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Rules Feedback

(7.2.5) You may not write in sidechat that you are robbing the bank. This is your operation with the friends/members that are there with you. You may not call for backup, only those on site at the beginning of the heist may take part. This rule does not apply to the UNMC or Police
This rule allows the UNMC to broadcast a Bank op in (OOC)..

no it means that unmc can call for back up whilst doing a bank opp if we choose to 
I believe he was picking holes for the sake of it, but to be fair he does have a perfectly legitimate point. Then again, most people would look at that and interpret that as it is meant to be, not how he did it.

I will fix the bank op rule soon™ for now it only means they can come back to the bank op after NLR timer is up.

[SIZE=medium](6.7) VDM still applies in the Redzone and we encourage you to still roleplay out any situations however this is not mandatory.[/SIZE]

I think this should be listed as too separate rules

"VDM still applies in the Redzone"

"We encourage you to still roleplay out any situations however this is not mandatory."

I went to member support and questioned if it allowed MRAP ramming, but then realised this one rule had two separate parts which can make it slightly confusing, might just be me IDK

[SIZE=medium](2.12) NHS Medics -The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 130 slot server. It is a bannable offense to kill a medic or take a medic hostage, It is also bannable to steal a medic's vehicle. Medics May be killed inside the Redzone, however their vehicles are still off limits.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Medics may be killed inside the Red Zone, however their vehicles are still off limits.[/SIZE]

What if I tell a medic to NOT revive the player and he proceeds after death threats and continues to do so?[or situations similar to this effect] (i've before under the assumption that I CAN kill a medic under this circumstance)

(obviously I take evidence to NHS command regardless of outcome/ inform the medic of malpractice BUT these stations have occurred.)

Just FYI we will be looking at this thread each week from now on. If your feedback has not been implemented please feel free to re-post or quote it as we will only be looking at that weeks suggestions.

First off, sorry for my bad english.

 Peoples just making money with system like a robot, and Nobody trying make money with Roleplay, Like a sell Clothes or Sell Beer , Or sell car , Or other Legal Jobs... They dont know "Legal" roleplay, they just robbing gas station or People or Banks and after I'm a fucking Roleplayer 'cause I'm robbing bank It was HARD RP hahaha!!! by the way,  Someone walking with military clothes, we're playing Syria Roleplay ? or We're was in the War ? and also, peoples just playing FAST -RP, For example Medic coming for people and revive him and he's tell him few word about his injured, Allright you Done ? , You can take him to the Hospital, and you can play roleplay in the Hospital ? or  Cops you can play roleplay in the Prison with Criminals about Food or Other prison activity.

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(2.12) NHS Medics -The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 130 slot server. It is a bannable offence to kill a medic, take their vehicle or take them hostage. In the Redzone medics may be killed however all other rules regarding medics apply.

Just to make a mention about this one - Can it be made clear that its still illegal. It might not be bannable.  

If we are going to try and stay close to real life rules, I envisions the Red Zone as a 'Combat area' of sorts, and I would have thought would have to comply with the Geneva Convention. The gist of it is that anyone who is clearly identified as a medic is a 'Protected person' and according to the 'Rules of War' cannot be engaged- This is why the Red Cross is a standard symbol.  

So, By all means keep it as a non-bannable offense, but the rule kindof implies that its not illegal. 

(2.12) NHS Medics -The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 130 slot server. It is a bannable offence to kill a medic, take their vehicle or take them hostage. In the Redzone medics may be killed however all other rules regarding medics apply.

Just to make a mention about this one - Can it be made clear that its still illegal. It might not be bannable.  

If we are going to try and stay close to real life rules, I envisions the Red Zone as a 'Combat area' of sorts, and I would have thought would have to comply with the Geneva Convention. The gist of it is that anyone who is clearly identified as a medic is a 'Protected person' and according to the 'Rules of War' cannot be engaged- This is why the Red Cross is a standard symbol.  

So, By all means keep it as a non-bannable offense, but the rule kindof implies that its not illegal. 
Murder is Illegal regardless of where it's commited. It's not like Murder charges in the redzone are void of punishment by the law.

(9.1.2) Police may not sell their equipment, or willingly give their equipment away. If there is a strong roleplay cause, exchanges can be made.


Whitelisted faction members may not sell their etc etc etc

 can the 'greenzone' rules section be renamed to 'zones' or something as there is more than just greenzones now.. (blue/red/green)  so it would make sense for it to be more transparent

'(6.7) All other server rules apply in the Redzone.' as sweet and concise as that is, when quoting that out of context of the 'greenzone' section of the rules page... It makes one wonder what the actual server rule is that DOESN'T apply, if that makes sense? 'RDM is the only rule that *DOESN'T* apply to the redzone' would be clearer and allow for that rule to be taken out of the context of the rules page and still make sense


Sick of seing people trying to RP jets as ice cream trucks or some shit. It just makes me think I am playing on a Garrys mod RP server...

