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Pistol only Tanoa

Pistols at dawn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 16.3%
  • No

    Votes: 164 51.3%
  • Yes - but SMGS for the police

    Votes: 67 20.9%
  • Yes - But SMGS for the police if it doesn't work out

    Votes: 37 11.6%

  • Total voters
Personally like the server how it is. If there's not a problem, don't fix it. Most RDM in Kavala is a hobo with a pistol. Only rare occasions that RDM is committed with a rifle, be it a hobo picking up a rifle off a dead body or buying one off a player. When rebels RDM, in their mind, they aren't doing anything wrong and will generally come to TS to discuss their actions. I feel like the map Tanoa and Arma as a game is created with long range weapons in mind. I'll be the first to say that I want rifles to stay, and the attachments. However, I won't be scared to try something new, such as pistols only. 
Well there are problems, from poor RP to RDM, I can't see why starting with pistols and working up from that if its such a problem for people.

Very valid point, its pretty much in favour of Civs having pistols 53%
Tho if it is going to be picked from this vote and yes would be selected police would have smgs

From my point of view i would like to have guns but limited to MXM'S AND MX SW and all the other 7.62 variant weapons but i won't really ant a pistol only server it would greatly reduces the risk f drug runs ( you can't shoot tires out of a hemmt /tempest with a 9mm / .45acp ( ofc only with good rp initiation) Instead of exiting your vehicle you would drive away as you know they cant stop you (this is an EXAMPLE so i am not represting myself just pointing this out)

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Very valid point, its pretty much in favour of Civs having pistols 53%

I don't really care for the shooty shooty much. Not really why I'm here (although I get the attraction and it's fun now and again - when it's not constant). As a cop, I get shot MUCH more if I have a weapon visible as opposed to when I don't - which makes me think the community at large, values RP over Shooty Shooty (which makes sense). Your poll alludes to this being the case.

This makes me curious - I may do a montage of RP reactions to me, as a cop, with a gun visible vs without one visible. Could be fun!

Well there are problems, from poor RP to RDM, I can't see why starting with pistols and working up from that if its such a problem for people.
It's not a problem, like I said, I'd be happy to give it a try. But I'm not ashamed to say that I want rifles to stay :D It seems the majority of people posting are the ones that want pistol only.

The problem is with new DLC people want to try it out this means they want the weapons that are available on the server: ak47 etc. I really want Tanoa the same as altis just with a limit on the Caliber not higher then 6.5mm and no MXM AND MX SW

I also think there should be a no but only maximum of 6.5mm guns instead of 1 no against 3 variants of yes, If you want to do is fair and square you probably have a longer list and stuff 

Very valid point, its pretty much in favour of Civs having pistols 53%
It isn't you can't count the other 3 options together as they're different options 

The No vote is atm the biggest
I will state why you cant put 3yes votes together simpele because it is yes there are different circumstances then just yes (only pistols ) and yes but for police smg's( would be u fair against the rebels ) and i dont think that you imagine a rebel as a guy with a pistol but a guy/girl with ak47

So i might have voted for yes but police have smg's but i think it will be a no as i thought it through and thought ( It is a rp server but in real life a pistol only region wont stop a rebel from buying a gun thatlookw beautiful, you cant just simply ban guns from the server allot of people will be disappointed because they didn't get to test out the new weapon. And guns can also lead to great role play once I walked out of Athira to stumble upon a hobo with a MXM saying that he is shooting pigeons because it his  tradition etc. 

As for the police letting people with big guns go I can agree on you with that sometimes we do let them go becaus we don't always want to be threatened. But that doesn't mean that you should take the guns away from the server.

What im wondering after reading all through this post is prices in general! Due to Tanoa's economy and things are we gonna have dirt cheap trucks, cars, helo's and very dear weapons? Would love to see if the Tanoa story that got leaked of the island being used to launder money and drugs through it could be put in some RP or missions?  

I open to trying new things. A new map is just the place to start. Things may not be balanced to start but we should all wait till the new guns, cars etc. Are actually out before making these choices! Hell, armor and the gameplay features could make pistiols like nerf guns. Just gonna have to wait till the 30th of June    :3

if we make it a pistol only what i do agree on in some aspects but smgs for the cops make them pay for there wapons to and for there gear and don't give them an insane pay check just like 5k more than rebels/cif's get

Personally not too sure...One thing I don't like seeing is people forking out money for content that is locked away and unattainable...I understand we like to Roleplay, but Roleplay has to do with the person. If I go round with a big gun, that doesn't stop me from roleplaying, so I feel that's a poor excuse. The sniper in a hill thing will stop, but those people will now just go round as a big group, with one or two dotted in close proximity in the jungle, it'll become "We've got guys aiming at you", and they will be hiding behind a tree or some shit...

I agree with Wilco on this one, making the content available, but making you work for it should you wish to obtain it. Yes, it may make them more violent, but it may make some use their head a bit more, hide it when travelling, not wanting to get into firefights if they know they are only wanted for a 1 count of car theft, they might actually try think of a reason rather than just pulling a gun...

I also agree with Capt C when he talks about stuff going away on death, such as licenses etc. You may argue again that it'll make people more violent, but again, that's down to the person, some people may try to roleplay it to a harder extent, because they know what's at stake.

Personally I feel a good rolemodel for this place is Grand Theft Auto, with their new update out you can see how little cash they want the player to have, granted that's because they want you to buy shark cards, but just follow the same sort of recipe. Set prices high for weapons, certain clothing, licenses etc. Just make sure you follow through with making drugs, iron, copper, salt and all that worth a lot less. Get rid of the 50% discount on weapons (for Tanao only if you wish) and add systems that allow proper punishment. Such as removing drug money, removing licenses. 

To be honest, I think it should be slightly unfair when it comes to weaponry in the way that police have the upper hand, it makes sense that government financed law enforcement has better equipment that jungle living guerilla groups

RPG's only sounds fair though

I also agree with Capt C when he talks about stuff going away on death, such as licenses etc. You may argue again that it'll make people more violent, but again, that's down to the person, some people may try to roleplay it to a harder extent, because they know what's at stake.
Plz no, Why would it remove all the licenses

It could cause so many issues ( VDM/RDM/ETC. : you die, licenses gone put up comp request etc. it would just give staff more work)

And I don't think they should remove the reward that you get every month because people reach the goal on the server. Why change anything really. I feel that everyone wants something to be changed everytime. I agree with VincentValblad on the poor excuse for pistols only,It is still a game we can't make it too strict or too loose but in the middle. There is no point making it unnecessarily stricter. 

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I dont know if you guys have seen the videos of the map and making it pistol only would be a bad idea, just saying.

I dont know if you guys have seen the videos of the map and making it pistol only would be a bad idea, just saying.
I want to try the guns too :( but I want to see what it's like with pistols/SMGS, it's highly likely that we will never experience it.

I really thing concealed carry should be MUCH more enforced and punished. 

I dont know if you guys have seen the videos of the map and making it pistol only would be a bad idea, just saying.
No offence but that's just a uneducated opinion, if you want to make a proper assessment you  need to trial it first.   If you limit people to pistols then whole new strategies and situations will develop which no one could foresee, it's the fantastic thing about sandbox games and the game play which emerges out of them.   I still think the best option is just to run a trial for a month with just pistols and see what happens, anything else is just conjecture.
