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Re appealing as i was just denied (Perm Ben)

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Really hope when you turn 16 and you have nothing to show for life because you were to busy throwing your life away 24/7 to this game and other game's your mum and dad kick you out meaning you will have to move into shared housing and then you will know how stupid you were when you were trying to get an up at some one for being in a council house when they aren't infact in one at all.

Also just noticed you say i live in a council house admins take note he is now actually trying to get on a high horse and some of your members of the server may actually live in a council house, as for me no, i don't live in a council house and i infact have a job working at BT as i can imagine you still sponge off mummy to get you that sick pokemon card you been wanking over for the past 3 months solid please just fuck off you weird little cunt kk bye.
it was not the idea of a council house more the idea of sponging of benifots and unless you need then then anyone doing that should be very disappointed in themselves, and if you want to play that game then I can say your putting peole down and getting on your high horse about me apparently sponging of my "mummy"
But i don't sponge off any one so you make no sense at all your just here to try and grief which also should be shunned upon by admin's if im correct.

Really hope when you turn 16 and you have nothing to show for life because you were to busy throwing your life away 24/7 to this game and other game's your mum and dad kick you out meaning you will have to move into shared housing and then you will know how stupid you were when you were trying to get an up at some one for being in a council house when they aren't infact in one at all.
achully, no I am going into a military officer career path so along those lines non of that will happen, however I have finished now and Valdez will shout and tell us both to stop having a bitch foght, also I am not greifing you the one bullying people I am sticking if for ross
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Please stop now...

@pingupro So what if he can't spell? He may be dyslexic or have other difficulties that you do not know about. I can name several people who are dyslexic (or similar) in this community and I certainly wouldn't make fun of them.

Calling me dumb and your going to a military career office im so done HAHAHAHHA
that shows how numb you are, ha ha do know what that entails? Usually GCSE a and B grades to have a batchlor degree and to get into sand hurt OTC and you work and fucking BT
Lear what a officer in the army is you jackass

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And ross your here i am sorry for being disrespectful but come on this guy who started commenting is just pathetic he first tries to flame any one on benefits (they can be on them for whatever reason) and tries to call me stupid when he can't spell he brought this on himself not my fault if he can't take it on the chin

I presumed you were a jackass on benifots, however not someone who needed them I have nothing against pipe who do. yOut try call me stupid however you don't even know what a army officer entails and I can spell fine if I take the time to but I'm on a iPad and don't want to waste the time on you

but you already have tried to waste time on me for maybe an hour and it's just been comedy gold i thank you for that

Sorry for interfering but this lad here is not even mature enough to be here, he can not act nice to People ingame or on the forums..

Going on as if working at BT is a bad thing? i probably make more than your parent's by the way
going on as if been a army officer is a bad thing, ha ha you didn't know what it was and I am guessing you get mum imam wage and I get payed more than that son
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