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Taking Police Hostage (Important) <October15>

this is a silly idea where in real life is an officer going to turn around and go no sorry u carnt do that bye. u r just basically saying shoot the cops because there is no use for a policemen.
it does feel as now I'm going to have to excute them on the spot instead my our loverly hostage taking were we let police skydive over kavala naked SPC Chris &amp; SPC Stuart know what I mean lol
I dont know why you lot are complaining.

Most of you were here during the last no cop hostage thingy and it went, so whats all the fuss about now?
Could not agree more, and its just a temp ting.... Go explore new rp scenarios, do something new..

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I think some one needs to seriously have a think about this rules, simply put ....it sucks, in past two days I have had one cop drag me into TS threatening to report me for vdm ( I have the video that shows him running into the side of the car as I was stationary and just started moving forward) then out right said to me "dont rob police cars at this time of night, its a pain in the ass" it was 12 and 2 servers where still full then I've allso been killed 6 times by armed response and every single rp situation has went like this "put your hands up" boom im dead, i think the police are taking the hole thing way beyond a joke, they are all going to start moaning in a week or two because there will be to many gun fights ,personally I take police hostage nearly every day, but less than 1 in 10 end up dead, I took one to the race track the other day , raced him, then let him go, I absolutely love the server but since this rule has been in place I feel it has seriously affected the rp standard of the police, I mean come on, one PC and a pcso came up to me and 10 guys yesterday and tried to arrest us, like honestly what am I ment to do? If we can't take hostages my only option is execution and let me state I DO NOT LIKE EXECUTING THE POLICE , I'm sorry to moan guys but it has ruined the rp possibility for me and the police and as that is my favourite rp it in turn has ruined the server experience for me

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This has made it so the only way to deal with the police to to kill them. You cant say "Oh officer you silly goose. Now please run along and don't call in every unit that you just found me at the side of the road taking a civ hostage, have a nice day" A solution needs to come quickly to this

I mean come on, one PC and a pcso came up to me and 10 guys yesterday and tried to arrest us, like honestly what am I ment to do? If we can't take hostages my only option is execution and let me state I DO NOT LIKE EXECUTING THE POLICE , 
Tell them to go away? Show that there are 10 guys there?

Instead of complaining about it, how about help to find a good solution?

Just to express, I feel like it is a bad thing. But anyone who was here last time this happened knows that it only lasts for around one to two weeks, while the police sort themselves out.

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There are many good solutions above. Even if its cops can only be taken hostage for 5 minutes without a demand being made and then you must actively negotiate from then onward. Or make it so that a police officer can be taken hostage if he comes across a crime for the duration of that crime.

Can somebody clarify to me that I am not allowed to restrain an officer no matter the situation.

Because if that is the case, alot of cops are going to be executed whenever a rebel group wants to gain controll over a situation.

I completely understand that the current situation is a horrible experience for police officers, but with this rule it's creating a completely new situation where cops are getting executed, simply because that's the only way we can make sure they is no threat to us.

Can't we make it so that we are only allowed to restrain an officer for a set amount of time, let's say 5 minutes ..? That way people can still restrain/disable officers without having to kill them, or take the risk and let the cop(s) go.

I agree there needs to be something done about the amount of hostage taking, but this rule is creating a new problem rather than solving one.

EDIT: Silly me, I had in mind that this was going to become a perm rule.. don't mind my rant c:

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Tell them to go away? Show that there are 10 guys there?

Instead of complaining about it, how about help to find a good solution?
I did tell them to go away, I got shot with a rubber bullet, at the moment the police have free equipment, no chance of being taken hostage and have the ability to shoot rubbers with minimum compliance, I'm not moaning , I'm staying facts, I'm not saying any one particular officer is doing anything wrong , and I know there is a rule for ''value of life'' but last few days I have seen that rule go out the window because police are op at the moment. Simple things could be put in place, 30 min restraint timers, rules about how long you can hold an officer hostage be4 you have to release him, I don't no, but the current rule just isnt good

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I've enjoyed Seeing High Ranks out and about on patrol which is a positive out of this even though im strongly against it  

Well with all due respect is this not a ROLEPLAY server and is this NOT supposed to be like real life roleplay??? How is this even fair to the community... Every day cops take a risk with there lifes it is a part of there job. Im sorry but you guys are just taking the fun out of everything. Next its going to be you can't kill a cop with a gun like seriously... So disappointing.

Right, as of now this TEMPORARY rule is no longer in action, yet restrictions will be applied.

Restrictions for HOSTAGES:

  • You may NOT ask officers to do OOC actions, such as force them to leave the police force inside of RP. 
  • You may NOT take officers clothing, and wear it. You ARE allowed to ask them to drop the clothing in a vehicle, or storage container for your own protection.
  • The minimum rank that an officer can be taken is the rank of SPC, this is to allow the new officers to learn the ropes before being launched into the unknowns.
Please note, the above does not apply to when you want to restrain an officer to remove him from a scene, you can restrain any officer PC or above to remove them from a scene, but you cannot make any demands for them to be returned.

This is going to be very experimental, and we ask that everyone can feed back to tell us about these new restrictions. As soon as the force is back to its normal state we will remove these restrictions.

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Right, as of now this TEMPORARY rule is no longer in action, yet restrictions will be applied.


  • You may NOT ask officers to do OOC actions, such as force them to leave the police force inside of RP. 
  • You may NOT take officers clothing, and wear it. You ARE allowed to ask them to drop the clothing in a vehicle, or storage container for your own protection.
  • The minimum rank that an officer can be taken is the rank of SPC, this is to allow the new officers to learn the ropes before being launched into the unknowns.
This is going to be very experimental, and we ask that everyone can feed back to tell us about these new restrictions. As soon as the force is back to its normal state we will remove these restrictions.
Can you please add it onto the rules page as a temporary rule?

Can you please add it onto the rules page as a temporary rule?
This will be done in a moment, I also added that the restrictions apply to hostages only, not to escorting officers off the scene.

Personally I think the Police should receive more reward, like a pay raise or police exclusive weapons, just eexclusivextra little perks to brink the police numbers back up, maybe more ranks so people could get promotions quicker, I really loves my time in the police, I just wasn't patiant enough lol but yeah, I think we shouldbe focusing on rewarding the police for doing their jobs in order to attract new police and keep the good ones from leaving

If a cop gives a fake rank eg pc instead of spc Is this classed as power gaming 
Refer to the following rule:

4B) You are not allowed to identify players in game via nametags. Police, NHS and UNMC ranks (only ranks!) are fine to get, as they “wear clothing with the rank on” unless they are undercover. (Not in their uniform or masked.)

If they are in a mask, then they are of a rank to be in AR, meaning they are SPC. You will be allowed to use their rank above their head for this OOC purpose.

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Refer to the following rule:

[SIZE=medium]4B) You are not allowed to identify players in game via nametags. Police, NHS and UNMC ranks (only ranks!) are fine to get, as they “wear clothing with the rank on” unless they are undercover. (Not in their uniform or masked.)[/SIZE]

If they are in a mask, then they are of a rank to be in AR, meaning they are SPC.
Alright thanks. 

In the rare case we get a masked PC I guess he can just type ooc

(I believe PCs can still go on patrol AR or has that changed?) 

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Right, I have now applied the temp restrictions to the rules page. I will keep this topic open in the event people wish to discuss about this.

W8 your telling me to take a civ hostage is a great idea i have taken 10 hostages and i have never gotten the cops to trade him for something they dont even respond to me.But the gang hostages is a great idea i love it i tryed it out its so much fuin good rp ther :D  
