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Server Wipe - Keep existing factions/GANGS/Major Businesses

Custard Cream

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:

Reset the server do how it was Day 1. Everyone resets, Cars, Bank everything.

Detailed Suggestion:

Oh boy i can already smell how many downvotes this is going to get but here goes. 

I think the server should have a complete wipe. Everyones bank account reset to new character levels. Everyones cars gone, houses, guns, all of it.

With the imports being forced to be removed this seems like a pretty fair option to everyone involved, yes everyone grinded and will be surely pissed off at losing there stuff but it will actually give people a motivation to roleplay and grind for again. In addition to this there wont be anywere as much gun crime as there was and the guns should also be made harder to make and have a stronger focus on melee combat, how it was pre gang update. 

The police/Gruppe6,

To add to this suggestion I would propose for all police other than firearms and MOCU, to lose their firearms and just be restricted to tasers and other less than lethal equipment. Avante Guarde and the rearming of police can be a contigency measure for when everything gets really bad again, but then at least we can get back to the core roots of a british themed server.

The Pros:

  • Everyones reset Fair to everyone
  • Focus more on grinding again
  • More roleplay as not everyone is in a all gunfights 24/7
  • Less worry about the import issue

The Cons:

  • People will get salty and leave the server
  • People will get annoyed about losing their stuff they worked hard for.

Yes the population will decline for a while but it just allows for more focused areas of RP and not the cluster it can be when the server is constantly full. People will trickle back in, and should help RPUK become what it used to be again. IMO Yearly wipes should be a thing.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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Hmm, Not opposed to entertaining this idea, but this does seem very much like a decision that would piss of either 49% or 51% of the playerbase. The playerbase is quite fragile at the moment and as Louis said, I'm not sure if this is the right time to be making moves like this. I think it makes more sense to focus efforts on things that everyone (or at least a larger majority of the playerbase) believe is good for the community. Not hard stuck on that idea though, as I said, open to entertain it as a possibility and be convinced otherwise.

I think at a minimum it would have to be paired with a largish update which changes some critical mechanics and putting out something like that will ofc take time.

@Custard CreamJust to clarify the suggestion further:
You mentioned firearms etc being reset to taser trained. What about command structures across factions/groups/gangs in general and what about roleplay stories, does everything reset in that aspect as well?
Hi Recon, Thanks for your reply. I should of clarfied this suggestion abit more but let me explain abit further.

Roleplay is organic, never ending and always changing. Command structures imo are in the best places they have been since I joined the police. Competent members with achievable goals. I see no reason for these to be removed or start from scratch.

 I am also not suggesting that people lose their prexisting characters. But in terms of their stories, accounts, vehicles ect and were everything has been the past few years, Yes i think that should change, Stories should come to an end and allow people to come to a new and fresh start. Sure people can retain their rank, or maybe a whole new structure in general. It would be subject to a community wide meeting, of people who actually uphold the standards of RPUk and the roleplay it provides. Im not saying some gang leaders dont provide good RP, but lets be fair its like some Altis life servers back in the day at this point. rarely interesting stories and more just bang bang for the slightest disagreement. 

The police is a separate entity and without sounding biased I dont believe, other than FTOC anything should change ranking wise. Response, RPU, Cid should not have guns in my opinion and firearms should be held to a standard higher than they currently are and incentiSED to use non lethal force (They are to a degree already) but its the server meta that have forced them and other units to adopt to the change that has came on as of late. 

Of course some big update should come with this, it would be silly not to. But I honestly think, as someone who has been apart of this community for so long and other communties who has always focused and prioritized RP that things need to change or risk the community disappearing altogether as a minimal RP server with friendship groups and rampant rule breaks the main aspect of the server. No a wipe wont solve all these problems but they will provide us a new stepping stone to build up from were everyone is in a position of equal play and fairness and encouraged to provide good RP to progress in the city.

