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Re-opening UNMC Territory to Police and NHS

- I understand that the UNMC are RPd as some sort of military uprising and that we should be afraid of them but In reality I don't find that to be the case. I feel as though people are being seperated and a whole chunk of potential RP is being lost. I really enjoy what work I can do with the UNMC, although we kill eachother I still enjoy providing escorts and support when they ask and I like seeing that they are willing to help Police and stop people at their checkpoint. Overall I feel that this "cross the redline = ban" needs to end because it serves little purpose. If they are such a threat. Give us tanks and we'll take our land back, if not, let us start re-engaging them (with conversation and RP) because it's just helpful. I doubt Police would use it as an excuse to somehow start a fight in UNMC, instead, if people were taken to UNMC territory we could actually work with them to try and find the people... This will get shot down but oh well...worth a shot.

Very much this, i loved RPing with the border guards, plus i miss doing salt runs, now that frogs legs  have become so popular its becoming a Theft/Shooting spree at Piers and would love to go back to doing some salt

User owned and controlled shops. Where you can buy/sell trade from other players (y menu and inventory). There could be a info desk and a stock market, where people can see what you're selling and what you want to buy also people can 'invest' shares into your business so they can make profit. You can hire delivery drivers where you order stock and they can go collect them for you/ or drop it off at someones house if they ordered over the phone.

Further points.
Police can come and inspect to make sure you havent got a drug/firearms business going on upstairs/under the counter. They can also check to see whether you have a license to sell alcohol.

Rebels can racketeer making you pay protection money.

Tax men can come and collect from you.

A vault somewhere that can be broken into.

When a shop is bought you own the house section above where all of your storage can be kept. 

Shelves similar to kavala hq can display what you're selling.

And a million more possibilities.

Custom Prison Timer

- Allows Police to set a custom timer on a persons Prison Sentence. This gives Police more control with suspects and will improve the RP. Many times have people sort a plea deal, claimed a mental issue or provided us with amazing RP. It would be nice to repay them by providing them with a shortened sentence.

I like

Possessions Box

- A lot of people are sent to prison, and a lot of people have gear / clothing they wish to have looked after during their time in prison. In reality they don't lose their stuff, it is logged and stored. Limits could be imposed, 5 items max or something, also, depending on their crime would depend on what they could keep. (A cop killer would not be allowed to keep a bulletproof vest).

I like

Fake IDs as requested by Simon


I like

Ability to take sidearms with "Take Weapon" or something similar

- You got it working for Primary which is great, however Pistols are being used quite a lot so a way to take them without the whole "Drop and we'll aim at you" stuff.

I like

Ability to take licenses

- Would be nice to be able to take licenses if they've been naughty...or suspend them for a little bit of time.

Example, they've been caught speeding 100km/h over the limit, evaded Police. License suspended for 2 days. They can't repurchase another and ofcourse if they are pulled over it shows (SUSPENDED) so we can see them driving on a suspended license.

I like. Suspend that is. Two days too long IMO.
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Custom Prison Timer

- Allows Police to set a custom timer on a persons Prison Sentence. This gives Police more control with suspects and will improve the RP. Many times have people sort a plea deal, claimed a mental issue or provided us with amazing RP. It would be nice to repay them by providing them with a shortened sentence.

Possessions Box

- A lot of people are sent to prison, and a lot of people have gear / clothing they wish to have looked after during their time in prison. In reality they don't lose their stuff, it is logged and stored. Limits could be imposed, 5 items max or something, also, depending on their crime would depend on what they could keep. (A cop killer would not be allowed to keep a bulletproof vest).

Police Auction

- Rather than simply having vehicles scrapped if involved in crime, they could "impounded" and kept by the Police until a date is chosen to carry out a Police Auction. During this auction people may bid for these vehicles and items and if successful, receive them for a much lower cost. As it's a Police Auction, background / record checks would be carried out to ensure any / all bidders are not criminals and trying to purchase cheap equipment for a crime spree.

Mental Institution

- Provides an area that is completely controlled by the NHS and allows them to produce some outstanding Roleplay. A lot of people may dislike prison and seek to spend their time roleplaying. If that is the case they can plead insanity etc and the Police will escort them to this institute where they will be under the supervision of the NHS.

Oil Rig

- Provides MPU with something that is mainly theirs as we all know they deserve it. They aren't used nearly as much as they should and having an area where gangs would have to work as a team to steal oil and get away whilst MPU secure and lead the situation would be nice.

Re-opening UNMC Territory to Police and NHS

- I understand that the UNMC are RPd as some sort of military uprising and that we should be afraid of them but In reality I don't find that to be the case. I feel as though people are being seperated and a whole chunk of potential RP is being lost. I really enjoy what work I can do with the UNMC, although we kill eachother I still enjoy providing escorts and support when they ask and I like seeing that they are willing to help Police and stop people at their checkpoint. Overall I feel that this "cross the redline = ban" needs to end because it serves little purpose. If they are such a threat. Give us tanks and we'll take our land back, if not, let us start re-engaging them (with conversation and RP) because it's just helpful. I doubt Police would use it as an excuse to somehow start a fight in UNMC, instead, if people were taken to UNMC territory we could actually work with them to try and find the people... This will get shot down but oh well...worth a shot.

Fake IDs as requested by Simon


Ability to take sidearms with "Take Weapon" or something similar

- You got it working for Primary which is great, however Pistols are being used quite a lot so a way to take them without the whole "Drop and we'll aim at you" stuff.


