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Server Wipe - Keep existing factions/GANGS/Major Businesses

Custard Cream

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:

Reset the server do how it was Day 1. Everyone resets, Cars, Bank everything.

Detailed Suggestion:

Oh boy i can already smell how many downvotes this is going to get but here goes. 

I think the server should have a complete wipe. Everyones bank account reset to new character levels. Everyones cars gone, houses, guns, all of it.

With the imports being forced to be removed this seems like a pretty fair option to everyone involved, yes everyone grinded and will be surely pissed off at losing there stuff but it will actually give people a motivation to roleplay and grind for again. In addition to this there wont be anywere as much gun crime as there was and the guns should also be made harder to make and have a stronger focus on melee combat, how it was pre gang update. 

The police/Gruppe6,

To add to this suggestion I would propose for all police other than firearms and MOCU, to lose their firearms and just be restricted to tasers and other less than lethal equipment. Avante Guarde and the rearming of police can be a contigency measure for when everything gets really bad again, but then at least we can get back to the core roots of a british themed server.

The Pros:

  • Everyones reset Fair to everyone
  • Focus more on grinding again
  • More roleplay as not everyone is in a all gunfights 24/7
  • Less worry about the import issue

The Cons:

  • People will get salty and leave the server
  • People will get annoyed about losing their stuff they worked hard for.

Yes the population will decline for a while but it just allows for more focused areas of RP and not the cluster it can be when the server is constantly full. People will trickle back in, and should help RPUK become what it used to be again. IMO Yearly wipes should be a thing.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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Personally i agree that it would be harsh for some people to loose their business however, i think it is unfair for those that are not even flying in to keep their shops running should be allowed to keep them. the Staff that are keeping them stocked should be given chance. tbh the only two bars i see making a a effort is the Hen house and Kraken and they are trying to take RP into their bars and keep them busy and even though kraken gets busy and bit of drama outside which is not there fault. i think they've been amazing recently
Kinda hard for some places unfortunately, I'd love to have people spend time at vinewood bean machine, it's a massive place inside and can seat like 50/60 people but it's hard to get someone to come in and sit down for food, all they Wana do is grab a fast smoothie and run, such a shame really 🙁 

I gave this a -1 and here's why:

RPUK is by far (AFAIK) the longest-standing server that hasn't had a full wipe throughout its lifetime, this means that the server lore is massive and unmatched by any other community.
I would much rather see something of an equivalent within RP that pushes the Lore forward rather than a reset, something that has been spoken about many times before is a cryptocurrency that crims can use instead of cash which I think could open the door to a lot of new long term features that have been overlooked.

I would hate to see the server turn even more ''grind'' focused which i fear would be the most likely outcome if an economy reset were to be implemented.

For all you lacking "purpose" and wanting a reset because you have "everything" you possibly need. I look forward to seeing you all give away your money, cars and belongings to baldies and other players so you can live out your dreams of having nothing once again... no? Of course not.

If it's such a problem for you, delete your character and start a new one.

The answer is adding high revenue asset opportunities in the game with a price point of around £30m - £100m for OG's and experienced players to aim for. Perhaps commercial buildings, warehouses etc that people can purchase for their F6 which comes with high rent and a good reason to continue in city operations.

When hitting a ceiling, the answer isn't a one size fits all nuclear bomb. It's time for innovative ideas with the highest possible output and lowest possible input. 

This idea is a needless risk to population. Churn shaming is used in preparation for people not liking your idea, but its a real concern. You'll be left with the 30/300 players who were on board with the idea left with hardly anybody to RP with, there would be a real risk of people not wanting to play again, due to not knowing when the "wipe" brigade would be campaigning again for the developers to wipe all their shit. Trust will be broken.

We would simply end up in the same position, where the few remaining players will stick around, earning all the money gaining all the assets then complain they have everything all over again.

If a pixel doesn't define your roleplay, give it all away.

I enjoy my IRL Range Rover Sport & Tesla as much as I enjoy my in game cars. Not because they're "pixels" but because my in game character roleplayed for them, and my real life character worked for them. If im allowed to enjoy my real life cars, my character is allowed to enjoy his. After all, it's a realistic roleplay server.

Forcing everyone to hit an end game because you hit yourself is selfish, and a serious risk to the community.