I've noticed 2 rules sort of contradict themselves.

It is the rule regarding weapons in greenzones.



So I assume Police and Bounty Hunters can sort of 'overrule' 6.2 if needed?
This 6.2 rule should be applied across bounty hunters and police as people can get they're weapons taken from them in the green zone by police and no one can do anything about it besides watch.

I would suggest that bounty hunters and police can taze/arrest/detain/ people with GOOD REASON ONLY and seeing that someone has a weapon on their back IS NOT GOOD REASON things such as verbal abuse and being on the wanted list and admitting your name would be considered GOOD REASON.

The only reason I suggest this is a lot of players like to chill in greenzone and RP with hobos or have an argument with their enemies for a laugh but next minute the police pull up and detain people because of the 7.62 on their back, obviously outside the greenzone an attempt to defend yourself would be there or an attempt to get your mates to help your walk away would also be there but in the greenzone you can do nothing as combat is not allowed and all weapons must be holstered (7.62 cannot be put in your backpack).

ANOTHER reason I would be able to suggest a fix is if you were to make the 7.62's lighter so that you can put it in a carryall, however it takes the full space of a carryall up.

Not allowing police and bounty hunters to take action against those openly carrying weapons like that into the middle of Kavala would not only be completely unrealistic (Tell me how it goes next time you stroll into a gun-controlled city with a battle rifle on your back!) but would in general make the usual chaos of Kavala even more hectic. This rule exists as a deterrent to combat being initiated anywhere near the greenzones - if you don't have it, you're not as tempted to use it. Just leave the 7.62 at home before you go into the middle of Kavala or put it into your truck inventory. I understand it's inconvenient, but the ramifications of a rule like that would be seriously high.

I suppose leaving it in your car would be a great idea however u cannot park anywhere in kavala without your car being impounded, aka losing your rifle.

This 6.2 rule should be applied across bounty hunters and police as people can get they're weapons taken from them in the green zone by police and no one can do anything about it besides watch.

I would suggest that bounty hunters and police can taze/arrest/detain/ people with GOOD REASON ONLY and seeing that someone has a weapon on their back IS NOT GOOD REASON things such as verbal abuse and being on the wanted list and admitting your name would be considered GOOD REASON.

The only reason I suggest this is a lot of players like to chill in greenzone and RP with hobos or have an argument with their enemies for a laugh but next minute the police pull up and detain people because of the 7.62 on their back, obviously outside the greenzone an attempt to defend yourself would be there or an attempt to get your mates to help your walk away would also be there but in the greenzone you can do nothing as combat is not allowed and all weapons must be holstered (7.62 cannot be put in your backpack).

ANOTHER reason I would be able to suggest a fix is if you were to make the 7.62's lighter so that you can put it in a carryall, however it takes the full space of a carryall up.
You can't make the 7.62 fit in your backpack that is just how arma 3 designed it 

This 6.2 rule should be applied across bounty hunters and police as people can get they're weapons taken from them in the green zone by police and no one can do anything about it besides watch.

I would suggest that bounty hunters and police can taze/arrest/detain/ people with GOOD REASON ONLY and seeing that someone has a weapon on their back IS NOT GOOD REASON things such as verbal abuse and being on the wanted list and admitting your name would be considered GOOD REASON.

The only reason I suggest this is a lot of players like to chill in greenzone and RP with hobos or have an argument with their enemies for a laugh but next minute the police pull up and detain people because of the 7.62 on their back, obviously outside the greenzone an attempt to defend yourself would be there or an attempt to get your mates to help your walk away would also be there but in the greenzone you can do nothing as combat is not allowed and all weapons must be holstered (7.62 cannot be put in your backpack).

ANOTHER reason I would be able to suggest a fix is if you were to make the 7.62's lighter so that you can put it in a carryall, however it takes the full space of a carryall up.
So when there are 20 off people running around with mk1's in Kavala square the police are going to just ignore this because they're in the greenzone?

There needs to be an element of risk when running around with visible firearms. If you don't want to be caught, take a 6.5 in your backpack.

(This is just my opinion, please let's have some constructive criticism but no flame wars.)

So when there are 20 off people running around with mk1's in Kavala square the police are going to just ignore this because they're in the greenzone?

There needs to be an element of risk when running around with visible firearms. If you don't want to be caught, take a 6.5 in your backpack.

(This is just my opinion, please let's have some constructive criticism but no flame wars.)
yeah I do suppose your correct, I agree.

(6.5) If you are in active combat you are unable to run into the green zone to avoid being killed/robbed (Punishment is a ban)

Does this mean if we run into a blue zone we will not be banned? From the way the rule is written we can run into blue zones however can not be killed because thats in the server rules.
