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The MSF thread.

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Avdanced Member
Hello forum and fellow Altisians (Altians?).

MSF has now been up and running for almost a month. In the beginning there was a lot of controversy, many openly said we were a "bad influence on the server" and that we "trolled and basically RDMed police". Yes, mostly it was the police who said this.

After we had heard about this through the rumor mill and through people actually saying it, we decided to lay low. We stayed in the red zone for three executive days, then we slowly made our way back to real Altis, careful not to have a run in with any police and everyone was told to avoid a shootout with the police at basically any cost.

I also requested a meeting with any police higher-up to discuss the situation, and to see where MSF went wrong and what we could do to improve, and avoid being "the new LoA".

This meeting never happened.

We then created a few positions to improve the gang, public relations and human resources mainly. We also got rid of a lot of players that wasn't up to our standards, and had a long talk among ourselves.

After this it all cooled down, but I still hear rumours from now and then of blanket bans and admins not liking us (no names though, so I have no idea if this is actually true).

Therefore Im creating this post! Anyone who has a problem with MSF, just comment here! Lay it on us, we can take it. But please be constructive. And if you are referring to any special situation, please back it up with maybe a pic or a video or something.

If you don't comment here, and have a problem with us, it's very hard for us to solve it or even know that there is a problem. That's why I'm doing this post, I can't go around TS and ask everyone what they think, it would take too long.

/Big "Brat" Johnson, MSF Public Relations

I also requested a meeting with any police higher-up to discuss the situation, and to see where MSF went wrong and what we could do to improve, and avoid being "the new LoA".

This meeting never happened.
You have never asked me, and I am here every day and willing to talk to any member of this community.


CSI Fuel

My biggest problem, is that the only roleplay I've seen from you guys, is at the end of a barrel of a gun.

Whatever it is, you only seem to do one thing which is wave guns in peoples faces, either threatening or robbing them and usually shooting them.

Remember, this is a Serious Roleplay Server... and I've experienced almost no roleplay from you guys that didn't involve the words ".. or you'll die.."

You also pointlessly interfere with so much decent role play by causing fights and getting guns involved.

"OH LOOK! 3 trucks and a bunch of cars in a roleplay situation, lets run in with loads of guns and end up probably starting a massive gun fight". - The MSF experience.

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You have never asked me, and I am here every day and willing to talk to any member of this community.


CSI Fuel
I spoke to CSI fisher and CMDR Maratek, the meeting didn't happen cause Maratek was sick atm, Im not saying it was anyones fault though. Just that it didn't happen, but I'd love to have a meeting!

My biggest problem, is that the only roleplay I've seen from you guys, is at the end of a barrel of a gun.

Whatever it is, you only seem to do one thing which is wave guns in peoples faces, either threatening or robbing them and usually shooting them.

Remember, this is a Serious Roleplay Server... and I've experienced almost no roleplay from you guys that didn't involve the words ".. or you'll die.."

You also pointlessly interfere with so much decent role play by causing fights and getting guns involved.

"OH LOOK! 3 trucks and a bunch of cars in a roleplay situation, lets run in with loads of guns and end up probably starting a massive gun fight". - The MSF experience.
Well this just isn't true.

Three occassions out of MANY where we roleplay. Just because we do rob people, it doesn't mean we don't roleplay. If everyone just walked around and talked to eachother ALL the time, wouldn't this be a very boring game? That's just my opinion though.

I have been robbed by you guys on several occasions, at athira when i had nothing on me; i was in my hobo cloths with no backpack and ive been held up by MSF who have made me strip down naked - this is the only reason i get angry at MSF; not all you guys are bad i understand that but i have to say robbing people with nothing is poor.

I have been robbed by you guys on several occasions, at athira when i had nothing on me; i was in my hobo cloths with no backpack and ive been held up by MSF who have made me strip down naked - this is the only reason i get angry at MSF; not all you guys are bad i understand that but i have to say robbing people with nothing is poor.

