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Pistol only Tanoa

Pistols at dawn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 16.3%
  • No

    Votes: 164 51.3%
  • Yes - but SMGS for the police

    Votes: 67 20.9%
  • Yes - But SMGS for the police if it doesn't work out

    Votes: 37 11.6%

  • Total voters
Sorry to put a downer on things but here goes!

An option for a more powerful weapon for the police is just going to get the entire Police force voting for it and most of them will not think the good of the server or balancing in there mind!

I do agree with Pistols only... but it is a massive shame to say it wont work :(, What we can do is make weapons silly expensive! but this is all to be decided lets see how the vote goes but I fear the Police will just vote that 1 option, and on the other hand all the gangs will just vote no without thinking of the good roleplay that might come of it :)
It would work, if it's just enforced by management =D

It's a new island, a new Life server.. So if you are willing to take the plunge and limit use of rifles.. It will be made to work. People will want to play this map and if they realise the RP is a lot better and less limited by 50% of the players doing the same old altis; Get a couple hundred grand, get license, get gun, start robbing every man and his dogs, they will want to stay. I am sure after some class RP and some hard work to get their first truck, people will value it and learn to understand rifle's aren't what keeps a RP server going.

And if people want rifles, they can go play Altis Life and have their rifles =P So please for the love of Asmin.. No rifles (or at least very, VERY limited, to 1 available rifle and a license price that would take you a month or two to get even when playing every day) =D

The poll should have just been yes or no, right now it LOOKS like no is in the lead, but it isn't.  The yes votes are just split into three.
Spot on. According to this vote most people want pistols only. They just don't agree on if the cops should have them.

(I think cops should be able to get a MX or Katiba, but not on normal patrol. Keep one in a patrol car or go back to HQ to get one if you need it. But with civilians only having pistols and no vests, cops wont need it. They have vests and better training and, ideally, a bigger calibre pistol than civilians)

Rifle Licence that is wiped every time you die/go to prison. Would really enforce the idea of a new life or real punishment for prison. One rifle available like the AK, at a crazy high price. 

with the new civ activities that seem to move away from the milsim environment, i think its time that you just took the plunge and see how the community takes it. 

It's silly to expect a high level of RP on Altis and ban for poor RP when you provide OP gear at cheap prices. If you really want to be a "Roleplay" server, then start doing something about it.

- Removal of rubber bullet gun and introduce the old taser which we could fire faster/a lock-on taser so trolls dont run left-right to avoid being tased.
This. The amount of rubber bullet spray on altis is awful and silly, along with the running left-right. Maybe change this on Tanoa and Altis for the better? 

Rifle Licence that is wiped every time you die/go to prison. Would really enforce the idea of a new life or real punishment for prison. One rifle available like the AK, at a crazy high price. 
Or would this increase the chance of firefights aswell as the hiding guns thing?

I think that a pistol only Island would be amazing. It would increase the amount of RP that everyone sees significantly as people wouldn't have snipers sitting on loads of hills waiting to pick you off etc.

I also think that pistols for every officer would be a great idea as it would also reduce the amount of police getting held up on a daily basis. I think that they're should still be an armed response unit who have SMG type weapons in case of mass gunfights etc. 

Police should also continue to use the tazers until their life is in danger at which point they can switch to their pistol to deliver lethal force. 

I think a pistol only island would work well and would be welcomed by a lot of people. It should atleast be tried because then if it doesn't work out atleast we can say we tried :)

Regular Police - Pistol & Tazer. If armed response not available access to 5.56 rifles for big situations.

Armed Response - SMG's, 1 or 2 Sharpshooters have 6.5 with marksmen scope.

Or would this increase the chance of firefights aswell as the hiding guns thing?
How would it increase the chance of a firefight? Rebels would know that if they die OR go to prison, they lose the weapon and the license. If anything they will value that and try to RP it. Only the more established people on Tanoa would afford the weapons, not a nobody with a day or two playtime. 

