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Pistol only Tanoa

Pistols at dawn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 16.3%
  • No

    Votes: 164 51.3%
  • Yes - but SMGS for the police

    Votes: 67 20.9%
  • Yes - But SMGS for the police if it doesn't work out

    Votes: 37 11.6%

  • Total voters
Plz no, Why would it remove all the licenses

It could cause so many issues ( VDM/RDM/ETC. : you die, licenses gone put up comp request etc. it would just give staff more work)

And I don't think they should remove the reward that you get every month because people reach the goal on the server. Why change anything really. I feel that everyone wants something to be changed everytime. I agree with VincentValblad on the poor excuse for pistols only,It is still a game we can't make it too strict or too loose but in the middle. There is no point making it unnecessarily stricter. 
Not all, simply major ones, such as a rebel license. I can see how there would be concerns over RDM / VDM, however we have a fairly active and professional Forum team who sort all of the comps and reports out in a timely manner. I don't believe we should centre development around asking if RDM and VDM could damage this or that, we just get rid of those people, make it harder for it to occur, with weapons costing more, money having to be worked for, people not ditching cars all over the place, it makes the actions harder to commit.

I suggested that Altis be kept as is, but regarding Tanao, people are seeing this as a fresh start. This Community is one of the few that values RP and holds it so a high standard. We are doing well on Altis, but are struggling now as we run out of ideas for the same old situations and the Rebel force is so well funded and equipped that removing a weapon doesn't affect their finances anymore. 

Tanao offers a brand new map, new content and assets, and hopefully with the framework out at some point too we will have systems in place to make it serious, make it hard, and really step up the roleplay. Having 50% off weapons and vehicles just starts the cycle all over again, people get dirt cheap guns, dirt cheap cars, and all that shit. They spend half as much, so profits go up quite quick...It shouldn't be that way, this is an RP Community. Maybe Sergey can no longer offer guns at a 50% discount cause he ran out of stock...why would he do it anyway, no roleplay reasoning.

Well wouldn't trialing it be better now than later?

If you made weapons more expensive in turn wouldn't that make people use them more? rather than talk the situation out? I know that 9/10 cops won't let you walk away with a mxsw in your bag.
As an police officer in this server, I would let you go with that MXMSW if your RP is good and not: "This is a BB gun"

If i may throw this out, i believe what wilco says is the smartest, make the RIFLES silly expensive, and sellable (rebel guns only)

The reason behind making them sellablefor mabye 20% of the full price? is so people sell them and the guns are gone?


I think having only pistols will have many advantages that will all lead to more role-play and more fun.

1) Rifle battles are kinda boring and even frustrating .... If a gunfight starts then people die instantly and often don't even know where they were shot from. It's all about tactics and numbers, not about role-play. But in a pistol fight i think all of this would change. You would have to be closer and would be able to role-play, run for cover and heal if you get hit, offer to surrender, hide, etc .. I imagine the gunfights would be more like in westerns and less like the landing in Normandy where you die before even seeing the enemy.

2) Altis life is about role-play first and making money for guns second. But i think a lot of players sometimes avoid role-play because they don't want to lose their expensive gear. Getting arrested and sent to jail for instance can be fun role-play, but players are more likely to avoid that and fight if they have a lot to lose.

3) I do not like missing all the fun role-play because i am the guy in position on a hill somewhere. I think surrounding your target with pistols so everyone is in range to hear what is going on would be much more fun. Everyone would be more aware of and involved in the situation.

4) Why make Tanoa the same as Altis life ? Even if the terrain is different and the weapons are different and we have new vehicles it would still be the same thing to me. You would get used to all the new stuff and then its just Altis life 2.0. I say let's try to improve, and the pistols only idea seems like a great start.

5) Players who just want to go around shooting and robbing people will most likely not even try a server with pistols only.

6) Most of the best roleplay situations i have been in, didn't even involve guns ... 

I would love this! It would make for much more compelling firefights and like @Bo1said; 'Western' like situations.

Big +1 for me! Absolutely worth a try!

I've also heard that with all the trees on the island it is mcuh heavier to run and everyone is saying they get much lower fps than on altis.
The only way to fix this poperly (that i know of) is by lowering the viewing distance. In other words only players with a great pc will be able to use rifles at long distance. Another reason i think that pistols would be better, because even people who have a potato pc with viewing distance set very low would still be able to play it.

What would be the point of being a rebel if any old hobo has the same firepower as you. Rebels could be robbed, left right and centre by hobos... (Just my 2 cents in the idea)

The community is 50/50 on this idea, check the polls

What would be the point of being a rebel if any old hobo has the same firepower as you. Rebels could be robbed, left right and centre by hobos... (Just my 2 cents in the idea)

The community is 50/50 on this idea, check the polls
How about organization? Roll together with your gang, and hobo's won't do jack.

if we make it a pistol only what i do agree on in some aspects but smgs for the cops make them pay for there wapons to and for there gear and don't give them an insane pay check just like 5k more than rebels/cif's get
That is absolutely ridiculous as rebels have the opportunity to make much more money than cops as the following are available for you;

-Legal runs

-Illegal runs

-HM Treasury 

-Robbing hobos, etc...

