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Not sure if kidding, trolling or just serious. 

Sadly it is not up to me, but if it would, I would take all those 7.62 weapons and make their prices to start from 1mil each. Want to have a scope better than RCO?, well pay over 200k for it.

Imo snipers should not be part of a life roleplay, if they want to be, it should be heavily endgame role and really expensive. That is because as a sniper you cant really add into the roleplay but just being the man on the 1k away and killing people. Sadly it usually is that this role too often falls on the same people, who then struggle when they are in a voice contact with someone. 
But with MXM you can easily shoot from 500meters aswell, and well they also can't really add into the roleplay

In all honestly its a army simulator so guns should be and are a part of the game. Even the 7.62 weapons.
Let us not go into that subject. But right now you have you shoes mixed. Please top thinking Altislife and RPUK as a milsim group, right now. If you start to ask why? You should not even be here, simple. 

Gun's are part of the ALTISLIFE, but how they are part of it is totally different. Imo it would be alot more fun if the gunfights would be more compact as then you could still be on voice range with most of the guys. ie, more pistol fights, more SMG's used. You would get those funny moments when the guy is on another side of the door and you just yell at him to surrender or some other weird stuff. Now when the gunfighting is to much "sniping" this kind encounters cannot happen. 

How about this one: When your gang is in a gunfight, to get involved in the gunfight you need to be wearing the same clothing as the members who initiated on the cops. If you dont have the same clothing as the members in the gunfight, you have to initiate on the cops to become involved in the gunfight. 

This doesn't only just benefit cops, but also benefits gangs
This should be +1 for bankops. But for anything else, im not to sure. I mean in huge gunfigts like on bank, it is really a problem for police that we cannot control civilians in anyway. Ingame siv's dont have that what we as police call "value of life" they simply dont care. Last day we had a civ to run from kavala market to midle of gunfight in gold dealer just to get shot by an officer when he entered the house of his. Gunshots should not be a magnet to hobos they should run away, not towards it. So in bankop if there would be uniforms for the rebels as well as police, it would be alot more even and m8by rebels would not just do the decamping stuff with cars. Police could then see already from outside that they are involved. This same effect is already affecting UNMC.

Not sure if kidding, trolling or just serious. 
Let us not go into that subject. But right now you have you shoes mixed. Please top thinking Altislife and RPUK as a milsim group, right now. If you start to ask why? You should not even be here, simple. 

Gun's are part of the ALTISLIFE, but how they are part of it is totally different. Imo it would be alot more fun if the gunfights would be more compact as then you could still be on voice range with most of the guys. ie, more pistol fights, more SMG's used. You would get those funny moments when the guy is on another side of the door and you just yell at him to surrender or some other weird stuff. Now when the gunfighting is to much "sniping" this kind encounters cannot happen. 
I don't have anything mixed up and you suggesting that I should not even be here describes your attitude towards me as a person and towards the community.
Now for the criticism you are saying that compact gunfight would be much more fun in your opinion and you would get so said "funny moments by yelling at someone in a gunfight" Rebels prefer the long ranged gunfight cause it gives them an advantage cause they are spread out more it makes it harder to spot them

This should be +1 for bankops. But for anything else, im not to sure. I mean in huge gunfigts like on bank, it is really a problem for police that we cannot control civilians in anyway. Ingame siv's dont have that what we as police call "value of life" they simply dont care. Last day we had a civ to run from kavala market to midle of gunfight in gold dealer just to get shot by an officer when he entered the house of his. Gunshots should not be a magnet to hobos they should run away, not towards it. So in bankop if there would be uniforms for the rebels as well as police, it would be alot more even and m8by rebels would not just do the decamping stuff with cars. Police could then see already from outside that they are involved. This same effect is already affecting UNMC.
 The thing about rebel clothing is that anyone can wear the same uniform except for UNMC cause they are whitelisted for their clothes.
Us as rebels can't do anything about it that hobo's are running into gunfight. And Civilians should value their life cause this is classed under Fail/Low quality roleplay.

Not sure if kidding, trolling or just serious. 

Sadly it is not up to me, but if it would, I would take all those 7.62 weapons and make their prices to start from 1mil each. Want to have a scope better than RCO?, well pay over 200k for it.

Imo snipers should not be part of a life roleplay, if they want to be, it should be heavily endgame role and really expensive. That is because as a sniper you cant really add into the roleplay but just being the man on the 1k away and killing people. Sadly it usually is that this role too often falls on the same people, who then struggle when they are in a voice contact with someone. 
are you mad 1mill each what is 475k not enough because your AR unit uses them as well to snipe and good luck mxm from 1km away vs a DI with a mk1 and a lrps like you got get the best long range scope there is exept for the thermal scopes but that would be OP but taking away guns from arma 3 isn't fun the game is developed with guns etc and @Banana Duckonce did a questionnaire if tanoa should be pistol only and the answer was no. 

