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Server Wipe - Keep existing factions/GANGS/Major Businesses

Custard Cream

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:

Reset the server do how it was Day 1. Everyone resets, Cars, Bank everything.

Detailed Suggestion:

Oh boy i can already smell how many downvotes this is going to get but here goes. 

I think the server should have a complete wipe. Everyones bank account reset to new character levels. Everyones cars gone, houses, guns, all of it.

With the imports being forced to be removed this seems like a pretty fair option to everyone involved, yes everyone grinded and will be surely pissed off at losing there stuff but it will actually give people a motivation to roleplay and grind for again. In addition to this there wont be anywere as much gun crime as there was and the guns should also be made harder to make and have a stronger focus on melee combat, how it was pre gang update. 

The police/Gruppe6,

To add to this suggestion I would propose for all police other than firearms and MOCU, to lose their firearms and just be restricted to tasers and other less than lethal equipment. Avante Guarde and the rearming of police can be a contigency measure for when everything gets really bad again, but then at least we can get back to the core roots of a british themed server.

The Pros:

  • Everyones reset Fair to everyone
  • Focus more on grinding again
  • More roleplay as not everyone is in a all gunfights 24/7
  • Less worry about the import issue

The Cons:

  • People will get salty and leave the server
  • People will get annoyed about losing their stuff they worked hard for.

Yes the population will decline for a while but it just allows for more focused areas of RP and not the cluster it can be when the server is constantly full. People will trickle back in, and should help RPUK become what it used to be again. IMO Yearly wipes should be a thing.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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Easy fix and I know people will hate this idea. Bring back pistol crafting to gangs. That way they have to grind for them to get and its not just on turf selling drugs for 4 hours to buy one. Forces them to either log on and mine or buy it from someone and make connections. Also gives them something to by setting up gun deals
Me and you Jaffa dont really agree on much but this is good.

Damn this one hits hard. 

If the server gets wiped I'd immediately downgrade the police to having no hand guns for patrol officers, cut down the number of firearms (and make them keep their guns in the car) in a heartbeat. It was way more fun and less toxic in the first year of the server when guns were not seen as often. 

although from day one my civ has been collecting cars, that was my roleplay story from the first time i made the character, he is a car collector thats where all the money earned has been going towards. I must have about £350-£400 millions worth in cars because that is all i do. that's a harder hit to stomach, it wont make me leave the server less but loosing 5000 hours of grinding is a hard sell for me. 

Damn this one hits hard. 

If the server gets wiped I'd immediately downgrade the police to having no hand guns for patrol officers, cut down the number of firearms (and make them keep their guns in the car) in a heartbeat. It was way more fun and less toxic in the first year of the server when guns were not seen as often. 

although from day one my civ has been collecting cars, that was my roleplay story from the first time i made the character, he is a car collector thats where all the money earned has been going towards. I must have about £350-£400 millions worth in cars because that is all i do. that's a harder hit to stomach, it wont make me leave the server less but loosing 5000 hours of grinding is a hard sell for me. 
I think maybe the server just needs gun removing to where not so many I think they carry them becsuse every police person has them. I’m in response and maybe we don’t get them untill we leave to RPU or something. We kind of just go round with tazer and Barton anyway and tbh when they know we don’t have guns make it’s more fun in chases and tbh prob stop us getting robbed 

I think maybe the server just needs gun removing to where not so many I think they carry them becsuse every police person has them. I’m in response and maybe we don’t get them untill we leave to RPU or something. We kind of just go round with tazer and Barton anyway and tbh when they know we don’t have guns make it’s more fun in chases and tbh prob stop us getting robbed 
As much as you can say gun removing could be a thing. If crims lose guns that will kill the server for a lot of people its GTA. As for cops. When I first joined RPUK it was like this and I spoke to Stealthee, Police Command at the time and some other staff because the server was way too easy. You get chased by a cop you turn around and tell the cop you have a gun the cop then has to value his life and leaves the scene. This lead to no cops on the server for a very long time. Its a difficult balance because if you take guns away alot of both sides will not play and thats a harsh truth people dont want to hear

This is not a bad thought. I think combine it with you actually need to be online to serve the sentence and a bunch of things you can do in prison so it isn't boring and that might have some positive affect.
To be honest this is something we already discussed many moons ago and worked on but never got around to finishing it. Mainly the adding fun things to prison part that can take a lot of effort.