My biggest problem, is that the only roleplay I've seen from you guys, is at the end of a barrel of a gun.

Whatever it is, you only seem to do one thing which is wave guns in peoples faces, either threatening or robbing them and usually shooting them.

Remember, this is a Serious Roleplay Server... and I've experienced almost no roleplay from you guys that didn't involve the words ".. or you'll die.."

You also pointlessly interfere with so much decent role play by causing fights and getting guns involved.

"OH LOOK! 3 trucks and a bunch of cars in a roleplay situation, lets run in with loads of guns and end up probably starting a massive gun fight". - The MSF experience.
They do throw guns around alot .... but my RP with them when i was a medic was very good and fun, 

I mean people who will RP with a medic for over 15 mins.... gets a big thank you from me.

I have been robbed by you guys on several occasions, at athira when i had nothing on me; i was in my hobo cloths with no backpack and ive been held up by MSF who have made me strip down naked - this is the only reason i get angry at MSF; not all you guys are bad i understand that but i have to say robbing people with nothing is poor.
That does sound very poor! But I hardly think MSF is the only ones doing this, it has happened to me more times then I can count ;)

But we have actually started to move away from the robberies more and more, I think we all just had some steam to blow off after having been cops for so long.

Thanks for your input! 

I have been robbed by you guys on several occasions, at athira when i had nothing on me; i was in my hobo cloths with no backpack and ive been held up by MSF who have made me strip down naked - this is the only reason i get angry at MSF; not all you guys are bad i understand that but i have to say robbing people with nothing is poor.
I see nothing wrong with this.... people can rob who they like.If i was a hobo and i had no money or i had 100k on me if they RP it well then don't really mind or care...  either should you. I mean if you had nothing on you then you should only care about the RP and fully go into the RP with them.

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Yeah i have a problem with MSF, you are to good in gun fights m8 ! ;)

But no seriously, i have started to value what you are doing cause it is your thing and your RP, and we cant say thats BAD rp i think.

BUT, i have seen and been in a situation where it feels like you are getting tired of the whole RP and want to just get to the killing as quickly as possbile and that is just my thoughts.  Like you said you guys have been here along time, you have the most money from what i can see so i just have to question the RP sometimes cause you dont have anything to lose and really nothing to gain , you know where i am going with this ?

Thats the only thing i would like to say :)

But after talking to you the second time (not the first when you brought your gang :D ) you are all mature players it seems and can talk things out :) So props for that and keep it up, i like the danger knowing MSF could be camping the spot i am coming to it makes my gaming experience more fun and realistic :)

Yeah i have a problem with MSF, you are to good in gun fights m8 ! ;)

But no seriously, i have started to value what you are doing cause it is your thing and your RP, and we cant say thats BAD rp i think.

BUT, i have seen and been in a situation where it feels like you are getting tired of the whole RP and want to just get to the killing as quickly as possbile and that is just my thoughts.  Like you said you guys have been here along time, you have the most money from what i can see so i just have to question the RP sometimes cause you dont have anything to lose and really nothing to gain , you know where i am going with this ?

Thats the only thing i would like to say :)

But after talking to you the second time (not the first when you brought your gang :D ) you are all mature players it seems and can talk things out :) So props for that and keep it up, i like the danger knowing MSF could be camping the spot i am coming to it makes my gaming experience more fun and realistic :)

I don't see why you would post this... in my eyes MSF are good RPers even tho they rob me so fucking much <3 xxx

Yeah i have a problem with MSF, you are to good in gun fights m8 ! ;)

But no seriously, i have started to value what you are doing cause it is your thing and your RP, and we cant say thats BAD rp i think.

BUT, i have seen and been in a situation where it feels like you are getting tired of the whole RP and want to just get to the killing as quickly as possbile and that is just my thoughts.  Like you said you guys have been here along time, you have the most money from what i can see so i just have to question the RP sometimes cause you dont have anything to lose and really nothing to gain , you know where i am going with this ?

