boring as hell to be restrained. Look just talk to him if your gonna go hands up or be tazed when it's not even a violent situation yet then you might as well kill the civ as any chance of rp is kinda in the cops hand which of course can feel shit on the civvy side.

How about we all promise to try and improve our roleplay, and try to avoid gunfights as much as we can?

@Ferguss Im going to make one response because there seems to be to many!

You think that the issue is with the rebels?

no no no, YOU are the issue,

and when im reffering to "you" i mean the cops who think taking a gun and ticketing a rebel shouldnt get him mad...

IF the only way to avoid tickets, seized weapons is fighting to death then so be it.

When rebels try sort of RP and say its a "replica of a gun", "i need this for my job",etc... police just reject it and say if "it looks like a gun were gonna have to seize it" only had 2 incidents so far that police didnt seize my weapon and for that im giving props to @YoCo @Bobby Shmurda

It's a replica? If that's your version of "quality roleplay" then no wonder you loose it.

You think that the issue is with the rebels?

no no no, YOU are the issue,
As I have already pointed out, I never say that rebels are the only issue. If you look at around the 2nd paragraph, it clearly states that all rebels aren't at fault and hard to get roleplay when Police sometimes Powergame.

@SlimShady We don't have to accept your excuses with 'It's a fishing rod' and all of that bs. It's a gun! We know it's a gun! We have heard every excuse in the book and it never works, but from now on I think I might just let rebels go with their guns.

As I have already pointed out, I never say that rebels are the only issue. If you look at around the 2nd paragraph, it clearly states that all rebels aren't at fault and hard to get roleplay when Police sometimes Powergame.

@SlimShady We don't have to accept your excuses with 'It's a fishing rod' and all of that bs. It's a gun! We know it's a gun! We have heard every excuse in the book and it never works, but from now on I think I might just let rebels go with their guns.
I UNDERSTAND, I am not complaining but so shouldnt you tho...

Ill explain something briefly...

as a cop you encounter more rebels then one rebel encounters police...

and since we pay for our weapons and we have friends in the area might as well use it.

@Ferguss maybe you are correct but i was never in the police so i cant really feel what your saying...

altough i am a rebel so i can only tell you my point of view.

@Ferguss i am glad to see you brought up this subject and next time we encounter eachother ingame (if u tell me its u [no meta]) then ill act differently since i see that you prefer having good RP then having a rebel's gun.

King Regards,


I found that if I'm walking and a cop sees a gun on my back he will normally say "come on mate let's put that away". But if I'm at weed or drug dealer or anything illegal then it's "alright mate hands on your head". When I was a cop and someone said "it's a fishing rod" I'm not going to let you off.. however if your a nice lad and got a bit of banter I just let you go simple as that.

Also I'm 99% sure if police had to pay for guns and uniform like rebels there would be no argument between police and rebels.

Ive had many RP situations where I could easily get out if I just said "let me go or my friends will shoot you" I always try to RP but seems like 80% of the time police don't care and still give me a ticket or normally jail time.

It is a mentality in the police to almost always HAVE to have the rebels restrained. I understand where it comes from and why but the police loses discretion when it comes to this sort thing mostly, I believe due to pressure from higher ranks and officers that have misread the situation. The civilian is no longer a direct threat the second they are restrained and therefore means the officer has feeling of control over the situation (which is the feeling of 'winning' in most cases). Leniency shouldn't go amiss in a lot of situations but unfortunately it happens... To be honest I don't realllllly blame the officers for this because of how SOME rebels groups behave.

On another note officers shouldn't immediately be screaming 'stop or be tased' as that's pretty shit role play. Approach the situation, get a feeling for the players with firearms and see if you can understand if they are threats to you or civilians. If they're not ask them politely to put their rifle away or take them to a garage so they can hide it in a car. If they are then you know what needs to be done; negotiate their peaceful departure from the nearby area/city with no repercussions or confiscate the firearm.

We are all playing cops and robbers, we all win some and lose some and for a fair few situations the endgame is death, it's up to us all to decide if we have had fun before death or not.
100% agree. When I'm RPing with a SPC or below and they suddenly start shout "hand on your head" I ask them why and it's always "just following my high ranks orders sir sorry about this" I have more fun RPing with cso's then anyone else...

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tbh nothing is really coming out of this topic, the best option is probably just to lock it to prevent any further toxicity.
Everyone is being nice and posting good valid points. If you dont want to see it dont look at the topic. Whenever there is a heated discussion on topics the is always one person say "OMG THIS IS SO TOXIC PLEASE ADMIN LOCK THIS TOPIC FIUDSKHMGLIJVFEKANDGVIKERNH" no just stop going on this topic and let everyone vent..

Most of the times i am approached for having an illegal firearm on my back i get told to place my hands above my head, we aren't just gonna let you take the gun and ticket us? We know what will happen if we are told to place our hands above our heads, you can't just expect something from us and let there be no consequences. The cops does the exact same thing, so why can't we?

@Bobby Shmurda, if you actually read when I posted it  24/12/2016 at 3:28 PM this was when the topic was useless and everyone was complaining and nothing was coming out of this topic, however now its becoming more decent.

Bobby, Apology Accepted. I understand that it is annoying when people put that there but people were talking about ISIS And other irl things which should not be brought into this topic.