Aside from that cops are here to serve and protect the people of (Altis or Tanoa), in which they risk losing their gear, etc... So again, why would cops pay for their gear when they're not using it for their own personal benefit. 

Another point I'd also like to put out there is that cops make 20k/15mis which is really not all that much. Barely gets you enough to be able to a full on rebel during your police holiday. Plus, the cop wage system rewards you on your activity, not on how many hobos you've robbed.

*mic drop*

A lot of roleplay can come from having rifles. I think the standard run of the mill decision should be pistols only, but have stupidly rare super illegal, ridiculously expensive and limited (say 5-6) numbers allowead one time. This gives the option for some serious organised crime to go down, have the visual presense of assault rifles actually become a roleplay situation in and of itself, as well as give a lot of criminals or rebels some type of end goal to try and work towards.

You can also introduce additional mechanics ,making assault rifles "rental only" so you don't keep em if you leave the server. This would be an effective way of policing weapon population as well as discouraging their over use through price and non-persistence. 

I guess what I'm saying is its highly unrealistic to just remove them and have this pseudo paradise where all you have to worry about is pistols, there will always be an underground of illegal trade - why not tap into that and make it part of the roleplay? Only pistols are legal but the sight of ARs get the police rolling like a bat out of hell.

I agree with nom's post above, pistols until something bigger shows up and then the police REALLY respond to that shit.

For my 2 cents, incidentally, do you really really REALLY need a high calibre weapon to RP properly? I mean seriously?

This does sound like a pretty neat idea, but I think a large portion of the ALUK player base will find it boring after a while. We all love RP, but a large portion of the ALUK player base also enjoy firefights that break out from RP sitiuations. As I said, cool idea, but I think it wont work in practice in the long run.

Pistols only sounds like an amazing idea but cops shouldn't have smg if we only have Pistols 

I personally want more rp than pewpew it's why we play life 

If we wanted to go snipe we would go on our wasteland server, if we wanted zombies we go on exile

We chose life for rp and with the layout and buildings on the new map there is potential for fun rp jobs in restaurants and stuff 

So there is always something different to do, rebels could have option for better gear, better camo clothing and weapon cammos and silencers or something

Bounty hunters with rubber bullets and tazers 

A lot of roleplay can come from having rifles. I think the standard run of the mill decision should be pistols only, but have stupidly rare super illegal, ridiculously expensive and limited (say 5-6) numbers allowead one time. This gives the option for some serious organised crime to go down, have the visual presense of assault rifles actually become a roleplay situation in and of itself, as well as give a lot of criminals or rebels some type of end goal to try and work towards.

You can also introduce additional mechanics ,making assault rifles "rental only" so you don't keep em if you leave the server. This would be an effective way of policing weapon population as well as discouraging their over use through price and non-persistence. 

I guess what I'm saying is its highly unrealistic to just remove them and have this pseudo paradise where all you have to worry about is pistols, there will always be an underground of illegal trade - why not tap into that and make it part of the roleplay? Only pistols are legal but the sight of ARs get the police rolling like a bat out of hell.
Don't get rid of rifles altogether just make them no higher than 5.56mm variants, i wouldn't want to see rebels running around in a few weeks with 6.5 and 7.62 walking over the cops on Tanoa.

Don't get rid of rifles altogether just make them no higher than 5.56mm variants, i wouldn't want to see rebels running around in a few weeks with 6.5 and 7.62 walking over the cops on Tanoa.
Someone think of the Civilians!!  

Seriously though please stop thinking just about Cop's vs Rebels, that's not the game, there are so many fantastic facets to this mod.

Can we just do a trial for a month of pistols only, give the police, BH, Rebels etc different armor and see how it plays out, I'm sure we will get some fantastic RP out of it.

Just bring the new weapons into Altis and that will keep the combat orientated people semi happy :)

Someone think of the Civilians!!  

Seriously though please stop thinking just about Cop's vs Rebels, that's not the game, there are so many fantastic facets to this mod.

Can we just do a trial for a month of pistols only, give the police, BH, Rebels etc different armor and see how it plays out, I'm sure we will get some fantastic RP out of it.

Just bring the new weapons into Altis and that will keep the combat orientated people semi happy :)
I agree with this. Only pistols should be tried at least. But if the police should have access to SMG, the rebels need to have access also. Because if the police can get SMG the rebels should be able to obtain it also, i would say that is how it is in the real world?

After much posts, I think most people would only whinge if it was pistols only, I'll admit I would like to use the new weapons but i'd rather have more interesting RP situations than gunfights. 

Maybe once the release of Tanoa happens, a trial on Altis could prohibit the sale of rifles but not outright remove them, rebel markets would only sell SMG's and pistols (with the new ones) making rifles a super rare item to some extent.

What say you all?
