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Rules Feedback

If you start the initiation first then the number of rotor blocking VDMs will increase drastically as people will have less time to position as well as person being blocked will already be trying to dip so people will be moving and there will be just explosion after explosion. You might as well just say im gonna fly into you if you fly off because that is what will be happening.

Saying rotor blocking before initiation shouldn't be done is like saying police shouldn't be able to place spike strips to stop a fleeing vehicle until an initiation has been made on occupants/vehicles etc. These are the corresponding strategies for the 2 sorts of vehicles IMO and I don't see whats wrong with it, and 9/10 the vehicle blocking you is either a hummingbird(Where you can literally shoot the pilot out with a rook) or a large vehicle which you can struggle to effectively rotor block with, and thus if you are competent you can escape from.
I'm pretty sure VDM happens when you don't initiate, rotor block a player and he dies without any roleplay ( which happens quiet a lot). If you initiate and warn the player that they won't be able to fly away because they will be rotor blocked, that will certainly decrease the amount of accidents, as most of us, value our " RP lifes". At the same time, if someone ignores your warning/threat and still gets in a chopper and tries to fly away only to be killed by rotor blocking, it can't be considered a VDM as the player knew the risks and still tried to escape while being rotor blocked. 

No roleplay should be done before an initiation. If you read the rule 7.1.6, it specifically says spike trips can't be used without any form of roleplay ( that is, roleplay which has been initiated). Police can't simply place spike trips in a road to block a random player. Still, the police-to-rebel dynamics are farly different than rebel-to-rebel, as they should be.

I'm pretty sure VDM happens when you don't initiate, rotor block a player and he dies without any roleplay ( which happens quiet a lot). If you initiate and warn the player that they won't be able to fly away because they will be rotor blocked, that will certainly decrease the amount of accidents, as most of us, value our " RP lifes". At the same time, if someone ignores your warning/threat and still gets in a chopper and tries to fly away only to be killed by rotor blocking, it can't be considered a VDM as the player knew the risks and still tried to escape while being rotor blocked. 
It isn't VDM, in actual fact as the heli above is stationary and not moving, whereas the bottom one is moving and then rotor taps himself, it is actually the bottom player at fault for any further casualties due to the incident. And accidents will increase because you are saying the rotor block has to happen after the initiation, giving potentially only 5 seconds to get into place(practically impossible unless the person you are blocking only uses autohover), causing complete havok

 No roleplay should be done before an initiation. If you read the rule 7.1.6, it specifically says spike trips can't be used without any form of roleplay ( that is, roleplay which has been initiated). Police can't simply place spike trips in a road to block a random player. Still, the police-to-rebel dynamics are farly different than rebel-to-rebel, as they should be.
As for this the rule is"(7.1.6) Spike strips - Use of spike strips doesn't constitute any form of roleplay. Failure to engage in quality roleplay is classed as RDM." It means that you cannot open fire after spike stripping however they can still be used before roleplay. It doesn't specify roleplay has to be performed before the use of spike strips, nor that this roleplay has to be done before the use of them. It actual fact this rule is very broad and I struggle to find a situation where it applies. I assume it is to ensure people do not immediately shoot everyone in the vehicle when it has been spiked, and that it means spiking does not count as any form of initiation. However yes AFAK spike strips can be used before any form of initiation has been made(If I am incorrect I would appreciate a staff correction however I do not see what this rule really means apart from do not kill the occupants immediately after spiking as a spike is not deemed threat to life)

(2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using any vehicle as a weapon (e.g running people over, causing explosions including while sling loading, ramming, etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits, Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in order to disable them, yet not to kill the passengers. This is allowed as these vehicles are the only vehicles ingame that can withstand being rammed. Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming).
This small section of the rule as been used, wrongly, to justify an initiation by chasing someone for three minutes. I don’t think needs to change but is interesting how some players just misused it.

You need to initiate roleplay at which point an MRAP may ram their target MRAP. This is as intended. After 3 minutes of chasing MRAP on MRAP ONLY, you may then begin ramming. Though I see your point about the use of the word chasing, it ONLY applies in this case due to the nature of the vehicle, if anything the word chasing could be switched for the word following and it would be more consistent and inkeeping. Outside of this rule chasing would be considered after roleplay has taken place.

