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Police Seriously Need to Improve..

we hear about it being some sort of flowers all the time, I would have shut you down based on the fact that you could have done heroin. As it actually comes from poppies, and would make your RP a lot more believable and agreeable to the officers involved.

effort and originality is rewarded (by myself anyways) but coming to the drug dealer with weed and saying 'oh, I'm just praying with my flowers' is so mundane it is frustrating to hear it. 

Both parties can most likely improve, however you should always look to yourself first and what you can do better before telling others improve :)

(P.s id consider myself to be a very lenient officer)

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Pretending a 7.62 as a walking stick, fishing rod or anything else that is so moronic really frustrates me, as I know that the second we let you go, you'll just go up the road and rob another cop..

Pretending a 7.62 as a walking stick, fishing rod or anything else that is so moronic really frustrates me, as I know that the second we let you go, you'll just go up the road and rob another cop..
Wouldnt that be powergaming then?

Rping like its something else than a rifle and the next second the kill someone. Must you not stick to ur rp?

Wouldnt that be powergaming then?

Rping like its something else than a rifle and the next second the kill someone. Must you not stick to ur rp?

Yeah its technically Fail RP. As the second you say it is a walking stick, it is then forever until you get a new gun

I be sitting here like: 


Yeah and also just wanted to make a little note. If you were to say "Nope this is definitely marijuana" I am pretty sure that is powergaming as it isn't a feature in Arma 3.
You had to do it didnt you

Hey, i said i had garden boosters when doing a weed run... 

the cop said he will take my gun, and because I'm donating it to a good cause he will only take half of it...

all the truck was worth 900k, he took all the weed and said it wasn't him and someone must have picked it even tho the truck was cornered so i would have seen him.

he said he will help me out... he gave me 100k and ran off ):

i am happy he gave me 100 and didn't crash my truck tho but still i would prefer he wouldn't lie about giving me half )-:

Hey, i said i had garden boosters when doing a weed run... 

the cop said he will take my gun, and because I'm donating it to a good cause he will only take half of it...

all the truck was worth 900k, he took all the weed and said it wasn't him and someone must have picked it even tho the truck was cornered so i would have seen him.

he said he will help me out... he gave me 100k and ran off ):

i am happy he gave me 100 and didn't crash my truck tho but still i would prefer he wouldn't lie about giving me half )-:

 Was this me by any chance (PCSO John) i gave 100k to the cause ofc since your rp was pretty dank ( if this is you ) i did not take all of it i left the agreed amount of like 60 or something or 50 then when i went to search it to make sure you didnt have any more it was gone... but i didnt see anyone near it either.

 Was this me by any chance (PCSO John) i gave 100k to the cause ofc since your rp was pretty dank ( if this is you ) i did not take all of it i left the agreed amount of like 60 or something or 50 then when i went to search it to make sure you didnt have any more it was gone... but i didnt see anyone near it either.
Not sure, but my RP was great according to other  people around...

it happened various times and thats the only story that works... when i say i will donate it to charity it doesnt work and all that so it was my best shot doing garden boosters which look the same.

Not sure, but my RP was great according to other  people around...

it happened various times and thats the only story that works... when i say i will donate it to charity it doesnt work and all that so it was my best shot doing garden boosters which look the same.
sucks you dont have video i had someone similar dont think it was you because of garden boosters might have been but either way i 100% did not take anything if it was me as i thought the rp was going very well to let you leave with a good amount of money hence why i gave you 100k ( yes its not much but its something) felt like it extended the roleplay further and for my reasoning of running off after was probably from a call from another unit or something otherwise i would have stayed and roleplayed further as it was very enjoyable 

sucks you dont have video i had someone similar dont think it was you because of garden boosters might have been but either way i 100% did not take anything if it was me as i thought the rp was going very well to let you leave with a good amount of money hence why i gave you 100k ( yes its not much but its something) felt like it extended the roleplay further and for my reasoning of running off after was probably from a call from another unit or something otherwise i would have stayed and roleplayed further as it was very enjoyable 
I do have a video :D i always record... ill upload when i come back home just for laughs and giggles (-:   (RP was good, and i was surprised because we were all tired it was like 5 am or something xD)

yeah if it was late im pretty sure it was me tbh but yeah apologies if it all went missing yet again i never took it all i can promise that but yeah your rp was really good and i liked for once it not ending in me having to arrest because of a stupid story or some hobos ruining it and not having a gun fight for once respect for that brother <3

Personally, I've had very few bad experiences with the cops. probably not had a serious issue since this time last year.