I have put years into building another MC on the server and am quite proud of what TFA has managed to get given the odds have been against us from the start and for it to all be removed... I don't have the energy to sit there and grind all over again. There'd have to be fair compensation for the amount of time put into things for me to even consider the idea. And if you're saying wipe it with what's available right now then absolutely NOT. IMO you would lose a lot of players removing their businesses etc for this to even be a realistic concept you would need A LOT of NEW content, you would need the experience to be fresh, and unique so it feels completely new instead of an average update drop.

What I have said might come across as quite selfish, but for now, I can not agree with what has been proposed not in the current condition of things. 


(This is my personal opinion and NOT the opinion of STAFF)

+1 ish.

Not really read everything here but I agree there should be a server wipe and I've said it for a long time, including in group-members discord. However I think its only worth doing if theres essentially a '2.0' of the server. I.e a massive update that changes borderline everything, which just isn't going to happen.

A server wipe with no update will just make the remaining players that are left quit the server imo.

^what he said but with a -1ish instead.

I'm not against resetting some bits but some I would hate, I have wanted a buisness since I joined back in 2021 and I have only just finally managed to be successful and buy one from the CoC, loosening my cars I could live with but I would be really really put off coming back on if I had to spend another 2 years working towards that again, I know I shouldent care as it's digital such and such, but I don't use my shop to make money I make like £15 profit on a fruit smoothie so for me it's not about being ritch but to loose something I have wanted for so long it would hurt my feeling towards playing, I'm sure other people who have worked really hard on their own places would be quite knocked my it also

Unless you could reset it in a way so that say buisness owners can still keep them but the economy would work in a way they wouldent become multi millionaires over night again

This is why I like the idea of moving the decimal point over on money so ATM water is £100.00 move it 2 points to the left and not a bottle of water is £1.00 1mil becomes 10k all seems much more realistic to me then
 I agree with you there Sam,
I  have worked for a long time to finaly become a buisness owner and i am not in it to become super rich either. Most of my Vehicles could probarbly go. Well if the my imports get deletet and i dont get compt, i could life with that. Eventhough its about 17 vehicles. But well it it what it is. But loosing the shop after working so long to get it....i would probarbly cry xD

i am all for a wipe as is alot of people. Especially with guns breaking and imports going. What else do you have? Some default GTA cars and businesses and money but nothing to spend it on? It would be nice to see the businesses being switched up and a refreshing look to the server and businesses. Just because people have progress now doesnt mean they cant try again elsewhere (Everyone loses not just one person)

The problem with a wipe is if no new content comes then its taxi simulator and nothing else to maybe sell drugs but even then how will hard will they be to get ahold off. The server will become stale and the numbers will drop even further. It needs new legal jobs and new ways to make money before a wipe. 

People complaining are the ones that dont want to do the grind over again and go back to roleplaying on the server like it used to be. 

As for gun crime people need to understand that this is GTA and as much as some people hate it you need guns in a server or alot of people will find it boring. Knife fights are boring due to that awful animation and after a few everyone hates it. Guns are there for fear factor and to fight wars with. If they are over used then it comes to a point peopel get talked too about it.

The server needs something to change as alot of people have left or are part time and alot of them were the roleplayers and people who wanted to interact on the server

If they are over used then it comes to a point peopel get talked too about it.
overused is a small statement i decided to have a look through the dispatches from pillbox from the past few days and since the 23rd until today there was

235 firearms seen

140 melee weapons seen

64 unknown so could be guns or blades and such

that's mental, some nights there's maybe 10 dispatches

overused is a small statement i decided to have a look through the dispatches from pillbox from the past few days and since the 23rd until today there was

235 firearms seen

140 melee weapons seen

64 unknown so could be guns or blades and such

that's mental, some nights there's maybe 10 dispatches
You should have also quoted the part where he said "As for gun crime people need to understand that this is GTA"

I fear that you have tried to compare this to real life statistics.

overused is a small statement i decided to have a look through the dispatches from pillbox from the past few days and since the 23rd until today there was

235 firearms seen

140 melee weapons seen

64 unknown so could be guns or blades and such

that's mental, some nights there's maybe 10 dispatches
Its also a game and not real life. Yes I do agree Pillbox should be alot safer than what is but that comes down to it being a public server where baldies go to cause issues. GRuppe six should maybe have the updates police have and the issue at pillbox would be reduced but to think thats your only reply to my response is worrying tbh. 