Kinda hard for some places unfortunately, I'd love to have people spend time at vinewood bean machine, it's a massive place inside and can seat like 50/60 people but it's hard to get someone to come in and sit down for food, all they Wana do is grab a fast smoothie and run, such a shame really 🙁 
This is why i mentioned that food should go rotten/ expire after a certain amount of time so that people can not just stock up on it and it will help E.I Food spots get there RP interaction because you will be there making fresh food aswell. it will encourage people to get jobs at business as people can come and order fresh food and you can prepare it there and then. I think this server is good but we are behind some servers in RP in what others can do and how more immersive it is. I also think we should have heists, that would give people stuff to do as they have to find clue and bits to complete heist and just because have all clues doesnt mean they will get what they need as police will be involved. could create some good get away plans and tactics instead of just jump in vehicle and run they may have other vehicles like lorries waiting in tunnel and let car through but trap police.... there so much RP to have in this city but people will prob moan and i think that the city issue is when they try to add something or make it more RP people just moan and it doesnt get done, when give it ago could be good. lets add more things and add out of date food make you poorly so people will get fresh

Hello there, this is my opinion as a player, and I am curious how many will share the same // similar mindset. 

I think right now there are more pressing matters at hand that we need to deal with, are we wiping because we hope that will save the RP or because x players reached their goal(s)?
I think wanting a wipe because "Well, I've achieved everything, what now?" is a bit selfish...and if done incorrectly (wiping just for the sake of "wiping"), will definitely make 40%~50% of the community to leave (this is if we're wiping just for the sake of wiping, not if we're to bringing a change, as new players will always turn up, realistic number would be 20% ~ 30%). 

Wipe would make sense if; 
- We're releasing some big content (oh shiny!)
- Changing leads of Factions / Owners of Stores / People in Power (Oh, I could be the next CSI?!)
- Big Rules change  (Oh, new rules! Fancy!)
- How Police / NHS / Gangs / G6s / Judges work (Oh, NHS can now get a taser?!?)
- Mentality change / Roleplay Standards (Most important one, in my opinion)

We would need to make changes, rule changes, lead of faction changes, (roleplay) environment changes, reworking how x faction works, new content, not wipe just for the sake of wiping.

I think a money sink would be a better option (if the problem is money), be it form of 'quests' (love me some quests), 'crypto', a 'oh shit, once a month car that people can bid on?!' something to give us that 'oh, shiny' happy brain molecules feeling. (That is if the main point of wiping is 'too much money on server')

If the problem is roleplay, we should start rewarding roleplay, if you break your car, call for a mechanic to fix your car, roleplay with them, reward their roleplay, assist them in repairs, ask them questions, pay them for their service, if you go buy food, roleplay that you're placing a order, so the other side can roleplay accepting said order and serving you, enjoy the time with them, example, if you go to Kraken, place an order if someone is working there, sit yourself, wait for it to be delivered, pay them, rate their services, be creative..! Be welcoming to new players, invite them to your 'roleplay groups'.  
If you're going to war as a gang, have a good reason for it, not just "He called me a poopy head on tweedle ;(", I like wars that make sense, Apostles vs Occult, for example!
Wars shouldn't last MONTHS, beef or high tension, sure, but wars, no.

I think the main issue we're facing is the standards of roleplay, let's be honest, if X side provides me shit roleplay 7/10 times, I will be moody and recognize it as a pattern, a pattern that will end up in me providing shit roleplay to X, Y side back, and it ends up as a never ending circle. 

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Hello there, this is my opinion as a player, and I am curious how many will share the same // similar mindset. 

I think right now there are more pressing matters at hand that we need to deal with, are we wiping because we hope that will save the RP or because x players reached their goal(s)?
I think wanting a wipe because "Well, I've achieved everything, what now?" is a bit selfish...and if done incorrectly (wiping just for the sake of "wiping"), will definitely make 40%~50% of the community to leave. 

Wipe would make sense if; 
- We're releasing some big content (oh shiny!)
- Changing leads of Factions / Owners of Stores / People in Power (Oh, I could be the next CSI?!)
- Big Rules change  (Oh, new rules! Fancy!)
- How Police / NHS / Gangs / G6s / Judges work (Oh, NHS can now get a taser?!?)
- Mentality change / Roleplay Standards (Most important one, in my opinion)

We would need to make changes, rule changes, lead of faction changes, (roleplay) environment changes, reworking how x faction works, new content, not wipe just for the sake of wiping.

