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Armed Rebels

Sometimes when you try to roleplay you just get shut down. Assuming this is about recent events that is

One of the problems is most rebel gangs see the police as weak or vaunrable. So if you try to arrest somone they will obviously take advantage of that when they know they can beat 2-3 people with MK20s for example.

At peak times with 20+ cops online no one has an issue as you can call backup a d everyone has fun (not just one side getting slaughtered) 

but I can see how it can be a pain with just 5-6 cops online as you can't really do much, and in that case I would just leave them alone and not give people a reason to start a gun fight as that's when it becomes unfun.

People like to moan when they lose, not seeing the point your getting at ?
My point is, clearly if Invictia get moaned about more than any other gang, they're doing something to make them moan more.

All gangs have different people and background story's, lets be honest yes you rarely see any good things put on the forums about Invictia but lets face it, its a roleplay server we shouldn't need to be rewarded for roleplaying on a roleplay server, however if one thing dosnt go someones way and invictia is involved they make a stupid post on the forums about how bad we are etc and this then sets our rep which i feel is unneeded. For instance ross i don't go crying on the forums every time you taze me do i.
  • If Invictia cause a gunfight once or twice a restart because someone gets arrested, fine. But when it comes to the point that they're causing loads of gunfights, of course it is more noticeable. 
  • I don't see how posts highlighting valid points of Poor RP/RDM/Constant Gunfights are stupid. They are making valid points about how the server experience is being ruined for some people
  • What is Invictia's background story? They want to take over Altis?
One of the problems is most rebel gangs see the police as weak or vaunrable. So if you try to arrest somone they will obviously take advantage of that when they know they can beat 2-3 people with MK20s for example.
True to a certain degree, however we can't assume that every rebel gang is looking to see the police as weak an vulnerable.. this will lead to poor relationships. Many a time have I been doing a petty crime and be asked to place my hands above my head otherwise I'll be tazed and maybe 6/10 times I will have a rifle on my back and I will not be being hostile and even when I don't have a rifle out or visible this will continue to be said to me. I myself see the police as a strong when they are used correctly with their assets and that is something you have to assume at all times as it will often be used against you in situations e.g darter, blackfish, india-99 etc.

At peak times with 20+ cops online no one has an issue as you can call backup a d everyone has fun (not just one side getting slaughtered) 
More cops the merrier but in some situations police will use this to enforce the fact that they do not have to give you the opportunity to roleplay or talk to them without be detained/restrained.

but I can see how it can be a pain with just 5-6 cops online as you can't really do much, and in that case I would just leave them alone and not give people a reason to start a gun fight as that's when it becomes unfun.
5-6 Cops Online on Server 2 for Example, They see 8-12 rebels selling drugs and decided to get involved? It ends up going south and not turning into roleplay.. Why didn't they use there gentlemen for pettier crimes and easier targets in which they knew they could stop and accomplish rather than targeting something they clearly could not win.

Rebels with badges......... Hands up are to be tazed same old rubbish day in day out no roleplay unless your cuffed and you wonder why there is so many gun fights.

Im not saying rebels are perfect far from it but if this is the attitude of the police you are forcing roleplay only in one direction in my opinion, what happened to talking to people first and actually doing abit policing for a change.

If Invictia cause a gunfight once or twice a restart because someone gets arrested, fine. But when it comes to the point that they're causing loads of gunfights, of course it is more noticeable. 
It works like this when we loose as guy we use the powers we have to try get him back, just like how you police do when a police officer is taken hostage and same for UNMC. I keep hearing the word "we" as if its always our fault we start a gunfight, ill openly admit yes we have caused gunfights but you can't deny that yourself from the police side of the party cause them also. I'm not trying to counter argue by blaming everything on the police but clearly and as we can tell Invictia and the police rarely get along because of the actions from other officers.

Yet again after multiple complaints from yourself and other officers about us doing banks to earn money for our income we decided to sort a Seize fire with the police in which people pissed about over this.

I don't see how posts highlighting valid points of Poor RP/RDM/Constant Gunfights are stupid. They are making valid points about how the server experience is being ruined for some people
Its not that i find them stupid its the fact people moan and moan and moan about this but nothing is being sorted for it. Yes a few of us in Invictia had a chat with FFG yday and stuff is improving.

What is Invictia's background story? They want to take over Altis?
Yes we will take over Altis. (A roleplay story will be added soon, we have now come along with new members of the gang volunteering to be leader and Co)

How about all rebels reply now with what they want changed from the police side as many cops have stated what they're sick of and want to change and if everyone replies back in a civil manner with good point, I'll take it up with a higher up?

