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Teamspeak Anti-Troll Measures -Must Read-

So, it took you over 16 minutes to generate a security level of 28? Either you have selected the wrong level, or you have a really rubbish CPU. 3 hours warning is well enough to generate a level of 28. Its not even hard, you attempt to login, click start, grab a cuppa, watch a small video, and then join the Teamspeak. We gave a hour warning to everyone on the Teamspeak at the time of the change, so I really don't see what your moaning about.

3 hours is well plenty for you to generate a 28 security level, even my android could generate it in 8 minutes... So you clearly done something wrong here.

If you cant be bothered to generate a extremely small Teamspeak key, then I guess that the staff team shouldn't spend so many hours a week working on the servers to moderate and make new content?

Everyone else never had issues, the server had 200 people in after 8 minutes of the update. But there's always one that complains...

There's no need for that. What might not be hard for you might be hard for another person. As to giving the your warning, we don't live on Teamspeak. We have lives and we can't all get the one your warning. It may be easy for someone who has worked with Teamspeak for years, but when there is a change, people will struggle with updating. That is what yiu should be aware of as a member of staff and you should have the patience to deal with that.

he obviously can be bothered, the fact that he is posting here for help makes it obvious that he is trying and struggling. That does not warrant a rant from a high member of staff. 

I only didn't have issues because my security level was high anyway. We can't simply go round thinking everyone has the knowledge that yiu do, that is simply not fair. I would have struggled if I didn't have a high security level anyway. 

You gave an hour warning for people on the server, great for everyone on the server. You gave a forum post warning, that is all you could really do. Of course people are gonna miss both messages and struggle. Yiu did all you could tho.

You talk to him as if he's done something wrong, he's not at all. He's struggling and you respond in a very unkind manner and it isn't fair at all. He needs help and yiu respond like that, it's not good.

There's no need for that. What might not be hard for you might be hard for another person. As to giving the your warning, we don't live on Teamspeak. We have lives and we can't all get the one your warning. It may be easy for someone who has worked with Teamspeak for years, but when there is a change, people will struggle with updating. That is what yiu should be aware of as a member of staff and you should have the patience to deal with that.

he obviously can be bothered, the fact that he is posting here for help makes it obvious that he is trying and struggling. That does not warrant a rant from a high member of staff. 

I only didn't have issues because my security level was high anyway. We can't simply go round thinking everyone has the knowledge that yiu do, that is simply not fair. I would have struggled if I didn't have a high security level anyway. 

You gave an hour warning for people on the server, great for everyone on the server. You gave a forum post warning, that is all you could really do. Of course people are gonna miss both messages and struggle. Yiu did all you could tho.

You talk to him as if he's done something wrong, he's not at all. He's struggling and you respond in a very unkind manner and it isn't fair at all. He needs help and yiu respond like that, it's not good.
It tells you what to do when it comes up...

It's bad it took him 16 minutes, but what's that? 2 youtube videos? 


  • Less random music bots joining and harassing public/unlocked channels.
  • less Bots that spread links that steal steam accounts
  • slower returns of Spamming members that have been banned and just want to cause shit.

    and more.

[*]Staff can focus on things that matter and not be interrupted every 2 minutes having to ban someone.


  • 2 - 16 minutes.......

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It tells you what to do when it comes up...

It's bad it took him 16 minutes, but what's that? 2 youtube videos? 


Less random music bots joining and harassing public/unlocked channels.

less Bots that spread links that steal steam accounts

slower returns of Spamming members that have been banned and just want to cause shit.

and more.

Staff can focus on things that matter and not be interrupted every 2 minutes having to ban someone.


2 - 16 minutes.......
I'm not arguing with the pros and cons at all. I am simply pointing out that Ciaran didn't need to be so rude.

You talk to him as if he's done something wrong, he's not at all. He's struggling and you respond in a very unkind manner and it isn't fair at all. He needs help and yiu respond like that, it's not good.
He doesn't need help with it as far as I am concerned, as he was already on the TS when it was posted. Its also a bit rude to just say "its shit" and then go on to say we didn't warn people on TS. If you were asking for help, you wouldn't go out calling peoples decisions shit. I don't see a post being sarcastic as requesting help to be honest, if a request for help would of been asked then I would have happily given the help needed & requested, yet all I saw was massive amounts of sarcasm. I was mainly responding to the amount of sarcasm.