(7.1.5) Police Sirens - When the Police put on their sirens lights to pull you over to attend to a scene this does not mean RP has been initiated on their point, if you shoot without engaging in RP then this is classed as RDM.
Just curious that even sirens lights from police “do not mean RP has been initiated on their point”. It’s clear that all roleplay initiations must be two sided, voice-initiated. If someone has the intent to rob and has solely initiated a chase after a player, how do you know if RP has been initiated for the player in the ground? Should they just assume or wonder? If so, can we now also assume that i’m going to immediately shoot at them if they land near me? I mean, i have my weapon out, pointing at them, they need to just “know”.

Police following you with sirens on does not mean RP has been initiated therefore shooting them without engaging in quality RP is considered RDM under 2.2. This is to prevent any issue where players believe they have the right to shoot the police because lights and sirens had been activated or police turned up to a situation or attempted to pull a vehicle over. Unsure as to why you went off on a tangent with robbery as we are specifically referring to police sirens. 

(2.6) Combat storing, such as storing a vehicle whilst you are being chased or to prevent roleplay will result in a ban
Combate storing is not the same as to go into a greenzone without any ongoing RP. To define “being chase” should mean that there is an active roleplay, that led to chase. It doesn’t mean chasing by itself to be roleplay. And if you go into a greenzone, it does not mean you have avoided roleplay as roleplay can still happen in greenzones and, of course, how do you know you have prevented roleplay if no one has initiated on you with voice? As far as you know, you are just “living your Altis life”.

Roleplay must be engaged between both parties before the chase is considered ongoing, simply following a vehicle without any form of interaction outside of the specific MRAP example is not considered "being chased" and as such you may make your way to a greenzone, however if an interaction is made, you may run foul of either: 

(2.6) Combat storing, such as storing a vehicle whilst you are being chased or to prevent roleplay will result in a ban.
(6.1.6) You must not exploit the green zone to avoid ongoing hostile roleplay. Retreating into a green zone is forbidden.

I'll cover the following below:

(2.7) Trolling - The following examples are considered trolling however there are multiple others so we advise common sense. Running around the police/medics/anyone, throwing yourself in front of vehicles, playing music in any chat or on teamspeak, bombarding the messaging system, buying multiple vehicles to block spawn areas or using them to blow things up, jumping off buildings without RP,spamming the vote admin or vote kick system, talking/playing music in the lobby screen, playing soundboards/voice changers ingame and open TS channels (Punishment is a ban, or permanent ban depending on the severity).
This one is quite interesting to me. That is, if chasing by itself is considered an initiation, can a player block other player with a chopper from going into greezones? He can simply block by continuously following another player, without ever landing. When does it end? When the player is out of fuel? How long will it take? Will the player be forced to initiate the chopper by firing tracers? What if they don’t have tracers? Again, if chasing is considered a initiation, we are free to exploit and troll any player, wasting their time in the server without ever wanting to actually roleplay.

(3.7) Baiting - Baiting for the sake of a gunfight is not roleplay. Punishment is a ban. Examples: Flying over someone with a chopper waiting for warning shots to instantly shoot them back, robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, etc
This reports exactly what i just said. If chasing is considered a initiation, chasing over someone to force a player into a robbery/gunfight, using vehicles to exploit and bait RP, shouldn’t it also be punished?

(6.1.6) You must not exploit the green zone to avoid ongoing hostile roleplay. Retreating into a green zone is forbidden.
This rule is clearly the most used for this issue. But again, it says “ to avoid ongoing hostile roleplay”. If chasing in considered an initiation, then yes, if someone is chasing you, means there is an oingoing roleplay. Still, how do you know it’s hostile? If a chopper is following you and you go into a greenzone, how do you know it’s hostile? That would be just arbitrary.