How about all rebels reply now with what they want changed from the police side as many cops have stated what they're sick of and want to change and if everyone replies back in a civil manner with good point, I'll take it up with a higher up?
Don't metagame gangs and if a rebel has a firearm, don't go straight to "hands up or your be tased"

Jeez stop talking about the police do that and invicita do that.. Its so simple nobody wants to lose and gunfights happen.. Its not rocket sience

Jeez stop talking about the police do that and invicita do that.. Its so simple nobody wants to lose and gunfights happen.. Its not rocket sience
Can confirm. Forum politics are more confusing than rocket science.

What I think needs changing are a couple things


- Stop swinging about your e penis when you know that it could spark something, swallow your pride and keep your gun backpacked.

-If you want to approach a situation to rp act like you want to, I don't blame the cops when they panic when an armed guy in military atire starts demanding things


-As a general pointer, approach every situation with an open mind to rp

-Stop worrying and focusing on ranks so much. Often police do something or don't do something simply because they are worried that it might affect their rank, which means they often refuse to do something unorthodox which might lead to more interesting rp (such as being corrupt) 

-My biggest gripe with the police has to do with recruitment. Start being more selective with recruitment, recruit people with experience. The biggest difference between the UNMC and the police is the experience of its members and training.

At the moment the police seem to accept every Tom, Jill and Harry with a semi decent application. However to get to a level where everyone knows what to do and how to do it as well as working as a unit you've got to stop recruiting so many people. I mean look at the UNMC, the reason why so few people fuck with us is that they know we are a force to be reckoned with.

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Before anyone says anything the above was TL;DR so I might repeat points already made, forgive me.

Fergus, you're a nice guy, but come on... Have some common sense, if you tell a armed rebel to "Place his hands behind his head or he will be tazed" of course he is going to retaliate in fear of losing his hard-earned gear. If you are wanting to roleplay with a geared rebel simply ignore the fact he has a weapon and continue on. If you want to remove the weapon off of him 'seduce' him with roleplay first as then he is more likely to hand over his weapon.

Rebels with badges......... Hands up are to be tazed same old rubbish day in day out no roleplay unless your cuffed and you wonder why there is so many gun fights.

Im not saying rebels are perfect far from it but if this is the attitude of the police you are forcing roleplay only in one direction in my opinion, what happened to talking to people first and actually doing abit policing for a change.

In a way John I agree with you. A handfull bucket full of cops always give the exact same bullshit "Hands up or be tazed"... Come on guys... really ? You shout at rebel for hands up or die but you give the same initiation with a one word difference ? I am not saying all cops do this but let's admit a lot of you guys do!

got pulled over yesterday, I stopped and got out with no gun, the police just drove up the road and stopped. When I approached they drove off. I mean, if you're going to pull me over atleased speak to me. Whether it was because I'm invictia or whatever, when you pull someone over, atleased try to talk to them first smh

Cops are worried when dealing and handling themselves in situations, from when I was in Academy we tested them in an environment which is either completely different from the one they actively patrol in as you'll know as you gain the experience and the knowledge as you progress, I do think police need too find a way where experience and active patrolling fits into how officers get experience where they're able too learn whilst on patrol and then be referenced for them progress on a test instead of being on a training server where they'll just take a scripted exam by an academy member. 

The typical "hands up or be tazed" needs a fresh new way, presenting yourself accordingly and knowing how too deal with situations instead of officers making mistakes, slipping up and being blamed as you're nervous or anxious when dealing with let's say a massive/outnumbering gang. 

Not too say all cops are bad, nor am I stating that but I believe the best case of training is out on the field as I believe that's a core part of encouraging them too roleplay traffic stops, drug busts and overall any situation which needs roleplay in it, so you don't have PCSO Dave prodding up too the scene with a higher officer telling him too initiate as that'll end up being the worst case and ending up in the rebels retaliating. 

But still, police has it's way and it's worked for ages so I don't doubt it's an ineffective system that they have.

Apologies, but was my point from when people said about police and "hands up or tazed" way.

It is a mentality in the police to almost always HAVE to have the rebels restrained. I understand where it comes from and why but the police loses discretion when it comes to this sort thing mostly, I believe due to pressure from higher ranks and officers that have misread the situation. The civilian is no longer a direct threat the second they are restrained and therefore means the officer has feeling of control over the situation (which is the feeling of 'winning' in most cases). Leniency shouldn't go amiss in a lot of situations but unfortunately it happens... To be honest I don't realllllly blame the officers for this because of how SOME rebels groups behave.

On another note officers shouldn't immediately be screaming 'stop or be tased' as that's pretty shit role play. Approach the situation, get a feeling for the players with firearms and see if you can understand if they are threats to you or civilians. If they're not ask them politely to put their rifle away or take them to a garage so they can hide it in a car. If they are then you know what needs to be done; negotiate their peaceful departure from the nearby area/city with no repercussions or confiscate the firearm.

We are all playing cops and robbers, we all win some and lose some and for a fair few situations the endgame is death, it's up to us all to decide if we have had fun before death or not.

Damn those pesky rebels with their Chris Kyles and shit
