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Police Seriously Need to Improve..


Now I know it's not every cop, a lot of you can roleplay very well, but just a few minutes ago I was selling weed and a PCSO, PC and SPC came up. As it's Rememberance Sunday, I tried to roleplay that it wasn't weed and it was plants and flowers we were putting in the church to remember our loved ones. They denied to roleplay and just knocked me out, ticketed me £70,000, impounded my truck and left. This is a 'serious' roleplay server, why play if you don't make the effort?


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If the cops dont belive the RP is good enough you will just have to bite togheter and move on, but I dont understand the part of them knocking you out 
They impounded the truck but did they let you walk back or what happend?

The worst thing about it is, that they are setting a bad example for the PCSO.

The knocking out part does not make sense what so ever however it does partly sound like they did believe your story. The reason for this is that they only impounded your vehicle. SPC's have ability to scrap with permission so they either partly believed your story and half let you go or they are a new SPC and don't know much about scrapping. If you have names of the PC and SPC, contact their constab command so they can have a chat with them and if you want, ask them not to discipline them but that's completely up to you. 

I'm sure a fully trained police officer would know the difference between plants and drugs...

 denied to roleplay
I remember a staff member once saying something along the lines of "He didn't fail rp, his was just better than yours"

Not saying thats what happened here, but you win some and you loose some. They don't HAVE to take your RP.

Try coming up with some new RP.

I'm sure a fully trained police officer would know the difference between plants and drugs...

I remember a staff member once saying something along the lines of "He didn't fail rp, his was just better than yours"

Not saying thats what happened here, but you win some and you loose some. They don't HAVE to take your RP.

Try coming up with some new RP.
its remembering sunday once a year so thats something new and after that i tell them to give my employee his money back because we are making the church ready for the special day and than tell me to put my hands up whats that for roleplay??

Instead of publicly shaming someone regardless of names or not, talk about it in a Liason Room. That is what it is there for so use it. It isn't a hard thing. Ask them to come on teamspeak in the LR and get an INS + there as well. If that fails, make a PCC. Shaming them like this is horrible for them and it could make them resign. I am sure there are 100 nicer things you can do other than this.

I'm sorry to hear that an interaction with the police force has been negative, but allow me to try and explain why this happened:

1. People seem to think that the police only provide good roleplay if they let a criminal go. This is not the case. We of course reward good roleplay, but roleplaying as police means that we give people tickets and we arrest criminals too.

As it's Rememberance Sunday, I tried to roleplay that it wasn't weed and it was plants and flowers we were putting in the church to remember our loved ones
2. The processed weed in your truck doesn't even remotely look like a flower and therefore a roleplay story that it's "flowers" or "weeds" (just another example) is very hard to make convincing. Especially because a police officer knows the difference between weed and regular plants very well.


They denied to roleplay
3. What is 'denying roleplay' exactly in this situation? From what I can read the officers busted you doing weed, did not or partially believe your story and you received a punishment for having illegal narcotics with the intent to supply. Unless the officers' conduct during the situation was out of order (powergaming/metagaming or acting very unprofessional for example) I see nothing wrong.

knocked me out, ticketed me £70,000, impounded my truck and left.
4. Again, I don't know the details of your situation, but it seems to me that the officers requested you to put your hands up to detain you. You didn't comply and therefore were put in restraints with force. The punishment that you received is not even the maximum punishment (your truck could've been scrapped and you sent to prison) so I do think the officers took your roleplay into account when they made their decision.

     4.1 It can seem that knocking you out and putting you in restraints is pretty shit and this is the number 1 complaint we get from rebels. However, if we don't put a suspect in restraints said person just uses that time to call his friends and it ends up with the police officers dead or taken hostage. Roleplay is a two way street.

This is a 'serious' roleplay server, why play if you don't make the effort?
5. If this server was 100% serious you wouldn't even had the chance to roleplay as you would be taken down by specialist units. There are plenty of things that aren't serious but are kept in the game for the sake of entertainment.

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The knocking out part does not make sense what so ever however it does partly sound like they did believe your story. The reason for this is that they only impounded your vehicle. SPC's have ability to scrap with permission so they either partly believed your story and half let you go or they are a new SPC and don't know much about scrapping. If you have names of the PC and SPC, contact their constab command so they can have a chat with them and if you want, ask them not to discipline them but that's completely up to you. 
I was with a friend and he cleared the truck so when they searched it no marijuana was in it.

Instead of publicly shaming someone regardless of names or not, talk about it in a Liason Room. That is what it is there for so use it. It isn't a hard thing. Ask them to come on teamspeak in the LR and get an INS + there as well. If that fails, make a PCC. Shaming them like this is horrible for them and it could make them resign. I am sure there are 100 nicer things you can do other than this.
This isn't targeted to them, it's targeted to all cops. I want them to improve because that was shit roleplay this morning from their half.

PCSO, PC and SPC came up.
Yes it is. The people(s) involved know who they are now because they think 'This morning' It was me, I was patrolling with a PC and a PCSO. It isn't hard to work it out.....

I'm sorry to hear that an interaction with the police force has been negative, but allow me to try and explain why this happened:

1. People seem to think that the police only provide good roleplay if they let a criminal go. This is not the case. We of course reward good roleplay, but roleplaying as police means that we give people tickets and we arrest criminals too.

2. The processed weed in your truck doesn't even remotely look like a flower and therefore a roleplay story that it's "flowers" or "weeds" (just another example) is very hard to make convincing. Especially because a police officer knows the difference between weed and regular plants very well.


