Sorry, I phrased it wrong in my last reply.
I mean, the police also remove people for inactivity. Why shouldn't we?
Isn't it better to have ACTIVE players than just a fuck ton of players?
Do you guys not realise how bad of a situation the medics are in?
You guys should practically be begging people to join the NHS right now.
I was debating about whether to go full on rant about the NHS, but frankly, the attitudes of the some of the higher ranking NHS really gives me the impression that they need to realise who and what they are...
The NHS are basically, a MINOR addition to the Altis Life mod.
Why on earth do the NHS seem to have this impression that they are the almighty organisation that is just as important as the police?
"The police kick inactive members, so should we".
"The police have specialised units, so should we".
"The police have a large structured organisation, so should we".
Honestly now? How important are the medics in this mod?
What would this mod be like without the police? It's just be wasteland with a little bit of RP wouldn't it?
I'd rate the importance of the police at about 9/10... This mod just wouldn't be the same without them, strong gangs would just dominate, no-one would be a civilian because it just wouldn't be worth it.
Okay... so we've set the bar now.
What would this mod be like without the NHS? Ummm... I'm pretty sure it'd continue on without anyone really caring too much.
Maybe someone would say "Oh, it would be nice to be revived right now.." and that's about it.
And to be frank, the server slots recently have been just about the same as the NHS not existing at all (not a dig at those who recently have actually played as medics recently, you guys are the real MVP's and frankly, this whole rant is about allowing more people to play as a medic more easily).
So this all brings me down to my main point...
Who on earth do you guys in the NHS high ranks think you are?!?
So far this topic has been filled from the higher-ups with "The NHS are fine as they are..." and this one really got to me... "
Its not a right to be in the NHS its a privilege". This is the attitude of the NHS command that seem completely unaware of how poorly they are performing in the community right now.
The NHS are not a big deal.
The NHS could be completely removed from the server will little effect on the overall morale on the community.
It's the NHS command who should be
privileged to have so many people playing with the NHS. You should be wanting as many people to join the NHS as possible. But you guys seem to have too much pride. So much so that you don't even realise how insignificant you guys are as an organisation to the server.
The rant comes off quite odd, because as you can see, I'm incredibly passionate about the NHS on the server. I've always had good RP and sometimes absolutely fantastic RP. Remembering one time after a bank job I had field brain surgery performed by 3 students and afterwards I ended up speaking only German.
I love the NHS. I think they're a fantastic addition to the server, but it really boils my blood when I see so much potential just being wasted due to pride and especially arrogance.
If the NHS higher ups could truly realise what they are, and what their worth is, and do everything in their power to make sure that as many medic slots are filled as possible, whilst maintaining a balance of good RP requirements and enjoyment from those being a medic, frankly, I would be ecstatic.
To finally close this rant off, I can only say that the response from most of the NHS higher ups has been overwhelmingly disappointing.
I feel that most of you have just become too comfortable in your positions and are just going through the motions to try and keep a decrepit machine from breaking completely.
True change is driven through innovation, insight and most of all conviction. None of which I've seen from the NHS higher ups in this post. I personally fear for the future of the NHS, as they might one day be seen as nothing more than superfluous than actually beneficial to the server as a whole.