[SIZE=medium](2.13) Please keep all aviation 300m above any greenzone or Kavala, Athira & Pyrgos unless landing in a marked landing area. (This is to make sure any roleplay is not disturbed). [/SIZE]

Now I know this is something very minor, but just to avoid confusion it would be nice to see Pyrgos changed to Agios.

Id Like to Ask for the removal of the amount of silly signatures people post, one, two or three lines is fine, but browsing some pages becomes more about lines of forums than the contents of posts for specifics look above at @Rick WolfeI'm sorry but most of that is completely pointless. Don't really see why we need to know what someone quoted at some point in the far past.

or At least thats my two cents I'd love to see it somewhat capped or reduced.

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@MaratekCare to be a little more Clear about why you seemed to call me out when i have no post here since Aug 7 with a short quote to reece who posted right before me?

Also i aint got a single quote on my sign maratek,

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@Rick WolfeThat was certainly not my intention buddy sorry, Just the example on the page for reference, there are plenty others on the forums @Jhonny is one @Hoggie anouther, @SPC LeeAagain, just yours was the example at the top of the page, please don't take it personally.

@Rick WolfeThat was certainly not my intention buddy sorry, Just the example on the page for reference, there are plenty others on the forums @Jhonny is one @Hoggie anouther, @SPC LeeAagain, just yours was the example at the top of the page, please don't take it personally.
I dont have any quotes in my signature though

and there is a option to turn them off on your side of the forums if you read all mine are previous affiliations,not a single quote on there.

*Edit* I will agree some sigs (Maybe mine) might be slightly big,

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I dont have any quotes in my signature though
true enough but your signature line is 19 lines with spaces, Personally i find this extreme and when you have multiple persons in a forum topic with extreme lengths it makes scrolling an issue and takes away from points in the topic, I have been a member of a number of other boards that limits the size to three lines and This was found sufficent.

But again this is my personal feeling and preference and I

@Maratek - I really don't know what your problem is with signatures? I don't see how having a few signitures make the forums look bad. All i have is a few quotes (may not be needed) , my steam and origin ID (where people look at there and add me) , and some little info about my ranks and what i have done in the community.

@Maratek - I really don't know what your problem is with signatures? I don't see how having a few signitures make the forums look bad. All i have is a few quotes (may not be needed) , my steam and origin ID (where people look at there and add me) , and some little info about my ranks and what i have done in the community.
Again this is not a personal vendetta against anyone. I spend alot of time browsing on my phone while at work as i imagine a fair few others do. It makes the pages look cluttered. Perhaps introducing a spoiler function to hide certain things might be an idea.

@Maratek I think this is the closest way of doing so at the moment;


@Mickeeyi didnt know that was a thing. Fantastic. Please disregard my posts.

Thanks for that.

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Roleplay is like Foreplay....get it rite...and the results are...epic...get it wrong...limp wasted

With regards to the 'Hands up or you'll be tazed' restriction, is it the fact the phrase is simply not descriptive enough, or that it shouldn't be the first thing out the officers mouth?

If it's either of these, then I accept it shouldn't be used, however if after the 2nd time you've asked them to put their hands on their heads they still refuse, then I don't see anything 'bad rp' about making clear the consequences of their non compliance.

For me it usually goes (after a couple of warnings) "Sir, this is your final warning. Put your hands on your heads or I'll be forced to taze you". "Or Sir, I've asked you to place your hands on your head, I really don't want to taze you, but I will if you don't comply."

The issue I have with these kinds of rules is that (from a police perspective) every situation is different. The response to a random guy out in the middle of nowhere with an illegal firearm in his hand is going to warrant a different approach to someone in an area of a reported firearm incident such as a robbery or murder.  In the latter example were public / officer safety is a concern in tandem with the 'Value of Life' rule, 'Put your hands up or you'll be tazed' seems like a fairly reasonable instruction.  It's quick, it's clear and to the point. Ideally I'd shout 'drop the weapon' but game mechanics make that too slow. If we're not to use the phrase under any circumstances, alternative suggestions with regards to the 2nd example in mind would be welcomed. 

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(2.12) NHS Medics -The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 125 slot server. It is a bannable offense to kill a medic or take a medic hostage, It is also bannable to steal a medic's vehicle. Medics may be killed inside the Red Zone, however their vehicles are still off limits. (130 slot servers currently)

(9.1.5) Off Duty - While off-duty however you must not abuse your role as a cop to help out your friends. (For example: Removing bounty’s of your gang members)  This rule makes almost no sense. It needs rephrasing possibly to (9.1.5) - You cannot abuse your position as a member of the police force (for example: you cannot clear your friends bounties)