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Personally Altis should stay as it is, Tanoa should be pistols only and perhaps add a mod to add more pistols? Only AR teams should get PDW's or Vermins. Police have a pistol with "taser" rounds and lethal. But this does remove some of the rebel fun of jumping into a Ifrit with 4 guys all with MK1's etc.

Perhaps try it out on Tanoa and do a Straw poll thingy whether it should stay like that it go to how Altis is 

I am not a cop and I personally think pistols for civs and smgs for cops would be a great idea, not enough people are put in prison, not enough quality roleplay comes up with 5 armed rebels aiming at cops. 

If a rifle is a 100% must, then I suggest making the price stupid, something around £1.000.000 for the gun and maybe £10.000 per mag, yeah it is a silly price, but it would really limit illegal rifles in the game

Personally I'd like it for police to have pistols on normal patrols and tazers only. Pistols should be legal to a certain extend

I do think the police AR unit should have the new M416 and that only to be used in extreme situations.

And for way too much money, I MEAN TOO MUCH MONEY FOR IT TO BE WORTH IT, low caliber AK's available to civs.

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I personally think removing rifles is a very bad idea.

With the new Tanoa map i think people hope for piracy/anit-piracy roleplay and gunfights across the islands etc.

I think removing the rifles from Tanoa is not only a shame because there are new cool guns, but also because it takes out a HUGE chunk out of the risk factor of runs, mining etc.

To not have that constant threat of being attacked by someone who has better weapons kinda ruins the whole concept of the gamemode, even though its meant for roleplay mainly.

I understand that some people weren't happy with the way Altis played with guncrime and RDM everywhere but still. I'd rather have all the guns 10x more expensive than completely removed

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To not have that constant threat of being attacked by someone who has better weapons kinda ruins the whole concept of the gamemode, even though its meant for roleplay mainly.

you got it all wrong

that's not how you have fun, it's not part of the game being a noob just joined in and getting robbed by alot of people with MK-1's while you only have your truck boxer and a bit of copper

very cowardish way to think imo.

I do agree to a certain extend, however I think attachment other than flashlights (#removenvg) shouldn't be available to other than the Police.

and the whole armory needs to be limited to the new ak variant, since that would be the most realistic, there is 74 in the game and I think they will use a lower caliber, the m416 will also be 5.56 which will make the AR unit have "big guns".

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Sorry to put a downer on things but here goes!

An option for a more powerful weapon for the police is just going to get the entire Police force voting for it and most of them will not think the good of the server or balancing in there mind!

I do agree with Pistols only... but it is a massive shame to say it wont work :(, What we can do is make weapons silly expensive! but this is all to be decided lets see how the vote goes but I fear the Police will just vote that 1 option, and on the other hand all the gangs will just vote no without thinking of the good roleplay that might come of it :)
Well wouldn't trialing it be better now than later?

If you made weapons more expensive in turn wouldn't that make people use them more? rather than talk the situation out? I know that 9/10 cops won't let you walk away with a mxsw in your bag.


you got it all wrong

that's not how you have fun, it's not part of the game being a noob just joined in and getting robbed by alot of people with MK-1's while you only have your truck boxer and a bit of copper

very cowardish way to think imo.

I do agree to a certain extend, however I think attachment other than flashlights (#removenvg) shouldn't be available to other than the Police.

and the whole armory needs to be limited to the new ak variant, since that would be the most realistic, there is 74 in the game and I think they will use a lower caliber, the m416 will also be 5.56 which will make the AR unit have "big guns".
Dont get me wrong please, i enjoy roleplay just as much as you do trust me. What i meant with what you quoted was that on pretty much all Altis life servers you could possibly find i dont think you will find a community without big guns like Katibas and MX's etc. for sale for the rebels. Its just that the guns and the rebels have been carved so deep into the life mod community that if you were to remove it people would go mental. People who are joining the community for the first time to play Tanoa, have a bad experience and just end up leaving instead of being able to do the things they have learned that they can do from other servers and then learn play on the community and enjoy it and get more and more involved in RP that way. 