I think a money sink would be a better option (if the problem is money), be it form of 'quests' (love me some quests), 'crypto', a 'oh shit, once a month car that people can bid on?!' something to give us that 'oh, shiny' happy brain molecules feeling. (That is if the main point of wiping is 'too much money on server')

If the problem is roleplay, we should start rewarding roleplay, if you break your car, call for a mechanic to fix your car, roleplay with them, reward their roleplay, assist them in repairs, ask them questions, pay them for their service, if you go buy food, roleplay that you're placing a order, so the other side can roleplay accepting said order and serving you, enjoy the time with them, example, if you go to Kraken, place an order if someone is working there, sit yourself, wait for it to be delivered, pay them, rate their services, be creative..! Be welcoming to new players, invite them to your 'roleplay groups'.  
If you're going to war as a gang, have a good reason for it, not just "He called me a poopy head on tweedle ;(", I like wars that make sense, Apostles vs Occult, for example!
Wars shouldn't last MONTHS, beef or high tension, sure, but wars, no.

I think the main issue we're facing is the standards of roleplay, let's be honest, if X side provides me shit roleplay 7/10 times, I will be moody and recognize it as a pattern, a pattern that will end up in me providing shit roleplay to X, Y side back, and it ends up as a never ending circle. 

We need to raise the ceiling with something like this..

As one of the servers newer players, I thought it'd be good to give my two cents as most people replying here are well-experienced with time in the year points.

While I think a reset would be beneficial, considering the current state of the economy, it will drive people away. A flat reset would be harmful. However, like many have said a major update could help with this.

Say for example: 

Business': Make it so there is more interaction between buying items and players. This could be done via the following:

  1. After the till recieves a certain amount of money, this needs to be moved to a safe by the shop owners, allowing for more versatile robbery rp.
  2. Shops work similar to bars, have people actually working rather than a restock then leaving.
  3. Items within shops post this reset have a set value for a short period, but, giving people the ability to buy x amount for y off.

Essentially, some of these can be done naturally, but the first part would change.

Then, for car dealerships:

  1. No more "january third, we gotta rush for stock." Have it phase through the weeks and a large quantity of cars to suit the higher population that'll occur for people grinding for cars.
  2. Car dealerships pricing on different items is more regulated, so instead of "4303030303" for a crap-car, for the first few months make it so the shop can double the import price and thats it at a maximum. It lets people have opportunity to buy cars. While it rewards obsessive grinding, it is what it is.

Then QOL updates, maybe a change to the housing- how you decorate, the layouts, etc, container locations being changed or slowly released with time. 

It gives new and old people a chance to fight for what they want, rather than having to play catchup with months of grinding for 20m, just for it to be gone on two purchases.

As well, an introduction of more jobs:

  • Trash Collection
  • Builders
  • Roadmen


I think just it needs an update, I thought I'd add what ideas could help with this should it be decided to be accepted.

However, even with this I am still on the side of a flat reset would not be helpful. The economy zero's being shifted left by one would also be useless, as its the same just less "flashy" numbers. I think this is an extremely hard problem to solve, and this idea would not be it.


Since I don't play the server anymore, not sure how valid my input here is but regardless I’m all for wiping the server and starting fresh.

Things to note:

- Instead of changing and compensating cars, all copyrighted cars can be deleted and substitutes added.
- Changing existing recipes for crafting, locations for crafting etc. (keeping it fresh)
- Re-adding old drugs, updating recipes for them.
- Joy of recreating existing gangs, making new alliances.
- Wiping the businesses and excess item counts from the server to help the economy make sense while creating item rarity.
- Economy wipe, allowing people to grind for new stuff while forging new friendships, learning new things etc.
- VR chatting hotfix, people would actually be about doing stuff for progression.
- Could help with enforcing/clarifying new and existing rules.
- Opportunity for old and new members to start their roleplay experience fresh and on an equal level playing field. 
- Mentality change for the player base (hopefully x). 

There’s no point in waiting another year or two for major updates and changes as these happen periodically anyway, if something new is made it’s essentially instantly added to the server anyway. Make small changes but refreshing ones that will shake things up, it doesn’t matter if the updates are major or not, people play the server because of the unique community. 

We all made great memories/friends on the server over the last few years and it was a blast. If you have some weird attachment to the server for what it is and what it was, that’s on you. If you want to make the server a time-machine for whenever some logs in, add memorabilia of all the things that were but are no more (graffitis are a great way to do that, just an example though). The community will still remain the same even after the wipe. People writing about the existing player base leaving with the wipe because all their pixel goodies are gone, that seems like a you issue. New people will replace you, old members will most likely return and the unban appeal section will be hopping for the next month.

That’s all, thank you.

Since I don't play the server anymore, not sure how valid my input here is but regardless I’m all for wiping the server and starting fresh.