Only thing against it would be:
A lot of people complain that guns take hours to get and seconds to lose which in some sense is true, if you make them lose it more often I'm not sure that is going to make it more enjoyable

So I did some maths on this last night. If you brought back gun crafting to gangs then it would work like this 

4 People go out mining and smelting and come back after an hour with 1000 steel (Each person gets 500 ore and 250 coal and smelts it)

With that steel you could get on average 10 guns

Then you split the guns with the 4 people so each get 2 and 2 spare (Maybe the group sells them maybe the group stockpiles them and next time they do it they spilt the guns up as they will have 4)

So after getting on at 6pm restart. Getting people around and doing what needs to be done they then head to the mine at 7pm and mine. That takes us to 8pm

At 8pm they come back and speak with their group and decide to do crime each with a gun

Half an hour later they get caught and all sent to jail for an hour for attempted murder (rough number up for discussion) 

They each lose a gun and ammo so 4 guns 400 bullets lost plus a 25k fine (Again up for discussion) 

They get out 30 mins later after doing activities in the prison

They then have to fight a gang war so get geared up and go fight that 

Now its 9pm

An hour later (10pm) they find and fight gang and lose (Police intervene and pick up said 4 people) 

Each get the same charge again gun lost plus ammo (which takes time to get too) so again 4 guns lost and 400 bullets plus a 25k fine (Again up for discussion) 

So they spend half an hour in jail again after doing prison jobs they are out

Its now 10:30pm Police have taken 8x guns 1600x Bullets and 400k from 4 people. 

It then forces people to constantly be active on the server to want to do crime and also police get their wish of keeping guns off the street

Now imagine this on a gang level scale like nowadays 

It would be 12 people. So you 3x everything 

A gang then loses 24x Guns, 4800 Bullets and 1,200,000 

Dont see how anyone loses here but maybe the crim. Police literally win this way instead of having put someone in for 12 hours jail and barely a fine and lose of 1 gun over a whole night. The crim can go out and do whatever he wants and go roleplay with people instead of stuck in jail for 12 hours. The cops are getting money and guns off the street. Literal win win for everyone but this only works if gangs get pistol crafting back 

Looking back on this maybe the fine needs to be a little lower but thats what discussion is for. 

I dont think necessarily a wipe, im not against it but i think what they should do instead is reset all the updates that have came out, i dont know about any1 else but i wish i could go back to the way the server was in like late 2021-early 2022. No recoil. No helmet armour. NO FPS in cars.

At the same time i think the whole mindset of rpuk has changed since then also so what i said above could be pointless, i just miss old times

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- Audit of businesses and allow players to keep businesses that are actually active and not just used for passive income, maybe look at a 6 month period. Anything that wasn’t active or RPd with, you lose and CoC allocate to people once the server is running again. 
harder said than done, since activity for businesses is hard to monitor proper from the last 6 months unless you look at it daily ingame, most shops that use them solely for money order stuff daily, play daily, but never use the shop for any RP

easier to just wipe all shops, hire people to work at the dealerships(atleast) so people can still get cars and make a proposal for all businesses in one go

- Cap profits of businesses via a tax, for example car dealerships can only make x amount of profit per sale. This stops silly auctions where super car dealerships make 12m profit on a single sale. 
already trying to do this, but not as easy as it sounds unforunately

harder said than done, since activity for businesses is hard to monitor proper from the last 6 months unless you look at it daily ingame, most shops that use them solely for money order stuff daily, play daily, but never use the shop for any RP

easier to just wipe all shops, hire people to work at the dealerships(atleast) so people can still get cars and make a proposal for all businesses in one go

already trying to do this, but not as easy as it sounds unforunately
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’ll be easy, but I do think it’s needed. 

Just reset the server, anyone who says they don’t want it, clearly just doesn’t want to ROLEPLAY and just sit on what they have already built. Obviously some big updates would have to come with the wipe and Should be done with in the next 3 months, otherwise I doubt there will be a server to wipe. 

Just reset the server, anyone who says they don’t want it, clearly just doesn’t want to ROLEPLAY and just sit on what they have already built. Obviously some big updates would have to come with the wipe and Should be done with in the next 3 months, otherwise I doubt there will be a server to wipe. 
Fully agree with this, people just need to get over it. it's a roleplay server so I don't see the issue unless they were the ONLY person to lose stuff, which wouldn't be the case.