Right well after reading this, it certainly has been lets say interesting....

I cleared up an non-constructive comments and some of you weren't helping....

I will state that you seem to have been lucky with what a police officer could do in that situation, you could have had it worse. You will however be reminded that there are actual poppies in game which are used in the production of heroin I mean you could have used heroin and made it much more believable. I will say how I let multiple people off every patrol for multiple reasons whether they are funny, entertaining, give me something to work with (I like this one) or force me to do so (I don't like the last one so much). 

My point is the police from what I have read see this as, you were being disrespectful to our fallen soldiers on remembrance day(I will say if I get a whiff of this no one stays here long doing this) or just generally quite poor RP. You seem to have gotten a little agitated and wrote this in a huff which is not always the best decision, usually it is a good idea to not do it and do it a day from that point so you see things more clearly and have had time to mull it over.

However rebels will see it as, all police power game might as well shoot? right well if all rebels are selling flower based items police might as well say hands or be tazed when they walk up to you, and we all know how bad that would be if the police started to shut down all RP everywhere it would make this game much more boring. I will also add that giving poor RP to cops or anyone for that matter and then shooting is RDM, don't make me deal with large reports.....

To summarise it seems the cops could have been worse and you seem to be upset with how things panned out which is unfortunate. You will not improve them by being indirect, go talk to them on TS straight after or at least wait a day before making a public 'drama' thread.

Keep it clean ladies and gents.

"I'm a rebel and as long as I role play my highly illegal drug as a different kind of flower I'm sure to get away every single time, if I don't the cops are terrible at role play."

I tried to roleplay with my girlfriend that I didn't have a micropenis, sometimes things don't go your way. Welcome to life.

Been said before. Some cops like comedy RP, some are less susceptible to it and since this is supposed to be a serious role play server, some police prefer your 'stories' to be at least semi believable. Being caught red handed in the weed field then trying to 'fool' intelligent police officers (who we can assume know what a hash plant is) that they're just flowers falls under the category of comedy RP in my opinion. I too wouldn't have entertained this.

We get it all the time. It's not an illegal silencer, it's a dildo. It's not a go-cart i'm driving illegally at 50mph , it's a mobility scooter.

Come on chaps, come up with something believable.

As to the post title, you only have to skim through the 'recommend a player' section to see that 90% of the posts there are for police officers.

Can't comment on the knocking out part. I assume you were 1st asked to put your hands on your head? If not, then yep, seems a tad unnecessary.


Been said before. Some cops like comedy RP, some are less susceptible to it and since this is supposed to be a serious role play server, some police prefer your 'stories' to be at least semi believable. Being caught red handed in the weed field then trying to 'fool' intelligent police officers (who we can assume know what a hash plant is) that they're just flowers falls under the category of comedy RP in my opinion. I too wouldn't have entertained this.

We get it all the time. It's not an illegal silencer, it's a dildo. It's not a go-cart i'm driving illegally at 50mph , it's a mobility scooter.

Come on chaps, come up with something believable.

As to the post title, you only have to skim through the 'recommend a player' section to see that 90% of the posts there are for police officers.

Can't comment on the knocking out part. I assume you were 1st asked to put your hands on your head? If not, then yep, seems a tad unnecessary.

Finally someone talks about the recommend a player being mostly police... elephant in the room is answered.

I think this has run its course now folks. Points have been made and beautifully summed up by Samat.

Not locking this, but unless anyone has anything of value to add, we should move on....


I don't understand why they had to knock you out unless you were resisting and if it was for no reason well then I agree that that is a slight abuse of the power. But the Police are more often than not, seasoned Roleplayers who know their stuff. If they do not think your Roleplay story is relevant well then they have every right to issue the suitable punishment.
