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Taking Police Hostage (Important) <October15>


West Midlands, UK

Hello Altisians!

We're having to temporarily change the rules against taking Police Hostage for a period of time. 

Like last time, The police are not finding this fun as it's happening multiple times to most officers online throughout each restart.

You will not be allowed to take police hostage until further notice. This is now against the rules!

Police taken hostage will be allowed to "respawn" when taken, and taking them hostage could lead to you being reported &amp; banned.

This will be effective from the 4PM restart today (27/10/15).


Andrew "Neo" Anderson

UPDATE: 29/10/15.

Ciaran said:
Right, as of now this TEMPORARY rule is no longer in action, yet restrictions will be applied.

Restrictions for HOSTAGES:

  • You may NOT ask officers to do OOC actions, such as force them to leave the police force inside of RP. 
  • You may NOT take officers clothing, and wear it. You ARE allowed to ask them to drop the clothing in a vehicle, or storage container for your own protection.
  • The minimum rank that an officer can be taken is the rank of SPC, this is to allow the new officers to learn the ropes before being launched into the unknowns.
Please note, the above does not apply to when you want to restrain an officer to remove him from a scene, you can restrain any officer PC or above to remove them from a scene, but you cannot make any demands for them to be returned.

This is going to be very experimental, and we ask that everyone can feed back to tell us about these new restrictions. As soon as the force is back to its normal state we will remove these restrictions.

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Activities are already limited enough as a rebel right now.

Instead of making Police hostages against the rules completely why not just up the no hostage taking of CSO and PCSOs to a higher rank.

In TI we have an internal rule of DSGT+ 

So why not edit the server rule for the duration of this restriction and only allow officers of certain rank+ able to be taken hostage.

Things are only as limited as your imaginations... but Police are being taken hostage every 2 minutes, it's silly, they can't do a normal routine traffic stop without getting a call to SPC Godknowswho being taken hostage... It's only temporary for a short period of time whilst we think of a new plan for it... 

Police don't find it fun, but you don't care because it's limiting you? So it's fine to make people quit?

It's arguments from both sides, and to keep activity of police up, we need to make a temporary change until we can move forwards. You suggestion is a good one, and there's nothing against you taking civs hostage....

I think this has been a long time coming since the removal of paying for police hostages. I can see this being a permanent rule, and also the police are not finding it fun being taken hostage but yet putting this as a rule will only result in more police deaths and less value of life. This will be argumentative from both sides but i can only see this as a negative.

Have rebels not thought to take other gangs hostage and get money from their gang?

Activities are already limited enough as a rebel right now.

Instead of making Police hostages against the rules completely why not just up the no hostage taking of CSO and PCSOs to a higher rank.

In TI we have an internal rule of DSGT+ 

So why not edit the server rule for the duration of this restriction and only allow officers of certain rank+ able to be taken hostage.
I agree with this. Great roleplay is brought from being taken hostage. Two that stick out to me when I have been taken is bombs in the church in which we had to get a bomb squad in and the other resulted in the GC vs Cops sing off. 
However I do think it is getting ridiculous the amount of officers getting held up and took hostage. Bringing the rank up to a SGT/DSGT+ could lower the number by quite a fair bit.

Thread Cleaned up....

For now this rule stands, PLEASE contribute ideas and suggestions only, any other posts will be removed, and the poster may receive a warning point.

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  1. a person seized or held as security for the fulfilment of a condition.
Does this mean we are just not allowed take a cop and ask for something in return or no taking of cops full stop because the word "hostage" has a certain meaning. 

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  1. a person seized or held as security for the fulfilment of a condition.
Does this mean we are not allowed take a cop and ask for something in return or no taking of cops full stop because the word "hostage" has a certain meaning. 
"[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]fulfilment of a condition[/COLOR]" pretty sure that asking for something would be them be fulfilling your demands?

Are you able to clarify, if cops interfere with a situation and we hold them up, (hands on heads), etc. dropping guns.

Not taking them hostage, just controlling a situation until we leave. Is this okay?

I might see how this both can benefit cops and rebels, but i also see how this would not benefit either side.
I like many others are afraid this will result in more shootouts then role play. 