Things to note:

- Instead of changing and compensating cars, all copyrighted cars can be deleted and substitutes added.
- Changing existing recipes for crafting, locations for crafting etc. (keeping it fresh)
- Re-adding old drugs, updating recipes for them.
- Joy of recreating existing gangs, making new alliances.
- Wiping the businesses and excess item counts from the server to help the economy make sense while creating item rarity.
- Economy wipe, allowing people to grind for new stuff while forging new friendships, learning new things etc.
- VR chatting hotfix, people would actually be about doing stuff for progression.
- Could help with enforcing/clarifying new and existing rules.
- Opportunity for old and new members to start their roleplay experience fresh and on an equal level playing field. 
- Mentality change for the player base (hopefully x). 

There’s no point in waiting another year or two for major updates and changes as these happen periodically anyway, if something new is made it’s essentially instantly added to the server anyway. Make small changes but refreshing ones that will shake things up, it doesn’t matter if the updates are major or not, people play the server because of the unique community. 

We all made great memories/friends on the server over the last few years and it was a blast. If you have some weird attachment to the server for what it is and what it was, that’s on you. If you want to make the server a time-machine for whenever some logs in, add memorabilia of all the things that were but are no more (graffitis are a great way to do that, just an example though). The community will still remain the same even after the wipe. People writing about the existing player base leaving with the wipe because all their pixel goodies are gone, that seems like a you issue. New people will replace you, old members will most likely return and the unban appeal section will be hopping for the next month.

That’s all, thank you.
"If you have some weird attachment to the server for what it is and what it was, that’s on you."

Imagine not playing the server and shaming people for still enjoying it the way it is, or the way it has been. "That's on you" what's on us exactly? The fact we appreciate the city, how its developed and how it's ran?

"People writing about the existing player base leaving with the wipe because all their pixel goodies are gone, that seems like a you issue"

Imagine not playing the server but shaming people for enjoying their progress, houses and items that we role-played and grinded for. Great roleplay can still exist whilst caring about your in game assets.

"The community will still remain the same even after the wipe."

It's about risk. The risk of this statement being overwhelmingly untrue is very high. Server population hit 330+ one day this week. I suppose to you, that's 330+ with a "them problem" for enjoying the city.

"New people will replace you, old members will most likely return"

Considering the booming server pop lately, it seems it's you that's been replaced.

"Since I don't play the server anymore, not sure how valid my input here"

You were right about something. 

I have been a member of the RPUK community since October 23, in that time I have managed to build my characters reputation, created some great relationships with other characters/groups. Started my own unofficial business and helped bring a legacy official business back to life and continue to drive it forward.  My interactions cross both OG characters and new to the city ones and I have gone from not having a clue to being someone people call for information (again, both OG and new).  I cant relate to how things used to be because of my short time here but can say there are some great people still enjoying developing their characters.

There is a clear division between the older established players and people who have been here less than a year but there is a clear knock on effect – your OG’s hold all the cards/businesses and if they are not in the city it’s a ripple down effect to everyone else trying to get a foot hold.

I can only give my view from activity within the city (within legal parameters) due to my characters job, I don’t know how the mechanics of guns/drugs/illegal activity production and supply work so cant comment on how they are having an impact on RP.  So, I started penning my observations of how I see it as a relatively new entrant and realised there are 2 key areas which are linked but have a significant impact – Vehicles and Business activity.  I started mapping it all out and thought it might be a suggestion on its own so you can read it here – https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/150150-import-vehicles-and-dealership-activity/

In a nutshell, the import ban has massively affected the city, players have effectively had assets frozen and dealerships which were once very busy are now like ghost businesses relying on bringing in enough staff just to cover tweedle messages and respond to someone asking to open up a dealership to sell them a car.. I believe if you address the way imports can be traded until either RS/FiveM give a deadline you will bring back life to a massive part of what FiveM was massively focused around – vehicles.  I don’t believe wiping to remove any trace of imports is the solution, that’s like chopping off a leg because you have a broken foot.

I don't understand how wiping would increase roleplay?
Maybe it's my mindset from 8 years ago. But RP servers always got wiped. Everybody always had to grind and communicate. Wars couldn't last months. 

It encouraged people to rp and engage with eachother to find stuff out. The problem I've found is too many people RP as themselves and this let's their egos get inflated because they are mandem with millions. 

People need to learn to let go of progression to appreciate the interaction and growth of RP.

But that's just my opinion. 

Maybe it's my mindset from 8 years ago. But RP servers always got wiped. Everybody always had to grind and communicate. Wars couldn't last months. 

It encouraged people to rp and engage with eachother to find stuff out. The problem I've found is too many people RP as themselves and this let's their egos get inflated because they are mandem with millions. 

People need to learn to let go of progression to appreciate the interaction and growth of RP.

But that's just my opinion. 
Morning mate!

