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Teamspeak Anti-Troll Measures -Must Read-

As much as I don't mind the new security, one thing I know from experience:

- If Trolls want to troll, they will do it anyway, despite having to wait 5 minutes for security.

This will be good at stopping randoms joining and trolling, if it's older members causing the problem, I doubt this will hinder them much.
The lengths some people will go to just to annoy or frustrate other players is nothing but extraordinary sometimes.

I once had a guy who used to harass an old server I ran, he created what must have been 20-30 steam accounts after I banned each and every one of them (and can only assume that he puchased GMOD on each one of them). As annoying as he was, I could only tip my bonnet to his dedication to his cause.
Off topic but he used "family sharing" which would allow him to have 5 steam accounts with gmod on when he only bought one copy.

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Make it even higher. The longer it takes for the trolls the less appealing it is. For the devoted people it's no biggy to upgrade the security level once :)

It's not that people can't do anything else for 30 minutes :)

Make it even higher. The longer it takes for the trolls the less appealing it is. For the devoted people it's no biggy to upgrade the security level once :)

It's not that people can't do anything else for 30 minutes :)
The hobo that is new to the server and isn't experienced with teamspeak that has just broken a server rule and has been asked to join teamspeak to resolve the situation, it will be greatly annoying for them, if not off putting for them. I think this level is high enough.

The hobo that is new to the server and isn't experienced with teamspeak that has just broken a server rule and has been asked to join teamspeak to resolve the situation, it will be greatly annoying for them, if not off putting for them. I think this level is high enough.
Well, you can always state in the rules that you need to have connected to Teamspeak before going any further. (Reason: Security measure).

People will understand. It's all a matter of how early is it presented to the hobo.

Someone try and get Sec Level 1000 by that time the world will have ended, but hey at least your teamspeak is secure right?
