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The MSF thread.

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From my personal experience - I was conducting a routine patrol with Officers while MSF drove box trucks round with a large group of people in the back. There was a lot of screaming, and shouting, and I think even a bit of music. The MSF members were driving and continued to follow us whilst the people in the back began firing. Eventually an Officer was wounded so we returned fire as one of the trucks passed.  Both trucks stopped and you all got out, set up on hills and the firefight began. Luckily on that occasion Police managed to respond quickly and all suspects were taken down in the following firefight.

That really got to me. Because I've defended and respected you gents a lot as Police...and on that day I felt you honestly made it your mission to piss the Police off and ruin their experience.

After that day I didn't see anything else like that. The only time I see MSF now is when they steal Police cars and set up an ambush for the pursuing Officers.

Finally, I spoke to Kris back when the rebels had a meeting and it was suggested for Rebels to give Police a breather, they'd lost some solid Officers and were getting very stressed. I was told that whatever MSF members did turn up left rather quickly and didn't seem to want to get too involved.

Overall. I like the people within MSF a lot, I think you guys are great. But I personally feel those first few days of freedom you had after leaving the Force was spent almost harrassing the Police.

As for MSF now,. I don't see too much of you all so I don't really have any current issues with the team. Seeing MSF just makes me more mindful of my Police car I suppose.
I do apologise for that event Walt, profusely! It was horrible RP from our side and I've already apologised to Liquid. The person who was shooting from the back wasn't an MSF-member, but we still let him do it and didn't object so I take full responsibility. I know how frustrating it is from a police officers point of view.

Could you give me a name of the person who is stealing police officers vehicles? Personally, I have on more than a few occasions prevented the theft of police vehicles or actively returned them. We have also talked about not doing anything like that.

I was in that meeting, and I stuck it out for as long as I could. Giving the police a breather has always been my mission and the mission of most MSF-guys, unfortunately some didn't see our point and they have either been kicked from MSF or had a very stern talking to. I left that meeting when they got severely side-tracked and started talking over eachother. I also got the impression it was more of a "PLF-meeting with the lesser gangs".

I have supported the police a lot, especially the last week. Just yesterday I tipped you off about the RDM-fest that was breaking out in Kavala.

I have tremendous respect for you Wa.. Hank, and I would like to change your opinion of  MSF.

Thank you!

And once again, the server would be very boring if you never got robbed. Imagine just farming money and then go to Kavala and talk about the weather or buttplugs or whatever tickles your fancy. It wouldn't be very fun!
Really? I can think of endless possibilities and role-play situations that can occur that would be fun... but maybe that's just me.

Really? I can think of endless possibilities and role-play situations that can occur that would be fun... but maybe that's just me.
The reason one appriciates great roleplay and just-talking encounters is because it doesnt happen all the time. I also wonder why MM took part of the Battle of Paros if they hate shooting that much? ;)

 I also wonder why MM took part of the Battle of Paros if they hate shooting that much? ;)
I never said we hate shooting, nor was it implied anywhere.

And we did at my request in order to increase our RP opportunities with the UNMC, of which it did.

We'd like to think we've kept a very amicable relationship with the UNMC and hope to try and get into more RP situations with them in the future.

wink face, wink face, wink face....

The reason one appriciates great roleplay and just-talking encounters is because it doesnt happen all the time.
And don't you just find that sad... on a serious roleplay community?

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I never said we hate shooting, nor was it implied anywhere.

And we did at my request in order to increase our RP opportunities with the UNMC, of which it did.

We'd like to think we've kept a very amicable relationship with the UNMC and hope to try and get into more RP situations with them in the future.

wink face, wink face, wink face....

And don't you just find that sad... on a serious roleplay community?
Well we've had a lot of great RP experiences with them too!

And no, I don't find that sad. Because RP isn't just standing around in Kavala talking about Hoboroulette. RP can be warfare, adventures, robberies... As long as it is kept within server rules and it's not all you do.

Do you really think this server would be better and more enjoyable without guns?

Always nice to see people wanting to improve :)

My personal interactions with MSF havent been too good. Ive mostly been robbed or killed with little RP (no rule breaking of course). That being said I should probably give you guys another chance as well as I currently just avoid contact expecting a robbery.

The thing that put me off was one night in Kavala with few cops on seeing 4-5 MSF members rob everyone they saw. Now Ive got plenty of money, but a lot of the victims were just new guys. Felt bad for them.

But I spoke to one of you guys on TS and he was very reasonable. That with knowing ur excellent RP from police times Im sure MSF will be fine.

Always nice to see people wanting to improve :)

My personal interactions with MSF havent been too good. Ive mostly been robbed or killed with little RP (no rule breaking of course). That being said I should probably give you guys another chance as well as I currently just avoid contact expecting a robbery.

The thing that put me off was one night in Kavala with few cops on seeing 4-5 MSF members rob everyone they saw. Now Ive got plenty of money, but a lot of the victims were just new guys. Felt bad for them.

