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Would love to get this explained. (Perm ban)

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Good evening,
The last 2 days I've been reported twice, there were also 2-3 other people that are together and were posting under ban request posts that were about me.
I know that I've done one thing wrong and that was shooting at the cops while being in the backseat.
Still the cops have restrained me for no any good reason since I've already explained that I was trieng to acces the ATM but scrolled down to my pistol.
Also the other report was about the "RDM" at the handgun store wich are 3 different screenshots and he is saying I failed RP. I did not failRP and was talking to him in-game yet again this post has insufficient proof.
Maybe I got banned just because 2-3 Donators are saying I rdm'd them? They are just mad that they lost their gear after attempting to rob my friend. I warned them to go on the ground and holster/drop their rifles. 80% of the people I rob turn around with their gun, 98% of the people without a gun just run away and get shot, some do sucesfully escape.
Me and my friend have set up a trap that his car is broken and he needs a toolkit. Yet they try to rob him and that is when I come in and RP. I yell not to turn around stand still and holster their gun. If they run they get shot or if they turn they get shot.
From all those days me playing it is impossible that I've only robbed 3-4 people. I have robbed sooo many more people yet they don't complain, because they know it was a normal rob that could happen in the game.
I am admitting that I've made a fault shooting from out the cop car while I was actually restrained. I've tried to solve the issues as an adult, but yet they just insult in side chanel.
Just because several people that are together in a group that obviously has eachothers back yell that I rdm'd without RP is just stupid. I got robbed several times and I accept the fact, I have never been killed in a robbery, because I don't run around, I just press shift + J.
Thanks for reading I will be waiting for an answer.
GUID:  671c5ee20c071c91c6ff533a04e90a43

I am not in the mood answering any questions apart from the administrators, I've answered all your questions in the ban request posts. This message is for the raging reportes that are mad just because they lose against some one with a pistol. You've also said you recorded me so make a new post with the recordings. Many mannnyyy kisses :*
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Oh really. I didnt even know about this other stuff when I banned you today. Looks like it was a good call.

You got banned for re-logging after you chop shopped a helicopter to teleport back into Kavala.

Edit: Also this

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Oh really. I didnt even know about this other stuff when I banned you today. Looks like it was a good call.

You got banned for re-logging after you chop shopped a helicopter to teleport back into Kavala.

Edit: Also this
I would say a good call about that and the restrain glitch in the back of a seat, but not the rest.

But okay I know enough.

Edit: thanks for the fast reply also.

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Also sherlock, probably isn't the best idea to come along on a high horse when asking to be unbanned... The title probably just let everyone know everything they needed to about your attitude and worthiness to play on ALUK....

u my friend deserve an oscar.

i have been playing/respecting this server for a long time and ive never came across anyone with the audacity and disrespect than you!

im so glad admin seen through these lies and attempts to justify rdm.

this so called group thats against you? i was one complaining and im not even in a gang nor do any friends play on this server!

there was no robbery, u used that as an excuse to rdm! your mate was askin for help then dropping to the ground AS IF he was getting robbed and u were running up from behind the victim and shooting with no RP, its funny how everyone has the same complaint.

another thing i would like to get off my chest is the fact u were saying everyone is just mad cos u won a gun battle with a pistol while they had assault rifles.

some of these guys u rdm'd have had experience of this server for longer than i have with alot of experience handling an assault rifle, if it was a gun battle, u would have been destroyed but instead it was sneak up and rdm.

i have never complained about getting robbed as everytime i have been its been done with RP and the most dissapointing part of it all my friend, is the disrespect u have for the server and ppl on it by lying to save your own back.

Also sherlock, probably isn't the best idea to come along on a high horse when asking to be unbanned... The title probably just let everyone know everything they needed to about your attitude and worthiness to play on ALUK....
I really did not understand anything you just said.

u my friend deserve an oscar.

i have been playing/respecting this server for a long time and ive never came across anyone with the audacity and disrespect than you!

im so glad admin seen through these lies and attempts to justify rdm.

this so called group thats against you? i was one complaining and im not even in a gang nor do any friends play on this server!

there was no robbery, u used that as an excuse to rdm! your mate was askin for help then dropping to the ground AS IF he was getting robbed and u were running up from behind the victim and shooting with no RP, its funny how everyone has the same complaint.

another thing i would like to get off my chest is the fact u were saying everyone is just mad cos u won a gun battle with a pistol while they had assault rifles.

some of these guys u rdm'd have had experience of this server for longer than i have with alot of experience handling an assault rifle, if it was a gun battle, u would have been destroyed but instead it was sneak up and rdm.

i have never complained about getting robbed as everytime i have been its been done with RP and the most dissapointing part of it all my friend, is the disrespect u have for the server and ppl on it by lying to save your own back.
Lol really? You have no friends? you got out with that friend from the chopper and was robbing my friend you also told him to put his hands up. Still thye did not ban me for RDM since that never happend, can't you read what Vladic ka said?

Goodluck with your future life hitman hahahaha :**


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Being a donator has no weight whatsoever with reports etc.

Do you understand our rules ? have you ever read them.........seems to be like alot of reports and a admin observation meaning too much to soon.

are u stupid? the lying still hasnt stopped, i know no one from the server... i was with no one and i do not own a chopper

Looked through this guys posts and I get the feeling hes not the type of guy we want here.


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