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Re appealing as i was just denied (Perm Ben)

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Well i couldn't tell him cause hes not on the forum post is he thats why i didnt say it and i cant remember his name now was it hodge?

Please quote back with the rule you have broken for a final chance on the server.

Rule 0: An Adult Community

We are proud to see our-self as an Adult community, this doesn't mean you need to be over 18 to play here... it means you cannot act like a complete douche!

We will ban people for bullying, racial hatred or just being a complete idiot towards other members.

if you don't agree with someone or something someone has said then disagree in a adult manner rather than shitty comments or trying to start a flame war.

Keep things civil keep things friendly and this community will be a very welcome place for all, after all we are here to have fun not cause drama!

So do you understand what you have done wrong and how it could effect others ?

So do you understand what you have done wrong and how it could effect others ? i said yes. then you say which is? sorry but you have lost me

Ok here is my issue here...

You've basically bullied someone on our server about there age which is not acceptable and we do not tolerate it, It seems to me that you do not care about this and there are not assurances that you wont do this again going forward

So right now there is no reason for me to process a unban.

You wont do it again but you find what you did acceptable ?

Any apology to Ross ?

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