I still believe inactive businesses should be removed from people, instead of criminals being targeted. If someone isn’t putting effort into their business and using it for passive income instead, they shouldn’t have it. Simple as that. Don’t charge people millions, but give the CoC the full ability to audit and remove from inactive owners. Make bars useful, make restaurants unique in what they sell. 
Ive always had the view there should be some form of policy in place for businesses, I hate the idea that there are businesses just there for passive income acting more like a vending machine you have to refill from time to time, I believe there should be a policy that shops should have staff actually there in person for a certain amount of time a week and if not after a certain amount of time the shop should be put under new ownership, when a business is making enough money it really isnt too much to ask to even create more jobs for people to work at these shops hire a few people to man the shops once or twice a week i highly doubt it would dent the owners wallet too much if thats such a massive concern.

Ive always had the view there should be some form of policy in place for businesses, I hate the idea that there are businesses just there for passive income acting more like a vending machine you have to refill from time to time, I believe there should be a policy that shops should have staff actually there in person for a certain amount of time a week and if not after a certain amount of time the shop should be put under new ownership, when a business is making enough money it really isnt too much to ask to even create more jobs for people to work at these shops hire a few people to man the shops once or twice a week i highly doubt it would dent the owners wallet too much if thats such a massive concern.
im pretty sure there is some bits in the works for that, as there is a food update in the works and tbh id love to do more in person RP with my shop

i have plans for doing it where you have the Takeaway price and then the Eat in Price with that being cheaper than the takeaway, the downside is if i push for it or even talk about it people dont have any interest, why do they want to come sit in the restaurant when they can just run in grab 10 smoothies and leave personally i think smoothies should be nuked into a almost useless form of food and that more should be put onto eating better foods, hell if possible have it so maybe not eating a decent balance diet had a effect,

but to the having people in my shop selling the food as servers and waiters its not easy to find players who are ok with standing inside 1 place for hours hoping someone comes in

the only thing id suggest if a wipe was to happen is, that certain things are withheld and drip fed later on for example containers and maybe some property or even mechanics and features as most people will have knowledge from prior to wipe unless changes are made, such as locations and recipes (idk) the least of my worry is about the crime stuff but for the crims out there, it will be a rat race of who can push coke first, who can rob pharmacy or hit shops first might promote early altercations between  gangs though  (so a + Gang RP)

I only suggest this as major (official) businesses and gangs might utilize this wipe to acquire as many as they can but it also haves a negative impact on them due to rent if they were to do so.

Or maybe just reduce/limit the amount of containers that are available at the start making them worth something and once the economy has progressed later on, enable more container locations so there inst an issue of (hording or extortion due to very limited amount)

Might be a dumb suggestion or a good one :3

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All for this, hopefully also reset a lot of the markets, I do feel a lot more is needed but the price of weapons is ridiculous and I’ll take it to my grave that cheaper and more accessible weapons would result in more and better criminal RP. 

Like the suggestion and I have been a major fan of a server wipe however, I don't believe that the below,

all police other than firearms and MOCU, to lose their firearms and just be restricted to tasers and other less than lethal equipment
will not benefit and further harm the server in the pivotal months after the wipe, IMO the police should play a role in maintaning the economy and to do this they need to be able to do this effectively, when RPUK FiveM first launched I remember that cops (frontline) only had tasers and this was a reflection of IRL policing within the UK, however, it soon became quite clear that this policing model did not work. 

Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it, this wipe will not change the core meta of the server and people will arm themselves just as quickly as they did beforehand. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I agree with a wipe just not with the draconian change to the police. 

Like the suggestion and I have been a major fan of a server wipe however, I don't believe that the below,

will not benefit and further harm the server in the pivotal months after the wipe, IMO the police should play a role in maintaning the economy and to do this they need to be able to do this effectively, when RPUK FiveM first launched I remember that cops (frontline) only had tasers and this was a reflection of IRL policing within the UK, however, it soon became quite clear that this policing model did not work. 

Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it, this wipe will not change the core meta of the server and people will arm themselves just as quickly as they did beforehand. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I agree with a wipe just not with the draconian change to the police. 
back then you could also by a pistol for like 50k from a black market dealer at old azteca compound

Like the suggestion and I have been a major fan of a server wipe however, I don't believe that the below,

will not benefit and further harm the server in the pivotal months after the wipe, IMO the police should play a role in maintaning the economy and to do this they need to be able to do this effectively, when RPUK FiveM first launched I remember that cops (frontline) only had tasers and this was a reflection of IRL policing within the UK, however, it soon became quite clear that this policing model did not work. 

Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it, this wipe will not change the core meta of the server and people will arm themselves just as quickly as they did beforehand. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I agree with a wipe just not with the draconian change to the police. 
Avante Guarde and the rearming of police can be a contigency measure for when everything gets really bad again, but then at least we can get back to the core roots of a british themed server.
I did attempt to clarify this change would only be temporary, till gun crime rises again. Allowing to keep avante guarde a contingency measure

Honestly I’m for it - but there would need to be a few things done in my opinion to make it work. 

- Rules would need to be changed and rewritten for the better of RP. For example I think there should be consideration of gang RP rules like the ‘rule of 6’ & limitations put in place on starts of wars etc… to ensure RP standards are actually maintained. 

- Characters should remain but all assets wiped, characters keep their memories of people but all precious inter-group relations, knowledge of what groups do or previous problems don’t exist in the new version of Los Santos. For example, yes you would know who x person is but you wouldn’t know about the time they shot you 6 months ago, or you wouldn’t know this person sold you guns before etc… Make it worthwhile for people to start building relations again. 

- Audit of businesses and allow players to keep businesses that are actually active and not just used for passive income, maybe look at a 6 month period. Anything that wasn’t active or RPd with, you lose and CoC allocate to people once the server is running again. 

- Police/Crim interactions reworked. Prison sentences changed so you actually have to serve the time, however all sentences reduced. For example if something is currently 420 change it 42, but you need to be online to serve it. 

- Re-enable all the things from the past that have removed with little explanation or *obvious* reason. For example allow gangs to buy things like Armoured XLS, unblacklist certain mods. 

- Remove the massive grind to buy what is essentially a corner shop or bar. Remove the whole CoCs ability to remove a business if someone is caught committing certain crimes. Instead of this, put businesses fully under CoC control and make the purchase amount £0, however make it a mandatory 3 months (for example) review period and simply remove a business from anyone who isn’t putting in effort to Roleplay around that business. People don’t want to lose their businesses because they spent 10m+ on them at times, but if they don’t cost that much and actually require Roleplay if makes it better for people who actually RP as business owners, while being able to progress their character without a fear of losing a business if caught doing xyz things. 

- When it comes to factions and gangs shrink them significantly. Reduce gang caps to 15, reduce the amount of Police in Firearms etc… 

- Reintroduce gangs that have died off and allow them to be built up within RP without having to spend 9 months RPing to get whitelisted. For example if the right leader emerges, allow Triads to be restarted and take their place within the server again. 

This is obviously just a small amount of things that would need to be considered, and I have massively simplified them, but it only works with new content which I obviously don’t know the specifics of. A fresh new city for people to build in, work on relationships and establish their characters. I personally don’t see it happened as there is a lot of people against it, but I think it’s a good idea if proper executed. 
Jack put it perfectly well. Yes i wont be happy losing 100s of hours making the money i have and losing everything, I know it means nothing. I RP then when its quiet i make money. I will always pick chatting to people and getting up to fun situations with people than make money. But never the less money is needed to have more fun. Show your friends your new cars and bikes. Buy a nice house and or container.  Cant just wipe. Like most have said it does need to come with massive changes in the rules and updates.  New fun things to do as if a wipe just happened now. You would see taxis everywhere. I've done enough time in a taxi. New jobs would be fun. Also keeping our chars 100% as a lot of time has been put into peoples RP stories and losing that well no thanks. I am 100% down for a fresh start with fresh rules and stuff to do. Not down for just a clean wipe with nothing else new to do. In time 🙂  but people will have more to lose then, Ah i don't know we will see 🙂 

Obviously I'm going to be biased. 
I've worked hard to get the businesses I've got, evolving them and development for them. 
If I lost that to a reset, I'm not sure I'd be motivated to stay. 
That's the truth. 

Personally i agree that it would be harsh for some people to loose their business however, i think it is unfair for those that are not even flying in to keep their shops running should be allowed to keep them. the Staff that are keeping them stocked should be given chance. tbh the only two bars i see making a a effort is the Hen house and Kraken and they are trying to take RP into their bars and keep them busy and even though kraken gets busy and bit of drama outside which is not there fault. i think they've been amazing recently

Personally i agree that it would be harsh for some people to loose their business however, i think it is unfair for those that are not even flying in to keep their shops running should be allowed to keep them. the Staff that are keeping them stocked should be given chance. tbh the only two bars i see making a a effort is the Hen house and Kraken and they are trying to take RP into their bars and keep them busy and even though kraken gets busy and bit of drama outside which is not there fault. i think they've been amazing recently
Appreciate it mate! 

And I fully agree. If someone doesn't fly in, or has someone else managing it 90% of the time, they shouldn't keep the shop. But I know CoC has gotten more strict about it lately.