Tbh i was cop for not so long, but i have to say even tho i got taken not too often i found it fun and entertaining, you get to know about the people holding you if you just role play with them. but then again i can see how some cops might find it irritating, but i would have to say it is part of the risk being a cop.
Then again, its not fun for us rebels being hold up by cops either but it is the risk we have to take every time we do something has well.
So i would have to say i personally feels like its just like saying cops cant arrest rebels has rebels find it irritating to be arrested every single day.

But about a suggestion, i can say i kinda agree on that putting it as dsgt+ could resolve it a bit lowering the amount of people being taken hostages has cops.
but what if its rater limited to that you can only take cop hostage if there is AR cops online to deal with the situation?
Then it would be limited down a bit has well. if you but that AR members for example need to have AR has well has there rank so people know if there are AR on. lets say you put it to minimum 5 AR members as to be online for you to be able too take a cop hostage. maybe even mix it with 5 AR and only sgt+ can be taken hostage. since there are most pc and spc getting taken.

That is at least my opinion and suggestion

We cannot limit activities to certain specialised units this would be unfair on the rest of the police force and as for being held up by the police, i really think you don't understand what the role of the police is on this server. If you have broken the law the police will arrest you, not hold you up. If any officers are "Holding up" rebels then let myself or any of the police command know for those who don't know who they are; SI Gazalad, SI Droge Worst, CSI Fisher, CSI Walt.

TI take one of my members as a hostage and asked for money! that was kind of fun :D  

We cannot limit activities to certain specialised units this would be unfair on the rest of the police force and as for being held up by the police, i really think you don't understand what the role of the police is on this server. If you have broken the law the police will arrest you, not hold you up. If any officers are "Holding up" rebels then let myself or any of the police command know for those who don't know who they are; SI Gazalad, SI Droge Worst, CSI Fisher, CSI Walt.
I do not mean the other cops can not go to help. i just mean that AR have to be on the server for it to be allowed for us to take a cop hostage. just like it as to be at least 10 cops for us to rob HM treasury and then all cops can go there, and so with a cop being taken hostage it as to be 5 AR but any cop can go help in the mater, its just meant to make so it dossent happen all the time.

and by holding up i meant arresting rebels. and it was meant as a metaphor on how i would say its silly to remove all cop hostage has it would been same has saying rebels cant be arrested.
Just to clear up what i meant:)

Police don't find it fun, but you don't care because it's limiting you? So it's fine to make people quit?
Im sorry but that makes no sense, i dont like being killed, taken hostage or being held up by someone either but that doesnt mean there can just be a rule implented.. 

I think this really takes away a lot of rp possibilities...

We should be asking and getting a general idea of the main reasons the police are being annoyed with being taken hostage?

I think the real issue could lie in the quality of role play when it comes to taking hostages. In certain cases I imagine that police are only really taken hostage just because it's the easiest way a group of rebels can get out of a simple ticket or routine stop. In my eyes that's pretty ridiculous and I can understand why certain police members are getting annoyed.

For example, if you were to be pulled over for speeding and you've got 2kg of weed stashed in your engine you're going to be shitting your pants. You're not instantly going to bring out a MXM from your backpack and tell the police officer to get in your car or you're going to kill him. You're going to play it cool act like you've got nothing. Unless you lose your shit and panic. Even then why take the policeman hostage? It should be a last resort instead of instantaneously victimizing the copper when you're technically in the wrong. The end of the day he's just doing his job. 

My point is at least have a reason for taking a member of the police. Okay fair enough you're doing the treasury and you want a high value member that's understandable. If you're doing it just because you're bored and you have nothing better to do then maybe you should have a think. I don't think anyone would enjoy being taken hostage and being driving around from A to B with no motive.

I can understand both sides, it's also annoying as now the minority are ruining it for the majority. I guess that's what you face when you sign up to the force though. 

Trying to find a balance to this is pretty difficult. I think the rule should revolve around the motive of the kidnappers. E.G. They're only allowed to take Police hostage if their motive is entirely rational. They can't just take police around to do nothing otherwise it's just a waste of their time. 

"You are only allowed to take a police officer hostage if you intend to depict a large scenario e.g. HM Treasury. Otherwise there is a time limit on how long you are allowed to have a police officer in your hands for."