Its also a game and not real life. Yes I do agree Pillbox should be alot safer than what is but that comes down to it being a public server where baldies go to cause issues. GRuppe six should maybe have the updates police have and the issue at pillbox would be reduced but to think thats your only reply to my response is worrying tbh. 
tbf that was just to that part, like its abit nuts there atm, but just saying they are overused for sure haha, i need to reread the rest of the post as im replying whilst also playing but im not ignoring your other points, i get its a game but yea. like i say you have valid other points its just i finished logging the weapons earlier and see your post so replied before i forgot 🙂

If It comes with an update introducing other money making methods etc huge +1

My only thing is guns need to be apart of the server. From the fear factor to doing crime to fighting wars. Ive always said this and people dont seem to grasp the easiest way to get guns off the server is lower the sentences. People will do more crime and lose more guns. Easy maths. 12 hours sentence = 1 gun lost or 6x 2 hours sentence = 6 guns lost. So instead of 7x 12 hours sentence = 7 guns lost in a week or 24x 2 hour sentences = 42 guns lost in a week. 10 gang members get caught each time. 420 guns off the server in a week. People will be alot more careful but also do alot more crime. Police will have alot more to do and crims wont hate jail like they do now. The fine and the loss of gun should be the punishment not banned people from a character for 12 hours basically

Honestly, I couldn't agree more. As long as there are more ways to make money for civilians & criminals, just so it's not the same stuff but repeating over again, I think it would serve the entire server well. 

Once crim update 1.0 drops, I think this would be a brilliant time to wipe. Give everyone a clean slate to start and build up again. And as far as I'm aware, parts of the crim update are intended to be for civilians as well. Just the name that has been coined. 

This is my personal opinion

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  • Eggplant
Reactions: CJ
Honestly I’m for it - but there would need to be a few things done in my opinion to make it work. 

- Rules would need to be changed and rewritten for the better of RP. For example I think there should be consideration of gang RP rules like the ‘rule of 6’ & limitations put in place on starts of wars etc… to ensure RP standards are actually maintained. 

- Characters should remain but all assets wiped, characters keep their memories of people but all precious inter-group relations, knowledge of what groups do or previous problems don’t exist in the new version of Los Santos. For example, yes you would know who x person is but you wouldn’t know about the time they shot you 6 months ago, or you wouldn’t know this person sold you guns before etc… Make it worthwhile for people to start building relations again. 

- Audit of businesses and allow players to keep businesses that are actually active and not just used for passive income, maybe look at a 6 month period. Anything that wasn’t active or RPd with, you lose and CoC allocate to people once the server is running again. 

- Police/Crim interactions reworked. Prison sentences changed so you actually have to serve the time, however all sentences reduced. For example if something is currently 420 change it 42, but you need to be online to serve it. 

- Re-enable all the things from the past that have removed with little explanation or *obvious* reason. For example allow gangs to buy things like Armoured XLS, unblacklist certain mods. 

- Remove the massive grind to buy what is essentially a corner shop or bar. Remove the whole CoCs ability to remove a business if someone is caught committing certain crimes. Instead of this, put businesses fully under CoC control and make the purchase amount £0, however make it a mandatory 3 months (for example) review period and simply remove a business from anyone who isn’t putting in effort to Roleplay around that business. People don’t want to lose their businesses because they spent 10m+ on them at times, but if they don’t cost that much and actually require Roleplay if makes it better for people who actually RP as business owners, while being able to progress their character without a fear of losing a business if caught doing xyz things. 

