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What big feature do you want next?

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Maybe it's not big feature enough, but if we had a feature where we could tape the noisy people's mouth when they were under arrest or when they were being kidnapped, that'd be really great :D  

You know, especially at Police HQ we kinda have troubles about it, sometimes it's almost impossible to question and get information from people when there are two cops questioning at the same time. It's pain to hear what they say unless you take them very far away from each other.

So maybe taping their mouth would be really interesting challenge for the server,  which would work only when the person is restrained and which would mute them until they are untaped. I don't know if it's possible, but I'd love to see it happen!

I really like the idea of re-introducing NHS and police with the UNMC. After all, we are the white-listed players that are here to improve RP in every situation possible. And personally think this would open up alot of opportunities for all sides.

Ofcourse this will require a few ground rules so nobody steps out of line.

Another game-changer could be that you introduce methods for people to use resources to craft certain items, such as crafting iron ingots into weapons (only sellable) or even metal "plates" or metal "nails" or metal "benders"  for [SIZE=13.63636302948px]construction [/SIZE]buildings (only sellable). 

And other methods for the different resources. This option should obviously pay more than just processing the iron into ingots and then selling it, as it will require more time.

This would also make it far more appealing for players to do legal business, instead of just the normal weed and frog legs over and over.

And hopefully variate alittle between all the possible ways to make some money. 

I think getting rid of NVG's will make combat a lot more tactial and hard during the dark nights.

Also more community based buildings scattered around Altis such as pubs, cafe's etc. 

A real rough Idea but haveing a two stage check point at UNMC would add a great roleplaying area where people would be limited with bringing guns in and out of UNMC area

so here is a real rough image from paint as you can see you would have to be let in by the police meaning you have to  be able to give a reason why you are going in and when you are leaveing you may have to be searched and so on

this also allows the UNMC to be seen as more friendly towards everyone with this sort of border style

That would be really cool but the illegal ressources processing would need to be relocated.

maybe bank account hacking? people will be able to steal 10k-200k. They have to buy a computer to hack which is 30k to buy. if it fails the computer will be dissappointed. Take a risk. Just wrote these after I watched a series lol

maybe bank account hacking? people will be able to steal 10k-200k. They have to buy a computer to hack which is 30k to buy. if it fails the computer will be dissappointed. Take a risk. Just wrote these after I watched a series lol
So the casino?

I would really want a whitelisted group for News Reporters. Like the ones Zaiux have made

Or maybe the fantastic videos Unlucky George has made?  The whitelisted group could get a special painted Hellcat, SUV and rescueboat. They could get special press clothing and maybe be paid quite a bit of cash per news article they make.

Seperate the garages, make truck garages a thing, Usually the garages are full off players. Having 2-3 truck garages around the map would make people drive around a bit before being able to take their truck out and at the same time eliminate the truck teleportation exploit

I have to say that I see few "big features" in the comments...But I am not here to troll today, I am here to support my cause, I am here to introduce you:

The Journalist Update

(Yes, I've already named it!)

To know about it read my thread have your say!

PS: Thanks @


I've seen oil rigs put out there as an illegal thing, but I would really like to see a legal side to it to, which would add to the RP. Obviously it would pay less, but the risk would be much less too.

Another big change would be to the HM Treasury. Currently, everyone knows where it is, and they all have their way of doing it. The police do the exact same thing in regards to tactics every single time, and it always turns into a bloodbath. So here are a few suggestions:

- I'd like to see the Treasury move to a new location, would means that everyone would have to come up with new tactics.

- Gold convoys would also be brilliant. After a certain amount of time, when there are a certain amount of police online, the cops/everyone gets a notification saying that there is a new shipment of gold ready to be delivered to the Treasury. It's then up to the police how they transport it (e.g. Using civilian contractors, full police escort, secret routes, etc.) and the rebels have to try to ambush the convoy. Alternatively, this might be able to be done with NPCs instead.

- Limit the amount of robberies that can be done per restart. If a robbery has happened, it makes sense that security would be turned up to the max, ideally making more than one robbery per restart impossible.

Explosives. Someone else has mentioned this previously, and obviously they would need to be regulated somehow to prevent abuse/trolling, but it would be a really cool thing to do that could lead to all sorts of things:

- Bomb threats. For the police to deal with and deactivate.

- Car bombs. For the home-grown terrorist.

- Blowing a hole in the UNMC wall. The UNMC would then have to make sure their wall was intact, and repair as necessary.

New UNMC wall and checkpoint. Obviously with the UNMC's recent victory, it makes sense that the line would be redrawn, right?

- Gold convoys would also be brilliant. After a certain amount of time, when there are a certain amount of police online, the cops/everyone gets a notification saying that there is a new shipment of gold ready to be delivered to the Treasury. It's then up to the police how they transport it (e.g. Using civilian contractors, full police escort, secret routes, etc.) and the rebels have to try to ambush the convoy. Alternatively, this might be able to be done with NPCs instead.
Civillian Contracters.... 


What i like to see in this big update is.

1. Revamp UNMC weapons and vehicles. Because no one else can buy them and thats not fear for the rest of us. And the have to much over powert weapons and vehicles.