But I spoke to one of you guys on TS and he was very reasonable. That with knowing ur excellent RP from police times Im sure MSF will be fine.
We will definitely be working on upping your opinion on MSF! Thank you for your input.

And on a bright note, we're trying to come up with a unique event to hold for the server, where we can give some money back in the form of a prize! This will be non-violent event to show that we don't always want violence. So far we've concluded that we want the event to include parachutes, cause parachuting is awesome.

We will definitely be working on upping your opinion on MSF! Thank you for your input.

And on a bright note, we're trying to come up with a unique event to hold for the server, where we can give some money back in the form of a prize! This will be non-violent event to show that we don't always want violence. So far we've concluded that we want the event to include parachutes, cause parachuting is awesome.
Park 4 offroads in a square, leaving a gap in the middle.

Let multiple people parachute out, prizes for whoever can land in the gap in the middle without getting killed ;)

Loads of ideas for parachutes streaming through my brain now, look forward to see what you guys have planned for that.

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Park 4 offroads in a square, leaving a gap in the middle.

Let multiple people parachute out, prizes for whoever can land in the gap in the middle without getting killed ;)

Loads of ideas for parachutes streaming through my brain now, look forward to see what you guys have planned for that.
Yes, we were thinking along those lines! I don't think a parachuting event has been done either, so it should be good fun!

I've heard all of the rumours about MSF trolling, rdming, etc. But these past couple of weeks I've had the opportunity to see what you guys are like in-game and I've had a pleasant experience overall, you guys have brought good roleplay to every situation and the firefights have been a lot of fun, I honestly look forward to more encounters with MSF.

- Lieutenant White

My post from earlier didn't go through....

I have had no problems with MSF.

When I was part of the "Exchange Program" with the cops under a different name and accent about 7 MSF pulled 3 cops over and simply told them to leave which they did. No gun taking,threats,executions or bum rape.

The other day as UNMC when I informed MSF were doing something they shouldn't I tried explaining it to Grumpy who was drunk at the time and he had difficulty understanding. So to make it more clear and easy to understand we went the extra mile to use Steam Chat(TS was down.) and he understood it after and told me he would tell the other MSF as well as everyone else he saw not to do it.

I've heard all of the rumours about MSF trolling, rdming, etc. But these past couple of weeks I've had the opportunity to see what you guys are like in-game and I've had a pleasant experience overall, you guys have brought good roleplay to every situation and the firefights have been a lot of fun, I honestly look forward to more encounters with MSF.

- Lieutenant White
Thank you! I have also enjoyed every single encounter with the UNMC so far, great roleplay aswell as great firefights. And the maturity of everyone involved, it has been clean, off the forums and we have all both lost and won!

My post from earlier didn't go through....

I have had no problems with MSF.

When I was part of the "Exchange Program" with the cops under a different name and accent about 7 MSF pulled 3 cops over and simply told them to leave which they did. No gun taking,threats,executions or bum rape.

The other day as UNMC when I informed MSF were doing something they shouldn't I tried explaining it to Grumpy who was drunk at the time and he had difficulty understanding. So to make it more clear and easy to understand we went the extra mile to use Steam Chat(TS was down.) and he understood it after and told me he would tell the other MSF as well as everyone else he saw not to do it.
Great to hear!

I heard about the incident you are talking about, and I wasn't sure that was something you couldn't do, but all of MSF has now been informed and we'll never block the checkpoint gates with vehicles again. Thank you for informing us and even taking the patienece with a drunk Grumpy ;)

I look forward to more roleplay and shootouts with the UNMC! It's always hard to remember which name I use trying to get through the Checkpoint.

The only run in i've had with you guys was great, like i said before on your previous gang post. (Added it to the spoiler below)

Morning gents!

Last night myself and two other members of AEGIS were chilling out at rebel outpost #1. While testing out the vermin with a DMS scope I took the role of live target, so there we were, me up in the tower and my two men firing at me from down below. After taking gun fire for a little while I die, it turns out I was sniped by Bizby.

Much to my mens confusion one of them die at the hands of grumpy, my last man, Marc Smith surrendered himself. He was then dearmed (is that even a word?) and returned safely to the AEGIS Base regardless of it being the red zone.

It may seem a bit long winded but I was just happy with the outcome.

Have a good one guys.

Last night we had a run in at rebel outpost #1, i died, my game crashed so i jumped into the TS channel to explain and you guys were really understanding.

So my experiece with you has been good.

No matter what you will get negative comments too. Youre robbing people and i love it too but people got robbed will always complain because they feel thats unfair to get robbed when they worked 1 hour for a drug run etc. But i like msf bunch of cool guys

No matter what you will get negative comments too. Youre robbing people and i love it too but people got robbed will always complain because they feel thats unfair to get robbed when they worked 1 hour for a drug run etc. But i like msf bunch of cool guys
With wealth comes understanding. Once you get over the 10 mil line you understand why people rob as it is their way of making money.