And by the way i would LOVE to only have AK's. They have always been my favorite weapon in any game where i can get them and would pick an AK over a gatling gun any day of the week. Plus most of the AK variants are goign to be 7.62 so thats also fine with me

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Dont get me wrong please, i enjoy roleplay just as much as you do trust me. What i meant with what you quoted was that on pretty much all Altis life servers you could possibly find i dont think you will find a community without big guns like Katibas and MX's etc. for sale for the rebels. Its just that the guns and the rebels have been carved so deep into the life mod community that if you were to remove it. People who are joining the community for the first time to play Tanoa, have a bad experience and just end up leaving instead of being able to do the things they have learned that they can do from other servers and then learn play on the community and enjoy it and get more and more involved in RP that way. 

And by the way i would LOVE to only have AK's. They have always been my favorite weapon in any game where i can get them and would pick an AK over a gatling gun any day of the week. Plus most of the AK variants are goign to be 7.62 so thats also fine with me
People would leave from a bad experience with cocky rebels showing off their big guns, same difference

How about me make rebels...... REBELS!!!!!!!!!!!! Give them Aks, Smgs, No more mxs and stuff just dem aks and low calibre guns.

I personally think removing rifles is a very bad idea.

With the new Tanoa map i think people hope for piracy/anit-piracy roleplay and gunfights across the islands etc.

I think removing the rifles from Tanoa is not only a shame because there are new cool guns, but also because it takes out a HUGE chunk out of the risk factor of runs, mining etc.

To not have that constant threat of being attacked by someone who has better weapons kinda ruins the whole concept of the gamemode, even though its meant for roleplay mainly.

I understand that some people weren't happy with the way Altis played with guncrime and RDM everywhere but still. I'd rather have all the guns 10x more expensive than completely removed
If people can't handle playing on a server without big guns it tell me one thing...they can't RP or they are more interesting in shooting

I'm sick of the crap snipers on the hill stuff, time will tell what guns are being added, YES it would be a shame not to use Ak's or other stuff but is that the only thing people play for? I get the sense a lot do. Minimal RP max bragging rights for performing a 1km kill.

And to add, making guns more expensive mean people are more likely to kill first, RP later. 

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I think the M4 (Or what ever it is) should be used with the police, as well as the MPK, the MPK can be in the back of police cars and used when in a gun fight, however only pistols should be used. The M4 can be given to NCA and AR to keep in their cars for operations and quick responding. 

Rebels should get the 5.56 variant of the AK I think, as well as maybe the Mk20 and TRG, however no scopes bigger than the MRCO, because snipers aren't really fun, however there should be a threat of getting robbed, but not as much as on Altis. Should be the way you play that determines this

However a move towards pistols rather than large guns is good imo

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If people can't handle playing on a server without big guns it tell me one thing...they can't RP or they are more interesting in shooting

I'm sick of the crap snipers on the hill stuff, time will tell what guns are being added, YES it would be a shame not to use Ak's or other stuff but is that the only thing people play for? I get the sense a lot do. Minimal RP max bragging rights for performing a 1km kill.
I do get where you are coming from and i completely agree with the "sniper on the hill" "thing" but on the other hand, its a sad but inevitable truth that the server would gain far less traction and would get far less new members compared to communities such as "Server name removed by drew" I'll say it again. Its sad that people play this game for the gunfights but thats what makes the gamemode so beautiful and balanced. People come for the gunfights and they either leave good RP and fun times or they leave early with a ban.

I mean hell, i would be lying if i said that the life of a pirate who sails around and captures peoples boats similar to what you hear about on the news does not sound apealing and cool. Dont misunderstand me here i enjoy roleplay very much but i think it would be a shame to see Tanoa turn into a walk-and-talk gamemode instead of like a social rebel kinda do what you aren't supposed to do kinda gamemode that Altis is because that is what made the whole Life Mod community popular in the first place.

Whatever is decided i just hope they can balance it right.

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