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What big feature do you want next?

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@Ciaran I think you should edit you post to outline what isn't possible without mods, I don't think everyone really understands

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I think what ever we come up with really needs to be something to encourage more legal players...

some new custom paint jobs for helicopters/cars/offroads etc...

I would like to see some really nice never before seen designs. I am a graphics designer myself, and would love to help with designing some paint jobs.

some new custom paint jobs for helicopters/cars/offroads etc...

I would like to see some really nice never before seen designs. I am a graphics designer myself, and would love to help with designing some paint jobs.

Skins etc don't change the game and can be added any time, I am sure if you've created something brilliant and give wilco the relevant permissions something can be done with them. Although the addition of too many increases the mission file size of course.

Revamp the jail system, add some features to allow people in jail to do something other than picking up wood and waiting for the time to go down. A system of earning cigarettes from an NPC which can be exchanged for money and items comes to mind. Will put some more thought into it if it is something that people will get behind. 

Adding more scopes. Weapons and such to the black market and police force. I wouldn't mind seeing a scope with inbuilt night vision

Atlantis (underwater Village - Possible Location of Illeagal Goods) gives something more for MPU to do.

Adding Docks to Houses located on the coast, also Helipads to Houses with enough space.

I would quite like to see the jail system reworked a bit, during my time as a rebel I haven't really seen a reason why people would pay the ticket rather than going to jail. 

I think the loss of the rebel licence when either sent to jail or killed by a police officer could encourage rebels to value their lives a bit more, perhaps see the larger weapons that are so common at the moment hopefully thin a bit. To make this work it would also mean that the rebel licence is required for the donator store, that it currently isn't. - This is something I would like to see changed anyway.

Custom Prison Timer

- Allows Police to set a custom timer on a persons Prison Sentence. This gives Police more control with suspects and will improve the RP. Many times have people sort a plea deal, claimed a mental issue or provided us with amazing RP. It would be nice to repay them by providing them with a shortened sentence.

Possessions Box

- A lot of people are sent to prison, and a lot of people have gear / clothing they wish to have looked after during their time in prison. In reality they don't lose their stuff, it is logged and stored. Limits could be imposed, 5 items max or something, also, depending on their crime would depend on what they could keep. (A cop killer would not be allowed to keep a bulletproof vest).

Police Auction

- Rather than simply having vehicles scrapped if involved in crime, they could "impounded" and kept by the Police until a date is chosen to carry out a Police Auction. During this auction people may bid for these vehicles and items and if successful, receive them for a much lower cost. As it's a Police Auction, background / record checks would be carried out to ensure any / all bidders are not criminals and trying to purchase cheap equipment for a crime spree.

Mental Institution

- Provides an area that is completely controlled by the NHS and allows them to produce some outstanding Roleplay. A lot of people may dislike prison and seek to spend their time roleplaying. If that is the case they can plead insanity etc and the Police will escort them to this institute where they will be under the supervision of the NHS.

Oil Rig

- Provides MPU with something that is mainly theirs as we all know they deserve it. They aren't used nearly as much as they should and having an area where gangs would have to work as a team to steal oil and get away whilst MPU secure and lead the situation would be nice.

Re-opening UNMC Territory to Police and NHS

- I understand that the UNMC are RPd as some sort of military uprising and that we should be afraid of them but In reality I don't find that to be the case. I feel as though people are being seperated and a whole chunk of potential RP is being lost. I really enjoy what work I can do with the UNMC, although we kill eachother I still enjoy providing escorts and support when they ask and I like seeing that they are willing to help Police and stop people at their checkpoint. Overall I feel that this "cross the redline = ban" needs to end because it serves little purpose. If they are such a threat. Give us tanks and we'll take our land back, if not, let us start re-engaging them (with conversation and RP) because it's just helpful. I doubt Police would use it as an excuse to somehow start a fight in UNMC, instead, if people were taken to UNMC territory we could actually work with them to try and find the people... This will get shot down but oh well...worth a shot.

Fake IDs as requested by Simon


Ability to take sidearms with "Take Weapon" or something similar

- You got it working for Primary which is great, however Pistols are being used quite a lot so a way to take them without the whole "Drop and we'll aim at you" stuff.


- Now ofcourse these will have to be heavily regulated to insure idiots don't get them, but I think having some explosives within the server has the ability to inject quite a bit of fun. I've seen people threaten Police with bombs and on those occassions a large group work together to move people back, block roads and even RP bomb disposal units. I feel it would be nice if there was a genuine chance of bombs going off...Again, these would need a very heavy price tag with extreme regulation so we don't end up with "All Police leave Kavala or we blow it up" or something stupid....anyway..bombs

Ability to take licenses

- Would be nice to be able to take licenses if they've been naughty...or suspend them for a little bit of time.

Example, they've been caught speeding 100km/h over the limit, evaded Police. License suspended for 2 days. They can't repurchase another and ofcourse if they are pulled over it shows (SUSPENDED) so we can see them driving on a suspended license.

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Each week a new mayor(or what ever) is voted on the forums. The mayor can have a few personal bodyguards (which still is not the law), that can carry pistols for protection. Police come up and help the mayor at the house of the mayor, escort him etc, and the mayor can change taxes, laws etc. If the mayor is found doing illegal things or being corrupt, he will be putten as an objective for the police. If the mayor is arrested/dies during the weekend, he will not be able to continue as the role until he is voted for again when the week is over.

To make the hobos more immersive why don't we make it so that they can wee on people? Can you imagine the scenes in Kavala? Yellow puddles everywhere, it would literally take the piss.

To make the hobos more immersive why don't we make it so that they can wee on people? Can you imagine the scenes in Kavala? Yellow puddles everywhere, it would literally take the piss.
I was expecting you to ask for the addition of dogs, I suppose this is quite close.

I would kind of like a way in enforce community service... 

I do remember an occasion that puppy was claiming he was disabled and could only drive an iffrit, I found a guy who had committed a minor offence and as I had previously instructed puppy that he should employ a personal assistant and driver, the opportunity really was perfect. He couldn't afford the fine and didn't want to go to prison.

Then the guy logged out so all my effort was rather pointless.

This idea probably needs filling out and some more thought but I am just sitting here thinking of stuff

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