2. Make the UNMC terotory bigger because parros police station is not there anny more.


3. Make somthing so that the interaction betwene UNMC and the police and the civs is better. Because @ this moment Its a Big ass Army

4. I like to see that you can buy a diffrent passport or ID whit a false name on it.

5. I like also to see police dogs that can track bandits or robbers. Like the real police foot units.

6. Boontyhunters Unit. Like UNMC but then only for boonty hunters. Make a groupe for them Now whe have UNMC, Police, NHS. Add Boonty hunters.

That are the points for now.

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maybe a bank inside unmc (obviously owned by the unmc). 

this could be a solution to the federal reserve being robbed so frequently.

any positive or negative feedback is appreciated! :)

Goverment contracts for civilian groups.

E.g. Altis salvage Inc can bid on the rights to retrieve gold from the shipwreck legally and have the legal right to defend it from unlicensed salvage crews.

Love the idea of the police having to transport gold to the treasury, if interaction with civilians is used as well. E.g. They hire out 5 civs to drive decoy hemmt's or fly decoy hurons.

Or properly hiring a gang to protect the convoy, thereby improving relations

Dunno If this is possible but mabye som caves. Like in the Mountain or underwater that leads to small air sockets.

This Will bring more ppl to the sea

Also dont give the locations of the caves. And let us fint them

I recently started scripting a tax system , now this is done simply to balance economy etc make it a little more realistic on the server, every hour or so something would pop up asking to pay tax, now the system checks the players bank accounts and if they have say $200 they would only be taxed like $20 but if they have $4445454 they could be taxed $22222 or some shit, but yeh it goes of their bank account then charges them a percentage of their account then it goes to ems or cops or just gone forever that's up to you.

I recently started scripting a tax system , now this is done simply to balance economy etc make it a little more realistic on the server, every hour or so something would pop up asking to pay tax, now the system checks the players bank accounts and if they have say $200 they would only be taxed like $20 but if they have $4445454 they could be taxed $22222 or some shit, but yeh it goes of their bank account then charges them a percentage of their account then it goes to ems or cops or just gone forever that's up to you.
I've been thinking about the concept of a taxation system for the Altislife.co.uk server and I think if its implemented carefully, it could be quite effective (but probably unpopular).

Right now, it's quite easy to make money, and once you own everything you want to own, there is little need or incentive to make more money. I say this from personal experience, as I own:
- A Jet, a Huron, a Hellcat, a Mowhawk, an Orca, several Hummingbirds.
- 3 Ifrits, around about 8 Trucks and several cars.
- 2 Houses
This isn't a boast, my point is.. I don't need to buy anything. I have everything I need.
My only purchases is gear at the moment, and even with donator, I can make 1 million in an hour, and that could last me 2-3 weeks.
This is where I think a tax idea would be a good idea.
My idea / concept on taxation is as follows:
- Once a week, you pay a tax on your assets.
- The tax is cumulative based on what you own.
  i.e. A jet is 100k a week, a Huron is 50k a week, a house is 50k, a car is 5k, a truck is 20k.
This way, with all my assets, I could be looking at losing about 500k a week, this would force me to make a bit more money to support all the assets I own.
Making money forces me to interact with the community a bit more, and also has an added hidden benefit.
- If people want to lower their tax, then they can sell unneeded / unwanted vehicles, aircraft, houses.
  This selling of items will reduce the database size, and could increase the overall performance of the external Database. (citation needed)
Obviously the numbers / tax costs are up for debate, but honestly, I think this concept has a lot of potential that could be beneficial to the server.
Let me know what your thoughts are people ;)
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For the UNMC (appreciate they may or may not like this): instead of a bank job - a weapons stockpile - an armoured bunker which would have weapons (just normal weapons!) and perhaps some better vests that you normally cant buy as a civ and maybe an NPC that would allow the renting/purchase of cheaper ifrits or something.

Similar mechanics to the police, you need 10 or more UNMC on and you'd have to stay within the zone for X minutes before the NPC activated etc.

I like the idea of suspending licenses.

Not completely removing their license but only suspending them for like 3 days or so.

What i like to see in this big update is.

1. Revamp UNMC weapons and vehicles. Because no one else can buy them and thats not fear for the rest of us. And the have to much over powert weapons and vehicles.

2. Make the UNMC terotory bigger because parros police station is not there anny more.


3. Make somthing so that the interaction betwene UNMC and the police and the civs is better. Because @ this moment Its a Big ass Army

4. I like to see that you can buy a diffrent passport or ID whit a false name on it.

5. I like also to see police dogs that can track bandits or robbers. Like the real police foot units.

6. Boontyhunters Unit. Like UNMC but then only for boonty hunters. Make a groupe for them Now whe have UNMC, Police, NHS. Add Boonty hunters.

That are the points for now.
1.Weapons are the same,except for snipers which we only use 5% of the time.(Same for police.) Hell gangs who have them from events don't even use them much. The vehicles are simply different versions of the same class except whitelisted armed helicopters.(Again police have them too.) Example: Ifrits,Hunters and Striders are all MRAPS.

2.Your map melds the UNMC Territory and the Red Zone together. That is a bad idea as gangs live in the red zone and relations change frequently.The are also two different things entirely.

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