- When it comes to factions and gangs shrink them significantly. Reduce gang caps to 15, reduce the amount of Police in Firearms etc… 

- Reintroduce gangs that have died off and allow them to be built up within RP without having to spend 9 months RPing to get whitelisted. For example if the right leader emerges, allow Triads to be restarted and take their place within the server again. 

This is obviously just a small amount of things that would need to be considered, and I have massively simplified them, but it only works with new content which I obviously don’t know the specifics of. A fresh new city for people to build in, work on relationships and establish their characters. I personally don’t see it happened as there is a lot of people against it, but I think it’s a good idea if proper executed. 

Just an Alternative thought. we could rebalance the community quite heavily.
For example if we take a random number say there is 100x too much money than we /100 everything bring all the prices and money making methods in line with a more realistic economy.

I think there needs to be heist aswell.... you've got to find out information to rob casino or something there is no harm in taking other city's idea and changing them into our own. i just think there is not much to do in the city and there not enough opportunities to spend money, why dont we try and make more RP situation out of legion and gas stations and pizza shop. make food go mouldy so you can keep storing it and it never run out of date. make people earn money from working in place like the bar,clubs and things ive seen other do it and it gives more opportunity for people to earn money and work at places. make a amazon so these places have to order ingredients regular. change the mechanic where you actually need the parts of vehicle to change and a reciept. the city needs to slow down and not everything be 1000 miles an hour. make heists which will create RP as people need to find information and clues add together. i know it might mean more work for devs but at the moment the city at a halt and it's the same stuff, we are bored and need new update of things to do that not aimed just for ppolice and gangs

My only thing is guns need to be apart of the server. From the fear factor to doing crime to fighting wars. Ive always said this and people dont seem to grasp the easiest way to get guns off the server is lower the sentences. People will do more crime and lose more guns. Easy maths. 12 hours sentence = 1 gun lost or 6x 2 hours sentence = 6 guns lost. So instead of 7x 12 hours sentence = 7 guns lost in a week or 24x 2 hour sentences = 42 guns lost in a week. 10 gang members get caught each time. 420 guns off the server in a week. People will be alot more careful but also do alot more crime. Police will have alot more to do and crims wont hate jail like they do now. The fine and the loss of gun should be the punishment not banned people from a character for 12 hours basically
This is not a bad thought. I think combine it with you actually need to be online to serve the sentence and a bunch of things you can do in prison so it isn't boring and that might have some positive affect.
To be honest this is something we already discussed many moons ago and worked on but never got around to finishing it. Mainly the adding fun things to prison part that can take a lot of effort.

Only thing against it would be:
A lot of people complain that guns take hours to get and seconds to lose which in some sense is true, if you make them lose it more often I'm not sure that is going to make it more enjoyable


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Just an Alternative thought. we could rebalance the community quite heavily.
For example if we take a random number say there is 100x too much money than we /100 everything bring all the prices and money making methods in line with a more realistic economy.
Realistically though the problem is really long term players who have everything, this has an effect on them yes. But it also heavily effects your new players who have 100k they’ve worked hard for, to log on and find out it’s now 1k. 

I think if you want to rebalance without a wipe it can be done, but would require considerable work. The container tax already took a big step in this direction. To make it fun, I’d like to see;

- Rule changes to make it more fun for smaller groups. My suggestion would be a ‘rule of 6’ applied across the board but remove the teaming rules that stop gangs teaming up with each other. For example, very rough - 