If we were to not put it in place so fast, then this would continue:


Even though the team can deal with that due to its size, people could be focusing on other things. It doesn't really bother us when these trolls come on, but they need to be dealt with.

I only didn't have issues because my security level was high anyway. We can't simply go round thinking everyone has the knowledge that yiu do, that is simply not fair. I would have struggled if I didn't have a high security level anyway. 
To be honest, how much more help could we give than the post that details in this post of how to upgrade it manually, and the automatic prompt when trying to login:


he obviously can be bothered, the fact that he is posting here for help makes it obvious that he is trying and struggling. That does not warrant a rant from a high member of staff. 
So, you imply that just because we hold a high position we cannot have a rant? I get the picture that the team needs to maintain a certain standard of professionalism, yet I don't see where that dropped to be honest.r Its like saying that the PM cannot have a rant due to the fact of his position. Everyone is entitled to the right of free speech here, as long as they are not breaking any of the rules.

You cannot really say that I have been rude in any way, as the clearly decides to instantly start saying "its shit". I find that quite rude to be honest, nowhere in my rant did I make any rude comments that I can see. Please feel free to enlighten me otherwise if that is not the case.

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He doesn't need help with it as far as I am concerned, as he was already on the TS when it was posted. Its also a bit rude to just say "its shit" and then go on to say we didn't warn people on TS. If you were asking for help, you wouldn't go out calling peoples decisions shit. I don't see a post being sarcastic as requesting help to be honest, if a request for help would of been asked then I would have given the help needed, yet all I saw was massive amounts of sarcasm. I was mainly responding to the amount of sarcasm.

If we were to not put it in place so fast, then this would continue:


Even though the team can deal with that due to its size, people could be focusing on other things. It doesn't really bother us when these trolls come on, but they need to be dealt with.

To be honest, how much more help could we give than the post that details in this post of how to upgrade it manually, and the automatic prompt when trying to login:

So, you imply that just because we hold a high position we cannot have a rant? I get the picture that the team needs to maintain a certain standard of professionalism, yet I don't see where that dropped to be honest.r Its like saying that the PM cannot have a rant due to the fact of his position. Everyone is entitled to the right of free speech here, as long as they are not breaking any of the rules.
This is true, you are just normal people, just like me. I know I am not an admin etc but we are all just human and we are all entitled to a rant :) I hope I would be allowed to have a rant on the forums, as you did without it being seen as a bad thing, but I do tend to think an admin would see that as a bad thing.

You cannot really say that I have been rude in any way, as the clearly decides to instantly start saying "its shit". I find that quite rude to be honest, nowhere in my rant did I make any rude comments that I can see. Please feel free to enlighten me otherwise if that is not the case.
The way you put this, yeah it was bad of him to just say what he said. He could have just asked for help and then none of this would have happened. I do think you would have just helped him if he had asked for help.

I don't mean to argue, your points are right. I was too harsh I apologize for that. I think, maybe that I saw his post as a post requesting help, whereas I was wrong as it was in fact a moan what he posted. 

So, it took you over 16 minutes to generate a security level of 28? Either you have selected the wrong level, or you have a really rubbish CPU. 3 hours warning is well enough to generate a level of 28. Its not even hard, you attempt to login, click start, grab a cuppa, watch a small video, and then join the Teamspeak. We gave a hour warning to everyone on the Teamspeak at the time of the change, so I really don't see what your moaning about.

3 hours is well plenty for you to generate a 28 security level, even my android could generate it in 8 minutes... So you clearly done something wrong here.

If you cant be bothered to generate a extremely small Teamspeak key, then I guess that the staff team shouldn't spend so many hours a week working on the servers to moderate and make new content?

Everyone else never had issues, the server had 200 people in after 8 minutes of the update. But there's always one that complains...

Not everyone sits on the Forum 24/7

This is a kneejerk reaction with no planning.

