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  1. D

    Would love to get this explained. (Perm ban)

    I really did not understand anything you just said. Lol really? You have no friends? you got out with that friend from the chopper and was robbing my friend you also told him to put his hands up. Still thye did not ban me for RDM since that never happend, can't you read what Vladic ka said...
  2. D

    DizzyGhost Killing with a spike trap (Already banned)

    True, I did break the rules. (Only this rule and the restrained fail RP rule) Would love to appologize to you :*** Many many kisses -xxx-
  3. D

    DizzyGhost Killing with a spike trap (Already banned)

    More like you were geared up since you were part of that children group of RDM'ers tried to put law in my own hands by breaking a rule to kill the RDM'ers. Not smart, but yeah action has been taken, got banned gg/wp. :* Edit: Not sure if you were part of it though.
  4. D

    Would love to get this explained. (Perm ban)

    I would say a good call about that and the restrain glitch in the back of a seat, but not the rest. But okay I know enough. Edit: thanks for the fast reply also.
  5. D

    Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

    tl;dr Make a new post, read the rules. you are the one not reading the rules: Make a new post if you want to report me, kthxbye.
  6. D

    Would love to get this explained. (Perm ban)

    Good evening,   The last 2 days I've been reported twice, there were also 2-3 other people that are together and were posting under ban request posts that were about me.   I know that I've done one thing wrong and that was shooting at the cops while being in the backseat. Still the cops have...
  7. D

    Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

    You did say put your hands up, show the vidoe that "you've recorded"
  8. D

    RDM DizzyGhoast(Already banned)

    tl;dr Make a new post, read the rules. you are the one not reading the rules: Quote Make a new post if you want to report me, kthxbye.
  9. D

    Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

    You told him to put his hands up and had a rifle aimed at his head while he yelled he was getting robbed. Next time don't rob bambi's and listen next time by going on the ground. Maybe you did not hear that because of the chopper? Make a new post instead of under this. got no time for you...
  10. D

    Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

    You also repliedo n the other post just make a different post and look what I've replied to you there stop complaining fake stuff, jsut because I am better then you with just a pistol in a gun fight.
  11. D

    RDM DizzyGhoast(Already banned)

    Lol you said you were rcording right? I just killed you because you had a gun pointed at my friend and he had his hands up I yelled don't turn around and you actually did so I shot you. you had a rifle on you I also saw that you were attempting to rob hi, but you said "you were friendly" not...
  12. D

    Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

    I was robbing with RP I told them to put their hands up and if people FailRP and just run around like crazy monkeys then yes I will open fire, first I try to knock em out if thye don't listen but if they run away far I will shoot, sometimes thye die sometimes they escape. I also don't know what...
  13. D

    Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

    I was explaining to you that when I was trieng to acces the ATM I scrolled on pistol accidantlyand still you saw that I was wanted and wanted to find a stupid reason to arrest me. I came out of my car with a hand gun next to the atm did SHIFT + H scrolled down to get money and drew the pistol...
  14. D

    RDM DizzyGhoast(Already banned)

    Because I was in the tower and yelled at you. You did not listen and knocked you out. Then you tried to run away and you got shot. Also the other person was looting your gun from your body so I yelled at him to drop it and put his hands up he turned to me with his pistol and he also got killed...
  15. D

    Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

    Also nice RP saying the owner of this car is wanted, while the owner is not wanted and I jsut have second keys from it hahaha, you were holding me up for completely no single reason. After the discussion you just found a different reason of holding me up by saying you had a gun out in public...
  16. D

    Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

    That is called robbing with RP, and when people failRP and run away while there is a gun pointed at their head, yes I will open fire and kill then. Stop running away everybody that I rob like 90% tries to run away but end up dieng.
  17. D

    RDM DizzyGhoast(Already banned)

    I yelled hands up 4-6 times and you did not put your hands up so I knocked you out. I said when you get back up press SHIFT + J you tried to sprint and Ishot you in your head. Don't post screenshots if you don't have the sound of what I've said, you're just trieng to lie.