- Now ofcourse these will have to be heavily regulated to insure idiots don't get them, but I think having some explosives within the server has the ability to inject quite a bit of fun. I've seen people threaten Police with bombs and on those occassions a large group work together to move people back, block roads and even RP bomb disposal units. I feel it would be nice if there was a genuine chance of bombs going off...Again, these would need a very heavy price tag with extreme regulation so we don't end up with "All Police leave Kavala or we blow it up" or something stupid....anyway..bombs

Ability to take licenses

- Would be nice to be able to take licenses if they've been naughty...or suspend them for a little bit of time.

Example, they've been caught speeding 100km/h over the limit, evaded Police. License suspended for 2 days. They can't repurchase another and ofcourse if they are pulled over it shows (SUSPENDED) so we can see them driving on a suspended license.
All of this to be honest!

Especially UNMC - Can't we consider re-positioning UNMC as a separate state that we are "at odds" with but still engage with as a way of keeping the peace... rather than what they currently are. Have proper border controls on both sides (move a police station perhaps to ensure the border is always manned)

It would be great to RP with UNMC once more, but maybe a change of approach could help that?

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Adding Addiction to the game, much like food and water, but for those who like Drugs, they have to keep the addiction up, also someway to reverse the addiction, going cold turkey with a medic..

Building on Phillip J Fry's idea - Each drug will give you a certain skill boost for a certain amount of time, for example cocaine gives you a temporary speed buff - obviously the heavier the drug is the better the effect however there is a catch; with drugs like cocaine/heroin/meth you develop some kind of addiction - and you become dependant on the drug, if you cannot take the drug you start getting some kind of withdrawal symptom that makes you weak not allowing you to walk long distances without getting tired or making you unable to carry out some tasks like maybe drive ? , and the only way to lose it - is by standing idly for a while 15/30 mins;

i personally think this will get drugs more involved within the game and make it more than just a source of income, it will also allow for some great roleplay on the police's side as they have more of a reason to search individuals whom they suspect to be drug takers. 

More-over maybe player drug dealers could be implemented as well not 100% how this can be implemented  - but it would open so many roleplaying doors; and would be great to see.

I have to agree with some of the others, some more stuff out at sea would make things interesting (oil rigs). The sea is a huge mass in Altis and thanks to the new game engine, we can now go under water. It would be a shame to see the sea unused as much as it is now. Perhaps a boat a little further out in Kavala harbour that people can go to for things like hostage situations?

The sea needs some lovin' in my opinion, and it would be a shame to let sit there is a pool of its own tears.

(I maybe a little biased with me being in the MPU, but all this is just my opinion)

Btw, what ever it is

Please don't make it eat FPS. Since the latest update I am back on my 10-15 fps and it sucks :( Yes, toaster life is real, but I used to run around 20 FPS and  that is actually playable.

Suicide Vests (Very Expensive)

Governor (Chose By The People)

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Just throwing it out there. 

-We tried dynamic economy in Takistan and it became incredibly broken. Example-Cocaine was 20K,Sand was 12K and apples were 5K. (Alot of work would have to go into it.) 

-If explosives were implemented the explosives filter we have against hackers would have to be turned off. (It's been explained to me before.)

A real rough Idea but haveing a two stage check point at UNMC would add a great roleplaying area where people would be limited with bringing guns in and out of UNMC area

so here is a real rough image from paint as you can see you would have to be let in by the police meaning you have to  be able to give a reason why you are going in and when you are leaveing you may have to be searched and so on

this also allows the UNMC to be seen as more friendly towards everyone with this sort of border style


A real rough Idea but haveing a two stage check point at UNMC would add a great roleplaying area where people would be limited with bringing guns in and out of UNMC area

so here is a real rough image from paint as you can see you would have to be let in by the police meaning you have to  be able to give a reason why you are going in and when you are leaveing you may have to be searched and so on

this also allows the UNMC to be seen as more friendly towards everyone with this sort of border style.

I do see one problem with it though. When we go into Altis the cops would get shot or we'd be using helicopters a fucking lot. Oh and the wall would have to move past Paros which I don't like because people can spawn in behind the wall. A second wall past Paros would work though,a bit ridiculous,but it works.

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Possibly give players a medium ground where they can work with the police and pay them for protection? have police borders around a town similar to the UNMC kind of set up where it feels safe for rebels, make some thing that feels safe for newbies and legal workers, In character I was FORCED to become a rebel and get my mates online to form a crew becuase I was constantly getting bullied by the bigger clans even on copper runs and the police would literally do nothing, the only time the police would be involved is if I was doing some thing really small and trivial, nothing that actually counts, so maybe giving benefits to the police who help escort legal goods, or some kind of concentration of police force and corporations.

because if the only way players can earn money is buying illegal protection, guns/cars etc then there is no middle ground, just police vs rebels/UNMC

more garages if that's even possible?

maybe just green zone kavala as a whole, and force people out of the city to roleplay, that place is a cesspit of rdm and vdm and campers at atm machines.

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Change how spawn locations work

Changeing spawn locations so that it is at random which will spread the load of hobo's and players. With this idea allowing to spawn at house should still be allowed so for example the options menu would be like so.

  • Random Spawn
  • House
As many people are having problems with people just trolling I feel spreading the load across more towns allows this to become less of a issue And also allow for more of a RP feel as people will need to travel to locations more.​
With this change in mind adding more garages to smaller towns allowing people to spawn in a not so big town would also be good so people are spread across the island better

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