I had no idea about the changes till i joined TS, and in regards to the amount of time ... Well no idea why it took so long, but I can assure you it took that long. regardless of the amount of time it was badly implemented.

What makes you think I was connected to the TS when you sent out the message, The first I knew about it was when i went to connect today.

Anyway, I shall complain no longer, Thank you for your time. Cheerio.

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I started updating, opened steam to log on and before steam was open i was on ts already, dont know how it takes so long for you guys.

Anyone familiar with SinusBot on Linux? I can't access the physical instance of TS3, not familiar with the Sinus on linux either. If anyone has any idea hit me up please <3

EDIT: Resolved Thanks to @Samatlewiss

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With my music bot you can upload an ID to it. So make an ID for your music bot, join the server with that Id to upgrade the secrutiy level then when your bot uses that ID it will be able to join.

If anyone want's to know how to enable your music bot to join the server with the correct secuirty measures, feel free to pm me on here/teamspeak and i'll talk you through!

Not everyone sits on the Forum 24/7

This is a kneejerk reaction with no planning.

I had no idea about the changes till i joined TS, and in regards to the amount of time ... Well no idea why it took so long, but I can assure you it took that long. regardless of the amount of time it was badly implemented.

What makes you think I was connected to the TS when you sent out the message, The first I knew about it was when i went to connect today.

Anyway, I shall complain no longer, Thank you for your time. Cheerio.
Kneejerk reaction, I brought this idea up over a week ago, and again a few days ago... Our staff team were working more on banning trolls than playing the game. It's about quality of life for everyone, not just you...

I sat back looking at these comments, I pointed out some pros and a con... for some reason 16 minutes of your life was SO MUCH that you have to say "its shit" and a "kneejerk" reaction... I have to wonder why this bothers you so much... Everyone else is moving on with their lives, and here's Lionel causing a fuss. You've shown ZERO respect for anyone in the staff team and the work the staff put into keeping you guys ticking along. 

Here's a statistic for you... since the update, zero trolls banned.... NONE....

They'll come, they'll cause their trouble, but compared to the figures over the last few days, we've got some peace.

It's comments like the ones you make that makes people sit here and say "why the hell do I bother".

Just a tip / recommendation to admins, I believe removing the TS from the public server TS server list also reduces the amount of randoms you have connecting, not sure if that's the source of the trolls for you though, but I've had that on my personal TS in the past and that pretty much resolved it

Just a tip / recommendation to admins, I believe removing the TS from the public server TS server list also reduces the amount of randoms you have connecting, not sure if that's the source of the trolls for you though, but I've had that on my personal TS in the past and that pretty much resolved it
Its trolls that are old users, not randoms.

Does anyone know how to update the security level on a music bot?


I have 4 identities. All of their security levels are 40+. The advantage of having 5 computers online 24/7 when I hosted for a gaming community

As much as I don't mind the new security, one thing I know from experience:

- If Trolls want to troll, they will do it anyway, despite having to wait 5 minutes for security.

This will be good at stopping randoms joining and trolling, if it's older members causing the problem, I doubt this will hinder them much.
The lengths some people will go to just to annoy or frustrate other players is nothing but extraordinary sometimes.

I once had a guy who used to harass an old server I ran, he created what must have been 20-30 steam accounts after I banned each and every one of them (and can only assume that he puchased GMOD on each one of them). As annoying as he was, I could only tip my bonnet to his dedication to his cause.

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As much as I don't mind the new security, one thing I know from experience:

- If Trolls want to troll, they will do it anyway, despite having to wait 5 minutes for security.

This will be good at stopping randoms joining and trolling, if it's older members causing the problem, I doubt this will hinder them much.
The lengths some people will go to just to annoy or frustrate other players is nothing but extraordinary sometimes.

I once had a guy who used to harass an old server I ran, he created what must have been 20-30 steam accounts after I banned each and every one of them (and can only assume that he puchased GMOD on each one of them). As annoying as he was, I could only tip my bonnet to his dedication to his cause.
This is true, but it makes it more of a hassle for them each time they get banned... but 5 minutes is 5 minutes of peace.