3. What is 'denying roleplay' exactly in this situation? From what I can read the officers busted you doing weed, did not or partially believe your story and you received a punishment for having illegal narcotics with the intent to supply. Unless the officers' conduct during the situation was out of order (powergaming/metagaming or acting very unprofessional for example) I see nothing wrong.

4. Again, I don't know the details of your situation, but it seems to me that the officers requested you to put your hands up to detain you. You didn't comply and therefore were put in restraints with force. The punishment that you received is not even the maximum punishment (your truck could've been scrapped and you sent to prison) so I do think the officers took your roleplay into account when they made their decision.

     4.1 It can seem that knocking you out and putting you in restraints is pretty shit and this is the number 1 complaint we get from rebels. However, if we don't put a suspect in restraints said person just uses that time to call his friends and it ends up with the police officers dead or taken hostage. Roleplay is a two way street.

5. If this server was 100% serious you wouldn't even had the chance to roleplay as you would be taken down by specialist units. There are plenty of things that aren't serious but are kept in the game for the sake of entertainment.
They didn't bust me if the truck had nothing in it, and I had 5 marijuana which I used to try and portrait putting down flowers. I was being creative and they didn't really engage with us, talking over me and not allowing me to speak. Again, we don't have to go into a massive discussion, I just want it put out there for police that they can at least engage and make it a fun experience for everyone who puts in an effort to roleplay rather than go into combat.

Yes it is. The people(s) involved know who they are now because they think 'This morning' It was me, I was patrolling with a PC and a PCSO. It isn't hard to work it out.....
It's called an example of this...

Instead of publicly shaming someone regardless of names or not, talk about it in a Liason Room. That is what it is there for so use it. It isn't a hard thing. Ask them to come on teamspeak in the LR and get an INS + there as well. If that fails, make a PCC. Shaming them like this is horrible for them and it could make them resign. I am sure there are 100 nicer things you can do other than this.
Fergus I keep seeing you saying the words "publicly shaming". How is this publicly shaming? For all we know no one but Arctic knows the names of the officers. The officers will read this post and will remember the story. I don't think you know the meaning of "publicly shaming". By stating that it was you patrolling you have shamed yourself. No one would have known unless you commented on it. That was your choice.

You actually used a national remembrance day to try and sell weed? Shame on you.

Your lucky you got a ticket and your trucked impounded. I woulda scraped it and sent you to jail.

So the TL;DR is:. Guy has shit RP (who the fuck uses Remembrance Day to sell weed, seriously)

Cops don't believe said story as weed doesn't look like flowers in the slightest 

Cops ticket said suspect and impound rather than scrap and jail

OP gets salty and rage posts about how cops are shit and denied his rip and we need to all get better because he's bad

Have I missed anything here or am i correct?

So the TL;DR is:. Guy has shit RP (who the fuck uses Remembrance Day to sell weed, seriously)

Cops don't believe said story as weed doesn't look like flowers in the slightest 

Cops ticket said suspect and impound rather than scrap and jail

OP gets salty and rage posts about how cops are shit and denied his rip and we need to all get better because he's bad

Have I missed anything here or am i correct?
Don't trash talk bud, this is an example, as I stated, I'm not complaining I'm stating how you cops need to improve roleplay. You could use another roleplay story, some cops don't give a fuck how well you roleplay they just go against everything you say. It'd be nice if they were a little less harsh if you are making the effort to roleplay.

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Don't trash talk bud, this is an example, as I stated, I'm not complaining I'm stating how you cops need to improve roleplay. You could use another roleplay story, some cops don't give a fuck how well you roleplay they just go against everything you say.
Well it's not trash talking, merely clarifying facts. From what is written the police handled the situation fine and you're just mad that your bad attempt at RP didn't work.  Personally I've let multiple people off for doing stuff a lot worse than this purely because they had great RP and were fun to talk with. Quite frankly, and purely based on this thread without further information, I would've reacted the same but scrapped /  jailed. 

While yes there are always cops who are gonna be a lot harder to win over than others, as stated, there are ways to go about getting your point across, liaison room on TS with an INS+ present, actually having evidence of the situation and taking it to a PCC etc.  Rage posting about how all cops are bad and can't RP because you lost isn't the way to go about it 

Face it, the RP attempt on your side was weak, maybe the police could've RPed what they were doing better but ultimately the story given wasn't good enough to let you go. 

Again this is purely based on the thread and how it is presented. 

Well it's not trash talking, merely clarifying facts. From what is written the police handled the situation fine and you're just mad that your bad attempt at RP didn't work.  Personally I've let multiple people off for doing stuff a lot worse than this purely because they had great RP and were fun to talk with. Quite frankly, and purely based on this thread without further information, I would've reacted the same but scrapped /  jailed. 

While yes there are always cops who are gonna be a lot harder to win over than others, as stated, there are ways to go about getting your point across, liaison room on TS with an INS+ present, actually having evidence of the situation and taking it to a PCC etc.  Rage posting about how all cops are bad and can't RP because you lost isn't the way to go about it 

Face it, the RP attempt on your side was weak, maybe the police could've RPed what they were doing better but ultimately the story given wasn't good enough to let you go. 

Again this is purely based on the thread and how it is presented. 
I'm not mad, I'll say again, that ticket didn't effect me as I made loads of profit from it. I'm not complaining about this incident, it's all different things like Police not valuing their lives and providing poor roleplay in hostage operations and stuff like that.