(1.7) As a roleplay game every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. Things like the following; do not swear at people (out of roleplay), troll people, or bully people otherwise you will simply be banned from our servers.
This is likely the most important rule regarding this issue. I love this server because rules allow prediction and fairness to all players. Having roleplay at the highest standards is crucial for the continuation of our community. There should not be rules for everything and anything but certainly, is important to create and build rules that create a common sense in the server. For example, you know that if you want to help a teammate being robbed, he as to initiate for you, at least. You know that if you want someone to put his weapon out, you must actually tell me him that he needs to do it and what are the consequences. There is a logic path to all roleplay. That is why i believe giving the ability of initiate using a movement and a vehicle ( flying a chopper/ driving a car) is not properly representative of that common sense. The reason i called it loophole is that it’s comprension by both players and apparently staff, is not that common sense, as it shouldn’t be. And it does not follow the said “logical path” used in the remaining roleplay dynamics.

I am unsure as to what you mean here, however I believe the gist of it comes from the last few sentences: 

That is why i believe giving the ability of initiate using a movement and a vehicle ( flying a chopper/ driving a car) is not properly representative of that common sense. The reason i called it loophole is that it’s comprension by both players and apparently staff, is not that common sense, as it shouldn’t be. And it does not follow the said “logical path” used in the remaining roleplay dynamics.
We do not allow "Initiation" from vehicle to vehicle, nor does following someone without engaging in high quality roleplay constitute "chasing" or "ongoing hostile roleplay" negating what I believe to be the crux of this issue as with some of the rules above you have listed. As I have already mentioned there is a specific example in the VDM rule with special dispensation to MRAPs but that does not apply universally, outside that specific example, high quality roleplay always takes precedent.

(1.8) Forcing or encouraging another member of the community to break a rule is punishable by a ban.
I help a lot of new players in the island and what i have found ( and even seen) is that the most experienced players, exploit this loophole in the rules to their advantage, blaming other players for breaking ghost-rules and demanding compensations. As such, this also affects the well-being of the community.

This rule prevents me telling new person to take this gun and go and spray as many people as they can in Kavala, or telling someone to say something racist or derogatory in order to join my gang. If you have any evidence of more experienced players coercing newer players by inventing rules and demanding comp, I'd suggest you ask a staff member to mediate discussions.

Rotary blocking when no RP has been initiated, is wrong. It's rather different to be in an ongoing RP situation and blocking someone's chopper ( i get that. That's what usually happens with police). Now just flying around, finding a unknown chopper and do a rotary block for the sake of RP initiation, that breaks the rule 3.7 ( Baiting RP). 
This is also incorrect, there is no rule that prevents you from stopping a helicopter from taking off, nor is it baiting, however if you do "Rotor tap" ie use your helicopter to damage the other helicopter it is considered VDM and IS bannable.

No roleplay should be done before an initiation. If you read the rule 7.1.6, it specifically says spike trips can't be used without any form of roleplay ( that is, roleplay which has been initiated). Police can't simply place spike trips in a road to block a random player. Still, the police-to-rebel dynamics are farly different than rebel-to-rebel, as they should be.
(7.1.6) Spike strips - Use of spike strips doesn't constitute any form of roleplay. Failure to engage in quality roleplay is classed as RDM.
As Simon has already explained this rule does not require you to give roleplay in order to use a spikestrip, it is mainly for the purpose of those that are spike stripped to inform them that being spike stripped does not allow them to get out of their vehicle and start shooting, otherwise covered by the RDM rule.

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@Aiden Thank you so much for the answer!  Your response was more than clear. I will be sharing this information with all my friends ( about the chasing/initiation post).

Yet, About the "rotor blocking", i was sort of going to agreed with @Simon Ross in the reply i was preparing but i still have one point that i disagree with him and need some clearfication by staff: 

1- Can you stop a chopper from taking off without initiation? You state that you can "rotor block", as long as you don't "rotor tap" ( makes sense). But can you randomly block a chopper from taking off without initiation? I use the same example as before. A player is doing a iron run with his huron, a hostile chopper comes and randomly blocks him, how isn't that baiting? What is the player suppose to do but to be hostile? He is being block from his " Altis Life" without knowing who those players are and what are their intentions. He is being forced to fire tracers ( and get shoot) or act upon the intention of the hostile players, without any roleplay possibilities. As you said before," We do not allow "Initiation" from vehicle to vehicle". Shouldn't "rotor blocking" follow the same logic?


