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Armed Rebels

If you guys want improve, call tazers as lethal weopens and you will see big improve. After being tazed it just destroys rp for rebel

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Please take this up with the police. This has nothing to do with us. 99% of the time, its the police who start these fights, due to them being cocky. Yesterday, we told this cop, that he can't have our guns, but he can give us a ticket. He then proceeded to keep on trying to take our guns. We then leave, but normally, a gunfight starts as we are not aloud to leave. I think its the cops who need to think about what they do/say to a armed rebel, and if they actually try to not talk or try to take their gun, they can actually get some decent RP.

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Okay, its the fact that at least 1 post is made a day about how rebel roleplay is shit etc yes it can be improved but the police role play isnt much better. Starting posts on the forums isnt going to fix anything and we know this because iv seen about 20+ of these posts and all it does it bring drama and warning points to players which is stupid. Us rebels have said we are bored and need something else to do. like not being funny we can't even bring out an Ifrit without being called out for baiting.
If you are bored then create new roleplay. If you are bored, how do you think we feel?

If you are bored then create new roleplay.
Okay now tell me from a police perceptive how we are meant to do anything with the police without being metagamed our guns taken and sent to prison ? I know one officer in this last week which was DSGT Raigon let us get away with our weapons after role-playing which is stupid 1 week and only 1 cops has let this happen. Im not saying that this cant happen but this happening constantly is pathetic.

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Okay now tell me from a police perceptive how we are meant to do anything with the police without being metagamed our guns taken and sent to prison ? I know one officer in this last week which was DSGT Raigon let us get away with our weapons after role-playing which is stupid 1 week and only 1 cops has let this happen.
Don't carry guns and officers wont care about guns and you can focus on RP more?

Okay now tell me from a police perceptive how we are meant to do anything with the police without being metagamed our guns taken and sent to prison ? I know one officer in this last week which was DSGT Raigon let us get away with our weapons after role-playing which is stupid 1 week and only 1 cops has let this happen. Im not saying that this cant happen but this happening constantly is pathetic.
I let people drive away in an Ifrit with 3 armed rebels because I knew we would probably get killed. Later on, we go to the same thing with an Ifrit and the same people and I get mugged :p

Don't carry guns and officers wont care about guns and you can focus on RP more?
Rebel gangs arnt going to go around unarmed, like i said officers will not accept RP from us as they metagame us call backup and try get us to prison

Ahh the monthly RP moan thread, sometimes I wonder if I'm going through Deja Vu when visiting these forums. Surely we need a police rebel meeting in order to make sure issues are sorted out between one another right guys? 🤔

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Ahh the monthly RP moan thread, sometimes I wonder if I'm going through Deja Vu  when visiting these forums. Surely we need a police rebel meeting in order to make sure issues are sorted out between one another right guys? 🤔

Ahh the monthly RP moan thread, sometimes I wonder if I'm going through Deja Vu when visiting these forums. Surely we need a police rebel meeting in order to make sure issues are sorted out between one another right guys? 🤔
Yeah, I don't like making these threads but something needs to be done. I want more Police / Rebel / NHS Meetings!

tbh nothing is really coming out of this topic, the best option is probably just to lock it to prevent any further toxicity.

Yeah, I don't like making these threads but something needs to be done. I want more Police / Rebel / NHS Meetings!
Shit role play is a punishable offence you know. I'm pretty sure @Vladic Ka punishes for the "let me go, there are snipers on the hills" shebang.

I don't understand how so many gangs go with much less complaints but its a certain few who manage to get loads of complaints and then blame the police. I understand the police don't always have the best RP, but so many other gangs manage to not be complained about.

My point being, clearly if people follow suit of other gangs it'll be all great

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I don't understand how so many gangs go with much less complaints but its a certain few who manage to get loads of complaints and then blame the police. I understand the police don't always have the best RP, but so many other gangs manage to not be complained about.

My point being, clearly if people follow suit of other gangs it'll be all great
I don't understand where you get this idea that some people get more complaints ? Everyone gets moaned at, maybe not by you but everyone. 

Clearly if you had some evidence for these claims that would be great.

I don't understand where you get this idea that some people get more complaints ? Everyone gets moaned at, maybe not by you but everyone. 

Clearly if you had some evidence for these claims that would be great.
Of course everyone gets complaints, but the majority I hear (maybe within the police, and not spread outside) are all about one gang. Mine are certainly focused on one or two gangs.

Of course everyone gets complaints, but the majority I hear (maybe within the police, and not spread outside) are all about one gang. Mine are certainly focused on one or two gangs.
People like to moan when they lose, not seeing the point your getting at ?

My point being, clearly if people follow suit of other gangs it'll be all great
All gangs have different people and background story's, lets be honest yes you rarely see any good things put on the forums about Invictia but lets face it, its a roleplay server we shouldn't need to be rewarded for roleplaying on a roleplay server, however if one thing dosnt go someones way and invictia is involved they make a stupid post on the forums about how bad we are etc and this then sets our rep which i feel is unneeded. For instance ross i don't go crying on the forums every time you taze me do i.

IMO, the best way to sort this issue is to bring back the police/rebel meeting which were previously held.
