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The MSF thread.

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First of all, thank you for replying! Im sorry that you feel all we do is rob, and that we are unfriendly towards everyone. But this simply is not true! We are unfriendly to the larger rebel gangs because we simply felt that during the PLF reign, rebels were too nice and cozy with eachother, and this put a lot of strain on the police force. We wanted to actually make the gangs fight eachother and be just that- gangs.

Instead of gearing up safely, go around Altis and only have to fight police and the occasional RDMer, we wanted to take a load of the police force and bring back gang vs gang hostility.

Unfortunately, in the beginning, we didn't stay true to our mission of not actively fighting the police. However, the last weeks, we have.

And, to be honest, I think the better part of us has more then earned our "roleplay respect", since we have been on this server for a long time, as civilians, rebels and various high ranks within the police.

I haven't really seen that much from S-NBG, but you too seem like a well disciplined, dedicated force to be reckoned with. And the fact that you too come from the lovely city of Lund makes me like you alot ;)
WHAT?! You live in Lund?! 

Horse shit. 

No way. 


Either way. 

Aye, I try to train Sierra to turn into a well trained group who acts like real soldiers with real tactics. 

If this happens, we'll be very dangerous to face on the field, even if we're greatly outnumbered. 

We've already pulled off some really good firefights and even if we've lost in the end, the pricetag for the police / gang has been greater than ours. 

We've started to have a general KDR of maybe 2-3 in firefights. 

I'd very much like to talk to you on TeamSpeak today if you can?

WHAT?! You live in Lund?! 

Horse shit. 

No way. 


Either way. 

Aye, I try to train Sierra to turn into a well trained group who acts like real soldiers with real tactics. 

If this happens, we'll be very dangerous to face on the field, even if we're greatly outnumbered. 

We've already pulled off some really good firefights and even if we've lost in the end, the pricetag for the police / gang has been greater than ours. 

We've started to have a general KDR of maybe 2-3 in firefights. 

I'd very much like to talk to you on TeamSpeak today if you can?
I live near the train station! Smack in the middle, near the best kebab in Sweden, Avesta Pizzeria ;)

Of course! Just message me sometime during the evening and I'll make time! 

Has this thread become a blind date website now for Brat and Major?

Awww you both seem cute.... ;)

I haven't yet posted on this thread because brat as always is handling things just fine by himself.

I have been reading everyone's comments regard MSF as a whole, some good and some bad and I appreciate that everyone has taken the time to respond on this thread.

Behind the scenes some of us "well behaved" guys always try and mould the more reckless ones. As Brat has mentioned we have put into place a 3 warning point system that we are taking very seriously. Just to show an example.. I gave Tom Martin a warning a couple of weeks ago for acting like a complete twat non stop in front of us and we thought it was acting on a troll manor. It got to the point of where I just lost it and gave him a warning and said he has 3 chances of fucking up then a serious talk would be held to dicuss his future in MSF. ( Tom don't cry I'm just using you as an example)

A lot of the guys will tell you, when I'm actually online when I'm not working I attend to run a pretty tight ship when it comes to how people are behaving as I hate trolling in any shape and form. However people really need to get the grips of the word trolling because people seem to think looking at someone is trolling now days when it's really not.

We are actually a very reasonable and sensible group of guys. There has been many occasions where we have gone to rob someone but due to them being such good role players and in general nice guys we have ended up giving them money!!

I understand everyone has different points of views about MSF and I know there will always be negative reviews so I urge anyone who has a bad running with any of the member of MSF to report directly to Brat, Myself or anyone you seem to think is sensible enough.

I have been in this community now for a year in April, I have not once been banned and I have not once been reported and I will do whatever I can to keep it that way. The same goes for all the guys I play with, so please any problems come to us so then we can unleash further training on how to behave like gentlemen!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I'm sorry for any typos as I just done this on my phone.



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Well I think that concludes this! Thank you everyone for your input, we will definitely take it all into consideration, the good and the bad.

We will be holding that event soon, and as I think alot of you have noticed we have made some high-profile roleplay scenarios that didn't (primarily) involve any guns the last week, such as selling cars in Kavala and trying to  emergency evacuate the entire city during one of the frequent earthquakes.

I've felt much contructive criticiscm as well as much love in this thread, and I'm now going forward confident that noone hates us atleast!

Edit: This thread can now be locked. @Reverend @FriendlyFireGuy @Edgar Ville

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