The person being rotor blocked isn't in any immediate danger if the blocking helicopter is just blocking them for no good reason, they (the guys blocking) could be warning shot at which point if they just shot back they could well be in breach of the baiting rule. You could, as the player with the huron, just sit down and see if they fly off, if they move and as you get up, they go back over your heli, at a certain point that becomes trolling.

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Hello so i have a question that couldn't be answered on JFS, basically are you allowed to sling load vehicles that aren't yours? So what happened was, a officer was by himself and i was in a huron and we wanted to take him hostage so i pretended to land next to him but actually sling loaded his vehicle leaving him without vehicle so we can take him hostage.

Now my main question is, are we allowed to do that? cause on JFS the individual didn't know, someone said we need keys, and someone said its trolling. So what exactly is it? Cause currently i have no clue.



Rule suggestion: Make it so that whenever you initiate the initiation has to be at least 4 seconds long 
Essentially there already is

(7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high quality roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low quality RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP.

Hello so i have a question that couldn't be answered on JFS, basically are you allowed to sling load vehicles that aren't yours? So what happened was, a officer was by himself and i was in a huron and we wanted to take him hostage so i pretended to land next to him but actually sling loaded his vehicle leaving him without vehicle so we can take him hostage.

 Now my main question is, are we allowed to do that? cause on JFS the individual didn't know, someone said we need keys, and someone said its trolling. So what exactly is it? Cause currently i have no clue.


Pretty sure this one comes under common sense situationally. E.g. In a gunfight I don't see what is wrong with you picking up a cops vehicle and throwing it somewhere because you are doing what you can to try and hinder the cops attacking you. If it is abandoned then I don't see what is wrong with it either. If there is some form of RP behind why you are taking it, and if someone is on the ground next to the police roleplaying why it is being taken etc then I don't see what is wrong with it. If you are taking vehicles just for the meme with little reason etc then it could be classed as trolling I would say

This is mainly pointed at posideon rather than the police, but I don’t see how it’s fair for posideon to immediately start shooting once they see one of their guys getting took hostage however because there in a uniform. Many times I’ve been killed in situations where cops/posiedon have shot me because they recognise the plebs outfit. Surely if a gang decides to go through that system and where a uniform just like the 2 whitelisted factions the same rule can apply? For instance you initiate on a posideon/police guys wheels and start shooting them and the rest of the faction from then on can shoot back at you surely the same rule applies where if I see one of my guys tires getting shot at with the uniform on I can shoot back? Or is this just double standards?. Thought and opinions?

This is mainly pointed at posideon rather than the police, but I don’t see how it’s fair for posideon to immediately start shooting once they see one of their guys getting took hostage however because there in a uniform. Many times I’ve been killed in situations where cops/posiedon have shot me because they recognise the plebs outfit. Surely if a gang decides to go through that system and where a uniform just like the 2 whitelisted factions the same rule can apply? For instance you initiate on a posideon/police guys wheels and start shooting them and the rest of the faction from then on can shoot back at you surely the same rule applies where if I see one of my guys tires getting shot at with the uniform on I can shoot back? Or is this just double standards?. Thought and opinions?
I had a similar discussion with Strix when he was a staff member and the outcome of it was when involved in something, for a group to be involved it has to be made clear that everyone is involved and a clear gang uniform shows this. For example if you all hop out of the same vehicle and go to a person you do not have to verbally make it clear that you are all together as it is common sense as you were seen getting out of the same vehicle. A uniform is another way of showing this and effectively saying you have friends. If you want me to expand/staff want to correct me then say and I can continue.

