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Armed Rebels

Rebels on Altis life are simply meant to RP as gangs in real life
They can RP as who/what ever they want? They can be rebels, gangs, cartels, PMC, the post service, whoever they choose. It's an RP server and that's what makes it so enjoyable.

Can we all please respect @Ferguss , ISIS can be a sensitive issue and the world corrolates to a terrorist organisation which has killed multiple people within the real world. Ferus has a right to not want to talk about it. So coulod we please talk about this organisation in private fro mthis point forward?

I never acept tickets from cops IRL, been in court several times and won. so yh. people do indeed refuse tickets
In real life do you say to the cops "Hands up or die, I have snipers in the area" ??

So you're saying that when I pull someone over for Vehicle Theft, they are going to refuse a ticket?
It depends as to who they are trying to roleplay as, someone who is roleplaying as a rebel is rising in opposition to the government. The police is a part of the government. Hence as to why they may decline the idea, or refuse to pull over.

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They can RP as who/what ever they want? They can be rebels, gangs, cartels, PMC, the post service, whoever they choose. It's an RP server and that's what makes it so enjoyable.
We are debating the matters of rebels that clearly do not want to roleplay....But infact like to start gunfights.

I agree with all your points made but I would appreciate if all said keeps it in here, and not messaging me in teamspeak about stuff etc. You are all welcome to post, and I respect all of your opinions so I hope you can respect mine as well :D

Doesn't this go against the aim of rebels?? 
" a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader. "
It's all about compromise, sometimes its better to take it and see where it gets you. However as you have stated we don't work with the police unless it aligns with our interests. This is rebel RP and part of Rping as a rebel. We shouldn't take tickets just because it makes you feel better however we should ensure that we don't negatively affect others RP experience where possible because after all its a game.

So you're saying that when I pull someone over for Vehicle Theft, they are going to refuse a ticket?
This is circumstantial, probably had their gun in their car and didn't want to lose it ? Maybe wanted to go the criminal mastermind route ? Or in the event that your trying to drain the account of someone newer they flat out couldn't afford it and it was easier to have their friends shoot you.

You seem to expect people to just take the ticket and go with your aggressive police RP however you need to remember that these things are about compromise, just because every rebel isn't compromising with you doesn't mean they don't do it with other cops.

Cops aren't perfect neither are rebels i do agree what your saying but i always try to roleplay out of it but when a cop is just saying nah mate you're being tazed without think of rp first wich sometimes boils my blood as this a rp server i don't come for gunfights with cops or rebels but 7 out of ten times it always turns into a gunfight due to some one not wanting to roleplay with the person just to take their weapon and be on there way, Cops see a weapon first thing they do is they say put your hands on your head if not you will be tazed that to me is not roleplay some cops roleplay some cops don't some cops get what they deserve, now i'm not agreeing with any cop that does not rp with a rebel or anyone should be shot but it leaves us with no other option but to simply say we have men in the area you're surrounded release me or you may be fired upon.  

We are debating the matters of rebels that clearly do not want to roleplay....But infact like to start gunfights.
And I'm saying that there have been and currently are groups on the island who RP well as actual rebels. You don't have to be a "rebel" to start a gunfight, many a time I have found myself on the wrong end of a milkman's sidearm. Forcing people into specific RP role won't tackle the issue. Heck, the UNMC should by your definition be classed as "rebels" as we are certainly not a gang, but do infact like rolepallay.

We are debating the matters of rebels that clearly do not want to roleplay....But infact like to start gunfights.
I disagree with this. 

As soon as I ask someone to put their hands up, all I get is "Taze me and you will get killed" or "I have snipers in the area. Let me go now!"
Fergus has stated as to why he has received the RP he has received from the rebel side.

IMO I think Yoco sums up as to why this occurs quite well in his post. 

I feel the main person responsible for what happens when you go on patrol is yourself, perhaps you should take an approach of sometimes ignoring the illegal rifles or get them to put them away if it bothers you that much, i feel when you tell someone they will be tazed its a hostile action and as such will be responded in kind. I Roleplay with Rebels ALL the time, i feel it only results in a gunfight if I allow it too. 


This is discussed weekly with no good results for both sides...Just wasted time.

 I will back out at this point, however please know that within this community I am actively looking to improve my own roleplaying abilities, if anyone experiences issues with the way I handle rebel vs police scenarios please message me with constructive criticism either on teamspeak or the forums.

In the same light, I will actively provide constructive criticism to rebels on different scenarios, when I do this, please do not take an offence to it however pelase act upon what I have advised.

Good day guys :)

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I agree with all your points made but I would appreciate if all said keeps it in here, and not messaging me in teamspeak about stuff etc. You are all welcome to post, and I respect all of your opinions so I hope you can respect mine as well :D
No one has to hear your opinion if its just going to create shit, you can keep it to yourself. When you keep just stating your opinion and doing nothing on your side to change it it needs to stop. Either work with others to create change or expect no change in the matter because i assure you neither side is perfect.

Fact is police and rebel RP creates a conflict of interests, you want something to happen that they don't want so you cant expect it to go your way the majority of the time if they have the power to change the outcome. This is where my post earlier about compromise comes in.

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Why don't you just play rebel yourself or take a police holiday?

I agree with Fergus, sometimes you don't even need to be aggressive with rebels in order for them to threaten to kill you. Mysef, PC Stuart and SPC Jefke V went up to Kavala drug dealer and tryed to speak to a rebel, all we said is "hello there mate, how's your day been today" all we wanted to do was RolePlay and have a chat to some people, the response we got was "leave now or you'll be shot" and as per usual it ended with a gunfight. People need to be a little less paranoid and think that Police choose RolePlay over arresting people (at least all of the officers I've ever patrolled with anyways). If your not threatening to the Police , the Police won't be threatening to you. Simple as.

~ PC James Travers

@Hololock I never wanted it to go my way.... I never once said that. I just want it to go a way where we all enjoy it. It is becoming very repetitive. I am sure if you were Police and you were getting gunfight after gunfight then it wouldn't be very fun.

@Hololock I never wanted it to go my way.... I never once said that. I just want it to go a way where we all enjoy it. It is becoming very repetitive. I am sure if you were Police and you were getting gunfight after gunfight then it wouldn't be very fun.
Actually I think @Hololock would love that 😅

Okay, its the fact that at least 1 post is made a day about how rebel roleplay is shit etc yes it can be improved but the police role play isnt much better. Starting posts on the forums isnt going to fix anything and we know this because iv seen about 20+ of these posts and all it does it bring drama and warning points to players which is stupid. Us rebels have said we are bored and need something else to do. like not being funny we can't even bring out an Ifrit without being called out for baiting.