Bad experience Fear had was when we were but an early fledgling gang and did not have our own ts rooms. We had about 5/6 of us in a public room, and were engaged in RP in-game. About 4/5 MSF members came into our room with the sole intent of trolling us. They were spewing crap like 'Oh look it's the guys NOBODY KNOWS OF HAHAHAHAHAH' and 'WHO THE FK ARE YOU NOBODIES'.

It was uncalled for, and a dick move. I did, however, meet an MSF member within the past couple days at one of our roadblocks, and explained the situation to him after a nice chat (he was a decent guy). He said we should speak on Teamspeak at some point to clear it up and hopefully move past it.

Would be nice to arrange something, but this is the [Main] reason that we don't like you guys xD

Bad experience Fear had was when we were but an early fledgling gang and did not have our own ts rooms. We had about 5/6 of us in a public room, and were engaged in RP in-game. About 4/5 MSF members came into our room with the sole intent of trolling us. They were spewing crap like 'Oh look it's the guys NOBODY KNOWS OF HAHAHAHAHAH' and 'WHO THE FK ARE YOU NOBODIES'.

It was uncalled for, and a dick move. I did, however, meet an MSF member within the past couple days at one of our roadblocks, and explained the situation to him after a nice chat (he was a decent guy). He said we should speak on Teamspeak at some point to clear it up and hopefully move past it.

Would be nice to arrange something, but this is the [Main] reason that we don't like you guys xD
I remember this! I was steaming mad at the people who did this, and every single one of them is either removed from MSF now or received a warning on our google doc. (3 warnings and you are either out or have to re-do your trial period).

As a whole I've had pretty nice experiences with FEAR, not any roleplaying ones but the firefights we've had has all been good sport and RP'ed.

If any MSF-member ever trolls like that again, be sure to tell me (Public Relations) or Grumpy (Human Resources). 

My biggest problem, is that the only roleplay I've seen from you guys, is at the end of a barrel of a gun.

Whatever it is, you only seem to do one thing which is wave guns in peoples faces, either threatening or robbing them and usually shooting them.

Remember, this is a Serious Roleplay Server... and I've experienced almost no roleplay from you guys that didn't involve the words ".. or you'll die.."

You also pointlessly interfere with so much decent role play by causing fights and getting guns involved.

"OH LOOK! 3 trucks and a bunch of cars in a roleplay situation, lets run in with loads of guns and end up probably starting a massive gun fight". - The MSF experience.

I strongly agree to this post. 

MSF does way too much robbing and highjacking. 

You guys have to do more than that if you want to "earn RolePlay respect" or w/e you'd like to call it. 

Things I can tell you to improve; 

- Do more things than just robbing and highjacking. 

- Stop being unfriendly towards EVERYONE.

- If you're bored and don't have the manpower to actually do something, just go out and roleplay. Talk to the police about your missing dog, call a cab and tell him to drive to UNMC border, to then ask him to drive you to Kavala.. Go to the UNMC checkpoint and try to push the limits without getting shot in the face. 

Things I like about you;

- You're obviously dedicated because you guys do actually get the job done. I mean, if you rob someone, you actually fuckin' rob him/her. 

- You've earned a LOT of respect from me, simply from this post. This post was a HUGE plus for your reputation.

If you'd like to have a chatt, feel free to contact me on TeamSpeak and we can discuss this matter even further.


I strongly agree to this post. 

MSF does way too much robbing and highjacking. 

You guys have to do more than that if you want to "earn RolePlay respect" or w/e you'd like to call it. 

Things I can tell you to improve; 

- Do more things than just robbing and highjacking. 

- Stop being unfriendly towards EVERYONE.

- If you're bored and don't have the manpower to actually do something, just go out and roleplay. Talk to the police about your missing dog, call a cab and tell him to drive to UNMC border, to then ask him to drive you to Kavala.. Go to the UNMC checkpoint and try to push the limits without getting shot in the face. 

Things I like about you;

- You're obviously dedicated because you guys do actually get the job done. I mean, if you rob someone, you actually fuckin' rob him/her. 

- You've earned a LOT of respect from me, simply from this post. This post was a HUGE plus for your reputation.

If you'd like to have a chatt, feel free to contact me on TeamSpeak and we can discuss this matter even further.
First of all, thank you for replying! Im sorry that you feel all we do is rob, and that we are unfriendly towards everyone. But this simply is not true! We are unfriendly to the larger rebel gangs because we simply felt that during the PLF reign, rebels were too nice and cozy with eachother, and this put a lot of strain on the police force. We wanted to actually make the gangs fight eachother and be just that- gangs.

Instead of gearing up safely, go around Altis and only have to fight police and the occasional RDMer, we wanted to take a load of the police force and bring back gang vs gang hostility.

Unfortunately, in the beginning, we didn't stay true to our mission of not actively fighting the police. However, the last weeks, we have.

And, to be honest, I think the better part of us has more then earned our "roleplay respect", since we have been on this server for a long time, as civilians, rebels and various high ranks within the police.

I haven't really seen that much from S-NBG, but you too seem like a well disciplined, dedicated force to be reckoned with. And the fact that you too come from the lovely city of Lund makes me like you alot ;)

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