This is more related to the point as if a posiedon/cop vehicle/aircraft is shot at it gives all of that faction to fire back where as rebels it’s only those in the vehicle that can shoot back, I know this is a role play sever but this happens on a day to day basis to almost every gang. I think it should worth both ways.. rebels are disadvantaged in a lot of ways in my opinion and it would be nice to see something like this added 

This is more related to the point as if a posiedon/cop vehicle/aircraft is shot at it gives all of that faction to fire back where as rebels it’s only those in the vehicle that can shoot back, I know this is a role play sever but this happens on a day to day basis to almost every gang. I think it should worth both ways.. rebels are disadvantaged in a lot of ways in my opinion and it would be nice to see something like this added 
Rebels will be more distinctive if we got the gang outfits like TBJ asked at the community meeting, if gang outfits actually become a thing then it’ll help with the problem you have now massively!

This is more related to the point as if a posiedon/cop vehicle/aircraft is shot at it gives all of that faction to fire back where as rebels it’s only those in the vehicle that can shoot back, I know this is a role play sever but this happens on a day to day basis to almost every gang. I think it should worth both ways.. rebels are disadvantaged in a lot of ways in my opinion and it would be nice to see something like this added 
The issue with this is whitelisted factions all have marked vehicles making it clear that they are related whereas as Rebels we do not have that luxury so people will not see your friends vehicles and be able to tell you are together based off of skins. However I guess if you are following throughout the entire situation and you are all clearly wearing the same uniform I do not see the issue with it, because I am pretty sure in the first place there are no actual rules stating that Police do not need to initiate for the rest of the force, and thus no rules saying that a uniform on rebels(self made) cannot act in the same way. Yes it may confuse people and cause a few more liasons it isn't any rule break, and is exactly the same as what the police do.

The issue with this is whitelisted factions all have marked vehicles making it clear that they are related whereas as Rebels we do not have that luxury so people will not see your friends vehicles and be able to tell you are together based off of skins. However I guess if you are following throughout the entire situation and you are all clearly wearing the same uniform I do not see the issue with it, because I am pretty sure in the first place there are no actual rules stating that Police do not need to initiate for the rest of the force, and thus no rules saying that a uniform on rebels(self made) cannot act in the same way. Yes it may confuse people and cause a few more liasons it isn't any rule break, and is exactly the same as what the police do.
Car skins ect is a good idea to add to the server in my opinion anyways. But even still in multiple situations cops and posiedon drive around in vehicles that they do not own such as truck boxers civ sports hatchbacks. And I agree there isint any rule against this like you’ve stated. So why not make it happen? It will save a lot of liaison time like you’ve said and make the server better to be a rebel group

Perhaps a rule stating that if you see your friends being engaged you are able to enter the fight to defend them, so fights end up on an even playing field.

Perhaps a rule stating that if you see your friends being engaged you are able to enter the fight to defend them, so fights end up on an even playing field.
You can, if a phrase "I have friends" even gets said at any point in a conversation and then that person gets gunned downed or knocked out, you can see that as a threat to their life and action it, same way as if police see an officer get shot they are then able to open fire. A gang uniform is another way of doing this, effectively if you see your friend being knocked out/shot at and you are within reasonable distance and they can see your uniform I believe you already are allowed to light them up, even if friends haven't been mentioned because the uniform does this, being 1000m away on a hill might be a different scenario however if visibly together then you already can, and anyway once it is a full scale gunfight it doesn't overly matter does it.

Car skins ect is a good idea to add to the server in my opinion anyways. But even still in multiple situations cops and posiedon drive around in vehicles that they do not own such as truck boxers civ sports hatchbacks. And I agree there isint any rule against this like you’ve stated. So why not make it happen? It will save a lot of liaison time like you’ve said and make the server better to be a rebel group
I have always gone with if in a gang uniform, one guy getting gunned down whilst around other members in uniform is enough for the others to get involved, and I am yet to be corrected by staff members who have seen this thread(making it seem like nothing is wrong with it). How I see it is a uniform is a uniform, and especially with something as clear as the Plebs one(More clear than Poseidon IMO) there is nothing wrong acting upon it, just like Police & Poseidon

This thread is for rules feedback only not a place for any suggestions to be made regarding adding or changing the actual content of the server itself. 

If you want to talk about adding new vehicle skins or similar then make a suggestion post. 