Thats the only thing i would like to say :)

But after talking to you the second time (not the first when you brought your gang :D ) you are all mature players it seems and can talk things out :) So props for that and keep it up, i like the danger knowing MSF could be camping the spot i am coming to it makes my gaming experience more fun and realistic :)
Thank you! Actually its the other way around, when you get all the money and been in too many firefights to count you start to treasure the RP more and more! ;)

As some of my fellow gang members have already stated, the problem I have is that you're the same as 90% of the other gangs who come and go. You rob every truck that moves, every person who looks like they have any amount of valuable gear. Anyone who dares wrong you there's no room for any talk, only fighting. You have no character as a gang, it's the same old shit of and we've all seen this exact same gang over and over again.

I said the same for PLF for some time, and before they were banned they at least started to put in the effort in to only tax people, and to have a branch of their gang trying to better relations and I respect that. Come up with a plan, an agenda or some direction of where you want MSF to be, and work towards that. Be more than just another gang of highway robbers. You can still rob/kill, but if you put a little more effort into how you go about it beyond the typical, give us everything you own in 5 seconds or die type gang, you'll slowly gain respect for actually being more than just that.

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From my personal experience - I was conducting a routine patrol with Officers while MSF drove box trucks round with a large group of people in the back. There was a lot of screaming, and shouting, and I think even a bit of music. The MSF members were driving and continued to follow us whilst the people in the back began firing. Eventually an Officer was wounded so we returned fire as one of the trucks passed.  Both trucks stopped and you all got out, set up on hills and the firefight began. Luckily on that occasion Police managed to respond quickly and all suspects were taken down in the following firefight.

That really got to me. Because I've defended and respected you gents a lot as Police...and on that day I felt you honestly made it your mission to piss the Police off and ruin their experience.

After that day I didn't see anything else like that. The only time I see MSF now is when they steal Police cars and set up an ambush for the pursuing Officers.

Finally, I spoke to Kris back when the rebels had a meeting and it was suggested for Rebels to give Police a breather, they'd lost some solid Officers and were getting very stressed. I was told that whatever MSF members did turn up left rather quickly and didn't seem to want to get too involved.

Overall. I like the people within MSF a lot, I think you guys are great. But I personally feel those first few days of freedom you had after leaving the Force was spent almost harrassing the Police.

As for MSF now,. I don't see too much of you all so I don't really have any current issues with the team. Seeing MSF just makes me more mindful of my Police car I suppose.

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As some of my fellow gang members have already stated, the problem I have is that you're the same as 90% of the other gangs who come and go. You rob every truck that moves, every person who looks like they have any amount of valuable gear. Anyone who dares wrong you there's no room for any talk, only fighting. You have no character as a gang, it's the same old shit of and we've all seen this exact same gang over and over again.

I said the same for PLF for some time, and before they were banned they at least started to put in the effort in to only tax people, and to have a branch of their gang trying to better relations and I respect that. Come up with a plan, an agenda or some direction of where you want MSF to be, and work towards that. Be more than just another gang of highway robbers. You can still rob/kill, but if you put a little more effort into how you go about it beyond the typical, give us everything you own in 5 seconds or die type gang, you'll slowly gain respect for actually being more than just that.
This all good! I will really take it to heart. But I cant help not agreeing with you. We decided early on that since we had all been police, we would focus on warfare with other gangs, not the police. And we certainly don't rob everyone, if people roleplay, are nice or new or don't immidiately assume were gonna scrap their vehicle we are actually very nice! We have a policy that if people comply, they will get treated nice and even get to keep some of their money. The nicer they are and the more they comply, the more they will get to keep! There is definitely room for talking. I don't believe I've ever met you in-game but if you see me, try it sometime!

And once again, the server would be very boring if you never got robbed. Imagine just farming money and then go to Kavala and talk about the weather or buttplugs or whatever tickles your fancy. It wouldn't be very fun!

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