This server used to be SOLID on keeping people's RP honest, I remember before the new banning was implemented, everyone was frightened to death of perma bans. The admins straight up didn't mess about with shitty roleplay in the past.

A server wipe isn't, and should never be the solution to a behavioral problem. This should be tackled and handled differently.

@Joe Scrubthe irony from the wipe brigade shaming people for "caring about pixels" explaining it just means they have shit roleplay, when they're out hear caring a little too much about other peoples pixels, which in my opinion is even worse.


See I don't get it, I see both sides of the argument for a wipe, and agree with some point's across both sides

But those who are saying bah it's just your pixel money and items your clearly just salty you'll loose it all, in all honesty why shouldent they be upset about the risk of loosing it all, not every player here is just here to be a badman (or woman) gangster who just wants to sell drugs and get into fights or to just have a bit of a fun mess around and have a laugh with some minor RP story,  if you have been apart of the community for years and years, and you have built something grand with your character and still have plenty of story for them to continue with, its going to be crushing to just get a oh well sorry gotta start again from fresh and forget the past 3 years off you pop

Those servers where it's more about makeing quick cash and fighting sure they can reset whenever, but resetting something that's been this long in the makeing it would just in my opinion push alot of the long time serious role players away from the place

If the economy is what people are worrying about then okay there's other avenues to head down hell maybe bingle @Lucy Webbcould hack the banks and wipe out all the accounts setting everyone at £0, or the mad Russians who seen to have access to all sorts of weapons and such could assault the city in a way of stuff like blocking the ports shutting down things that come in and out, or maybe they don't want people taking the cocaine anymore so they set cayo onto lockdown and stop anyone setting foot on the place

Hell fuck it add in HMRC and tax the fuck out of everyone, hello sir we see you made 60million last year you owe the taxman 27million in tax, ah can't pay well we will seize assets and such

Honestly a server reset is the easy and boring way to go about it, serious roleplay community, let's roleplay it out

Being a Civ or a Cop, I see no difference if there is a wipe or not for you, A wipe would very much affect criminals and gangs. Being a crim main my points are bias however I can tell you from being in a gang for a large portion of time, that a wipe is something that needs to happen. Without this gangs will become even more dead, (if possible) and without a gang the rest of the server is pointless, likewise if you lost all police or all civs. Anyone who doesn't want a wipe does not really want to fully roleplay. They want to sit on there nice cars and bank accounts and vr chat with people for a day. 

I don't understand how wiping would increase roleplay?
IMO removing the huge stockpiles of guns and cash would have a HUGE effect on roleplay, mainly for the gangs and police but with a large trickle down effect for normal civilians. These nightly gang wars which take over parts of the city wouldn't be happening. Every btec roadman you see wouldn't be carrying a firearm. People would be forced into talking more rather than defaulting to a gunfight every single time. Police could drop avant-guard and have no need for anyone except firearms to carry guns - firearms numbers could also be greatly restricted.

At the moment people have no fear of losing anything. Before getting into a fight you should take second to think can I really afford to lose this, at the moment the answer is yes, 100 times over, and imo its the wrong way of thinking for an RP server.

From my perspective, the current state is dire for Police & NHS. You can't even do a simple traffic stop or impound a vehicle blocking a street without hearing "hands up press panic ur ded". As NHS you are so overworked with mass gunfights every single night and radio call after radio call about yet another officer down or suspect down or mass firefight to the point where you can't spend the time to actually enjoy any form of RP with anyone anymore and end up treated like a local doctor. Then you get the cunts in /ooc "nhs never come" and you wonder why... we get burnt out, very very quickly listening to the same shit. 

I think a wipe is decent idea, but it would NEED to come with a fresh content drop in terms of both LEGAL and crim roleplay jobs, ideally group based so friendship groups can form and also coincide with the removal of import cars too. One less headache worrying about comp or replacements etc.

Yes it sucks we lose all we've grinded for, but its an equal playing field. No one group or player is being targetted, everyone starts from ground zero. I never played RPUK in the ARMA days but I was staff over on another popular server where we did yearly wipes and saw a huge amount of old players return each time.

Overall +1 from myself. Whilst it's not a magic fix to the state of the server - I think it would be a solid place to start.

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This from 1 minute on, for me, sums up everything I would want to say in this thread.

Progression as the foundation of roleplay I agree, however you can also create horizontal progression and not vertical progression. You don't need imo a wipe to do that. A wipe would be a new vertical progression, if we manage to thrive a horizontal progression then we still can progress in order to roleplay on it. 

Furthermore, RPUK has not the same ressources to just give out new content like the famous NP. 
