You say your not complaining yet the entire thread is exactly that, saying police denied RP, saying that we "seriously need to improve" etc.I'm not mad, I'll say again, that ticket didn't effect me as I made loads of profit from it. I'm not complaining about this incident, it's all different things like Police not valuing their lives and providing poor roleplay in hostage operations and stuff like that.
Yes i I do agree that there are examples where the police do provide poor RP and don't always value their lives however, as stated, there are better ways to getting the point across and believe me hey do take the feedback onboard. If you have evidence of it then it's even better.
Remember that CSO/PCSO are still under training and may not be up to the standard you'd expect from other officers as they don't have loads of experience. PCs generally have just passed through the academy but are also still fairly new and may not be willing to deviate from the handbook as much as they also aren't as experienced as others, this extends to SPCs in the same sense
At then end of the day, all feedback is good as long as it is done in the correct way and is constructive, not just "all cops need to seriously improve RP"