A maximum of 6 people can be involved in any hostile activity at any time. You can gather with as many people as you want however you must pick 6 people to deal with any hostile actions, including both offensive and defensive. If you are travelling in a larger group and another group decides to attack you, you are expected to try defend yourself within suitable means in this situation but doesn’t allow you’re entire group to go offensive, only more than 6 can be involved defensively. Once you have defended yourself, your group should decide which 6 can continue the Roleplay offensively (ie taking people to a dodgy doctor). This would also apply to Police, only 6 units (or officers) can attend any one dispatch or scene, leaving it to Police to decide which 6 are best suited to be there. For example, a major firearms incident may be 6 firearms units. A hostage scene may be 2 CID, 2 Firearms, no traffic etc… 

This would allow to gangs and factions etc… alike but with this you could remove the teaming rules, allowing gangs to team up together but still only to a maximum of 6. Like 3 people one gang, 3 people from another. It also means that large gangs of 25 can’t zerg smaller gangs and gives them a better chance to actually grow, making it fairer for everyone. 

- Reduce the gang cap to 15, this would be feasible and actually would work without people complaining Police are more powerful since only 6 could ever be against them. However this would then mean less people per gang, therefore more gangs, increasing gang to gang Roleplay and should see an increase in RP, as well as quality. 

- Cap profits of businesses via a tax, for example car dealerships can only make x amount of profit per sale. This stops silly auctions where super car dealerships make 12m profit on a single sale. 

- Change sentences to be 10% of their current amount, but make it so you must be online to serve the sentence. Don’t allow crazy sentences like 10k, 15k etc… but like you said would require more activities in prison. Being part of the Lost, I recently spent a lot of time in prison and it was fun tbh, but that was only because we had a load of people in at the same time, we have interviews, we had visitors, we had people smuggling things in etc… there was actually roleplay instead of just cleaning tables. 

- I still believe inactive businesses should be removed from people, instead of criminals being targeted. If someone isn’t putting effort into their business and using it for passive income instead, they shouldn’t have it. Simple as that. Don’t charge people millions, but give the CoC the full ability to audit and remove from inactive owners. Make bars useful, make restaurants unique in what they sell. 

- Add more ways to make money (I know, easier said than done) like car scrapping (I’d scrap 90% of what I own 🤣), vin scratching, the legal jobs we heard about a while ago. By all means axe everyone’s money if you feel it’s the right move, but it’s pointless if you leave the same money making ways that people have been doing for a long time already. 

I don’t fully believe the issues with RPUK right now are solely based on the economy being a mess, I think a big part of it is that new groups struggle to thrive and older players can walk all over them. Instead of nuking the server and starting over, maybe some rule changes to make things fairer is a better way to handle it. Like Isak said, he has everything and there is nothing left to accomplish, but if he had a chance to actually compete within the city’s dynamic on a fair level, it would be a hell of a lot more fun in my opinion. 

I may be way off here from what others are thinking, but that’s why opinion anyway. All conflict these days is pretty much a numbers game. Roleplay is stale, gangs set ‘push times’ now when at war and don’t log on outside of this because they don’t have numbers. Nobody is trying to run businesses, it’s all about how much money it can make. Nobody is willing to lose a situation or items so push for the win instead of having fun. Things have become very rinse and repeat now for a lot of people and that’s why a lot have stopped playing. Without a reset, a shake up is needed. Reading discord and the forums there’s a lot of complaining, maybe it’s time to try something else… 

This is not a bad thought. I think combine it with you actually need to be online to serve the sentence and a bunch of things you can do in prison so it isn't boring and that might have some positive affect.
To be honest this is something we already discussed many moons ago and worked on but never got around to finishing it. Mainly the adding fun things to prison part that can take a lot of effort.

Only thing against it would be:
A lot of people complain that guns take hours to get and seconds to lose which in some sense is true, if you make them lose it more often I'm not sure that is going to make it more enjoyable

Easy fix and I know people will hate this idea. Bring back pistol crafting to gangs. That way they have to grind for them to get and its not just on turf selling drugs for 4 hours to buy one. Forces them to either log on and mine or buy it from someone and make connections. Also gives them something to by setting up gun deals
